
Review Article

Dhatu with Nadi Parikshan

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 1 January

A clinical assessment of Dhatu with Nadi Parikshan

Pandey A1*, Kumar Sharma A2

1* Aishwarya Pandey, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Kriya Sharir, Madan Mohan Malviya Government Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Ashok Kumar Sharma, HOD, Dept of Kriya Sharir, Madan Mohan Malviya Government Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

According to Ayurveda, the human body''s physiology revolves around the balance of the Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala.[1] Dhatu acts as both structural and functional components of body. It gives strength to the body and performs many functions including nourishment of body, circulation of biomaterials, holding up the organs, reproduction and maintenance of body frame, etc. In Ayurveda the method of diagnosis and reporting of various clinical parameters has been mentioned under pulse diagnosis. It is a very important diagnostic tool referred to as the Ashtvidhpariksha. The only non-invasive diagnostic approach that can identify the state of Dosha is the Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis; however, it takes a lot of regular practice.

Keywords: Dhatu, Nadi Pariksha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Aishwarya Pandey, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Kriya Sharir, Madan Mohan Malviya Government Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Pandey A, Kumar Sharma A, A clinical assessment of Dhatu with Nadi Parikshan. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(1):181-184.
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© 2024by Pandey A, Kumar Sharma Aand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Dhatu means body constituents which build the basic structure and carry various physiological functions. The structural and functional integrity of body as they work as body tissues stabilize and sustain body. Ayurveda has elaborated seven types of Dhatu – Ras Dhatu, Rakta Dhatu, Mamsa Dhatu, Meda Dhatu, Asthi Dhatu, Majja Dhatu and Shukra Dhatus.[2] Therefore it is important to learn the concept of Dhatu and their assessment criteria through diagnostic methods of traditional Indian practice w.s.r. to Nadi Pariksha. Ayurveda has Trividh Pariksha - Darshana, Sparshana and Prashana.[3]

Darshana means pure observation - perception or inspection.

Sparshana means the tactile experience of touch - palpitation, percussion, diagnosis.

Prashna is questioning.

Pulse diagnosis comes under Sparshana Pariksha. Pulse or Nadi is a subtle manifestation of universal consciousness pulsating through a person’s constitution. Nadi Pariksha or pulse diagnosis was initially introduced in Shrangdhar Samhita in 14th century; later on Acharya Yogratankara in 17th century gave a detailed description about Asthvidha Pariksha. Among them Nadi Pariksha is one of the most important methods for diagnosis as well as prognosis of disease in Ayurveda.

Aim and Objectives

1. To study the concept of Dhatu.

2. To study Nadi Pariksha.

3. To explore the assessment criteria of Dhatu in body with diagnostic method of Nadi Pariksha.

Materials and Methods

This study is carried out through literature search and critical review of various Ayurveda classical texts, other reference book of Sharir Kriya, journals, websites and articles.


The term Dhatu means -

Dha - Dhran - Support

Dhatu - Dharan + Poshan - Support + Nutrition.[4]

Dhatu is very essential unit of body to describe the structural and physiological components of body. Dhatu is constructive framework of body which is responsible for specific size, shape, dimensions and posture. It has two types of locations -

  • General - Whole body
  • Specific - like Srotas, specific organs, Kala, etc.

Importance of Dhatu[5]

  • To support Sharir (body), Mana (psyche), and Prana (life).
  • It is responsible for growth and development of body.
  • It is responsible for origin, sustainence and destruction of Sharir.
  • It easily gets contaminated or deviate into abnormality like Vridhi and Kshaya by the Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).

Assessment of Dhatu through Nadi Pariksha

Nadi Pariksha or Pulse diagnosis comes under Sparshana. The physician usually feel the root of radial artery pulsation on the wrist of the patient with index finger, middle finger and ring finger respectively presenting Gati of Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha. This diagnosis method have certain specific rules like it should be done in first three hours of morning with empty stomach, in a stable sitting posture. Generally, for male - right hand and for female - left hand pulse is diagnosed.

Specifically diagnosing about Dhatu pulse, first understand the levels of Nadi. It has seven levels[6]

1. First level - Vikruti
2. Second level - Manas Vikruti
3. Third level - Subdoshas
4. Fourth level - Ojas, Tejas, Prana.
5. Fifth level - Dhatus
6. Sixth level - Manas Prakruti
7. Seventh level - Prakruti

The fifth level represents Dhatus through the pulse, the Ayurveda theory of biological tissues. The Dhatu or tissue pulse reflects a deep layer of physiology. Long standing imbalance in pulse spike shows Dhatu Agni is debilitated. The condition of Dhatu Agni reflects the quality and quantity of respective Dhatu s. For example, high Dhatu Agni causes depletion of that Dhatu while weak Dhatu Agni

causes accumulation of unprocessed raw Dhatu or tissue. To detect the spike at fifth level step by step go from the skin down to directly at seventh level then release to sixth and then to fifth level. Normally a heavy or Poshit Dhatu doesn’t show a spike. Healthy Dhatus don’t allow the Doshas to escape through the pulse. But if a Dhatu is weak, it is affected by Vata, Pitta, Kapha a spike is present. Doshas are moving through the Dhatu, hence the quality of spike is affected. Like -

Vata Dosha - thread, delicate, feeble spike.

Pitta Dosha - sharp and uplifting spike

Kapha Dosha - dull and moderate spike.

Assessment of specific types of Dhatu[7]

Rasa Dhatu - Plasma

If a Vata spike is found at Rasa Dhatu site, the person may have dehydration or dry skin, dry skin, or poor circulation and cold skin.

Skin colouration is blackish or brownish discolouration, may become rough and cracked.

A Pitta spike indicates excess flow of leading to pyrexia, hot flashes, acne, rash or eczema.

A Kapha spike at Rasa Dhatu site indicates the possible of dermoid cyst or skin become thick, sometimes it shows lymphatic congestion and cough allergies such as cold or sneezing.

Rakta Dhatu - Blood tissue

If a Vata spike is found at Rakta Dhatu site creates low blood pressure, feels like dizzy or have vertigo, and shows a mild case of anemia, and sometimes it shows gout.

A Pitta spike indicates hives, urticarial, my easily see bruise, bleeding gums, bleeding haemorrhoids, or bleeding in GIT leads to tarry black stool. Excessive Pitta may lead to sickle cell anemia and etc.

A Kapha spike at Rakta Dhatu site indicates inclination towards diabetes or hyperglycaemia, high cholesterol or high triglycerides or hypertension.

Mamsa Dhatu - Muscle tissues

If a Vata spike is found at Mamsa Dhatu site shows muscle tics, weakness, fatigue, twitching, emaciation of the muscle.

A Pitta spike indicates bursitis, tendonitis, myocytis, and general inflammation creating rheumatic type of pain. Uvulitis creates irritation and coughing.

A Kapha spike at Mamsa Dhatu site indicates tumors, muscular hypertrophy, fibrodermoid cyst, etc.

Meda Dhatu - Fat and adipose tissue

If a Vata spike is found at Meda Dhatu site indicates emaciation. Dislocation of joints because of drying of synovial fluid and weakening of ligaments.

A Pitta spike indicates creates acidic sweat, boil, abscess, inflammation at kidney, adrenal or other organs.

A Kapha spike at Mamsa Dhatu site indicates renal calculi, gallstones, sebacous cyst, albuminuria, etc.

Asthi Dhatu - Bone

If a Vata spike is found at Asthi Dhatu site hairs and nails become brittle and cracked, osteoporosis, popping and cracking of joints.

A Pitta spike indicates severe loss of hair, repeated fungal infection of nails, periostetitis.

A Kapha spike at Asthi Dhatu site indicates swollen joints with effusion, osteoma, and bony deformities.

Majja Dhatu - Bone marrow and nerves

If a Vata spike is found at Majja Dhatu site insomnia, hyperactivity, raging thoughts, neurological symptoms such as tingling, numbness, loss of sensation.

A Pitta spike indicates demyelination of nerve sheath, neuritis, multiple sclerosis, it may create serious personality problems such as schizophrenia.

A Kapha spike at Dhatu site indicates hypersomnia, lethargy, depression, melancholia, hydrocephalus etc.

Shukra and Artava Dhatu - Male reproductive tissue and female reproductive tissue

If a Vata spike is found at Shukra Dhatu site leads to low libido, premature ejaculation in a man, menupause or abnormal menstruation in woman. After hysterectomy in woman pulse feel Vata spike due to empty space.

A Pitta spike indicates sensitive nipples, tender breast, affect Stanya, cervicitis, prostatitis, endometritis, fungal infection at vagina.

A Kapha spike at Dhatu site indicates prostatic calculi, hydrocele, testicular tumor, psedopregnancy, etc.

These symptoms rule out common conditions then we can see conclusion of serious conditions.

Here we have mentioned some common symptoms. All these conditions are not necessarily present, but there may be a predisposition or family history of these conditions which can detect through pulse.



After the discussion of Dhatu assessment with Nadi Pariksha method, it is concluded that Dhatu plays an important role in functioning of body which is responsible for living a healthy life. As per Ayurvedic text Charak Samhita, it is very important to attain a Dhatu Samya or balance in Dhatu for normal functioning of every system of body.[8]

Hence Nadi Pariksha is vital and appropriate diagnostic method for assessment of Dhatu in body. It has a significant role in clinical field. By prognosis and diagnosis of quality and quantity of Dhatu one can attain a healthy long life.[9]


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