
Research Article

Shwasakasari Rasa

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 12 December

Standardization of the preparation of a herbo-mineral formulation Shwasakasari Rasa

Malviya N1*, Nagle A2, Pati R3

1* Neelam Malviya, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Anil Nagle, Professor HOD, Dept of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

3 RK Pati, Professor, Dept of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Shwasakasari Rasa is mentioned in Rasa Yoga Sagar,[1] (part 2) as a remedy of Shwasa & Kaasa Roga. This type of Rasa Aushadhi are more effective against bacteria. These drugs have a multi dimension effect like Broad-spectrum antibiotics. In this study an endeavor has been made to determine standard procedure for preparation of the research formulation i.e. Shwasakasari Rasa. SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure) for pharmaceuticals are associated with quality assurance, internal control, production maintenance, utility and human resources or also defined as established or prescribed methods to be strictly followed for the preparation of particular formulations by a selected method. In this section of the research study all the processes adapted for the preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa are well elaborated with explicit detail of quantity, duration, heating pattern, temperature, material & methods together with timely observed and recorded values. Therefore, Shwasakasari Rasa was prepared in the department & analyse all contents present in Rasa Aushadhi for the establishment of drug for the benefit of society and mankind.

Keywords: Shwasakasari Rasa, Shwasa, Kasa, Rasa Aushadhi, Standardization

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Neelam Malviya, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Malviya N, Nagle A, Pati R, Standardization of the preparation of a herbo-mineral formulation Shwasakasari Rasa. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(12):60-72.
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© 2023by Malviya N, Nagle A, Pati Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In Ayurveda many branches are mentioned for the management of normal health status and for cure of different ailment. The Rasa Shastra is one of the aspect of Ayurveda which deals with the use of mineral, metal, herbal and animal origin product. In Ayurveda, Shwasa Rog is described as exposure to etiological factors leads to vitiation of Kapha along with Vata which causes obstruction of Pranavaha Srotas. About 65 million people suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),[2] and 3 million dies from it each year making it the third leading cause of death worldwide. About 334 million people suffer from Asthma, the most common chronic disease of childhood affecting 14% of all children. Covid-19 worldwide century disaster which involves Respiratory system specially lungs.

Ayurveda pharmacology and holistic health care system prescribes usage of Rasa Aushadhi for the body. Numbers of herbo-mineral preparations are available in various Ayurvedic classics out of which Shwaskasari Rasa is unique and contains Parad, Gandhak, Pippali, Haritaki, Gorakhmundi, Vasa, Vibhitaki and indicated in all type of Shwasa and Kasa Roga. A detailed practical study has been carried out in the purification of the ingredients and during the preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa. Hence Standardization of the preparation of a Herbo- Mineral Formulation of Shwaskasari Rasa has been carried out.

Aim and Objectives

1. To identify and procured genuine samples of raw drugs (Parada, Gandhak, Pippali, Haritaki, Gorakhmundi, Vasa, Vibhitaki) and Bhavanadravya (Vatsanabh).

2. To carry out the pharmaceutical study of Shwasakasari Rasa.

Materials and Methods

1. All the raw drug material procured from pharmacy of Pt. K.L.S. Govt. Ayurveda College & Institute, BHOPAL.

2. Shwaskasari Rasa was prepared in the department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt. K.L.S Govt. Ayurveda College & Institute, Bhopal.

Table 1: Showing the list of Ingredients of Shwasakasari Rasa.

SNIngredientsBotanical nameQuantityPart used
1.Shu. ParadaMercury1 part-
2.Shu. GandhakaSulphur1 part-
3.PippaliPiper longum1 partPhal
4.HaritakiTerminalia chebula1 partPhal
5.GorakhmundiSphaeranthus indicus1 partPhal
6.VasaAdhatoda vasica1 partPatra
7.VibhitakiTerminalia bellirica1 partPhal


1. Pharmaceutical process of Shwasakasari Rasa as per reference of Rasa Yoga Sagar[2] (part ll) Shlok no 895.
2. Impure Parada was procured from authentic sources and it was purified by the Shodhan method as mentioned in Rasa Tarangini[4] (5/27-30).
3. Impure Gandhaka was obtained from authentic sources and it was purified by the Shodhan method as mentioned in Rasa Tarangini (8/7-12)
4. Kajjali[5] was prepared by the mixing equal quantity of purified Parada and purified Gandhak as per reference of text.
5. For the preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa fine powder of herbal drug Pippali, Haritaki Gorakhmundi, Vasa, Vibhitaki[6] was made in equal quantity.
6. Kajjali and fine powder of herbal drugs was mix well and triturated with Vatsnabha Kwath and a bolus was made and wrapped in Eranda Patra and it was subjected to Putpaka.
7. After period of self cooling, final product was collected and Vati were made in Badar Asthi Praman.

Pharmaceutical Study

1) Parada Shodhana

Reference : Rasa Tarangini[3] (5/27-30)

Principle: Mardana and Prakshalana

Samanya Shodhan of Parada was done out in two phases:

a. By Sudha Raja
b. By Rasona and Saindhava

A. Parada Shodhana by Sudha Raja

Date of Starting : 31/10/2022

Date of Completion : 12/11/2022

Ashudha Parada : 500 gm

Slake lime : 500 gm


Impure Parada 500 gm was obtained from pharmacy of Pt. Khushilal Sharma Ayurved College Bhopal. 500 gm slake lime was taken from local market of Bhopal. Raw Parada and Sudha were mixed together and subjected to Mardana in an exceedingly granite Khalva Yantra for 6 hours per day until the completion of prescribed period. (72 hours)

Then the mixture was subjected to Prakshalana from Kharal, warm water was added to the mixture and it had been stirred rapidly then allowed to combine the lime in water then to remove the water carefully from the Kharal and collect in another plastic container. The procedure was repeated till all the Parada wasn’t obtained properly. 470 gm of Parada obtained through Prakshalana process of the mixture.


Table 2: Showing observation of Parada Shodhana by Sudha

Day 110:00 AMOn, resuming maximum amount of Parada reappeared
4:00 PMParada gradually disappeared in lime. Light gray colour of mixture was seen.
Day 210:00 AMMixture became whitish gray & Parada was broken into small globules.
4:00 PMMixture became offwhite & fine droplets of Parada was seen.
Day 310:00 AMOn resuming, Parada droplets reappeared, largest being the size of Chanaka.
4:00 PMSize of Parada droplets further reduced largest being the size of Mudga. Graycolour of mixture was seen.
Day 410:00 AMOn resuming, Parada did not reappeared.
4:00PMFurther size reduction in Parada droplets was seen the largest being the size of Sarsapa.
Day 510:00 AMParada reappeared in the size of Maricha.
4:00PMMixture became heavy and grey in colour
Day 610:00AMSarshapa size Parada droplets reappeared. No. of Parada droplets reduced.
4:00 PMFurther reduction in the size and number of Parada droplets were seen became largest being the tip of pin head.
Day 710:00 AMParada droplets almost disappeared
4:00 PMVery small droplets equivalent to size of pin point, were visible on minute observation
Day 810:00 AMNo Parada droplets reappeared but the Mardana process continued.
4:00PMDark gray colour of mixture was seen.
Day 910:00 AMMardana process continued
4:00 PMDark gray colour of mixture was seen
Day 1010:00 AMParada mix well in Sudha Churna.
4:00 PMGray colour of mixture was seen
Day 1110:00 AMNo Parada droplets seen.
4:00 PMBlackish colour of mixture was seen
Day 1210:00 AMParada was homogenously mixed in the mixture but Mardana was continued.
4:00 PMMardana process completed


Table 3: Showing result of Parada Shodhana by Sudha

Initial wt.500gm
Wt. obtained by Prakshalana470 gm
Total wt. Obtained470 gm
Loss of Wt.30 gm
Loss of wt.%6 %

B. Parada Shodhana by Rasona and Saindhava.

Date of Starting : 14/11/2022

Date of Completion : 17/11/2022


Prakshalit Parada : 400gm

Rason : 400 gm

Saindhava Lavana : 200 gm


Parada obtained after Sudha Shodhan 400 gm was taken within the Khalva Yantra and Nistusha Rasona 400 gm, Saindhava 200 gm were added and Mardana was started. Mardana was done until the mixture became homogenous and blackish in colour. Total 24 hrs of Mardana was performed (6 hrs per day) within the duration of 3 day. After completion of Mardana mixture was subjected to Prakshalana by using warm water which was added to the mixture and stirred rapidly, then the mixture was allowed to combine in water properly. After 2 hr the water was separated into a different container carefully and therefore the remaining Parada was collected.


Table 4: Showing observation of Parada Shodhana by Rasona and Saindhava

Day 110:00 AMMixture of Rasona and Saindhava was performed but Parada was clearly visible.
4:00 PMObnoxious smell came out from the mixture and it became slightly greenish in colour.
Day 210:00 AMMixture become dark greenish but Parada was clearly visible
4:00 PMMixture became greenish grey and Parada was broken into globules
Day 310:00 AMMixture became greyish green and very small droplets of Mercury were seen.
4:00 PMMixture became blackish grey and very minute droplets of Mercury were seen.
Day 410:00 AMMixture became blackish grey and Parada almost disappear.
4:00 PMMixture became homogenous & blackish.

Table 5: Showing loss during Parada Shodhana by Rasona and Saindhava

Initial wt.400 gm
Wt. Obtained by Prakshalana380 gm
Loss of wt.20 gm
Loss of wt.%5%

Figure 1: Parada Shodhana

Fig. 1.1: Impure Parada

Fig. 1.2: Sudha Churna

Fig. 1.3: Parada mixed with Sudha

Fig. 1.4: Vastragalit Parada

Fig. 1.5: Nistush Rasona

Fig. 1.6: Saindhava Lavana

Fig. 1.7: Parada mix with Rasona & Saindhava

Fig. 1.8: Prakshalan of Parada

Fig. 1.9: Shuddha Parada

2) Gandhaka Shodhana

Reference : Rasatarangini[4] (8/7-12)

Date of Starting : 21/12/22

Date of Completion : 22/12/22


Raw Gandhak : 500 kg

Godugdha : 2 ltr

Goghrita : 250 ml


500 gm Ashodhita Gandhaka was powdered using Khalva Yantra, then 75 gm Goghrita was taken into vessel and heated on kitchen range. When Goghrita completely melt then powdered Gandhaka was added, it had been properly stirred till the whole melting of Gandhaka. 2 lit hot Godugdha was taken in another vessel and a cloth was tied over it.

Then molten Gandhaka and Goghrita was poured into the vessel containing Godugdha through the fabric. After self - cooling a solid mass with some granular a part of Gandhaka was taken out from the vessel and thoroughly washed with hot water to get rid of Snehansha. To remove remaining Snehansha Gandhaka was grinded to create a rough powder which was tied in a Pottali and Swedana was performed using Dolayantra method for 1 Prahar. Aforesaid procedure was repeated 3 times as per the reference to get Shudhha Gandhak.


  • After Shodhana process crystalline dark yellow Gandhaka become granular and bright yellow and pungent smell is additionally reduced.
  • Even after Prakshalana Snehansha was felt on

Table 6: Showing observation during Gandhaka Shodhana

Process No.Gandhaka (gm)Amount of Goghrita (gm)Amount of Godugdha (ml)Gandhaka (gm) ObtainedWt. loss (gm)
1.500125 gm200048515
2.485125 gm200047015
3.470125 gm200046010


Table 7: Showing result during Gandhaka Shodhana

Ashodhita Gandhaka500 gm
Shuddha Gandhaka460 gm
Total loss of wt.40 gm
Total loss of wt.8%

Figure 2: Gandhaka Shodhana

Fig. 2.1: Impure Gandhaka

Fig. 2.2: Melting of Gandhaka in Goghrit

Fig. 2.3: Impurities

Fig. 2.4: Pure Gandhaka

3) Preparation of Samguna Kajjali

Reference : Rasa Tarangini[5] (6/107)

Date of Starting : 17/01/23

Date of Completion : 1/02/23


Shuddha Parada - 250 gm

Shuddha Gandhaka – 250 gm


Shuddha Parada and Shuddha Gandhaka were taken in Khalva Yantra. Trituration was continued

till the powder became black in colour and very fine like Kajjali. Whole mixture was converted into a fine, smooth, lusterless. All the criteria of Kajjali was fulfilled.


Table 8: Preparation of Samguna Kajjali

Day 112 - 4.00 PMEqual amount of Shuddha Parada & Gandhaka was mix & Mardan start. Yellowish colour of Gandhaka started turning slightly olive green colour.
Day 212 - 4.00 PMLarger Parada globules became small one.
Parada was mix completely with Gandhaka.
Day 312 - 4.00 PMParada observed in mixture appeared yellow green colour.
Greyish green colour with shiny globules.
Day 412 - 4.00 PMCement colour with yellow trace
Day 512 - 4.00 PMAbsence of Parada globules, light grey coloured mixture was seen.
Mixture was fully grey in colour.
Day 612 - 4.00 PMBlackish grey colour
Day 712 - 4.00 PMBlackish colour with shiny particle of Parada seen
Day 812 - 4.00 PMDark black colour of Kajjali appears.
Day 912 - 4.00 PMTest of Kajjali i.e., Rekhapurnatva, Varitara etc. was absent.
Day 1012 - 4.00 PMBlackish colour of Kajjali was seen & shining was present.
Day 1112 - 4.00 PMShining particles are still seen.
Day 1212 - 4.00 PMVaritara, Rekhapurnatva and Shlakshnatva examination was fulfilled & found positive.
Day 1312 - 4.00 PMKajjali was taken b/w wet Index finger& palm and rubbed. Few Shining particle of mercury was seen under bright sunlight.
Day 1412 - 4.00 PMShining particle was still present.
Day 1512 - 4.00 PMNishchandratva test for Kajjali was conducted. No shining particles were seen when exposed to sunlight. So Nishchandratva test was positive.

Organoleptic Test

Table 9: Showing observation after Kajjali preparation.

TouchSoft and Smooth
AppearanceAnjana Sadrisha


Table 10: Showing result after Kajjali Preparation.

Time durationKajjali
Time duration
No of Days
60 hr
15 days (4 hr /day)
Shuddha Parada
Shuddha Gandhaka
Final weight of prepared Kajjali
250 gm
250 gm
470 gm
Loss of weight30 gm
Percentage loss6%

Figure 3: Preparation of Samaguna Kajjali

Fig. 3.1: Shuddha Parada

Fig. 3.2: Shuddha Gandhaka

Fig. 3.3: Parada mix with Gandhaka

Fig. 3.4: Kajjali

4) Preparations of Powders (Ref. Sha.Sa.Ma.Kh)[6] (6/1)


Raw drugs were subjected to grinding in a mixture

grinder for 10 minutes one by one. After grinding, Churna was collected separately and sieved. The procedure was repeated until complete fine powder was obtained.


Table 11: Showing result of Churna

SNDrugsInitial wt. of Raw MaterialsWeight of final ProductLoss of weight
1.Pippali500gm400 gm100 gm
2.Haritaki500gm390 gm110 gm
3.Gorakhmundi500gm380 gm120 gm
4.Vasa500gm370 gm130 gm
5.Vibhitaki500gm395 gm105 gm

5) Vatsanabha Shodhana

Date of starting : 4/02/2023

Date of completion : 09/02/2023

Reference : Rasa Tarangini[7] (24/19-22)

Materials : Ashuddha Vatsanabha (500 gm), Gomutra (1 lit /day), Warm water


Initially Ashuddha Vatsanabha (500 gm) was washed with water & dried, broke into Chanaka size pieces (Vatsanabha Kand). Gomutra (2 lit was taken in stainless steel vessel or plastic container. Vatsanabha pieces were dipped in Gomutra then vessel was kept in sunlight as per reference of Rasa Tarangini. On next day, the Gomutra was in the vessel was taken out & new Gomutra added to Vatsanabha. This same procedure was repeated for 3 days. On 4th day Vatsanabha Kanda were separated from Gomutra & washed with warm water. External layer of Vatsanabha Kanda were separated by knife. After that Vatsanabha Pariksha was done with the help of needle & dried in sunlight. Vatsanabh Kand which was not passed the Pariksha was again dipped in Gomutra. Then the dried pieces of Vatsanabha were kept in container.


  • When Parikshana of Vatsanabha was done, needle easily passed through it.


Table 12: Showing result of Vatsanabha Sahodhan.

Initial wt.500gm
Wt. obtained after Shodhana350 gm
Loss of Wt.150 gm
Loss of Wt.%30%

Figure 4: Vatsanabha Shodhana

Fig. 4.1: Ashuddha Vatsanabh

Fig. 4.2: Yavakut of Vatsanabha

Fig. 4.3: Vatsanabha dip in Gomutra

Fig. 4.4: Shuddha Vatsanabha

6) Preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa[8]

Reference : Rasa Yoga Sagar

Procedure : Putapaka

Date of Starting : 19/02/2023

Date of Completion: 20/02/2023

No. of cow dung cake : 3

Average weight of cow dung cake : 580 gm


Table 13: Showing ingredients of ShwasaKasari Rasa.

1.Kajjali100 gm
2.Pippali50 gm
3.Vasa50 gm
4.Haritaki50 gm
5.Vibhitaki50 gm
6.Gorakhmundi50 gm


Purva Karma

Firstly, Kajjali was prepared by Samguna Parada & Gandhaka. Fine Churn of raw drug was prepared. Vatsanabh Kwath was prepared. For further Putpaak process Upalas and pyrometer were arranged.

Pradhana Karma

Kajjali was triturated for atleast 1 to 2 hour. Then Samguna Kajjali (100 gm) and Raw drugs Churna of Pippali, Gorakhmundi, Vasa, Vibhitaki & Haritaki each 50 gm were taken are triturated for sometime. Next 250 ml Vatsnabh Kwath was added in the mixture of Samguna Kajjali & Raw Drugs, then trituration process starts for few hours until the mixture become even. After that Bolus were made & kept sometimes and wrapped with Erand Patra & tied with thread and 3 layers of ½ Angul Mrittika & 3 layer of Kapadmitti was done one by one & kept for drying. Then complete bolus was subjected to Putpaak process & Laghu Puta was given. In traditional Laghuput procedure, firstly 2/3 of the Puta was filled by cow dung then bolus was kept and 1/3 part was filled by cow dung cakes. Then thermocouple was arranged underneath Bolus and temperature were recorded carefully.

Paschat Karma

After Swangsheeta, bolus was taken out and examined for Siddhi Lakshan. Then bolus was triturated with Vasa Swaras and Badar Asthi Praman Vati was made. After that drying of Vati was done and continued till there was no more weight difference. Then the Vati were counted and preserved in air tight container.


Table 15: Showing observation of Shwasakasari Rasa.


Table 14: Showing Temperature Pattern in Putpaak process of Shwasakasari Rasa.

TimeTemperature in °C


Table 16: Showing Result of Putpaak

Initial wt. of Shwaskasri Rasa bolus110 gm
Weight after Putpaak80 gm
Total loss of wt.30 gm
Total loss of wt. %37.5%
Final wt. of Vati60 gm

Figure 5: Preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa

Fig. 5.1: Powders of Herbal Drugs

Fig. 5.2: Kajjali

Fig. 5.3: Adding of Vatsanabh Kwath in mixture

Fig. 5.4: Bolus

Fig. 5.5: Bolus wrapped with Eranda Patra & Mitti & Vastra

Fig. 5.6: Bolus subjected to Putpaka

Fig. 5.7: Bolus after Swangshit

Fig. 5.8: Triturition with Vasa Kwath

Fig. 5.9: Shwaskasari Rasa


Parada Shodhan

In standardization method in order to get rid of impurities present in the Parada. As limestone, garlic & salt are easily available, so this method was chosen for the purification of Parada. Purification of Parada is very important before using it in any formulation indicated for internal administration such as Shwasakasari Rasa. Total quantity of Parada taken was 500 gm for Shodhan with Sudha Churna & after its Shodhan 470 gm of Parada was achieved. Out of this 470 gm of Parada 400 gm was taken for further Shodhan with garlic & salt, and after Shodhan, Shodhit Parada got was 380 gm. Loss of Parada in gm is 20 gm & in % is 5%. The loss of Parada due to its five Gati as mentioned in classical text. Shodhit Parada observed was bright, shiny, white in colour because whole impurities get dissolved in Sudha Churn, garlic & salts. Total trituration hour taken was 96 hr. During this Shodhan process many observations were noted in regular interval of period.

Gandhak Shodhan

After the purification of Gandhaka it can be used safely for formulation of Shwasakasari Rasa. Sulphur Shodhan was done in Godugdha & Goghrita. As many Shodhan method has been given in classical text. The repeated heating, melting

and sudden cooling of sulphur by pouring it into liquid media may cause loosening of the bonds between the molecules making it amorphous in nature. This loosening of the bonds may be helpful in dissolving the impurities in the media thus separating it from the sulphur, making it pure. 500 gm of sulphur was taken for Shodhan after process Shuddha Gandhaka got 460 gm. Loss of wt. in gm is 40gm & in % is 8% was observed. This loss could be because of removal of physical & chemical impurities in the form of sand particles & loss during washing. Colour change was observed after Shodhan of Gandhaka.

Vatsanabha Shodhan

There are 3 important methods for Vatsanabha Sodhana. But, for the preparation of the medicine for Swasa & Kasa the drug of choice of Vatsanabha Shodhana was Gomutra compared to Gougdha, since Gomutra has Vatakaphahara property. This was the reason for choosing this method for Vatsanabha Sodhana. During Vatsanabha Sodhana, each time after Gomutranimajjana, analysis of Gomutra was done. pH of Gomutra was found to be decreased (became more acidic) after each Sodhana. Shuddha Vatsanabh was used in the preparation of Vatsanabh Kwath. It was used in trituration of drugs to make bolus.

Preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa

Pharmaceutical method adopted in the study was Shodhan, Mardana & Putpaka method. The total wt. of the finished product i.e., Shwaskasari Rasa was decreased due to Putpaka method. Parada wt. also decreases due to its Gati during trituration. Gandhaka wt. is also reduced after Shodhan because impurities get removed. After Shodhan wt. of Vatsanabh decreases due to pilling of its layer & then dried. Putpaak method of Shwasakasari Rasa was described in Rasayog Sagar, in this method Kajjali & fine powder of raw drugs (Pippali, Gorakhmundi, Vasa, Vibhitaki, Haritaki) was triturated with Vatsanabha Kwath & bolus is prepared. Bolus is wrapped in Eranda Patra & 3 layers of Mitti & 3 layers of Kapadmitti was wrapped one by one & Laghuput was given, temp given upto 570°C & kept for self cooling. When it is self cooled red droplets were seen on the Erand Patra. Bolus wt. is 110 gm & after Putpaka wt. reduced to 80 gm. After trituration with Vasa Kwath Badarasthi Praman Vati were made & get dried. Final wt. of Shwaskasari Rasa got 60 gm.


Samaskar is defined as “Gunantaradhana” it enhances the quality & efficacy of drug. Pharmaceutical procedure adopted in study of Shwasakasari Rasa was Shodhan & Putpaak. The ultimate objective of Shodhan process is to increase the bioavailability of the drug & further potentiating the biological efficacy. Many Shodhana method were mentioned for the purification of the ingredients of Shwasakasasri Rasa. To standardize a process, proper analysis should be done in each step. So, a detailed analytical study of each procedure during the preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa was conducted in present study and observation were noted carefully. In this study best method of Parada, Gandhak & Vatsanabh Shodhan was done so that it increases the quality & efficacy of drug. Putpaak method was done for the preparation of Shwasakasari Rasa so that it increases its efficacy.


1. Hariprapanna Sharma. Rasayog Sagar, Volume 2, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi. Jan 2011, page no 467.

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

3. Pranacharya Shri Sadanan Sharma, Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Ras Tarangini, edition, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia. 2004, page no 79.

4. Pranacharya Shri Sadanan Sharma, Pt.Kashinath Shastrina, Ras Tarangini, 11 Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia. 2004;page no 176.

5. Pranacharya Shri Sadanan Sharma, Pt.Kashinath Shastrina. Ras Tarangini, 11 Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia 2004; page no 124.

6. Brahmanand Tripathi. Sharangdhar Samhita Madhyam Khand (6/1), 6th edition Varanasi,Chaukhamba Orientalia. 2005, page no 116.

7. Pranacharya Shri SadananSharma,Pt .Kashinath Shastrina, Ras Tarangini, 11 Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia. 2004; page no 651.

8. Hariprapanna Sharma. Rasayog Sagar, Volume 2, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi. Jan 2011,page no 467.