
Review Article

Sthanik Chikitsa in Stri Roga

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 2 February

Role of Sthanik Chikitsa in Stri Roga

Joshi Y1*, Ray S2, Singh Parihar E3, Hajare P4

1* Yashi Joshi, First Year Post Graduate Scholar, Pg Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Sucheta Ray, HOD Professor, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

3 Ekta Singh Parihar, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

4 Priyanka Hajare, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Women play crucial roles in various aspects of life, contributing significantly to society, economy, and culture. She keeps herself so busy in fulfilling the duties, she ignores her health. She neglects her health condition, which leads to major health illness. Various diseases can impact women's Reproductive health. Ayurveda is one of the broad spectrum’s human ancient sciences. In Ayurveda, there is a brief description of various types of Yonivyapada. Nowadays most females are suffering from stress, anxiety, emotional behaviour. Also, many females are workers so they can’t maintain proper hygiene, due to unhygienic conditions they are suffering from various Yonirogas. To treat the ailment of women’s reproductive health Sthanik Chikitsa can be the better option Sthanik Chikitsa in Striroga includes Uttar Basti, Yoni Pichu, Yoni Dhavana, Yoni Dhoopan etc. Sthanik Chikitsa means some treatment to be applied locally in or on reproductive organ to combat any diseased condition. Local treatments possess Shamana and Shodhana properties according to their Prayojana. Sthanik Chikitsa (Local therapies) are available which were described in our Classics. In this review, a conceptual study is being elaborated regarding the Sthanika Chikitsa.

Keywords: Uttar Basti, Yoni Pichu, Yoni Dhavana, Yoni Dhoopan

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Yashi Joshi, First Year Post Graduate Scholar, Pg Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Joshi Y, Ray S, Singh Parihar E, Hajare P, Role of Sthanik Chikitsa in Stri Roga. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):100-108.
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© 2024by Joshi Y, Ray S, Singh Parihar E, Hajare Pand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Women's health encompasses a broad range of topics, including reproductive health, hormonal changes, and conditions specific to females. Regular check-ups and a healthy lifestyle are important for overall well-being. It's important for individuals to seek professional help. Reproductive problems can lead to difficulties in conceiving, which may cause emotional distress and hinder family planning goals. Infertility and reproductive problems can cause emotional and psychological stress. Treating these issues can improve a woman's mental health and quality of life. Vitiation of Vata is mainly responsible for Yoniroga and Artava Vikara.[1] thus, first of all Vata should be normalized then treatment of other Doshas should be done In Ayurveda many local therapies i.e., Sthanika Chikitsa are described for the management of common gynaecological disorders.

The Chikitsa can be divided into 2 sub-divisions i.e., Sthanik Chikitsa and Sarvdehik Chikitsa. Every Reproductive problem can be cured by the Sthanik Chikitsa. Sthanik Chikitsa in Striroga includes Uttar Basti, Yoni Pichu, Yoni Dhavana, Yoni Dhoopan etc. [2] In Sthanik Chikitsa, medicines are applied intravaginally. Vaginal wall and adjacent tissues are extremely vascular and this facilitates absorption of drugs through vagina.

Materials and Methods

Our Acharya has mentioned different types of Sthanik Chikitsa in various Ayurvedic classics. These are Yoni Dhavana, Yoni-Pichu, Yoni Dhoopana, Yoni-Purana, Yoni Lepana, Yoni Parisheka, Yoni Swedana, and Uttar Basti.[3]

Yoni Prakshalana

Yoni Prakshalana / Yoni Dhawana is also called as vaginal douching.

It is a cleaning procedure of vaginal by medicated liquids, decoctions or water under aseptic precaution.

Medicated fluids or water should be filled in douche pot and vaginal douching to be done with rubber catheter attached with it.

Instruments Required

1. Enema Pot

2. Sterile Catheter
3. Cotton/gauze pieces
4. Kellys pad
5. Hand Gloves

Purva Karma

  • Part preparation is done.
  • Patient is asked to empty bladder
  • Preparation of Medicine.

Pradhan Karma

  • The patient is advised to lie down in dorsal lithotomy position.
  • Cusco speculum is placed.
  • The douching pan is filled with Luke warm Kashaya.
  • 4-5 feet rubber pipe is connected with douching pan and attach the nozzle (7-8 cm length)
  • Nozzles are inserted in Yoni (vagina) and wash out for 10-15 min.

Paschat Karma

  • After the procedure the patient is asked for squatting position.
  • Patient is advised mild straining, so the remaining Kwatha
  • Vulva is dried by gauze piece.


Yoni Srava - decoction of Triphla[4]

Yoni Kandu - decoction of Guduchi, Triphla and Danti[5]

Yoni Daurgandhya - Aargwadhadi Kashaya[6]

Mode of action

All Prakshalana drug have Tikta Kashaya Rasa, Laghu Ruksha Guna. Their action is Vrana Shodhana, Ropana, Srava Kleda Shoshana, Shothahara, Vedna Sthapaka, Kandughna, Krimighna. It is clear that the main action of Prakshalana is bacteriocidal, and anti-inflammatory. They remove the debris and unhealthy tissue and promote new tissue growth. They heal unhealthy vaginal mucosa, maintain normal vaginal flora, remove harmful bacterial growth, and maintain normal vaginal pH.

Yoni Parisheka

Hot fomentation to vagina is Yoni Parishek. Parishek is done on external part of vagina for 5 to 10 minutes. Medicated oil or lukewarm water is poured from the height of 4 to 5 inches over the vagina.


Yoni Shoola - decoction of Guduchi, Triphla and Danti[7]

Yoni Pichu

Placing of cotton ball/ tampon soaked in medicated oil or Kashaya in vagina.[8] Pichu is made up of 2-3 cotton swab wrapped with gauze piece and tied with long thread, it immersed in medicated oil, Kashaya or kalka and placed in vagina.

Place: Yoni (Vaginal canal)

Position of patient during procedure: lithotomy position.

Pichu Dharana Kala: Aamutra Vega (Urge to urinate)

Duration of therapy: 7-14 days after cessation of menses.

Purva Karma

  • Part preparation is done.
  • Patient is asked to empty bladder.
  • Preparation of oil soaked

Pradhan Karma

  • Aseptic, sterile Pichu soaked in Luke warm Taila, Ghrita, Kashaya inserted into the vagina. The thread of the Pichu should come out of the vagina for easy removal.

Paschat Karma

  • After the procedure the patient is asked to rest for 15 min.
  • Pichu is removed when patient urge to urinate.


Vataja Yoni Vyapad - Guduchyadi Tail Pichu[9]

Yoni Daah - Chandanadi Tail Picchu[10]

Yoni Shool - Tagar, Kusht, Sindhva Siddh Tail Pichu.[11]

Upapluta Yonivyapad - Panchvalkal Kwath soaked Pichu[12]

Mode of Action

The mode of action depends on the medicine used. The Tila oil base is most commonly used. It has highly antiseptic and antibacterial & Sukshma Yogvahi property, the oil helps to nourish & strengthen the uterine muscle. Pichu helps to hold wall of vagina upward and remains in vagina for long duration for better action of drug.

Yoni Varti

Varti are wicks made by mixing finely powdered drugs.

Size & shape: Tarjani Anguli Pramana (Index finger), Yavakara.[13]

Site: Yoni (Vaginal canal)

Position of patient during procedure: Dorsal lithotomy.

Time duration: 1 Muhurta (48 min) or for short time period.

Purva Karma

  • Part preparation is done.
  • Patient is asked to empty bladder.
  • Preparation of Varti.

Pradhan Karma

  • Varti is inserted in Vagina

Paschat Karma

  • After the procedure the patient is asked to rest for 15 min.
  • Prakshalan with Sukhoshan Jala.


Kaphaj Yoni - Varah Pitta Varti, Yava and Masha Varti[14]

Karnini Yoni - Kushtha, Pippli, Arkagra, Saindhava, Vasta Mutra Varti[15]

Shweta Pradara - Lodhra, Priyangu Varti[16]

Yoni Kandu - Gopitta/ Matsya Pitta Varti[17]

Mode of Action

All these drugs have Laghu Ruksha Guna, Tikshna, Katu Rasa, Katu Vipaka, Ushna Virya, so its action is Vrana Shodhana (Remove Dead Cell), Ropana (promote new tissue growth), Kandu Krimihara (Bactericidal), Sneh Kled Nashaka (Astringent)

Yoni Dhoopana

Yoni Dhoopana is a procedure in which fumigation of vagina is performed by giving the disinfected and medicated smoke.

Site: Yoni

Time limit: 10-15 min.

Position of patient during procedure: Sitting

Purva Karma

  • Part preparation is done.
  • Patient is asked to empty bladder.
  • Dhoopana Dravya are lit in Dhoopana apparatus

Pradhan Karma

  • A chair having hole in the middle is used and patient is asked to sit on this chair after voiding the urine.
  • The Apparatus is placed just below the chair.
  • The smoke coming from Dhoopana drugs must reach up to external genitalia.
  • The Chair should be covered by cloth.

Indication - Yoni Kandu - Haridra and Brahati Dhoopana[18]

Shweta Pradara - Dhoopana by Saral,Guggul, Yava, Ghrita[19]

Mode of Action

These entire drugs have Laghu, Ruksha Guna, Kashay, Tikta Rasa Pradhana, Vata- Pittahara, Shothahara, Vrana Shodhana - Ropana, Vedna Sthapaka. Hence its fumes have volatile oils which act anti-inflammatory & analgesic effect. Dhoopana increase vaginal temperature so increase blood supply & this rise temperature soothing affect which helpful in pain relief. Dhoopana also has drying effect; which causes reducing vaginal discharge & antimicrobial action thus helping in prevention infection.

Yoni Lepana

The finely powdered is mixed with water or medicated liquid and paste with uniform consistency is made, and applied at affected area locally.

Type: Pradeha, Pralepa, Aalepa.

Thickness: Doshaghn Lepa ¼ - 1/8 Angul[20]

Timing: Until the Lepa dries.

Position of patient during procedure: lithotomy.

Acharya Sushruta mentions that just as water extinguishes fire instantly likewise Lepana cures Vrana Shula, cleanses wound or infection, reduces swelling or inflammation and quickens suppuration. The drug gets absorbed through glands, capillaries and vessels.

Purva Karma

  • Part preparation is done.
  • Patient is asked to empty bladder.
  • Preparation of Medicine.

Pradhan Karma

  • The patient is advised to lie down in dorsal lithotomy position.
  • Cusco speculum is placed.
  • Freshly prepared lepa is applied evenly on the affected area.
  • Lepa is removed immediately just before drying.

Paschat Karma

  • Prakshalan with Sukhoshan Jal
  • Vulva is dried by gauze piece.


Vivrata Yoni - Application of Paste of Palasha, Udumbara mix with honey and Til Tail.[21]

Yoni Drantva - Palash Udumbar Til Tail Pradeh[22]

Yoni Shoola & Arsha - Lepana by Sarshap, Lehsun, Hingu, Vachaadi[23]

Mode of Action

Maximum drug has Kashaya, Tikta Rasa. Their action is anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, anti-diabetic, slough of dead cell. Improve blood circulation and promote new growth also provide strengthening.

It helps in relieving pain and burning use with Sheeta Dravya. When applied locally it firstly stimulates the nerve of local area then relax it.

Yoni Pooran

This procedure is defined as filling the cavity of vagina completely with Kalka, Churna, Ghrit, Vasa. This procedure is done when retention of large quantity of drug is required to be retained at the site of action.

Site: Yoni (Vaginal canal)

Position of patient during procedure: Dorsal lithotomy

Pooran Dharana Kala: Aamutra Vega (Urge to urinate)

Duration of therapy: 7-14 days after cessation of menses.

Purva Karma

  • Part preparation is done.
  • Patient is asked to empty bladder.
  • Preparation of Medicine.

Pradhan Karma

  • The patient is advised to lie down in dorsal lithotomy position.
  • Cusco speculum is placed.
  • Application of Puran Dravya inside the vagina with a sterile glove worn hand.

Paschat Karma

  • Prakshalan with Sukhoshan Jal
  • Vulva is dried by gauze piece.


Yoni Kandu - Brihti Kalka Pooran[24]

Vataj Artava Dushti - Priyangu, Til Kalka Poorana.[25]

Pittaj Artava Dushti - Chandan, Paysya Kalka Poorana. [26]

Kaphaj Artava Dushti - Madanphala Kalka Poorana[27]

Mode of Action

The active principles are absorbed through vaginal or cervical epithelium thereby producing the

necessary action.

Uttar Basti

The word UttarBasti is the conjugation of 2 word i.e., Uttar + Basti which means- "Uttar" i.e., "Shrestha" or The Basti which is given in Uttar Marga (i.e., in urinary or vaginal passage) and has Superior qualities. [28]

Sneha or Kwatha may be used for the Uttar Basti. Uttar Basti should be given consecutive 3 days in increasing dose of Sneha. [29]

Poorva Karma

  • Evacuation of the bladder & bowels.
  • Light diet, Milk with ghee, etc.
  • Abhyanga: By any Vatashamak Tail. Abhyanga should be given to the local area i.e on the Kati Pradesha, Adhodara, Prustha and Parshva Pradesha for ten minutes
  • Swedan: After Abhyanga, Swedana was given to same parts for about fifteen minutes.
  • Yoni Prakshalana: Vaginal douche with 500 ml of Panchavalkala Kwatha or Dashmula Kwatha or Triphla Kwatha is given.
  • Examination of pulse, B.P. etc. was done.
  • Routine P/V examination was performed in order to assess the size, shape, position of uterus.
  • Position - Patient was placed in lithotomy position
  • Painting & Drapping - The genital organs were painted with antiseptic solution and covered with perineal towels and clips were applied to fix the covering.
  • The trolley with instruments, light arrangement was made ready.

Pradhan Karma

  • Cervix visualized with Cusco’s speculum.
  • The vaginal canal, external os and fornices were swabbed with the antiseptic solution.
  • With the help of uterine sound, the length and position of uterus was assessed, weather the os was open or not was seen.
  • The os is dilated gradually to admit the uterine canula easily.
  • Grita / oil

  • The IUI (Intrauterine insemination) cannula connected with 5ml syringe and filled with medicated and very slowly the medicated oil or Ghrata inserted in uterine cavity.
  • At the same time of injecting the medicine into uterus patient was kept in head low position.

Paschat Karma

  • All instruments were removed slowly and perineal towels taken away.
  • Sterile Pichu is applied in the vagina.
  • Patient is advised to lie in left lateral position for 15 min.
  • Pulse and Blood pressure recorded for two hours.


Bandhyatava - Phala Ghrata, Shatpushpa Tail, Lashuna Tail, Trivrat, Shatpak Tail, Bala Tail, Narayana Tail Basti

Vataj Yonivyapad - Guduchyadi Tail Basti[30]

Udavarta, Vatala, Mahayoni - Trivrit Sneha Uttarbasti[31]

Rakta Yoni - Kashmarya Kutaj Sidhh Basti[32]

Mode of Action - Uttarbasti Ghrita based Snehan & Brahan drug helps in rejuvenation of endometrium. In cases of menorrhagia due to hyperplastic endometrium, Uttarbasti with Lekhana Dravya should be used. Uttarbasti with Lekhan Dravya removes the blockage of tubal lumen by directly action on obstruction mechanically and restores the normal function of tubal cillia. Uttarbasti helps in removing the infection

Yoni Abhyang

Yoni Abhyang increases the perineal muscle tone and strength.

Indications - Uterine Prolapse

Position - Lithotomy

Sthana - Yoni (Vaginal canal)

Duration - 15-20 mins

Purva Karma

  • Part preparation is done.
  • Patient is asked to empty bladder.
  • Preparation of Medicine.

Pradhan Karma

  • 5 ml syringe filled with Luke warm taila inserted into vagina with sterile rubber catheter.
  • Gloved fingers inserted into vagina, Abhyang done on the walls of vagina.

Paschat Karma

  • Patient to lie for 15min.
  • Gause pad in inserted to avoid the spillage of Taila.

Mode of Action - Abhyang with Sneha Dravya provides muscle strength, stretch ability & tissues nourishment.

Recent Research work

Yoni Prakshalana and Yoni Pichu

1. To Study Effect of Karanj Taila and Udumbaradi Taila Yonipichu Dharan in Kaphaja Yonivyapada[33]

Dr. Fawade Prashant Sheshrao, S.V.N.H.T.’s Ayurved College, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

Assessment criteria - Yonigat Shwetasrav, Yoni Kandu 60 patients 30 in each group

Group A - Karanj Taila Pichu 10ml, Group B-Udumbaradi Taila Pichu 10 ml

Result - Group A produced significantly better results in Yoni Kandu and Group B produced significantly better results in Yonigat Shwetasrav.

2. Randomized Controlled Clinical Study of Nimbadi Kwath Yonidhawan with Nimb Tail Pichudharan in Kaphaj Yonivyapad.[34]

Government Ayurvedic College, Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India

Sample size - 30 in each group.

Group A - Nimbadi Kwath Yonidhawan with Nimb Tail Pichu Dharan

Group B - Candid v6 (Clotrimazole)

Rseult - 80% result in group A

Yoni Varti

1. Dhatakyadi Varti - An effective local treatment for Uppluta Yonivyapad[35]

Dr. Nilofar Mohamad Shafi Shaikh, Institute for Postgraduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

N=80 female patients

Group A (n = 46), Dhatakyadi Varti, Group B (n = 34), Clingen vaginal suppository

Result - 87%-90% Group a produced significantly better results.

Yoni Lepa

1. Effect Of Lodhradi Lepa In Uterine Prolapse - A Case Report[36]

Dr. Athulya T Paul Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura, Kerala, India

A 56-year-old lady approached our OPD with complaints of feeling of mass coming through vagina, low back ache, dyspareunia and urinary incontinence.

P/S examination- showed 1st degree urethrocele, relaxed perineum and 1st degree uterine descent.

Lodhradi yoni lepa for 7 days in 3 consecutive months


Even after 1st follow up, symptoms like urinary incontinence, low back ache, dyspareunia and feeling of mass p/v were reduced.


1. Effect Of Apamarga-Kshara Tail Uttarbasti and Phalaghrita In Bilateral Tubal Blockage- A Case Study[37]

Dr. Komal Gurjar, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur.

Complaints- Unable to conceive for 1 year, vaginal dryness & dyspareunia for 1 year.

She had her investigations diagnostic laparoscopy under GA on 27/07/2019: revealed-that both fallopian tubes having lead pipe like structure, B/L corneal block present, tubo-ovarian relationship was disturbed

Treatment protocol

Shodhan ChikitsaAsthapana , Anuvasan Basti followed by Uttar Basti

Saman Chikitsa - 1- Phala Ghrita– 10gm, empty stomach with hot milk twice a day.

2- Satavari (3gm) + Godanti Bhasma (500 mgs)– bd with milk


Hystero-salpingography shows Normal. Patient conceived after 6 months.


Sthanik Chikitsa is as important as Sarvdehik Chikitsa. As in local route of drug administration, high concentration of drug is expected to act at the target organ than internal medication. Sthanik Chikitsa shows fast and efficient action.

The probable mode of action of Sthanik Chikitsa is

  • Uttarbasti nourishes endometrium, stimulate essential cervical secretion and remove obstruction. Uttarbasti helps in rejuvenation of endometrium.
  • Prakshalana means cleansing, their all drug has cleansing, bactericidal and healing property.
  • Pichu provide muscle strength, stretchability & tissues nourishment.
  • Yoni Purana is advised for where the whole vaginal epithelium affected and required large amount drug and prevent the uterus to descent from its position.
  • Lepana helps in retention of medicines for a long time. Yoni Lepana provides more surface area for absorption of drug, better increase bio-availability of drug.
  • Varti for cleansing pH maintain, Varti also normalizes the vaginal flora.
  • Dhoopana improves defence mechanism of female genital tract by maintaining healthy vaginal flora. Drugs used in Dhoopan shows antimicrobial action.

The basic principle on which Sthanik Chikitsa works i.e., Vagina has the property of absorption. Anatomically backward position of vagina helps in self - retaining of drugs for a longer duration. The high vascularity increases the absorption in vagina. The maximum absorption occurs in Lateral recesses/rugae of the lower vagina. Low molecular weight Dravyas are absorbed by vagina. The vaginal epithelium is Lipophilic.


The vaginal route of drug delivery is acceptable and may even be a preferable route of administration for many drugs. From above all the discussion it is clear, that the drugs easily absorbed through vaginal route so we should prefer Sthanik Chikitsa for maximum reproductive disorders. In all local therapy specific drugs used are for the specific purpose i.e., cleansing, wound healing, strengthening, nourishing, and astringent (to stop bleeding), disinfection and to regenerate new tissue growth.

Modern treatment like vaginal douching, vaginal suppository, Tampons, vaginal painting, cauterization is the modified form of Sthanik Chikitsa which is already explained in Ayurveda. Each Sthanik Chikitsa holds its own importance and shows marvelous results when applied with proper indications strict aseptic precautions and extreme carefulness.


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