Among various basic principles & physiologies described in Ayurveda Beejotsarga that is ovulation. Which is important physiological condition in women further which gives her identity of motherhood.
Beejotsarga is one of the most important phases of the menstrual cycle, in which the ovum or egg cell is released through one of the ovaries. Ovulation is a passing phase that lasts for only 24 to 28hrs which means 1 to 2days i.e., called as Rutukal.
In classics different terms are used to denote the ovum/Beeja such as Asrik, Shonita, Artava, Raja, Antahpuspha, Rakta, Lohit etc.
The human ovulatory cycle is associated with a specific pattern of hormonal changes, just before ovulation, women experience an increase in estrogen (an ovarian hormone and lutenizing hormones indicates that ovulation will occurs within 24-36 hours.
Beejotsarga is also influenced by the Agni, Doshas, Dhatus, Prakriti, Srotas age etc. Improper condition of all these factors intact the hypothalmo-pitutary-ovarian axis and normally functioning reproductive system.
Review of literature
Beejagranthi or ovary is that part of female genital organ in which the Beeja is stored, matured and expelled out in proper time.
Beeja: Which gives birth to another object by removing its covering or secrecy is called Beeja. Beeja has capability to produce another progeny. Beeja indicates both Shukra i.e., spermatozoa and Artava i.e., ovum, in male and female respectively. Beeja is the substance which is responsible for reproduction.[1]
Synonyms: Artava[2], Shonita[3], Asrika, Raja, Rakta, Lohita, Pushpa, Beeja.
Beeja Nirmana
Ahara is the most important entity for survival. The Ahara, composition of Panchamahabhuta, is acted upon by Jatharagni, Bhutagni and Dhatvagni and the resultant nutritious material is made available up to cellular level. In this course, Ayurvedic texts mentioned the formation of Dhatus, Upadhatus,
Malas, and Doshas etc. The formation of the factor responsible for Garbhadharana occurs from Rasadhatu. The Ahara Rasa derived from the consumed Ahara by Jatharagni's action is subjected to Rasa Dhatvagni to produce the Artava. The Karma of Rasadhatu is Prinana.
As the incidence of description of Stanya and Artava as the Upadhatu of Rasadhatu is prevailing, this Prinana refers to their Upadhatus also. As this Rasa Dhatu goes on decreasing qualitatively & quantitatively with age, it occur same with Upadhatu. We find the absence of Artava and Sthanya in the old female. Through the function of Rasadhatu is seen throughout the body it shows specificity in this function varying with the specificity of the Srotasa to which it is exposed. In the same context; the very scientific explanation of physiology of Beeja Nirmana is given by (Vishvamitra in Sushruta Sutra 14/14,) Chakrapani Commentary. He explained that Rakta the form achieved by the Rasa after entering into the particular concerned.
Srotas enters into the minute channels attaining the particular nuclear form which has the capacity to form Beeja in the same context.
Acharya Sushruta described that the Rasa which attains Raktatvah through innumerable Dhamanis, gets Upachita to reach the form of Artava, Vagbhatta describe the whole procedure with the same terminology.
Here Acharya Kashyapa only differing in the terminologies but quoting the same things indicating a common gist. He mentioned that the Garbha forming entity is exposed to the Rajovaha Shiras where the Rajaha Pravisarjana occurs. Then it takes the form of Pushpa (i.e., becomes Pushpibhuta) & its Pravartana occurs every month. This process of Pravartana is governed by Apana Vayu as mentioned by Acharyas in the Prakrita Karma of Apana Vata. Similarly, the Parisarpana mentioned as at the time of coitus requires presence of Agni, which can correlate to Pitta. The Upachaya taking place prior to these processes is because of Kapha as inferred logically. Here one might be confused as to whether this procedure is in existence right from birth. This physiology is very precisely explained in the classics.
The presence of this Artava is there in the body of the female since the unopened