Role of Gandhak Rasayan in Kshudra Kushtha - A Review Article
Kaushik H1*, Singh Tomar B2, Kumar Chawla S3
1* Heena Kaushik, Post Graduate Scholar 1st Year, Dept of Agada Tantra, Institute for Ayurved Studies Research Faculty of Ayurveda, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
2 Brijender Singh Tomar, Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra, Institute for Ayurved Studies Research Faculty of Ayurveda, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
3 Satbir Kumar Chawla, Associate Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra, Institute for Ayurved Studies Research Faculty of Ayurveda, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science, which not only treats the diseases but it also emphasizing for a healthy life. Ayurveda’s main aim is to maintaining Dhatusamya of body. The person who follows the rules of Dincharya, Ritucharya and Aahar Vihar able to live healthy life. But in today’s lifestyle it is difficult to follows these rules and due to sedentary changes in daily habits of diet, work etc. This continuous exposure to these factors various systemic changes are occurring in our body, these factors mainly vitiates Rakta Dhatu and in Kshudra Kushtha (Minor skin diseases) also the vitiation of Rakta Dhatu. There are two types of Kustha, Maha Kushta and Kshudra Kustha. Mahakustha is of eight types and Kshudra Kustha is of eleven types. According to Ayurveda, Tvacha (skin) is a seat of Sparshanrndriya. It carries the sensation of touch and it also covers the internal part of the body. Tvacha (skin) is ‘Panchbhautik’ but out of them Vayumahabhuta is prominent one. Gandhak Rasayana is one of the oral medicines described for many skin diseases. Gandhak Rasayana mainly acts on skin, blood and it is Rasayana in action. So, it more or less acts on all Doshas and Dhatus.
Keywords: Kshudrakushtha, Twakroga, Gandhak Rasayan, Rakta Dhatu
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, Post Graduate Scholar 1st Year, Dept of Agada Tantra, Institute for Ayurved Studies Research Faculty of Ayurveda, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.Kaushik H, Singh Tomar B, Kumar Chawla S, Role of Gandhak Rasayan in Kshudra Kushtha - A Review Article. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(3):168-172. Available From |