
Review Article

Ayurveda medicine

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 11 November

Role of Ayurveda medicine in the management of Vishwachi Roga vis-a-vis Cervical Spondylosis

Acharya G S1*, Acharya G2, Acharya R3

1* Shripathi Acharya G, Director, Academic And Development, Muniyal Institute Of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

2 Gopikrishna S Acharya, Professor and HOD, Department of Roga Nidana and Vikruti Vijnana, Guru Gorakhnath Institute of Medical Sciences Ayurveda College, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3 Rajeshwari S Acharya, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Vishwachi is purely Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi explained in classical treatises. It can be correlated to Cervical spondylosis. Clinical features of Cervical spondylosis are pain and stiffness in neck region, pain in upper extremities and wasting of muscles in upper extremities. X - ray findings are decreased joint space between cervical vertebrae, subchondrial sclerosis, osteophytosis and loss of cervical curvature. The disease is usually persisting for longer time. Ayurveda medicines are beneficial in this disease. Avoidance of causation factors (Nidana Parivarjana). Use of Vyadhi Pratyanika Aushadhas, Rasayana treatment, Panchakarma therapy, Pathapathya Prayoga, Yoga and Pranayama and diet therapy are advised in the management of this disease. Frequent weight lifting and heavy exercise should be avoided during treatment. Use of Vatahara, Vedana Sthapaka, Balya, Brimhana, Rasayana, Snehana, Poshaka, Swedana, nutritive, calcium supplementation, Mridu Virechana drugs are done in the management of cervical spondylosis. In this review, the role of Ayurveda medicine in the management Vishwachi Roga vis a vis Cervical spondylosis is discussed.

Keywords: Vishwachi Roga, Rasayana, nutritive, cervical spondylosis

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Shripathi Acharya G, Director, Academic And Development, Muniyal Institute Of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
Acharya G S, Acharya G, Acharya R, Role of Ayurveda medicine in the management of Vishwachi Roga vis-a-vis Cervical Spondylosis. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(11):113-117.
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© 2023by Acharya G S, Acharya G, Acharya Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Cervical spondylosis is seen commonly in the Indian population. Osteoarthritic changes are seen in cervical vertebrae, pain, and stiffness are seen in the back of the neck, and pain in the upper extremities are common symptoms of this disease. Muscles of the upper extremities of the affected side get emaciated because of nerve degeneration. Non nourishing diet, hormonal  imbalance,  and  the  aging  process  are  the main causative factors of this disease. X-ray study and MRI of the cervical region play an important role in the diagnosis. Ayurvedic management includes administration of formulations having the ingredients with actions like Vatahara, Vedana Sthapaka, Mridu Virechana, Malavatanulomana, anti-inflammatory, Poshaka, nutritive, Balya, Brimhana, Nadibalya and nervine tonic actions. Vishwachi is Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi, can be correlated with Cervical spondylosis.

Aim and Objectives

To study the role of Ayurveda medicine in the management of Vishwachi Roga vis-a-vis Cervical spondylosis.


Relevant subject matters are compiled from Samhitas, Sangraha Granthas, research monographs, journals and the internet and personal experience.

Single drugs used in cervical spondylosis

1) Guggulu (Commiphora mukul)[1]
2) Vishatinduka (Strychnos nuxvomica)
3) Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)
4) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)[2]
5) Lashuna (Aleum sativum)
6) Bala (Sida cordifolia)
7) Gandha Prasarini (Pedaria foetida)
8) Nirgundi (Vitex negundo)
9) Panchakola
10) Chitraka (Plumago zelenica)
11) Eranda (Ricinus communis)
12) Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)
13) Arka (Calotropis procera)
14) Drona Pushpi (Leucas aspera)
15) Shatavari (Asperagus rasamosus)
16) Godanthi

17) Kapardika
18) Pravala
19) Mukta
20) Shukti


1) Yogaraja Guggulu
2) Maha Yogaraja Guggulu
3) Amritadi Guggulu
4) Shadanga Guggulu
5) Trayodashanga Guggulu
6) Visha Mushti Vati
7) Navajivana Rasa
8) Ganalha Prasarini Taila
9) Vishnu Chakra Vati (Karrup)
10) Maha Narayana Taila
11) Maha Masha Taila
12) Dhanvantara Taila
13) Prabhanjana Vimardana Taila
14) Bala Taila
15) Karpasasthyadi Taila
16) Kottamchukkadi Taila
17) Kshira Bala Taila
18) Balarishta
19) Ashwagandharishta
20) Vishagarbha Taila
21) Mahavishagarbha Taila
22) Nirgundi Taila
23) Panchaguna Taila


1) Vatahara
2) Vedana Sthapana
3) Mridu Virechana
4) Mala Vatanulomana
5) Anti inflammatory
6) Analgesic
7) Immunomodulator
8) Rasayana
9) Poshaka
10) Astivardhaka
11) Nutritive
12) Calcium supplement
13) Sudha Vargiya
14) Balya
15) Brimhana
16) Nadibalya
17) Nervine Tonic
18) Snehana
19) Swedana


1) Kshira Bala Taila
2) Ashwagandharista
3) Balarishta
4) Maha Narayana Taila

Vedana Sthapana

1) Yogaraja Guggulu
2) Kaishora Guggulu
3) Shallaki Tablets
4) Gandha Prasarini Taila

Mridu Virechana

1) Triphala Tablets
2) Shatsakara Choorna
3) Trivrit Leha
4) Avipattikara Choorna


1) Trivrit Leha
2) Triphala Kwatha
3) Haritaki Tablets
4) Aragwadha Kashaya


1) Chitraka Haritaki Leha
2) Nirgundi Patra Choorna
3) Shallaki Tablets
4) Rasnadi Guggulu


1) Trayodashanga Guggulu
2) Rasnadi Guggulu
3) Shadanga Guggulu


1) Guduchi Kwatha
2) Ashwagandha Choorna
3) Ashwagandhavaleha


1) Goksheera
2) Ashwagandhavaleha
3) Aja Mamsa
4) Shatavari Capsules


1) Ksheera Bala Taila
2) Mamsa Rasa
3) Godughdha


1) Kukkutanda Twak Bhasma
2) Mrigashrunga Bhasma
3) Godanti Bhasma
4) Pravala Bhasma


1) Ashwagandhavaleha
2) Kooshmandavaleha
3) Ajamamsa Rasayana
4) Mamsa Rasa

Calcium supplement

1) Pravala Bhasma
2) Mukta Bhasma
3) Pravala Pishti
4) Mukta Pishti

Sudha Vargiya

1) Godanti Bhasma
2) Varatika Bhasma
3) Choornodaka


1) Mamsa Rasa
2) Mahisha Drava
3) Aja Mamsa Rasayana


1) Goksheera
2) Kushmandavaleha

Nadi Balya

1) Visha Tinduka Vati
2) Nava Jivana Rasa
3) Ksheera

Nervine tonic

1) Ksheera
2) Visha Mushti Vati
3) Brihat Vata Chinta Mani


1) Ksheera Bala Taila
2) Maha Narayana Taila
3) Bala Taila
4) Brihad Saindhavadi Taila


1) Griva Basti

2) Nadi Sweda
3) Sarvanga Sweda


1) Shashtika Shali Anna, Mudga
2) Ksheera
3) Balya, Brimhana, Ahara
4) Mamsa Matsya
5) Adequate rest
6) Poshaka Ahara
7) Vatahara Ahara Vihara
8) Madhura Rasa, Snigdha Ahara
9) Snehana Swedana


1) Rooksha Laghu, non nourishing diet
2) Excessive exercise
3) Weight lifting
4) Ati Chankramana
5) Travelling
6) Vata Karaka Ahara Vihara
7) Kaphahara Ahara Vihara


Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative joint disease where there is osteoarthritis seen in cervical vertebral joints. Due to non-nourishing diet, faulty lifestyle and endocrinal hormone derangement, the incidence cervical spondylosis has risen.[4] Alteration in activities of testosterone and estrogen in the middle age, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are common. Symptoms like pain in back of the neck, restriction of movement, pain in upper extremities and wasting of muscles are seen in this disease. As nerves are also involved due to nerve root compression, the disease usually become chronic. Ayurveda medicine has a positive role in the management of cervical spondylosis. However, prolonged treatment is necessary. Panchakarma therapies like Griva Basti, Matra Basti, Nadisweda, Brimhana Nasya and Kashaya Bastis are useful.[5,6] Formulations for internal use have ingredients with actions like Vedana Sthapana, Vatahara, Nadi Balya, Malavatanulomana and Rasayana actions.[7] Least adverse drug reactions are seen during Ayurveda treatment. Sometimes itching all over the body, constipation, echymosis and petechiae are seen during treatment.[8]


Cervical spondyolosis is a degenerative joint disease where osteoarthritis changes are seen in cervical spines. It persists for longer period and becomes chronic. Ayurveda medicines are Rasayana, Vatahara and Vedana Sthapana, hence effective. These medications along with Panchakarma procedures like Griva Basti, Matra Basti, Brimhana Nasya, Nadi Sweda and Kashaya Basti are found effective. Usually, prolonged treatment is necessary. Most of the cases were completely relieved from signs and symptoms. There are least side effects during treatment.


1. Nadakarni KM. Indian Materia Medica. Vol 2. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan Private Ltd; 2002. p. 968.

2. Rastogi RP, Mehrotra BN. Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants. Vol 1. Lucknow: CDRI; 1960-1969. p. 515.

3. Srinivasulu M. Clinical Diagnosis in Ayurveda. Delhi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prathishtan; 2013. p. 612.

4. Rajeshwara Datta Shastri. Chikitsadarsha Sampoorna. 5th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Vishwa Bharathi; 1980. p. 230.

5. Haridas Vaidya. Chikitsa Chandrodaya. 7th Vol. 11th ed. Madhura: Haridas and Company Ltd; PP 908.

6. Sharma AK. Kayachikitsa. Part II. Delhi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2013. p. 950.

7. Vaishya S. Vanga Sena. Mumbai: Khemaraja Srikrishnadas Prakashana; 1996. p. 1096.

8. Acharya S. Researches in Ayurveda. Manipal: Shripathi Acharya; 2010. p. 140.