
Review Article

Cancer Prevention

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 2 February

Dincharya and Sodhana for Cancer Prevention

Tejavani H1*, Sharma R2, Shah H3

1* Hema Tejavani, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

2 Rajeshkumar Sharma, Professor HOD, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

3 Harshit Shah, Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

As we all are noticing that cancer now a day become a major disease worldwide. Ancient Surgical Science Shalyatantra contains both preventive & curative aspect of Arbuda & Asadhya Vrana. To prevent cancer & its recurrence follow Dincharya, Rutucharya, Rasayan, Sodhana therapies which are mentioned in our classical text. Though vitiated Tridosha are responsible for the development of Arbuda, but mainly Kapha Dosha & Meda Dhatu involved. Rutu Anusar Sodhana (Panchkarma) useful for removing Strotavarodha & Doshas. Snehana and Basti have major importance in Post chemotherapeutic Ojavardhana. Triphala, Guduchi, and Punarnava such drugs have shown very impressive effects on protecting body from the side effects of chemo and radio therapies. Ayurvedic Dincharya includes Dantadhavan, Gandusha, Kavala, Nasya, Dhumpana, Tambulasevana, Vyayam, Udvartana, Anjana, Abhyanga, Contraindication of Vegadharana, Devapoojana, Achara Rasayan etc. helpful for prevention of cancer as well as many diseases. Drugs which are Katu, Tikta, Kashaya Rasa & Ushna Virya can be used for reduce pathogenesis due to Kapha & Meda. Drugs like Amalaki, Guduchi, Gokshura use as Rasayana Chikitsa can help to boost attempts to remove immune suppression in tumors. This all can be use in prevention & management of cancer. The review shows that as mentioned in Ayurveda dietary and lifestyle are played an important role in the prevention and minimize the risk of cancer and boost our ability to fight cancer.

Keywords: Arbuda, Dincharya, Rasayan, Rutucharya, Sodhana

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Hema Tejavani, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Akhandanand Ayurveda College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Tejavani H, Sharma R, Shah H, Dincharya and Sodhana for Cancer Prevention. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):88-92.
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© 2024by Tejavani H, Sharma R, Shah Hand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


As we all are noticing that cancer now a day becomes a major disease worldwide. Cancer is a disease in which some of body’s cells grow uncontrollably and destroy body tissue & spread to other parts of the body. In present era cases of cancer increased due to unhealthy lifestyle, food, chemical agents, alcohol, smoking, radiation, obesity etc. Other causes of cancer are genetics, infection, pollution etc.[1] Non-communicable diseases including cancer are emerging as major public health problems in India. Between 30-50% of all cancer cases are preventable. Prevention offers the most cost-effective long-term strategy for the control of cancer.[2]


To prevent Cancer & Its Recurrence.


By follow Dincharya, Rutucharya, Rasayan, Sodhana therapies which are mentioned in our classical text.

Materials and Methods

This is conceptual & literary type of research. All sorts of references had been collected and compiled from various available Sources like Sushruta Samhita, Charak Samhita, Astang Hridaya and available commentaries on it. With the help of classical texts along with some research articles and modern medicine books all matters are analyzed for the discussion and attempt has been made to draw some conclusions In Ancient Surgical Science Shalyatantra Sign & Symptoms of Granthi, Arbuda & Asadhya Vrana are similar to cancer.


According to Acharya Sushruta, Manda Ruja, Vrittam, Sthiram, Mahan, Nalpamoolam, Chiravruddhi, Apakam.[3] In the modern age we also experience these symptoms when the carcinoma is benign and malignant. Benign tumor symptoms gradually grow and don't penetrate. These are the most distinguished. The symptoms of benign growth are traditional. Vrittam (round), Sthiram (immovable), Manda Ruja (lightly painful), Mahan (big size), the Nalpamoolam (deep seated). Adhyabuda

, Dwiarbuda,[4] has been mentioned by Acharya Sushruta, which can be correlated with malignant cancer stage or cancer metastasis of this type of Arbuda.


1. Brahmamuhurta Uttisthe[5]: Dinacharya starts with waking up at Brahma Muhurta for increase lifespan & maintain health of body. During this time, Shuddha Vayu, Jala, Bhumi, Prakasha and Akasha is present. Modern science accepts that the exposure to early morning sun rays reduces Vitamin D deficiency. Recent studies have associated Vitamin D deficiency with risk of several types of cancer. Certain cancers like ovarian, breast, colon, skin and multiple myelomas have shown strong association with deficiency of Vitamin D3.

2. Dantadhavan[6]: With twigs of Vata, Asana, Arka, Khadira, Karanja, Arimeda, Apamarga, Arjuna which has Kashaya, Tikta, Katu Rasa have Krimighna, Vranaropana properties. Catechin present in Khadira has anti-oxidant properties and reduces risk of cancer. This prevent risk of oral & throat cancer.

3. Jihvanirlekhan[7]: The Mala deposited at the root of tongue obstructs expiration & gives rise to foul smell so it should be regularly done for prevention of mouth, tongue & throat cancer.

4. Anjana[8]: One should regularly apply Sauviranjana & Rasanjan weekly which alleviates Kapha is good for keeping the vision clear. This prevents Intraocular cancer & eye diseases.

5. Nasya[9]: One who practices nasal therapy in time according to prescribed method ,his eyes, nose & ears are never affected by any morbidity. Anu Taila can be used in Nasya. Being nourished by inhalation Sira, Snayu, Kandara of head & neck gain greater strength. By this we can prevent eye, oral, throat, brain cancer.

6. Dhumpana[10]: In present days smoking is injurious to health because it contains tobacco. But in Ayurveda it is included in daily regimen because it is prepared by different Ayurvedic drugs & Sneha Dravya which clears obstruction in Strotas. So, by this Dhumpana we can prevent oral, lung, throat cancer (Pharynx & larynx).

7. Kavala & Gandusha[11]: Strengthens the mandible, improves voice quality,

nourishes the face, removes cracks of lips & oral mucosa, enhances taste-perception, tooth-decay, strengthens teeth & gums, reduces hypersensitivity of teeth. Oil pulling is practiced today & advised by all most all dentists for maintaining proper oral hygiene.

8. Tambula Sevana[12]: Nowadays people chew tobacco & it increases risk of oral cancer but in our classical text chewing of Tambula with Jati, Puga, Katuka, Lavanga, Karpura which gives clarity of mouth, taste & good smell.

9. Vyayam[13]: Improves immune system, improves metabolism resulting in decreasing GI disturbances, improves strength and flexibility, reduce inflammation etc,. Exercise has a number of biological effects on the body, some of which have been proposed to explain associations with specific cancers including lowering the levels of hormones, and of certain growth factors that have been associated with cancer development and progression (lowers blood estrogen – thus lowering the risk of breast cancer). Exercise reduces Kapha dosha & Meda dhatu which is responsible for

10. Abhyanga[14]: Helps in combating with insomnia, different types of pain, fatigue, tiredness, wrinkles, numbness and stiffness of the body, cracked feet, Dryness of skin. It Increases Circulation & prevention Of Disease by Vayu is responsible for cell divisions & spread of cancer. So by Abhyanga we can prevent it. Abhyanga of Shira (head), Karna (Ear) & Pada (feet) should be done regularly.

11. Udvartana[15]: It is Massage by powder of Kashaya & Tikta It reduces Kapha & Meda So reduce risk of Medaja Arbuda & Medaja Granthi.

12. Snana[16]: Bathing is purifying & Vrushya. It removes fatigue, sweating & dirt. It brings strength of body & enhancement of Ojas (increase immunity). It prevents skin disease, Ulcer.

13. Non Suppresion of Natural Urges[17]: One Should not suppress urges urine, faeces, flatus, vomiting, sneezing, eructation, hunger, thirst, tears, sleep, breathing on exertion. It prevents prostate cancer, seminoma, testicular cancer, abdominal lump etc.

14. Suppression of Mental Urges[18]: a wise person should refrain from satisfying the urges relating to greed, grief, fear, anger, jealousy

etc. It prevents cancer due to hormonal imbalance. Estrogens, a group of female sex hormones, are known human carcinogens. Although these hormones have essential physiological roles in both females and males, they have also been associated with an increased risk of certain cancers.

15. Hinsa Adi Papkarma Tyaga[19]: In Sushrut Samhita cause of Mamsarbuda is Mushtiprahar & Mamsarbuda is Asadhya. So, we should follow this measure for prevention.

16. Madhya Tyaga[20]: In Astang Hridaya Acharya Vagbhatta mention that Business of alcohol is restricted in Dincharya Adhyay. Alcohol is major cause of Liver cirrihosis, Stomach & pancreatic cancers, prostate cancers. So we should suggest to quit alcohol Consumption by awareness programmes.

17. Avoid Direct Sunlight[21]: The sun, sunlamps, and tanning booths all give off ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Exposure to UV radiation causes early aging of the skin and damage that can lead to skin cancer. People of all ages and skin tones should limit the amount of time they spend in the sun, especially between mid-morning and late afternoon.

18. Matravad Ahar[22]: Acharya Charak mention that appropriate quantity food certainly helps the individual in bringinging about strength,complexion,happiness & longetivity without disturbing the equilibrium of Dhatus and Dosas of the body.

Rutu Anusar Sodhana[23]

Arbuda is Tridoshajanya Vyadhi. Vaman is Kaphahara, Virechan is Pittahara & Basti is Vatahara. Vamana helps in preventing occurrence of oral, lung & oesophageal cancer. Virechana help in prevent cancer of liver & Gastrointestinal tract. Basti has regulating effect on Apana Vata, thus may prevent colon & rectal cancers also reduce risk of BPH & prostate cancer.


Since Rasayana Therapy strengthens healthy tissues and normal cells it significantly reduces chances of disease spread and progression. Rasayana Therapy helps in reducing chances of relapse or metastasis especially in those patients who have undergone surgical resection of tumors. Rasayana, that is, rejuvenation therapy, is a unique contribution of Ayurveda

that provides multidimensional benefits. Therefore, much attention is being directed to harness and harvest the Rasayana therapy, with its Vayahsthapana (anti-aging), Balya (restoring power), Jeevaniya (improving vitality), and other properties, to nourish all Dhatus (tissue elements) properly and restore the basic homeostatic balance.

Anti Cancerous Drugs[25]

Drugs like Amalaki, Guduchi, Gokshura, Bhallataka, Haritaki ,Yastimadhu, Aswagandha use as Rasayana Chikitsa can help to boost attempts to remove immune suppression in tumors by rousing dormant T-cell activity and restoring immune surveillance, especially when combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Other Drugs are Haridra, Shigru, Sunthi, Guggulu, Kanchnar, Rason etc. have Anticancerous effects.


Ayurveda is divided into four categories as Prakritisthapani Chikitsa (health maintenance), Rasayana Chikitsa, (restoration of normal function), Roganashani Chikitsa (disease cure) and Naishthiki Chikitsa (spiritual approach). This all can be use in prevention & management of cancer. The review shows that as mentioned in Ayurveda dietary and lifestyle are played an important role in the prevention and minimize the risk of cancer and boost our ability to fight cancer & side effects of chemotherapy are reduced or eradicated by Ayurveda. And it is scientifically proven that Ayurveda along with Yoga and diet can prevent cancer up to a great extent.


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