- supplying adequate energy to the muscular tissue. In Baladi Taila as well, it has effective supporting qualities such as Madhura Rasa and Madhura Vipaka in showing the Vata Hara
Chinnaruha (Tinospora cordifolia) contains alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids and terpenoids in the aerial part of the plant. So, the observed analgesic activity may be attributed to any of these phytoconstituents. There are also reports of analgesic activity of flavonoid which is mediated by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins
Rasna is considered as ‘Vata-Samanam’ (diseases involving nervous system) ‘Rasayana’ (herb for rejuvenation). It has antipyretic, analgesic effect. Rasna is used to prevent the swellings of joint in arthritis, rheumatism and neurological diseases. The roots are antipyretic, bitter, laxative and thermogenic and are used for allaying the pain. Plant extract is used as a cooling agent in summer.[19,20] Tila Taila: It is the main base ingredient for the other drugs because it is Yogavahi and carries all essential ingredients into the system by virtue of its Sukshama and Ashukari Guna.
- The decoction Baladi Kwatha contains three ingredients - Bala, Parijata and Kapikachhu that mainly helps in relieving the pain and increases the strength of the shoulder joint.
Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens): Kapikachhu is a Vatahara Dravya having its own effective activity and attributes like Snigdh, Madhura, and Ushna. Kapikachhu seeds contains high amount of protein, thus it is used internally as, which tones the muscle and functions as a nervine tonic, which is the most crucial necessity in Avabahuka.
Parijat (Nyctanthes arbortristis) is a natural vasodilator, it is also used to treat painful muscle spasms, sore muscles etc.
Overall Baladi Kwath is effective in reducing pain by alleviating the Vata and improving movements of the affected shoulder joint in Avabahuka (frozen shoulder).
A clinical trial with Baladi Taila Nasya and Baladi Kwath orally has shown encouraging results in the improvement in the symptoms of Avabahuka. Not many complications were observed in the patients at the end of the study. So, this treatment protocol
can be a good option for the management of Avabahuka (Frozen Shoulder).
In the current study, as it was a pilot study, the sample was very small and the follow-up period was short, it may be difficult to arrive at a conclusion about the effectiveness and safety of the treatment, a clinical trial with a big sample size and a long follow-up period will be needed.
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