Efficacy of Yashtimadhu Ghritha Tarpana in Computer Vision Syndrome
Chaitra TM1, Varun TV2*, Akshitha P3
1 Chaitra TM, Assistant Professor, Dept of Kriya Sharira, Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Science and Research Centre, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
2* Varun TV, Assistant Professor, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Science and Research Centre, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
3 Akshitha P, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rachana Sharira, SDM College of Ayurveda, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
Computer Vision Syndrome is the name given to eye problems caused by prolonged computer use including: Eye irritation (Dry eyes, itchy eyes, red eyes) Blurred vision, Headache. As we enter the 21st century, the growing use of Video Display Terminal (VDT) like Computer, Tablet, Smart phones etc. in the home and office brings with it an increase in health risks, especially for the eyes. One eye problem, called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), is afflicting more and more people who find themselves constantly in front of Video Display Terminal. Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome include Headache, Blurred vision, Burning sensation, Fatigue, Dry eyes, Irritated eyes, Double vision, and Difficulty re-focusing the eyes. These symptoms can be further aggravated by improper lighting conditions and air moving fast the eyes. Dry eye is a major symptom that is targeted in the therapy of computer vision syndrome. Acharya Susrutha mentioned Tarpanam, Putapakam, Sekam, Acshyothanam, Anjana the Kriya Kalpas for Netra Rogas. Tarpana is indicated when the eyes are fatigue inactive, Sushka (dry), Ruksha (rough), injured, patients of Vata and Pitta vitiation, when there is squint, loss of lashes, clouded vision, difficulty in opening the eyes etc. conditions, Tarpana should be done to the patients.
Keywords: Computer vision syndrome, Tarpana, Video Display Terminals
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, Assistant Professor, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical Science and Research Centre, Hassan, Karnataka, India.Chaitra TM, Varun TV, Akshitha P, Efficacy of Yashtimadhu Ghritha Tarpana in Computer Vision Syndrome. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(3):6-13. Available From https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/3173 |