Erandamooladi Niruha Basti along with all other Snehana Chikitsa has given good improvement in first case where the different combination of Drugs used in Erandamooladi Basti which has properties of Vatahara, Vedanashamaka and it is Balya in nature.[8]
This helps in strengthening the Mamsa Shitilata that has occurred at the Sandhi Pradesha and thus reduces the pain in low back and lower limbs. In case of 2nd Patient, Vaitarana Basti is given which helped in correcting the vitiated Vata Kapha Dosha. The drugs that are used in the form of Guda, Saindhava, Taila, Chincha Jala, Gomutra are having Teekshna, Ushna, Vatakapha Shamaka property thus it helped in Vedanasthapana and Vatanulomana. Vaitarana Basti also does the function of Nadibalakara[9]
which clearly states that it strengthens the sciatic nerve that is being compressed as a result of Disc Herniation. In case no 3, The compression fracture clearly indicates the involvement of Asthi, Mamsa and Majja Dhatu. Thus, the Chikitsa explained in the context of Asthi Pradoshaja Vikara is done here. Tikta Ksheera Basti does the Vatashamana and it provides the Poshana to the Asthi Dhatu that is very much required in case of Fractures.[10]
As Asthi Dhatu is hallow that is made up of Akasha and Vayu Mahabhoota, Tikta Dravya which has the same composition easily helps the Dravyas to reach the targeted site and Ksheera that is used nourishes the bones thus preventing deterioration and prevents further degeneration that might occur as a result of Fracture.
Basti Karma is the treatment of choice specially in case of Vata Dushti and also in Samsrushta Doshas like Pitta and Kapha. Basti acts on the Apana Vayu first, later all other forms of Vata along with correction of Dushita Kapha and Pitta in sequential order,[11]
helping in absorption of active principles of Niruha Basti, thus playing an important role as Ardha Chikitsa in most of Vata Vyadhi’s including Gridhrasi. Basti acts at the level of multisystem especially encolonic and endocolonic further acting at cellular level due to its Veerya helping out in excretion of vitiated toxins and absorption of required nutrients into the circulation.
Different modifications pertaining to formulation and course of Basti can be made in treating various other Vata Vyadhis based on Nidana of disease, type of Dosha and Dhatu vitiated, site of pathology, severity and intensity of disease, this study paves a way for further research of various other Niruha Basti’s on larger sample.
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5. Triveni Manju, Thesis entitled “An Open Label Double Arm Randomised Study To Compare The Effect Of Kati Basti With Moorchita Taila And Kati Basti With Erandakarkati Taila In Gridhrasi Vis-à-vis Sciatica”; 2019-22.
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7. Agnivesha, Charaka, Drdhabala, Chakrapanidatta, Chikitsa Adhyaya, Vatavyadhi Chikitsa Adhyaya, Verse 57, In Acharya Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Deepika commentary. Reprint Edition: 2017. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Published.p.619.