Role of Dinacharya in Eye Care - A Preventive Approach
Kesavan N1*, Krishnan EM T2, Saniya CK3, Ramana G4
1* Neethu Kesavan, Research Officer, Ministry of Ayush, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Mineral and Marine Medicinal Resources Ccras, Goa, India.
2 Thrijil Krishnan EM, Assistant Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, All India Institute of Ayurveda, Goa, India.
3 Saniya CK, Research Officer, National Ayurveda Research Institute for Panchakarma CCRAS, Kerala, India.
4 GV Ramana, Research Officer, Ministry of AYUSH, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Mineral and Marine Medicinal Resources CCRAS, Goa, India.
Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine indeed emphasizes a holistic approach to health that includes both prevention and cure. In ophthalmology, the preventive measures play a crucial role in maintaining eye health and reducing the risk of developing various eye diseases that can lead to vision impairment. The ability to see clearly and perceive the world around us is crucial for various activities, from navigating our environment to appreciating the beauty of the world. The term Swasthavritta refers to a lifestyle or regimen followed to maintain health and prevent the occurrence of diseases. It encompasses a set of practices and principles that are aimed at promoting overall well-being and preventing imbalances in the body and mind. All the Acharyas have mentioned the mandatory practice of Dinacharya for health maintenance. Hence here an attempt has been made to compile the procedures to improve the health of the eye through which the various diseases of eye can be prevented. The daily regimens like Anjana, Nasya, Dhumapana, Kavala, Gandusha, Abyanga, Padatra dharana, Snana etc are included for maintaining eye health. The eyes should be always protected from the external factors like dust, heat, radiations, excessive screen time, over straining the eyes like in dim light reading , gadget use in dim light etc. Most of the Netraroga in the current scenario can be prevented by healthy Dinacharya and by avoiding negligence.
Keywords: Dinacharya, Shalakyatantra, Netraroga, Life style changes, Anjana
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, Research Officer, Ministry of Ayush, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Mineral and Marine Medicinal Resources Ccras, , Goa, India.Kesavan N, Krishnan EM T, Saniya CK, Ramana G, Role of Dinacharya in Eye Care - A Preventive Approach. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):117-121. Available From |