liquid up to its full capacity exerts mechanical pressure on the gums. As a result of this pressure, impacted foods particles get removed and biofilm get mixed with reserved fluid. Also, these mechanical pressures stimulate of salivary secretion and maintain the pH level of oral cavity. The normal pH helps in healing and reduces inflammation, halitosis, moistness and sponginess of gums.
To put it briefly, based on earlier studies, local therapeutic Yogas such as Pratisarana, or Bhadramustadi Choorna, Dashana Samskara Choorna, Lodradi Choorna, etc., are far more beneficial than other Yogas for the full recovery of Shitada (Gingivitis). These recipes help reduce the level of aggravated Kapha and Pitta in the gum tissues because of the benefits of Katu, Kashaya, Tikta Rasa, and Ushna. In addition, research has shown that all of the above Yogas, medications have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-microbial qualities. Gandusha formulations for maintaining periodontal health, such as Sahacharadi Taila, Irimedadi Taila, Triphala + Sphatika Jala, and Nagaradi Kwatha, have already been demonstrated to be effective. Due to the fact that Gandusha contains components like Mukhadaurgandyahara and Shothahara, it has a purifying effect. Because of the ingredients of Gandusha are Mukhadaurgandyahara, Shothahara hence by virtue of cleansing action and anti-inflammatory property. So, it may act on microorganisms and might be helpful in alleviating the disease Shitada - Gingivitis. Although Gandusha increases the efficacy of Pratisarana and help to disintegrates the pathology of Shitada. From above descriptions and evidences, it can be concluded that “Shitada-Gingivitis” is main disease problem effect on oral health. But due to lack of awareness among patients it is not showing as burning problem. However, Ayurvedic management is able to provide a holistic approach to this disease in all the aspects i.e., preventive and curative.
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