Preconceptional and Antenatal Care through Life Style with special reference to Sadvritta: A Scoping Review
Dhananjay Inchekar A1*, Shrotriya Y2, A Tiwari M3
1* Archana Dhananjay Inchekar, Satvavajay Counselor Professor and Head, Dept of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Manjushree Research Institute of Ayurvedic Science Piplaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
2 Yogita Shrotriya, Professor and Head, Dept of SharirKriya, Manjushree Research Institute of Ayurvedic Science, Piplaj Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
3 Mrunal A Tiwari, PhD Scholar Professor and Head, Dept of Agad Tantra, Manjushree Research Institute of Ayurvedic Science, Piplaj Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
Sadvritta is a group of good conducts indicated to practice throughout life for everyone. Sadvritta plays significant role in prevention of all kind of diseases and in promotion of health. Female reproductive health is responsible for proper outcomes related to maternal and child health. There are guidelines in Ayurveda which consists of concepts of preconceptional, antenatal and post-natal health care of a mother and child. Wholesome life style with physical, psychological and verbal acts along with required medication and Panchakarma are mentioned. Special guidelines are mentioned for a couple as a Garbhadhan Vidhi (method of impregnation) which is supposed to follow at the time of preconception. Wholesome regimens at physical, mental and verbal level in life style of pregnant woman and a father at the time of conception is advised to maintain. Many factors described in Garbhini Paricharya and Sadvritta other than nutrition and medication are important for prevention. Emotional health of a mother is associated with the health of a child. Sadvritta and Ayurvedic life style consists guidelines which can reduce health issues due to stress. Many countries have developed national level health programmes for mother and child health. Goals of mother and child health programme emphases on antenatal, intra-natal and post- natal health care. Objectives of MCH programme are reduction of mortality and morbidity rates of mother and child. For it, care can be started at preconceptional phase. There may be a scope to advise Sadvritta guidelines to currently established MCH with Ayurveda health care. This article is an effort to view scope in MCH through Ayurveda and Sadvritta.
Keywords: Preconceptional Health, Sadvritta, Life Style in Pregnancy, Antenatal Care, Mother and Child Health in Ayurveda
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, Satvavajay Counselor Professor and Head, Dept of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Manjushree Research Institute of Ayurvedic Science Piplaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.Dhananjay Inchekar A, Shrotriya Y, A Tiwari M, Preconceptional and Antenatal Care through Life Style with special reference to Sadvritta: A Scoping Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(3):144-149. Available From |