
Research Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 1 Januuary

A Clinical Study of Yashtimadhu & Guduchi with special reference to Amlapitta

Rathi S1*, Rathi M2

1* Sharad Rathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra evam Vidhi Vaidhyak, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Autonomous Ayurved College Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Manisha Rathi, Professor HOD, Department of Rasa Shastra evam Bhaisjya Kalpana, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Reseach Center, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Amlapitta is a disease prevalent all over the world. The increasing prevalence rate is a constant challenge to the research workers. Amlapitta is very common disease caused due to Agnimandhya (digestive impairment) by increased Drava Guna of Vidagdha Pachaka Pitta (liquid quality of burned digestive Pitta) affecting the Annavaha Strotas (channels that carry the ingested food) and characterized by primary symptoms such as Avipaka (indigestion), Klama (exhaustion without any exertion). This is a burning problem in the society because of irregular and improper food habits and stressful lifestyle. The aim of the present study was to find out efficacy of Yashtimadhu and Guduchi in Amlapitta. In present study total 30 patients were taken, divided into 3 equal groups. In Group-I: 10 patients were treated with oral administration of Yashtimadhu, in Group-II: 10 patients were treated with Guduchi and in Group-III: 10 patients were treated with Yashtimadhu and Guduchi. After conducting clinical trial on 30 patients, observation and results were obtained. Statistical analysis shows that all three groups were significantly effective to reduce the cardinal symptoms, especially Group-III (Yashtimadhu and Guduchi).

Keywords: Amlapitta, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Tinospora cordifolia, hyper acidity, Yashtimadhu, Guduchi

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Sharad Rathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra evam Vidhi Vaidhyak, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Autonomous Ayurved College Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Rathi S, Rathi M, A Clinical Study of Yashtimadhu & Guduchi with special reference to Amlapitta. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(1):54-59.
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© 2024by Rathi S, Rathi Mand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In recent years gradual revival of interest in the use of medicinal plants in all over world because herbal medicine are reported to be safe and less side effects during its uses. It’s perhaps for this reason, todays over 25% of the prescription issues in the developed countries are reported to contain one or more plant drugs. Ayurvedic material medica mainly depends on medicinal plants. The material medica and pharmacology are the basis of medicinal science which needs basically the knowledge of drugs comprehensively for the purpose of therapeutics, pharmaceuticals and all objects of preservation of health, prevention of disease and curative measures. Present research work deal with clinical use in the treatment of Amlapitta. Yashtimadhu is quoted in Ayurvedic texts for the treatment of Amlapitta. Along with this it is also used as gastric ulcer healing drug due to the healing property of its active principal glycrrhizin or glycyrrhizic acid.[1]

As such exact quotation of Guduchi is not found but it is taken as a main content in the compounds which are generally used in the treatment of Amlapitta in Ayurvedic texts. Guduchi are Tikta Rasa and Pitta Kapha Nashak.[2]

There are sound reason for the selection of this disorder & drug Yashtimadhu & Guduchi. About 50% individual experience heart burn, one of the symptoms on a daily basis and some of them require to consult the physician while some get relief by taking medicines.

It is estimated that the sufferers of gastrointestinal disease of which Amlapitta tops the list constitute more than 30% of the patient population who seeks Ayurvedic treatment. Patient often prefers Ayurveda treatment for gastrointestinal disease. In the management of Amlapitta Tikta, Kashya, Madhura Rasa and Madhura Vipaka and Sita Virya have been said to play a key role in reviewing the pharmacological properties. Yashtimadhu & Guduchi possess the above qualities hence they may be useful in treating the Amlapitta.

Aim and Objectives

1. Scientific evaluation of chosen drug through Ayurvedic & Modern aspects.

2. Study of clinical efficacy of chosen drugs on Amlapitta.

Material and Methods

Selection of patients: Patients of Amlapitta will be diagnosed by clinical features (Sign & Symptoms) described in the Ayurvedic texts.

Drugs used:

1. Amlapitta[3-6] is a combination of Yasthi Madhu [Glycirrhiza glabra Linn.]

2. Guduchi [Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miners]


two words - Amla + Pitta, Here Amla are- Sour test + excessive salivation and Pitta are - Digestive substances of the human body, so literary means of Amlapitta a condition in which sourness of Pitta gets increased.

1. A particular disease in which there is Avipaka, Klama, Utklesha, Tiktaudgar, Amla Udgar, Gaurava, Hriddaha, Kanthadaha and Aruchi etc. are seen is supposed Selection of Preparation (Kalpana): Preparation of both drugs will be made as per requirement. It will be in the form of tablet (Ghanvati).

2. Medication Schedule: for maximum 2 months

3. Dose of Drugs: As per Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical texts directions.

4. Drug Administration: Orally

5. Number of Patients: Total number of patients 30 which will be divided into three groups having 10 patients each.

A. Group A: Tab. Yastimadhu will be given to 10 patients.

B. Group B: Tab. Guduchi will be given to 10 patients.

C. Group C: Tab. Yastimadhu & Tab. Guduchi both will be given to 10 patients.

6. Assessment of Drug Efficacy: it will be presented through various statistical data

to be Amlapitta. Different Acharyas has described the Symptoms like - Bhuktevidagdhe Tiktavami, Bhuktevidagdhe Amlavami,

Bhukte Tiktodgar, Bhukte Amlodgar, Kukshidaha, Karpaddaha, Kanthvidaha, Urovidaha, Aruchi, Gurukostththta, Vibhandha, Romaharshaa, Antrakujana, Utklesha and Jwara.

Result and Discussion

Amlapitta is present in society now a days on a very large scale. It is estimated that more than 30% of the patient population who seeks Ayurvedic treatment is constituted by sufferers of gastrointestinal disease of which Amlapitta tops on the first.

This clinical study consists of two aspects. One aspect deals with aetiopathogenesis and other with the treatment of the patients of Amlapitta with Guduchi Ghanvati & Yasthimadhu Ghanvati. This study has been carried out in a series of 30 cases hyperacidity.

Regarding the age incidence maximum number of patients were found in the age group 21-30 year and 41-50 year.

66.67% of cases in our body were male and 33.33% female. In our society male have to remain more outside of home, they don’t have any regular hobbit of eating and more stress and strain as compared to females.

Regarding the socioeconomic status 70% of cases were from middle class and 30 % of case of from poor class. There is no doubt that middle class society is under stress now a days. In the study of occupation it has been observed that 26.67% were businessman, 23.34% were service man, 20% were housewife’s, 10% were students and 6.37% were labors. 83.34% patients from married.

In present study drug trial has been conducted on 30 patients which were selected after proper diagnosis on the basis of detailed questionnaire along with the symptoms of hyperacidity. 30 patients were divided into 3 groups having 10 patients each (namely group A, Group B and Group C). Group A was treated with Yashtimadhu Ghanvati, Group B was treated with Guduchi Ghanvati and group C was treated with both Yashtimadhu Ghanvati and Guduchi Ghanvati, both pharmaceutical preparations were made of Yashtimadhu root and Guduchi stem. For the assessment of response, follow up was done in all patients after every 15 days for a total duration of two months.

Percentage relief in patients of Group A was 62.23%, in Group B was 66.20% and Group C was 65.83%.

Maximum relief in the symptoms present in (Group A) patients was found in Urovidah, Karpaddaha and Antrakujan.

Maximum relief in the symptoms present in (Group B) patients was found in Bhukte Vidagdhe Tiklavani, Karpaddaha, Kanthavidaha, Romharsh and Antrakujan.

Maximum relief in the symptoms present in (Group C) patients was found in Kukshidaha, Urovidaha, Gurukoshthta, Romharash.

Thus, it is observe that Yashtimadhu Ghanvati and Guduchi Ghanvati and commonly both have a significant role in the treatment of hyperacidity / Amlapitta. But if compare relief in the severity of symptoms of hyperacidity. The Group B yields better results. It means Guduchi Ghanvati is better than Yashtimadhu Ghanvati.

Both the drugs are Pittaghna, Rasayan and Tridoshhar. Both drug pacifies Pitta so proves to be useful for the patients of hyperacidity (Pittaj-Vyadhi) and other disorder related to Pitta.

Statistical analysis of result by ANOVA technique

The ANOVA technique is useful for testing homogeneity of various things, we consider the effect on symptoms of both medicine in Group A, Group B and Group C.

Table 1: Statistical analysis of result by ANOVA technique

SNSymptomsGroup AGroup BGroup C
MeanP ValueMeanP ValueMeanP Value
1.Bhuktevidagdhe Tiktavami0.70<0.051.00<0.050.50<0.05
2.Bhuktevidagdhe Amlavami1.10<0.0011.10<0.050.90<0.05
3.Bhukte Tiktodgar0.90<0.0010.90<0.0010.90<0.001
4. Bhukte Amlodgar1.80<0.0011.40<0.0011.00<0.001
5. Kukshidaha1.30<0.0011.10<0.0010.80<0.05
6. Karpaddaha0.60<0.050.60<0.050.90<0.05
7. Kanthvidaha1.60<0.0011.30<0.0011.00<0.001
8. Urovidaha0.60<0.051.00<0.051.20<0.001
9. Aruchi0.00NS0.40NS0.60<0.05
10. Gurukostththta1.30<0.0010.50<0.050.80<0.05
11. Vibhandha0.80<0.050.60<0.050.80<0.05
12. Romaharshaa0.90<0.050.70<0.050.40<0.05
13. Antrakujana1.00<0.0011.00<0.0010.60<0.05
14. Utklesha1.00<0.0011.30<0.0011.20<0.001
15. Jwara0.40NS0.30NS0.20NS

<0.001 = highly significant, < 0.05 = significant, N.S. = Not significant

Table 2: Comparative statistical analysis of Group A/B, B/C & A/C by ANOVA technique

SNSymptomsGroup AGroup BGroup C
1. Bhuktevidagdhe TiktavamiNSNSNS
2. Bhuktevidagdhe AmlavamiNSNSNS
3. Bhukte TiktodgarNSNSNS
4. Bhukte AmlodgarNSNSNS
5. KukshidahaNSNSNS
6. KarpaddahaNSNSNS
7. KanthvidahaNSNSNS
8. UrovidahaNSNSNS
9. AruchiNSNSNS
10. GurukostththtaNSNSNS
11. VibhandhaNSNSNS
12. RomaharshaaNSNSNS
13. AntrakujanaNSNSNS
14. UtkleshaNSNSNS
15. JwaraNSNSNS

From the above table we can conclude that there is non-significant difference between Group A/B, B/C and A/C.

Table 3: Statistical analysis of Group A, B, & C by ANOVA technique

SNSymptomsF ValueP Value
1.Bhuktevidagdhe Tiktavami0.523NS
2.Bhuktevidagdhe Amlavami0.891NS
3.Bhukte Tiktodgar0.743NS
4.Bhukte Amlodgar4.32<0.001

<0.001 = highly significant, < 0.05 = significant, N.S. = Not significant

From the above table be can conclude the following things:

1. There is highly significant difference on Kukshidaha, Urovidaha and Utklesha.
2. There is highly significant difference on Kanthvidaha and Antrakujana.
3. There is no significant difference on rest of the symptoms.

Analysis of result by Anova technique

1. Bhuktevidagdhe Tiktavami: There is no significant result in group A,B and C.

2. Bhuktevidagdhe Amlavami: There is highly significant result in group A, Significant result in group B and C.

3. Bhukte Tiktodgar: There is highly significant result in group A, B and C.

4. Bhukte Amlodgar: There is highly significant result in group A, B and C.

5. Kukshidaha: There is highly significant result in group A and B, Significant result in group C.

6. Karpaddaha: There is significant result in group A, B and C.

7. Kanthvidaha: There is highly significant result in group A, B and C.

8. Urovidaha: There is significant result in group A and B, highly significant result in group C.

9. Aruchi: There is non-significant result in group A and B, significant result in group C.

10. Gurukostththta: There is highly significant result in group A, Significant result in group B and C.

11. Vibhandha: There is significant result in group A, non-significant result in group B and C.

12. Romaharshaa: There is significant result in group A, B and C.

13. Antrakujana: There is highly significant result in group A and B, Significant result in group C.

14. Utklesha: There is highly significant result in group A, B and C.

15. Jwara: There is no significant result in group A, B and C.


This study deals with details study of drugs and disease, it also deals with observation and results treatment. 30 patients suffering from Amlapitta were selected randomly. 30 patients were divided into 3 groups having 10 patients each (namely group A, Group B and Group C). Group A was treated with Yashtimadhu Ghanvati, Group B was treated with Guduchi Ghanvati and Group C was treated with both Yashtimadhu Ghanvati and Guduchi Ghanvati, both pharmaceutical preparations were made of Yashtimadhu root and Guduchi stem.


Demographic study has been carried out of 30 patients maximum no. of patients 26.67 % were found in the age group of 21-30 & 41-50 years, 66.67 % patients were male, 70%

of the patients were from middle class, 83.34% patients from married.

10 patients in each group A, B and group C were treated with Yashtimadhu Ghanvati, Guduchi Ghanvati and both Yashtimadhu Ghanvati and Guduchi Ghanvati, the dose of 1 gm in divided doses for a period of 2 months and responses are assessed at interval of 15 days. Clinical checkup was done before and after treatment and result were analyzed statistically. Guduchi Ghanvati has significant result on the symptoms of Amlapitta condition of patients improved.

Yashtimadhu Ghanvati (Group A) shower better result in in the symptoms of Karpaddaha, Urovidaha and Antrakujana. Guduchi Ghanvati (Group B) shower better result in in the symptoms of Bhuktevidagdhe Tiktavami, Karpaddaha, Kanthvidaha, Romaharshaa and Antrakujana. Both Ghanvati (Group C) commonly showed better result in in the symptoms of Kukshidaha, Karpaddaha, Urovidaha, Gurukostththta and Romaharshaa. Guduchi Ghanvati has significant effects on the symptoms of Amlapitta condition of patients improved. Ultimately group B patients showed marked relief in comparison to other groups. So, Guduchi Ghanvati was more effective as compared to Yashtimadhu Ghanvati in the treatment of Amlapitta.


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