
Review Article

Parinama Vada in Ayurveda

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 2 February

Utility of Parinama Vada in Ayurveda

Dhanpal Jugale A1*

1* Archana Dhanpal Jugale, Professor, Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta, Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital, Bedkihal Shamanewadi Tal Nipani Dist Belgavi, Karnataka, India.

Ayurveda is a science of life which is greatly influenced by all Bharatiya Darshana. Sankhya Darshana is one of Aastik Darshana knowledge for permanent and sure relief from miseries is obtained through Darshanas. In Ayurveda Roga is considered as unhappiness Different theories were postulated by different Darshanas. Parinama Vada and Satkarya Vada have been explained by Sankhya Darshana. As per Satkaryavada every Karya (effect) is originated by specific Karana (cause) Parinama Vada tells that due to Parinama Karya and Karana are seems different. Parinama means change or transformation. As per Sanskhya Darshana universe is originated from Avyakta to Ekadash Indriya and Panchamahbhuta is due to Parinama only. Parinamavada is applied in Ayurveda to understand basic concepts of Ayurveda like Ahara Parinama, Dhatu Nirmana, Dhatu Poshana, Vyadhi Sama Nirama Avastha, Aoushadhi Nirmana etc.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Parinama, Parinamavada, Srushti Utpatti, Transformation

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Archana Dhanpal Jugale, Professor, Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta, Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital, Bedkihal Shamanewadi Tal Nipani Dist Belgavi, Karnataka, India.
Dhanpal Jugale A, Utility of Parinama Vada in Ayurveda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(2):263-265.
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© 2024by Dhanpal Jugale Aand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is branch of Atharva Veda It is a stream of knowledge coming down from generation to generation.[1] To understand Ayurveda knowledge of basic principles like Triguna Panchamahabhuta, Shatpadarth, Atma etc. is essential which is elaborately explained in Darshanas.[2] Darshana is the means of knowledge by which one can understand the secretes of creation. Darshanas agreed that there should be a Karana (cause) for every Karya (Effect) but there are different theories to explain the process by which cause turns into effect.[3] Ayurveda is greatly influenced by Darshanas, and utilised the Vada i.e. theory of Darshanas to understand basic concepts and applied in Chikista.[4] Parinamavada and Satkaryavada explained by Sankhya Darshana which are widely utilised by Ayurveda.[5]

Srushti Utpatti as per Sankhya Darshana[6]


As per Satkarya Vada Sat Karya is produced from Sat Karana. Srushti is evolved from Ayakta (Moola Prakruti) i.e., Karana, Karya and Karana are one, only difference is in form only. Karana is invisible where Karya is visible form of object. Parinama Vada tells that due to Parinama Karya originates from Karana. From Avyakta, Mahat, Ahankar etc. factors of Srushti are evolved.

Parinama is of 2 Types [7]

1. Swarupa Parinama - Similar change / Transformation

2. Virupa Parinama - Dissimilar change / Transformation


Parinama Vada is also called as Karyakarana Vada. In Sankhya Darshana, Parinama Vada is related to Srushti Utpatti. Avyakta i.e., Moola Prakruti is called Moola Karana for Srushti. From Moola Prakruti Srushti is evolved, that is Parinama of Prakruti Karana get transforms into Karya due to Parinama i.e., transformation. Curd can be prepared from milk. It is called Parinama Vada. In Sankhyadarshan 2 types of Parinama is considered. Milk after heating its qualities remains as it is. Only quantity can be changed. It is Sadrushya Parinama. Curd prepared from milk is different from milk in quantity & quality also. It is Visadrushya Parinama. Both types of Parinama were applied in Ayurveda. How from Avyakta (Moolaprakruti) Mahat, Ekadashaindriya etc. factors are originated is explained by Parinama Vada. Also, why there is difference in Karya & Karana is also answered by Parinama Vada of Sankhya Darshana. In Ayurveda, Parinama Vada is applied in many contexts. Parinama is one of the causes of disease. Aasatmendriyartha Samyoga, Prajnaparadha & Parinama are Trividha Hetu for diseases. Rasa & Pureesha are Parinama of Ahara. Ahara which is consumed is converted into Sara & Kitta Bhaga. Sara part is called Rasa and Kitta part is called Mala, so Rasa & Pureesha are Parinama of Ahara. Formation of Dhatu i.e., Uttorotara Dhatu Utpatti and nourishment of seven Dhatu occurs on the basis of Parinama Vada. By consumed Ahara after action of different Agni, Ahara Rasa is formed. Ahara Rasa get converted into Rasa Dhatu, Rasa Dhatu convertes into Rakta Dhatu. Rakta Dhatu into Mamsa Dhatu. Mamsa Dhatu converts into Meda Dhatu. Meda Dhatu into Asthi Dhatu, Asthi Dhatu into Majja Dhatu & Majja Dhatu get transforms into Shukra Dhatu. Dhatu Poshana Krama has been explained by three Nyaya i.e., Kshira Dadhi Nyaya, Khale Kapota Nyaya & Keḍar Kulya Nyaya. In this Kshira Dadhi Nyaya is based on Parinama. Parinamavada is applied in the concept of Vipaka. Digestion of Ahara is done by Jatharagni & Ahara Rasa is formed. End product of Ahara Rasa is called Vipaka. Thus, Vipaka is attained after the Parinama of Ahara Rasa. According to Acharya Charaka Srotas is the passage of channel which carries the Dhatu’s under the process of transformation. Acharya Sushruta

told 6 Karana for Srushti Utpatti. i.e., Swabhava, Ishwara, Kala Yadruccha, Niyati & Parinama. Parinama is one of Srushti Utpathi Karana. Stages of life i.e., Balyavastha, Tarunyavastha & Vruddhavastha are based on Parinama. Stages of digestion, Vyadhi Ama Nirama, Ama Pakwa Avastha are based on Parinamavada. Parinama Vada is applied in preparation of medicines like Asava, Aristha, which are prepared by fermentation process in this process Parinama i.e., change or transformation occurs in the medicines. Due to that medicine is able to enter into small Srotas & becomes effective. In the universe all factors transform into Vyakta & Avyakta e.g. Ratri after Dina, Dina after Ratri, this cycle is going on. Like that in the body all Bhava get transforms into Vyakta & Avyakta. (Dosha vitiation is corrected with Chikitsa by Vaidya.)


Parinama is cause for origin of factors of universe like Mahat, Ahankar etc. from Avyakta i.e., Moola Prakruti. Parinamavada is utilized to understand basic principles of Ayurveda. Kala is cause for transformation, so in Ayurveda, Kala is called Parinama. Parinama Vada is widely applied in all the aspects of human beings which have major role in prevention & curing of diseases.


1. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita Sutrasthan, Ist chapter, Shloka No. 4-5, Ayurveda dipika commentary of sri chakrapanidattta, edited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi Chaukhambha Surabharati Prakashan, editor 2017, page No. 5

2. Acharya Baladeva Upadhyaya. Bharatiya Darshan, 9th chapter, shabda mandir publisher, Varanasi. editor reprint 2001, page No. 266

3. Gajanan shastri musalgavkar. Sankhyatatwa koumudi, 8th Chapter, Chaukhamba publication, edi.2000, P-86

4. Charaka Samhita, Sutra sthana, 28th chapter, Shloka No-45, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sr Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia edi.2015,P-181

5. Charaka Samhita, Vimana

sthana 2nd chapter, Shloka No-3, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sri Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, edi.2015,P-238

6. Gajanan shastri musalgavkar. Sankhyatatwa koumudi, 8th Chapter, Chaukhamba publication, edi.2000,P-86

7. Gajanan shastri musalgavkar. Sankhyatatwa koumudi, 8th Chapter, Chaukhamba publication, edi.2000,P-86