
Review Article

skin care and skin diseases

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 11 November

Role of diet and lifestyle in skin care and skin diseases

Neerpady K K1*, Acharya S2

1* Krithi Neerpady K, Post Graduate Scholar, Department Of Kayachikitsa, Muniyal Institute Of Ayurveda Medical College And Hospital, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

2 Shripathi Acharya, HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

Introduction: Skin is of crucial importance in the human system. There are numerous factors that affect its appearance and function leading to many skin issues. Aim: To give information about the role of the diet in maintaining healthy skin and the usage of knowledge in everyday practice, a detailed analysis of available literature is performed on the impact and mechanisms of various food ingredients on the role and appearance of skin through understanding the Nidana of Kushta. Data: The data on the nutrients that affect healthy skin are obtained: The quality, health and beauty of the skin are affected by various vitamins, minerals, proteins, as well as by other nutrients. Some foods make skin shiny and healthy, but there is also bad diet for skin, as well as foods with harmful effects, depending on skin type. Discussion: It is of crucial importance to protect skin from negative factors. In order to provide normal functioning of the skin it is necessary to incorporate various foods of animal or plant origin, taking in consideration skin type as well. Conclusion: It is clear why full attention should be paid to skin, its health, functions, and appearance. Adequate diet is of prime importance, with usage of Pathyahara and vihara and paying attention to possible beneficial effects of certain foods, adjusted to the skin type. This should be applied in everyday practice in working with patients.

Keywords: Diet, Skin, Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients, Kushta

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Krithi Neerpady K, Post Graduate Scholar, Department Of Kayachikitsa, Muniyal Institute Of Ayurveda Medical College And Hospital, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
Neerpady K K, Acharya S, Role of diet and lifestyle in skin care and skin diseases. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(11):145-147.
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© 2023by Neerpady K K, Acharya Sand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


“गवां कोटि प्रदानेन अश्वमेधशतेन वा। विश्वेश्वर पुरीवासो तत् फलं कुष्ठनाशनम्|”[1] (R.S.S)

Donating crore cows, performing 100 Ashvamedha Yagna, living in the city of Vishweshwara i.e., Kashi. All these acts can cure Kushta, which is nearly impossible in 21st century. So, lets demystify simple methods to cure Kushta by just understanding its Nidana.

Materials and Methods

An effort was made to collect & interpret various references pertaining to Kushta Nidana and its correlation with modern with relevant examples from various sources.


विरोधीन्यन्नपानानि द्रवस्निग्धगुरूणि च|

भजतामागतां छर्दिं वेगांश्चान्यान्प्रतिघ्नताम्||४||


शीतोष्णलङ्घनाहारान् क्रमं मुक्त्वा निषेविणाम्||५||

घर्मश्रमभयार्तानां द्रुतं शीताम्बुसेविनाम्|

अजीर्णाध्यशिनां चैव पञ्चकर्मापचारिणाम्||६||



व्यवायं चाप्यजीर्णेऽन्ने निद्रां च भजतां दिवा|

विप्रान् गुरून् धर्षयतां पापं कर्म च कुर्वताम्||८ (Ch.Chi.7/4-8)

Let us decode the Nidana:

विरोधीन्यन्नपानानि - Study of combination of incompatible food and nutrition that induces inflammation is known as Trophology.

स्निग्धगुरूणि - Fatty acid consumed on excess mixes with oxygen leadind tp hydroperoxide complex being formed & certain cytokines like TH17 are released that have affinity towards skin (decreases epidermal permeability & water loss) causes skin disruption.

भजतामागतां छर्दिं वेगांश्चान्यान्प्रतिघ्नताम् - Suppression of vomiting leads to toxin absorbed back in the blood which builds up in the liver. Later disturbs SGOT & SGPT getting accumulated and to leading to skin rashes/ eczemas.

व्यायाममतिसन्तापमतिभुक्त्वोपसेविनाम् - Exercise induced anaphylaxis / food dependent exercise causes autonomic Nervous system dysregulation wherein hyperosmolality is increased causes IgE hypersensitivity leading to Urticaria.

On exposure to sun after ingestion of certain food eg: citrus fruits, grape containing Furocoumarins photoactive compound circulates in blood reacts on exposure to UV rays & produce certain reactions like epidermal necrosis, oedema, sunburn by increasing prostaglandins.

Other edibles like Solanaceae family veggies -potato, tomato, eggplant contains natural toxins like solanine & chacocine gets released on exposure to sun and if consumed causes irritation in the skin.

शीतोष्णलङ्घनाहारान् क्रमं मुक्त्वा निषेविणाम् - Consumption of hot and cold items alternatively eg: sizzling brownie with ice cream causes disturbances in Autonomic nervous system & vagal irritation, slows GI peristalsis causes toxin accumulation leads to inflammatory changes in skin.

Dairy products like curd (दधि), milk have proteins and insulin which release IGF leads to epithelial proliferation leading to inflammation, eczema, pigmentation when in excess.

“So don’t fall for Probiotics”

मत्स्यातिलवणाम्लनिषेविणाम् - Seafood and salt contain Iodide precipitate pustular psoriasis when in excess.

माष - Blackgram contains TNFα-1, IL-1, IL-8 inflammatory mediators

मूलक - Radish contains Isothiocyanate induces hypersensitivity reaction

(Incidence in Korea while preparing Korean dish KIMCHI rashes were seen with 1-7 hours in the cook.)

तिल - Sesame contains allergenic epitopes causes allergic dermatitis

क्षीर - Milk contains casein which contains, β (A2-pure Asian breed & A1- hybrid which contains histidine (very reactive) releases IgE hypersensitivity

गुडाशिनाम् - Jaggery high in glycemic load (increases insulin) causes sebum production

निद्रां च भजतां दिवा - Sleep disturbances cause

melatonin impairment; cytokines like IL-6, IL-2 are released, Mast cell, IgE increases etc. leads to decrease in skin hydration causing nocturnal pruritus esp. seen in Atopic dermatitis.

विप्रान् गुरून् धर्षयतां पापं कर्म च कुर्वताम् - This can be understood through the following

During germ cell formation

From ectoderm: skin(epidermis) and nervous system are developed

Endoderm: Dermis and GI system are developed

Therefore skin, GI, nervous system are interrelated

Therefore, any disturbances in HPA axis in form of stress leads to increase in stress hormone causing impairment in St. Corneum cohesion and barrier function, disturbs the permeability and releases inflammatory mediators leading to lesion in skin & delay wound healing.

Pathya Ahara in Kustha - Ch.Ci.7/82-83 Light and wholesome food. Vegetables having bitter taste. Food preparations and medicated ghee prepared by boiling Bhallataka, Triphala and Nimba.


Evaluating in vitro and animal studies, certain dietary factors have significant anti-carcinogenesis properties, particularly regarding UVR-induced carcinogenesis. Human studies of isolated nutrient supplements have not shown benefit. However, intake of dietary antioxidants and phytochemicals in the form of whole foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, has shown promise, and should be recommended. In favor of this approach are the well-known health benefits of consuming a diet rich in plant foods, including the reduction of other types of cancers.[3]


“मनसोऽर्थानुकूल्याद्धि तुष्टिरुर्जा रुचिर्बलम्।

सुखोपभोगता स्यात् व्याधेश्चातो बलक्षयः॥”[4] (Ch.Chi.30/332)

Measures agreeable to mind and senses promote health as result of which disease get diminished.


I cannot enough thanks to my guide Dr. Shripathi

Acharya for his encouragement and support throughout PG curriculum with deep sense of gratitude.


1. Rasendra Sara Sangraha with Savimarsha Rasa Vidyotini Hindi commentary.

2. Agnivesha, Charaka, Dradhabala, Charaka Samhita, Chikitshasthana, edited by Pt. Kashinath Shastri, reprint edition, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi, 2017 Adhyaya; 7/4-8: 450

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4106357/

4. Agnivesha, Charaka, Dradhabala, Charaka Samhita, Chikitshasthana, edited by Pt. Kashinath Shastri, reprint edition, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi, 2017 Adhyaya; 30/332: 887