
Research Article

Herbal Formulation

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 2 February

Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati - A Poly Herbal Formulation

Rohini Hd1*, Prashanth AS2

1* Rohini Hd, Phd Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubbali, Karnataka, India.

2 Prashanth AS, Professor and Research Guide, Department of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubbali, Karnataka, India.

Kaidaryadi Kashayam is an herbal preparation which is commonly used in Udaragata Vikaras like Pravahika, Agnimandhya and Grahani etc. Even though this Yoga is used most frequently used and having only four easily available ingredients very less companies are preparing the Kashaya. The excellent results are seen in the Grahani, Pravahika etc diseases conditions. The palatability is a challenge for taking the Kashya and also transportation is a challenge. In the present study here attempt has been made to prepare Ghanavati of Kaidaryadi Kashaya of Chikitsa Manjari text book by Rasakriya method. The prepared Vati was subjected for physciochemical and phytochemical analysis, HPTLC, microbial load as per the WHO guidelines. Efforts were made to set the analytical standards for the Kaidaryadi Ghanavati which were not reported till date. Loss on drying - 10.084%, Ash value -13.366%, Acid insoluble ash - 1.287%, Water soluble extractive - 79.793%, Alcohol soluble extractive -4.064%, Hardness - 10kg/cm, Friability - 0.004%, Disintegration - 20min, pH - 5.23, in HPTLC of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati maximum four spots at short UV and maximum seven spots long UV. Microorganisms in the formulation were found to be 24CFU/ml.

Keywords: Kaidaryadi Ghanavati, Physicochemical Analysis, Phytochemical Analysis, HPTLC, Microbial load

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Rohini Hd, Phd Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubbali, Karnataka, India.
Rohini Hd, Prashanth AS, Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati - A Poly Herbal Formulation. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):62-67.
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© 2024by Rohini Hd, Prashanth ASand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


It is the very famous Ayurvedic Kashya preparation mentioned in Malayalam text book name Chikitsa Manjari and author of that book is unknown. The ingredients are Naagara, Kaidarya, Haritaki and Patola in a proportion of 1:3:4:4 respectively. Phalashruti of this Yoga is explained in Udaragata Vikaras like Pravahika, Agnimandhya and Grahani[1] etc. The primary preparation Kashaya(decoction) is used as base in preparation of medicated Taila, Ghee, Arista, Rasakriya etc[2] With the concept of Rasakriya classical formulation of Kaidaryadi Kashaya was modified into a Ghanavati form for better efficacy and palatability.

The Kashaya is further reheated to form the Raskriya/Ghana.[3] Solidified decoctions or Swarasa of a drug or drugs is Ghana or Rasakriyas . In other words they are water soluble extracts in solid form. Water soluble active principles of a drug can be extracted and preserved in better form for many days, when compared to Kashaya, Choorna, and other preliminary preparations. The dose of a drug could be minimized in this form. It becomes easy to consume bitter drugs in this form.[4] The Ghanavaties as they are in concentrated form of Kashaya the dosage of the drug may be reduced by preparing the Ghanavaties.

In the present study effort is made to prepare Kaidaryadi Ghanavati as per classical reference. The organoleptic, physicochemical and phytochemical, HPTLC and microbial analysis was done by considering the Parameters mentioned for standardization of Vati/Gutika/Modaka as the preparation is in Vati form.

Materials and Methods

Collection of Raw Drugs

All the required raw drugs was collected from KLE pharmacy and authenticated of raw drugs was done in central research facility, Shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Belgaum. The list of the ingredients mentioned in table no 1.

Table 1: List of ingredients with quantity and part used.

SNDrug nameBotanical nameQuantityPart used
1. NaagaraZinziber officinale1 partRhizome
2. KaidaryaMurraya koenigii3partLeaves
3. HaritakiTerminalia chebula4partFruit
4. PatolaTrichosanthes dioica4 partRoot, Leaves, Fruit, Stem

Figure 1: Photographs of ingredients of Kaidryadi Ghanavati



Preparation of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati

All the individual drugs were taken in equal parts, kept for soaking overnight by adding 1/4th quantity of water in the total measurement of the water. On the next day after adding remaining amount of water it was kept over low flame till volume of water

reduced to 1/4th. During complete process of making Kashaya the continues stirring was there. To maintain the uniform low temperature the biogas masifier is used.

After complete preparation of the Kashayam, container was taken out of fire and allowed for complete cooling (Swanga Sheeta) and the content was filtered to another vessel through a fine clean cloth. Thus obtained Kashaya is Kaidaryadi Kashaya. This Kashaya is again subjected for reheating under continues low flame. After about 1/4th of water evaporated the consistency of the liquid started to thicken slowly. The heating process was continued till the semisolid mass is obtained care is taken so that the sticking of the mass to the container and overheating is avoided. Then that cooled semisolid paste is spread very thin on the plastic sheet in a tray with the help of spatula, subjected for drying naturally under sun. It took almost more than a week for completely drying. After drying it was very hard, it made into small pieces by breaking. The powder of the Ghana of Kaidaryadi Kashaya is obtained. This Ghana powder was then punched into tablet form which is measuring about 500mg each. Thus, prepared tablets were stored in air tight jar.

Physiochemical and phytochemical parameters

The finished drug was analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative parameters at central research facility Shri B M Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Belgaum. Physical tests like organoleptic characteristics, physico chemical, phyto chemical analysis, was carried out.


1gm of sample of each of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati, was dissolved in 10.0ml of ethanol kept overnight and filtered. 6µl of each of the above extract was applied on a pre-coated silica gel F254 on aluminum plates to a band width of 7 mm using Linomat 5 TLC applicator. Kaidaryadi Ghanavati sample plate was developed in Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic Acid (5.0:3.5:0.5). The developed plates were visualized in short UV, long UV and then derivatized with Vanillin sulphuric acid (VSA) reagent subsequently scanned under UV 254nm, 366nm and 620nm (after derivatisation). Rf, colour of the spots, densitometric scan and 3-D chromatograms were recorded.

Microbial Load analysis

Preparation of Casein Soya bean Digest Agar Medium (CSDAM): Casein peptone (15 g), Soya peptone (5 g), Sodium Chloride (5 g) were taken and dissolved in 990 ml distilled water and pH was adjusted to 7.3±0.2 and make up the volume to 1000 ml. Finally add 15 g of agar to the media and autoclaved at 121˚C for 20 minutes.

HPTLC and Microbial load analysis was done Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Center for Research in Ayurveda and Allied Sciences, Kuthpady, Udupi.

Observations and Results

Organoleptic evaluation

Various parameters such as colour, odour, taste etc. of Kaidrayadi Ghanavti were observed and recorded. The results were mentioned in table no. 2

Table 2: Organoleptic characteristics of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati

3.OdourCharacteristic strong
4.TasteSour, bitter and astringent

Physicochemical analysis

Physicochemical analysis were carried out by following parameters i.e., loss on drying, total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extract, alcohol soluble extract, average weight, hardness, friablility, disintegration, pH results were mentioned in the table no. 3

Table 3: Physico chemical analysis parameters and results

1.Loss on drying10.084%
2.Total ash13.366%
3.Acid insoluble ash1.287%
4.Water soluble extract79.793%
5.Alcohol soluble extract4.064%
6.pH value (5% solution)5.23
7.Tablet Hardness10kg/cm
8.Friability test0.004%
9.Disintegration20 min
10.Average weight0.495gm

Phytochemical analysis

Preliminary phytochemical analysis was done and the results were mentioned in the table no 4.

Table 4: Phyto chemical analysis parameters and results

1.Test for carbohydratesPositiveNegative
2.Reducing sugarNegativePositive
4.Pentose sugarNegativeNegative
5.Non reducing sugarPositiveNegative
6.Hexose sugarPositiveNegative
8.Amino acidsNegativeNegative
Test For Glycosides
13.Cardiac glycosidesNegativePositive
14.Anthraquinone glycosidesNegativePositive
15.Saponin glycosidesPositivePositive

Figure 2: Densitometric scan of Ethanolic extract at 254nm


Figure 3: Densitometric scan of Ethanolic extract at 366nm


Figure 4: Densitometric scan of Ethanolic extract at 620nm (after derivatisation)



The given sample of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati, was standardized analytically by HPTLC as per testing protocol mentioned in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Results as Rf values, Densitometric scan and 3-D Chromatogram are presented in respective tables and figures.

Table 5: Rf value of Ethanolic extract of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati at short UV, long UV and after derivatization.

No of spotsShort UVNo of spotsLong UVNo of spotsAfter derivatization
10.22(D green)10.12 (F. blue)10.49(Pink)
20.40(green)20.25 (F. dark blue)-
30.47(green)30.35 (F.blue)-
40.54(D green)40.38 (F.blue)-
550.52 (F.blue)
60.56 (F.blue)-
70.86 (f green)

Microbial Load

The given sample Kaidrayadi Ghanavati was free from microorganisms. The results were mentioned in table no. 6.

Table 6: Microbial load analysis of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati

SNDilutionsNumber of Colonies (NOC)CFU/ml


The preparation of Ghanavati in a classical method is a lengthy and time-consuming procedure. Most of the manufacturing companies are not preparing Ghanavati in a classical method they are following different new technologies for preparing Ghanavati to reduce the time taken for the preparation of Ghana. The yield is very less compared to other preparations if we need approximately one kg of Ghana minimum of 10 lit of the Kashaya need to be subjected for boiling that is only 10 percent yield. Large quantity of the raw drugs is needed for the preparation. One of the benefits of Ghanavati is that the carrying is easy and also dosage can be reduced as it is in concentrated form and shelf life also increases.

This Ghana extraction may be suitable for drugs which contain more of starch content in them. As Nagara is one of the ingredients, which contain starch and which may be the reason that the yield was good in this preparation.

The prepared Vati is found to have 495mg average weight ± 10% range of weight variation is acceptable.[5] Bioavailability of the medicine is depending on harness and disintegration. The Kaidaryadi Ghanavati found to be having hardness of 10 kg/cm. Hardness was above the normal limit for Kaidaryadi Ghanavati and disintegration was in normal limit that is 20 min. If the finished Vati is too hard it may not disintegrate in the required period of time [6] but as the disintegration time is within normal limit of 20 min the bioavailability of the drug may not be hampered. Moisture content (loss on drying) found to be 10.084%. Which is also within normal limit if the moisture content is more it may easily catch the microbial contamination. Ash value is the criteria for considering the purity of crude drug.

Kaidaryadi Ghanavati contained 13.366% of total

ash and 1.287% of acid insoluble ash. The 79.793%w/w of water soluble extractive and 4.064%w/w of alcohol soluble extractive were present this indicated the drugs are having very good solubility in water. In HPTLC of Kaidaryadi Ghanavati maximum four spots at short UV and maximum of seven spots long UV.

In microbial load the found result was 24CFU/ml by direct method which was also falling into the acceptable range for microbial contamination,[7] so further serial dilution method was not followed.


The analytical study carried out in the present study it can be concluded that the formulation of Kaidarydi Ghanavati contains all good characters of an ideal Vati, and also the formulation is of good quality and purity. API standards are not mentioned for this formulation. Hence the obtained results of present study may serve as reference standards in the preparation of drug formulation and may also help in further clinical research. Further study is necessary to explore other parameters related to standardization and to set the limit for reference of Kadiaryadi Ghanavati.


1. Chikitsa Manjari; editor D.Sriman Nambuthiri; Vidyarambham Publishers, Alappuzha; 6th edition; May 2003.

2. Shobha G Hiremath. A Text Book of Bahisajya Kalpana, IBH Prakashana, Bangalore, 2016, chapter 9, p103.

3. Sharangadhara, Sharangadhara Samhita with Adamalla’s Dipika and Kasirama’s Gudartha Dipika commentary, Edited by Pandit Parusuram Sastri Vidyasagar, Madhyama Khanda, Chakhambha Orientalia, Varanasi 6th edition:2005, chapter 8/1, p206.

4. Shobha G Hiremath. A Text Book of Bahisajya Kalpana, IBH Prakashana, Bangalore, 2016, chapter 10, p137.

5. Tanna I, Samarakoon SM, Chandola HM, Shukla VJ. Physico-chemical analysis of a Herbo-mineral compound Mehamudgara vati - A pilot study. Ayu. 2011 Oct;32(4):572-5. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.96136. PMID: 22661857; PMCID: PMC3361938.

6. Sudheendra V. Honwad. A Hand Book of Standadization of Ayurvedic Formulations, Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi. Reprint 2018, chapter 3, p35 &37

7. K. O'TOOLE NSW. Methods for the direct and indirect assessment of the bacterial content of milk. Journal of Applied Bacteriology. 1983,55.187-201.