
Case Report

Effect of Girisindura Malahara

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 10 October

Effect of Girisindura Malahara on Padadari - Case Study

Nandennavar V1*

1* Veena Nandennavar, Assistant Professor, Dept Of Rasashastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Bvvs Ayurvedic Medical College And Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.

Ayurveda is considered to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life”. The incidence of skin disease is gradually increasing and Padadari is one of the most common diseases which is seen now a days. It is also called as Vidari, Dari, Cracked Fissure. Feet are the most often neglected and affected part of the body even though they are most important part of our body. Cracks or fissures on foot have no age limit and can affect anyone. Most of the time cracks are occupational like for farmers and for those who stand for longer duration. Excessive walking, walking bare foot, back open shoes, obesity, diabetic, psoriasis, unhygienic conditions, exposure to dust, dirt and microbes are some of the common causes for Padadari. In Ayurvedic classics there are various herbs mentioned as Vrunaropaka. Here in this study Girisindura Malahara has been used in the case of Padadari. The obtained results and outcomes are being shown. Hereby presenting the case of Padadari which was treated successfully.

Keywords: Padadari, Girisindura Malahara, Cracked foot

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Veena Nandennavar, Assistant Professor, Dept Of Rasashastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Bvvs Ayurvedic Medical College And Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
Nandennavar V, Effect of Girisindura Malahara on Padadari - Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(10):275-278.
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© 2023by Nandennavar Vand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In Ayurveda, Padadari is considered under Kshudra Kusta (minor diseases of the skin). Painful and cracked heels have become a predominant cosmetic problem. Cracks on foot have no age limit and can occur to anyone irrespective of sex, colour, race and occupation. Mostly these cracks are seen in people with occupations like farming and long-standing jobs. Some common causes are age, excessive walking on uneven floor, long standing on hard surface, uncomfortable or back open footwear. Padadari is described as the one which occurs due to vitiation of Vata Dosha. Signs and symptoms of Padadari are: Padayok Kuruthe Dari (cracks/fissures in the feet), Saruja (associated with pain) and Ruksha (roughness and dryness of the sole).[1] It can be corelated with Cracked heels or with Heel fissure. Cracked feet is a clinical condition characterized with dry, itchy skin, hardness around the rim of heel and cracks or fissures around the outer edge of heel.[2] When the fissures are deep, they become painful and even bleed on minor pressure exerted on them. Sometimes they get infected and causes severe pain and discomfort hindering the daily activity of the patient.

Presentation of case

35 years old male patient presented to our Institute hospital on 17th of October, 2022 with chief complaints of Dari (cracks/ fissure) over both plantar regions along with Vedana (pain), Teevra Sushkata (dryness) and Rakta Srava (bleeding) immediately after placing the foot on floor, soon after getting up from bed in morning since 2½ years. There was no history of Diabetes or Hypertension or any other major illness.

For the above complaints he consulted many physicians and took treatment but did not get satisfactory relief.

On arrival to our institute, his general condition was good. With these clinical symptoms and presentations, on the basis of visual inspection the patient was diagnosed as a case of Padadari. Patient was given Ayurvedic medicines like Triphala Guggulu twice daily, and Sukumara Gritha for internal administration as well as external application.

Method of administration of Medicine

On OPD basis the patient was treated and advised to take Tablet Triphala Guggulu twice daily after food and 10ml of Sukumara Gritha twice daily with luke warm water. Application of Sukumara Gritha to Pada after Padanimajjana in luke warm water by adding Nimba Churna and Triphala Churna to it twice daily for 30 min. This procedure was repeated for one month.

Drug Review

Girisindhura Malahara[3]- Girisindhura is 6th mineral of Sadharana Rasa group according to Rasa Ratna Samucchaya. In classical text usage of Girisindura is not seen for internal administration. It is only found as external application in the form of Malahara Kalpana. Girisindura was being mixed with Gritha and Madhuchista and was given for local application. Girisindhura is Shresta Tridosha Shamaka and indicated in Kandu, Pama, Vicharchika, Sidma, Visarpa, Visha, Vrana Shodhana and Ropana, Netraroga and Bhagnasandhanajanana.[4]

Criteria of assessment

1. Dari (cracks/fissure)
2. Vedana (pain)
3. Sushkata (dryness)
4. Rakta Srava (bleeding)

These symptoms were noted on 1st, 15th and 31st day on the basis of following charts.

Table 1: Showing gradings of Dari or cracks

Grade Dari/ cracks/ fissure
0No Dari or cracks in the feet
11 or 2 Dari or cracks in the feet
2Few Dari or cracks in the feet
3More Dari or cracks in the feet

Observation on arrival

1. Dari (cracks/ fissure) - severe cracks
2. Vedana (pain) - severe pain
3. Sushkata (dryness) - severe dryness
4. Rakta Srava (bleeding) - severe Rakta Srava

Observation on treatment

Parameters1st day 15th day Improvement in %30thday Improvement in %60th day Improvement in %
Dari (cracks/fissure)Grade 320%45%90%
Vedana (pain)Grade 315%55%100%
Sushkata (dryness)Grade 320%40%95%
Rakta Srava (bleeding)Grade 325%65%100%

  • First setting:
    • Chitrakadi Vati - 1BD dose - For 3 days
    • Avipattikara Churna - 1tsf - For 3 days
  • After 3 days
    • Tab Triphala Guggulu - 1BD dose - For 15 days
    • Sukumara Gritha - 10ml BD dose - For 15 days
    • Nimba Churna + Triphala Churna - Padanimajjana in like warm water
    • Sukumara Gritha - application to Pada after Padanimajjana
  • Second setting:
    • Tab Triphala Guggulu - 1BD dose - For 15 days
    • Sukumara Gritha - 10ml BD dose - For 15 days
    • Nimba Churna + Triphala Churna - Padanimajjana in like warm water - 15days
    • Girisindhuradhya Malahara - Local application - 15days
  • Third setting:
    • Tab Triphala Guggulu - 1BD dose - For 1 month
    • Sukumara Gritha - 10ml BD dose - For 1 month
    • Girisindhuradhya Malahara - Local application - 1 month

Later the patient was given Sukumara Gritha for internal administration for the next 1 month.


Nowadays, occurrence of Padadari is very high in the society. Painful, cracked and dry heels is a predominant cosmetic problem and has been termed as Padadari in Ayurveda and has been explained in Kshudra Rogas in Sushruta Samhita. Almost all texts of different chronological order have described Kshudraroga with less or more elaboration. In Ayurveda various treatment principles for Padadari are explained like administration of drugs internally, external application of drugs, Padabhyanga and so on. In Ayurveda, there are many herbs described which has excellent Vranaropak or healing properties.

Getting clues from these, local application of Sukumara Gritha, Girisindhuradhya Malahar and Padanimajjana has been used in case of Padadari. The obtained results and primary observations have shown very encouraging outcomes. Thus, the given treatment was found highly effective, safe, easily available, cheap treatment for Padadari and proves to be one of the best treatments for Padadari.

Fig. 1: On arrival

Fig. 2: After 1st Setting

Fig. 3: After 2nd Setting

Fig. 4: After 3rd Setting


1. Susruta. Nidanasthana, chapter 13, verse 29. In: KR Srikantha (eds.) Susruta Samhita Vol 1. Varanasi: Chowkhambia Krishnadas Academy; 2000; p.549.

2. Ediriweera ER, Peshala KK, Perera KM, Perera AM. A clinical study on the effect of paste of Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula Retz) in Padadari (Cracked Feet) J Ayurveda Holist Med. 2014;2:2–5.

3. Sadananda Sharma, Rasa Tarangini, Edited by Pandith Kashinath Shastry, Hindi commentary by Dharmananda Shastry, 11th Edition, New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas Publication 1979, Taranga 21st, Verse no153-155. Pp.548.

4. Poorvi Priscilla A., Surekha S. Medikeri. A Review Study on Girisindhura. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2020;4:373-377.