
Research Article

Management of Khalitya

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 2 February

A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail Shiroabhyanga in management of Khalitya (Baldness)

Kanwar G1*, Kumar Mishra P2, Sharma B3

1* Ghayan Kanwar, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Swasthavritta Yoga, Pgia Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Pramod Kumar Mishra, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsha, PGIA Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Brahmanand Sharma, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Swasthavritta Yoga, PGIA Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

Introduction: In today’s corporate life, prime importance is given to our appearance, personality and beauty. Hair plays an important role in making body externally beautiful, healthy and good looking. Long hair makes a person mentally enthusiastic and healthy. Who are mostly suffering from this problem is the total population. Susceptibility of hair fall is more in male than in females. Methodology: Present study is carried out to know the traditional Ayurvedic treatment for Khalitya. For Khalitya Shiroabhyanga is one of the best choices of management for its prime role in maintaining hair growth and preventing Khalitya. Massage (Abhyanga) greatly improves the blood circulation, thus increasing the health of hair and also scalp. Result: The present study showed significant reduction in hair fall, dryness. Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail was found effective in Khalitya along with significant effect on associated complaints. Conclusion: It also proves that Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail is effective for use as Shiroabhyanga along with local application for scalp and hairs. 

Keywords: Baldness, Khalitya, Shiroabhyanga, Murdha Taila, Snehan, Head Massage

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Ghayan Kanwar, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Swasthavritta Yoga, Pgia Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
Kanwar G, Kumar Mishra P, Sharma B, A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail Shiroabhyanga in management of Khalitya (Baldness). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):5-9.
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© 2024by Kanwar G, Kumar Mishra P, Sharma Band Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Appearing reasonably dignified, beautiful or handsome is the dream of every individual. In this regard the status of hair plays a very important role in maintenance of health. Hair is absolutely essential to create a picture of overall health. According to a survey up to 40% of men and 25% of women in India are victims of hair fall. Khalitya as described in Ayurvedic texts has features similar to that of ‘alopecia’, which is the medical description, literally means “loss of hair” this condition both male and female. As per Ayurveda Khalitya is a disease with Vata Pitta dominance, increased Pitta Dosha along with Vatadosha the root of hair follicles causes hair fall, at the same time Kaphadosha Rakta Dosha blocks the roots of hair follicles with result into Khalitya. Shiroabhyanga comes under the classification Murdhani Tail. Shiroabhyanga is a choice of treatment in promoting hair growth. It plays an important role in curing head disease of head. It is in the growth of hair, strength and softness. This procedure stimulates the hair roots and increases the blood circulation of the scalp. Til Tail has one of the best drugs used in the management of Khalitya. Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail is having Snigdha, Madhur, Mrudu properties and Vata Pittaghna, Kesha, Rasayana, Balya Karma which helps break down the pathogenesis of Khalitya. It is easy for external application and easily available as well as cost effective.

In Ayurveda various Acharyas have explained Dinacharya as a preventive aspect for various diseases Shiroabhyanga is one of the major Upakrama described in Dincharya. According to Charaka Samhita, ‘Shiroabhyanga’ helps to promote Nidra i.e., good sleep. Daily practice of Shiroabhyanga prevents headache, balding, graying, and hair fall & it also gives strength to the skull, strengthens hair roots & makes the hair black & long. It helps in maintaining the health of the scalp. It also nourishes the sense organs, softens the skin & provides luster to the face. In Charaka Samhita,

Aim and Objectives

To evaluate the efficacy of Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail Shiroabhyanga in the management of Khalitya. To find a treatment therapy which is safe, economic, easy to prepare and easy to administer.

Materials and Methods

Selection of Subjects

The study was completed on minimum 40 clinically diagnosed patients of Khalitya OPD and IPD of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur and camps or surveys conducted by the University. Written informed consent was taken from each subject before the initiation of trial.

Grouping of the Subjects

The trial was consisting one group with 40 Subjects and was administrated with Aadityapaka Guduchi Tail Abhyanga.

Diagnostic Criteria

Patients who had Khalitya symptoms, such as Khalitya, Darunaka, Keshabhoomi Kandu, itching on scalp, and Kesh-Rukshatava, patches on scalp, Hair pull test among others, were chosen for the study. A specific research Performa was created with the intention of achieving precise diagnosis and assessment.

Inclusion Criteria

Patients aged between 20 to 40 years irrespective of their caste, race and sex. Patients having the clinical features of Khalitya. Patients belonging to both genders were included. Patient with the sign & symptoms of Khalitya as mentioned in Ayurveda text.

Exclusion Criteria

Patients age below 20 and above 40 years. Patients suffering from any severe systemic disease. Necessary step was taken to exclude other conditions as per facilities available in the institute.

Withdrawal Criteria

If the subject wants to withdraw from clinical trials for any reason. During the course of the trial, if any serious conditions occur or any serious adverse effect is seen which requires emergency treatment. Non-compliance of Subject.

Design of Groups and Management

Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail is prepared by PGIA, DSRRAU, Karwar, Jodhpur, Rajasthan by following method.

Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail content and their properties

SNIngredientsLatin nameParts usedRatioForm
1.VatFicus benghlensisArial roots1/8partKalk
2.JatamansiNardostachys jatamansiTuber1/8partKalk
3.GuduchiTinospora cordifoliaPachanga1partSwarasa
4.Til tailSesamum indicumSneha1part-

Dose : 30-40 ml

Administration : Shiroabhyanga

Duration : 1 time

Procedure of Shiroabhyanga

Shiroabhyanga is the best choice of treatment for Khalitya. It is one among the Bahirparimrjana Chikitsa. Which is done in the following method.

Purva KarmaThe patient was made to sit on a knee-high chair, the body of the patient was wrapped with a cloth below the neck, the procedure was followed by standing behind the patient, it is the ideal position to perform Shiroabhyanga.
Pradhan KarmaThe technique included smearing the oil to the positions of the scalp above the neck and specific strokes were placed. Smearing the oil - In that the oil was applied on the head of the patient and spread all over the head including the neck and ear pinna.
Gharshan HastaAfter smearing the oil massage, the whole head and the neck moving Palmar surface of the hand from front to backwards applying gentle as well as firm pressure. Complete area of the scalp was covered.
Mridvanguli TadhanaFingers of the both hands moved as if picking tuff of hair, the fingers were partially approximated and then gently and firmly placed on the scalp. This procedure was gentle producing mild traction effect on hair by this way each area of the head was similarly treated.
Dwihasta TadasnaGentle strokes were given with the Palmar surface on the scalp with both hands. Strokes were followed on the vertex, occipital and temporal regions.
Mridu Mushti TadhanaIn this gentle stroke were placed on all area of the head with the closed first through the ulnar border.
Gatita HastaFlat of palm were placed on the patient’s head and moulded into the shape of the scalp so that every portion of the Palmar aspect of the palm and fingers comes in contact with the head.
PacchatkarmaAfter following this procedure, the patient was asked to rest on the chair for 60 minutes and then advised to take a head bath with lukewarm water.

Duration of Study

3 months for each patient including follow-ups. Follow-up period was 15 days.

Assessment Criteria

The diagnosis and improvement brought about by the therapy were evaluated in light of the traditional Khalitya signs and symptoms stated in both ancient and contemporary Ayurvedic texts. To evaluate the impact of the medications objectively, each sign and symptom was given a score based on how severe they were. The scoring was done using the following format.

Khalitya (Hair Fall)
0-  Absent (no hair fall)
1-  Mild (hair fall on washing)
2-  Moderate (hair fall on combing)
3-  Severe (hair fall without any manipulation)
Kesharukshatava (Dry Hair)
0-  Smooth hair
1-  Mild dry hair
2-  Moderate dry hair
3-  Severe dry hair
Darunka (Dandruff)
0-  No dandruff
1-  Mild dandruff
2-  Moderate dandruff
3-  Severe dandruff
Keshbhumi Kandu (Itching on Scalp)
0-  No itching in scalp
1-  Mild itching in scalp
2-  Moderate itching in scalp
3-  Severe itching in scalp
Number of Patches
0-  No Patches
1-  1 patch
2- 2 patches
3- >2 Patches
Size of Patches
0- No Patches and hairs present
1- 1-3
2- 3-5 cm
3- >5 cm
Hair Pull Test
0- Nil
1- < 25
2- < 50
3- > 100


All the Results are calculated by using Software: InStat GraphPad 3(version 3.10)

For Nonparametric Data Wilcoxon matched-pairs

signed ranks test is used while for Parametric Data Paired t-Test is used and results Calculated in groups.

Table 1: Showing effect of therapy in Subjective Parameters (Wilcoxon matched paired single ranked test)

VariableMeanMean Diff% ReliefSD±SE±PS
Khalitya (Hair Fall)2.2500.72501.52567.770.55410.08761<0.0001ES
Kesharukshatva (Dry Hair)2.3000.82501.47564.130.50570.07996<0.0001ES
Darunaka (Dandruff)2.2750.77501.50065.930.50640.07996<0.0001ES
Keshabhoomi Kandu (Itching on Scalp)2.2500.77501.47565.550.50570.08006<0.0001ES
Number of Patches0.70000.42500.275039.280.45220.071500.0010CS
Size of Patches0.67500.42500.250037.030.43850.069340.0020VS
Hair pulls test1.5000.80000.700046.660.46410.07338<0.0001CS

Table 2: Showing overall % effect of therapy on Subjective Parameters

SNSubjective Parameters% Relief
1.Khalitya (Hair Fall)67.77
2.Kesharukshatva (Dry Hair)64.13
3.Darunaka (Dandruff)65.93
4.Keshabhoomi Kandu (Itching on Scalp)65.55
5.Number of Patches39.28
6.Size of Patches37.03
7.Hair pulls test46.66
Overall Average % Effect55.19



As per Ayurveda Khalitya is a disease with Vata

Pitta dominance and increased Pitta Dosha along with Vata Dosha at the root of hair follicle causes hairfall at the same Kapha Dosha with Rakta Dosha block the roots of hair follicle which results into Khalitya. Khalitya occur mainly due to Vata and Pitta Dosha. Vata get aggravated by Ruksha and Khara Guna and Pitta by Ushna Guna. Pitta and Vata vitiation led to increase in Dehoshma & Bhrajak Pitta Dushti which scorches up the Keshabhoomi & Sparshanendriya resulting into hair fall. Ingredients of Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail has mainly Snigdha, Madhur, Mrudu properties Sheet Virya and Vata Pittaghna, Keshya, Rasayana, Balya Karma by which the effect of Tail on Khalitya is considerable. Shiroabhyanga is mentioned to have Keshya Karma. It is useful in the growth of hairs strengthen and softness of hairs. This procedure stimulates the hair roots and increases the blood circulation of scalp. This procedure shows the considerable effect on Khalitya.


This study it reveals that Shiroabhyanga is an effective treatment for management of Khalitya; it also proves that Aaditya Pak Guduchi Tail is effective for use as Shiroabhyanga along with local application for scalp and hairs. As was said to the patient to apply this Tail on scalp and hairs gently with finger tips up to 10 minutes which gives the Snehana effect by virtue of Snigdha, Maadhur, Mrudu, Vyavayi Vikas Sheet and Tikshna properties of tail. It penetrates through scalp and reaches to hair roots. And along with Keshya, Vata Pittaghna, Rasayana, Balya Karma of this Tail controls the pitta and Vata Dosha. Hence, use Tail Shiroabhyanga on Khalitya is very good choice of treatment. The plus point of Ayurvedic management is absence of any hazardous effect which is great benefit to the patient in view of acceptance of Ayurveda, globally to lead a healthy life. The advantages and benefits of Shiroabhyanga are self-practicable, easy procedure, economic and effective. It improves arterial, venous, and lymphatic flow and in this way nourishes the skin and local tissues. It is a beneficial program for de-stressing the whole body, strengthening the nervous system, it improves blood circulation in previously congested muscles, helping oxygenate the brain, stimulating lymphatic drainage, and inducing sleep.


Author is thankful to Guide Dr. Pramod Kumar Mishra, Professor and H.O.D. Department of Kayachikitsha, Dr. Brahmanand Sharma, Associate Professor & H.O.D. of Department of Swasthavritta & Yoga for their encouragement and Cooperation.


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