
Review Article

Unlocking Fertility

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 2 February

Unlocking Fertility - with administration of Lekhaniya Mahakashaya in Pushpaghani Jataharini w.s.r. to PCOD

Yadav A1*, Ray S2, Aswathy K3, Singh Parihar E4, Hajare P5

1* Arti Yadav, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Sucheta Ray, Professor and HOD, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

3 Aswathy K, Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

4 Ekta Singh Parihar, Assistant Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

5 Priyanka Hajare, Assistant Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a divine reward. Average Reproductive Age is 14-49 yrs. This age group have number of conditions related to menstrual cycle, such as Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea, Irregular menses, PCOD, endometriosis, etc. According to WHO - PCOD is a lifestyle disorder which is a common hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age. It usually starts during adolescence, but symptoms may fluctuate over time. PCOD can cause hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, excess androgen levels and cysts in the ovaries, absence of menstruation, excessive hair growth (face, body, including back, belly and chest), acne, weight gain, hair loss, skin darkening (in neck and groin). Irregular periods, usually with a lack of ovulation, can lead infertility. PCOD is a leading cause of infertility. PCOD can lead to anovulation where ovaries stop releasing eggs. PCOD is a common condition that causes 70% of anovulation cases. PCOD causes the excessive production of androgens, which cause the follicles in your ovaries to remain small instead of maturing and growing as they have to prepare for ovulation. In Ayurveda on the basis of symptoms Pushpaghani Jataharini can be correlated with PCOD. PCOD is a chronic condition and cannot be cured. However, some symptoms can be improved through lifestyle changes and medications. In order to treat PCOD the changes in the life style and the administrations of Ausadhies like Lekhaniya Mahakashaya (Musta, Kustha, Haridra, Daruharidra, Vacha, Ativisha, Katurohini, Chitrak, Chirbilva).

Keywords: PCOD, Infertility, Bandhyatva, Lekhaniya Mahakashaya, Pushpaghani Jataharini

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Arti Yadav, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Yadav A, Ray S, Aswathy K, Singh Parihar E, Hajare P, Unlocking Fertility - with administration of Lekhaniya Mahakashaya in Pushpaghani Jataharini w.s.r. to PCOD. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):266-269.
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© 2024by Yadav A, Ray S, Aswathy K, Singh Parihar E, Hajare Pand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Children are a gift from the lord; the fruit of the womb is a divine reward. Average reproductive age is 14-49 yrs. This age group have number of conditions related to menstrual cycle, such as menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, irregular menses, PCOD, endometriosis, etc. According to WHO – PCOD is a lifestyle disorder in which is a common hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age. It usually starts during adolescence, but symptoms may fluctuate over time. PCOD can cause hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, excess androgen levels and cysts in the ovaries, absence of menstruation, excessive hair growth (face, body, including back, belly and chest), acne, weight gain, hair loss, skin darkening (in neck and groin).

Irregular periods, usually with a lack of ovulation, can lead infertility. PCOD is a leading cause of infertility. PCOD can lead to anovulation where ovaries stop releasing eggs. PCOD is a common condition that causes 70% of anovulation cases. PCOD causes excessive production of androgens, which cause the follicles in your ovaries to remain small instead of maturing and growing as they should to prepare for ovulation.

In Ayurveda on the basis of symptoms Pushpaghani Jataharini can be correlated with PCOD. PCOD is a chronic condition and cannot be cured. However, some symptoms can be improved through lifestyle changes and medications. In order to treat PCOD we all can done the changes in life style and administrations of Aushadhies like Lekhniya Mahakashya (Musta, Kustha, Haridra, Daruharidra, Vacha, Ativisha, Katurohini, Chitrak, Chirbilva).

Bandhya & Infertility

Infertility is defined as inability to conceive even after one year under normal marital relation without contraception. In Ayurveda, this condition is considered as Bandhyatva. It is a Universal phenomenon occurring both in developing and under developing countries. In Ayurveda causes and types of Bandhyatva are described in different texts. Harita described six types of Bandhya with special clinical features. Acharya Kashyapa also describe about it, he described about Jatharini in detail related to Bandhya.


Acharya Kashyapa had describe about the Jatharini in Kashyapa Samhita Kalpa Sthan.

तस्माज्जातहारिणी पुष्पं हन्ति, वपुश्च हन्ति, गर्भांश्च हन्ति, जातांश्च हन्ति, जायमानांश्च जनिष्यमाणांश्च हयद्भवत्यासुरमधार्मिकाणामपत्यमधर्मोपहतंविशेषेण ॥७॥ (का०सं०क०६)

Jatharini causes disappearance of Puspa, destructs body, fetus, born/ getting born / to be born creatures specially Asuras, non religious persons or their children these are classified in two ways :

1. On the basis of prognosis

2. On the basis of mode of transmission

On the Basis of PrognosisOn the Basis of Mode of Transmission
1.  Sadhya (curable)
2.  Yapya (easily relapsable)
3.  Asadhya (incurable)
1.  Diva (divine)
2.  Manusi (human)
3.  Tiraschina (animals)

Pushpahagni Jatharini comes under the Sadhya one.

Pushpahagni Jatharini

वृथा पुष्पं तु या नारी यथाकालं प्रपश्यति । स्थूललोमशगण्डा वा पुष्पघ्नी साऽपि रेवती॥ (का०सं०क०६)

In this condition though the woman gets her menstruation however that is useless (or she does not conceive), her cheeks are corpulent and covered with hair. This Jatharini can be correlate with PCOD.

PCOD: Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease

Is a condition in which ovaries produces immature or partially mature eggs in large numbers and over the time these become cysts in ovaries. Due to this ovaries become large and secrete large amount of male hormones (androgens) causing infertility, irregular menstrual cycle, hair loss and abnormal weight gain. PCOD can be controlled by diet and life style modifications. Samprapti of Medoveha Dusti to cause Sthoolata

Nidan Sevan

अव्यायामाद्दिवास्वप्नान्मेद्यानां चातिभक्षणात् | मेदोवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति वारुण्याश्चातिसेवनात् || (Charak Viman 5/16)

Avyayam, Divaswapan, Intake of Excessive Meat, Varuni Atisevana. When the Medo Dhatu increase it closes the path of all the Shrotas, then the air in the Kostha increases and moves in a special manner, vigorously Pradeepta the Agni and exploits the food,

that’s why it digests the food quickly due to which women wants more to eat again and again. Due to excessive increase in Meda. Samprapti of Medoveha Dusti to cause Sthoolata

मेदसाऽवृतमार्गत्वाद्वायुः कोष्ठे विशेषतः | चरन् सन्धुक्षयत्यग्निमाहारं शोषयत्यपि ||
तस्मात् स शीघ्रं जरयत्याहारं चातिकाङ्क्षति | विकारांश्चाश्नुते घोरान् कांश्चित्कालव्यतिक्रमात् || एतावुपद्रवकरौ विशेषादग्निमारुतौ | एतौ हि दहतः स्थूलं वनदावो वनं यथा || (Ch. Su. 21/5-7)

Vata Pitta Kapha Doshas are vitiated and leads to several diseases. Obesity destroys the life of women by disturbing the daily routine activity and causing disease like PCOD leads to infertility

Lekhniya Mahakashaya

Among all 50 Mahakashaya Acharya Charak had describe about Lekhniya Mahakashaya. It consists of groups of 10 drugs.

Table 1: Details of drug used in Lekhniya Mahakashya

SNDrug NameLatin NameFamilyPart Used
1.MustaCyperus rotundus Linn.CyperaceaeRhizome
2.KusthaSaussurea Lappa C.B.ClarkeAsteraceaeRoot
3.HaridraCurcuma longa Linn.ZingiberaceaeRhizome
4.DaruharidraBerberis aristata Dc.BerberidaceaeStem, Roots
5.VachaAcorus calamus Linn.AraceaeRoots
6.AtivishaAconitum heterophyllum Wall.RanunculaceaeTuberous Root
7.KaturohiniPichorrhiza kurroa RoyleScrophularaceaeRoot
8.ChitrakaPlumbago zeylanica Linn.PlumbaginaceaeRoot Bark
9.ChirbilvaHoloptelea integrifolia PlanchUlmaceaeBark of Stem
10.HaimavatiIris versicolor Linn.IridaceaeRoots

लेखनीय महाकषाय (Weight Reducing - Drugs or Revulsives)

मुस्तकुष्ठहरिद्रादारुहरिद्रावचातिविषाकटुरोहिणीचित्रकचिरबिल्वहैमवत्य इति दशेमानि लेखनीयानि भवन्ति (Ch. Su. 5/8/3)

Musta, Kustha, Haridra, Daruharidra, Vacha, Ativisha, Katurohini, Chitrak, Chirbilva, Haimavati.

Probable mode of action of Lekhniya Dravya

In Lekhniya Mahakashya - Katurasa, Tiktarasa, Laghuguna, are the properties common to all in above mentioned drugs. Review of the Lekhaniya Dravys also have anti-obesity and lipolytic property. Drugs with predominance of Laghu Guna provide on administration Katupaka or Laghuvipaka

, resulting in creation of identical condition in the system also there by reducing Sthoulya. The two properties i.e., Laghuguna and Rukshaguna are helpful to attenuate or to cure Kaphaja diseases. Ushna Virya is also helpful in the removal of fat. This predominance of Katurasa, Tiktarasa, Kashaya Rasa, Laghuguna, Rukshaguna is responsible for the activity of making a Lekhaniya Dravya.


  • On the basis of signs and symptoms PCOD can be correlated with Pushpahagni Jatharini as described above.
  • A main cause of PCOD is obesity that arises symptoms such as anovulation and leads to infertility.
  • Primary treatment of PCOD is changes in diet and daily routine that is helpful to reduce obesity. So, if we treat obesity first than PCOD treated simultaneously.
  • In order to treat obesity/Sthaulya one must need to understand the pathology.
  • Achraya Charaka and Sushruta have different opinion about Samprapti of Sthaulya. Charaka has accentuated Ahara as most common pathogenic factor for Medovridhhi in Sthaulya, while Sushruta accepted as Ama Dosha.
  • As per Acharya Charaka - Due to obstruction of Shrotas by Meda, the Vata moving mainly into Aamashya, augments the Agni and absorbs the food. Thus, the obese person digests food speedily and craves for food tremendously. Over eating produces excessive growth of Meda Dhatu, this leads to Sthulata.
  • As per Acharya Sushruta - Aama Rasa is produced due to Kapha Vardhaka Ahara, Adhyasana, Divaswapna. The Madhur Bhava Ama Rasa moves within the body. The Snigdhansha of that Ama Rasa lead to Medo Vriddhi, which produces excessive tubbiness.
  • According to Acharya Charaka, such actions, which maintain the equilibrium of Dhatus, constitute the treatment of diseases. Acharya Charaka has further amplified the scope of the term Chikitsa. According to him, the aim of Chikitsa is not only at the radical removal of the causative factors of the disease,

  • but also at the restoration of the Doshas equilibrium”. So, the first line treatment for Sthaulya is to avoid those factors which are responsible for the causation of Sthaulya. All the factors, having Snigdha Guna dominance in general should be avoided.
  • According to above concept that mean drug apposite to Snigdha, Kapha and Meda Dhatu helpful to treat Sthaulya and PCOD.


Infertility caused by PCOD is the main cause now a days. So, it is treated by reducing its main causes that is obesity. The consideration of the Lekhaniya Mahakashya is capable to unlocking the fertility by the Lekhan or lipolytic property. So, we conclude here that in infertility due to PCOD or Puspagni Jatharini is treated by Lekhaniya Mahakashya Dravyas is helpful and cost effective. It supports physically as well as socioeconomically to patients. Lekhaniya Mahakashya Dravyas are active constituents and restore equilibrium in Tridoshas of the human system.


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