
Review Article

Nutritive review

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

A nutritive review on Shaka Varga in Charaka Samhita

Premlata1*, Ram B2, Prasad Purvia R3

1* Premlata, Phd Scholar, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurved, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Bhuwal Ram, Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

3 Rajendra Prasad Purvia, Associate Professor, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurved, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

The vegetables are described under Shaka Varga in Ayurvedic classical books. Caraka Samhita is the most important repository of Ayurveda classics. In Caraka Samhita, Shaka Varga mentioned under the classification of diet (Food). The Shaka Varga includes Patra Shaka (Green Leafy Vegetables), Kanda Shaka (Rhizome Vegetables), Kaanda Shaka (Stem Vegetables), Pushpa Shaka (Flower Vegetables), Phala Shaka (Fruit Vegetables) etc. Vegetables are also supply vitamins and minerals to the diet and are sources of phytochemicals that function as antioxidants, phytoestrogens, and anti-inflammatory agents. The consumption of these vegetables may play a role in preventing human diseases in which free radicals are involved such as cancer, ageing, cardiovascular diseases. In this review, we describe the existing literature available in Caraka Samhita on Shaka Varga (vegetables). We also review to identify the plants with their botanical identification, properties, therapeutic indications, and chemical constituents. There are some plants in this review study whose botanical identification has not been found.

Keywords: Shaka Varga, Vegetables, Nutrition, Caraka Samhita

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Premlata, Phd Scholar, , Post Graduate Institute of Ayurved, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
Premlata, Ram B, Prasad Purvia R, A nutritive review on Shaka Varga in Charaka Samhita. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):72-80.
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© 2024by Premlata, Ram B, Prasad Purvia Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Shaka Varga is the Sanskrit name for a group of medicinal plants classified as pot herbs/ vegetables of which leaves, stems, fruits are used. In the Caraka Samhita, Shaka Varga is mentioned in Sutrasthana, Annapanavidhi Adhyaya (27 Chapter).[1] The Shaka Varga are the vegetables which are used in our daily diet as Ahara (Food). They are used as Ahara and as well as Aushadi (Medicine). In present times, it is believed that the regular consumption of dietary antioxidants may reduce the risk of several serious diseases.[2] Regular consumption of vegetables has always been associated with health benefits.

Most of the vegetables contain fat in low amount and high calories. Dietary fiber from vegetables, as part of an overall balance diet, helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fibers are important as they promote movement of materials through the digestive system. It helps to reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories. Vegetables have historically held a place in dietary guidance because of their concentrations of vitamins (Vitamins A & C), minerals, especially electrolytes and phytochemicals especially antioxidants.

Materials and Methods

This review is done by collection of data from various sources in which Shaka Varga described, Charak Samhita, Indian Materia Medica, various published articles and Database. In this review different types of Shakas (vegetables) are found in literature, they are arranged systematically in form of table. The subject matter is divided in two form one is general uses of vegetable in health, their properties, actions and chemical constituents of vegetables which are compiled in the table.

Table 1: Showing the list of Shakas in Caraka Samhita with their properties, therapeutic uses and Chemical constituents

SNName of Drug[3]Botanical Name[4]Properties & Action[3]Therapeutic Uses[3]Chemical Constituent[4]
1.PathaCissampelos pareira Linn.Doshakarma - TridhoshanasakaGrahiPelosine or Bebeerine
2.ShatiHedychium spicatum Buch-HamDoshakarma - TridhoshanasakaGrahiAromatic oil, Starch, Glycoside
3.ChangeriOxalis corniculata Linn.Doshakarma - TridhoshanasakaGharahni, ArshaPotasium, Oxalic Acid
4.VastukaChenopodium album Linn.Doshakarma - TridhoshanasakaBhinnavarcha
5.RajachhavakGuna - Laghu
Doshakarma - Tridhoshanasaka
Gharahni, Arsha
6.KalashakaCorchorus capsularisRasa - KatuShotha, Agnidipaka, GarsophjitaProtein 23%
Carbohydrate 54%,
7.KalayaPisum sativumGuna - Laghu, Rukhsha
Virya - Ushna
Doshakarma - Vatavardaka
8.UpodikaBasella albaRasa - Madhura
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Shelshmavardaka
9.TandulaAmaranthus spinosusGuna - Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Raktapitta, Vishagna
10.MandukaparaniCentella asiatica (Linn.) UrbanRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
MedyaHydrocotyline, C22H32O8N, Asiaticoside, Vallerine, Sterol, Tannin, Ascorbic acid
11.VetagraBambusa arundinacea WildRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
12.BakuchiPsoralia corylifolia Linn.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Psolralen, isopsoralen, isopsoralidin, corylifolin
13.PatolaTrichosanthes dioica Roxb.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Protein, carbohydrate, fat
14.KutakiPicrorhiza kurroa Royal ex BenthRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Picrorhizin, Kutkin, Kutkiol, Kutki sterol, Venellic acid

SNName of Drug[3]Botanical Name[4]Properties & Action[3]Therapeutic Uses[3]Chemical Constituent[4]
(Adusa Flower)
Adhatoda vasica NeesRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Vasicine, Adhatodic acid
(Kali Makoya)
Solanum nigrum Linn.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Solamargine, Solasonine, Solanigrine, Vit.C, B-carotine
17.KambukCostus speciosus (Koeing) Sm.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Steroid, Saponin, Starch
18.KathilakamMomordica charantia Linn.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Ascorbic acid, Momordicine
19.NadishakaCorchorus olitorius Linn.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
20.GojihiwaOnosma bracteatum Wall.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Sodium 9.5%, Potassium 14.25%, Calcium 27%, Iron 1%
21.VartakaSolanum melongena Linn.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Aliphatic Ketones, lipids, napthazarins
22.TilparnikaGynandropsis gynandra (Linn.) BriquetRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Cleomine, Viscosin
23.KaulkaRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
24.KarkasRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
25.NimbaAzadirachta indica A. JussRasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Nimbin, Nimbidin, Nimbinin, Nimbosterol
26.ParpatakaFumaria vaillantii Loisel.Rasa - Tikta
Vipaka - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Doshakarma - Kaphapittashamaka
Pentatriacontane, Tannin, Potassium salt
27.Supya Shaka (Moong, Matar, Urad, Arhar)PulsesGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Protein, Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals (Iron, Zinc, Folate, Magnesium
28.BharangiClerodendrum serratum LinnGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Phenolic glycoside, Saponin
SNName of Drug[3]Botanical Name[4]Properties & Action[3]Therapeutic Uses[3]Chemical Constituent[4]
29.Chilli (Vanbathua)Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
30.KutumbakaGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
31.AlukaDioscorea speciesGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
33.ShanaCrotalaria juncea Linn.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
RaktapittaFat, Raal
34.ShalmalipushpaSalmalia malabaricum Schott & Endl.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
RaktapittaMochrasa - 8-9% Minreal & Catechol tannin
35.KarburdaraBauhinia variegata Linn.Guna - Guru,Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
36.SuvarchalaGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
37.NishapavaDolichos lablab Linn.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
38.KovidaraBauhinia purpurea Linn.Guna - Guru,Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
39.Patur(Chaurai Species)Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
40.ChunchuparniGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Leptadenia reticulate W. & A.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
43.PalakaSpinacia oleracea Linn.Guna - Guru,Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Iodine, Lecithin, Carotin, Oxalic acid
44.MarishaAmaranthus blitum VarGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Coprosma robustaGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
47.Asuri (Raie)Brassica juncea Czern & CossGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
48.Kusumb (Barre)Schleichera oleosa (Lour) okenGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Macassar oil, Hydrocyanic acid

SNName of Drug[3]Botanical Name[4]Properties & Action[3]Therapeutic Uses[3]Chemical Constituent[4]
50.LakshmanaIpomoea sepiariaGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Cassia tora Linn.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Rhein, Aloe-emodin, Chrysophanol
52.Nilinika (Kamal)Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Nuciferine, Nornuciferine, Nelumbin
Ocimum basilicum Linn.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Basil camphor
54.Lonika (Noni)Portulaca quadrifida Linn.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
55.Yavashaka (Bathua)Chenopodium albumGuna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
56.KushmandaBenincasa hispida
Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
57.Yatuka (White Sarivan)Desmodium gangeticum DC.Guna - Guru,Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
Raal, Oil
58.Shalkalyani (Chaurai species)Guna - Guru,Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
59.TriparniGuna - Guru,Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
60.PeeluparnikaGuna - Guru,Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
61.UdumbaraFicus glomerata Roxb.Rasa - Kashyaya
Virya - Shita
Pittaja AtisaraAlbuminide, Silica, Tannin
62.AshwathaFicus religiosa Linn.Rasa - Kashyaya
Virya - Shita
Pittaja AtisaraTannin
63.NyagrodhaFicus benghalensis L.Rasa - Kashyaya
Virya - Shita
Pittaja AtisaraTannin
64.PlakshaFicus lacor Buch.-HamRasa -Kashyaya
Virya - Shita
Pittaja Atisara
65.GandeerDoshakarma - Kaphashamaka
67.ChitrakaPlumbago zeylanica Linn.Doshakarma - KaphashamakaPlumbagin
68.GuduchiTinospora cordifolia (Wild)Doshakarma - VatanashakaBerberine, Giloin
Piper chaba HunterDoshakarma - Vatanashaka
70.BilvaparniDoshakarma - Vatanashaka
SNName of Drug[3]Botanical Name[4]Properties & Action[3]Therapeutic Uses[3]Chemical Constituent[4]
71.BilvaAegle marmelos corr.Doshakarma - VatanashakaMarmelosin, Aegelin, Aegelinin, Marmin, Mucilage, Pectin, Tannnin
72.Bhandi (Nishoth)Operculina turpethum (Linn.)Doshakarma - VatapitashamakaTurpethin, Exogonium purga
73.ShatavariAsparagus racemosus Wild.Doshakarma - VatapitashamakaSaponin
74.BalaSida cordifolia Linn.Doshakarma - VatapitashamakaEphedrine
75.JeevantiLeptadenia reticulata W.& A.Doshakarma - VatapitashamakaSterol
76.ParvaniDoshakarma - Vatapitashamaka
77.ParvapushpiDoshakarma - Vatapitashamaka
78.LangaliGloriosa superb LinnGuna - Laghu
Rasa - Tikta
80.TilSesamum indicum Linn.Rasa - Tikta, Katu, Amla
Doshakarma -Vatanashaka
81.VetasSalix caprea Linn.Rasa - Tikta, Katu, Amla
Doshakarma - Vatanashaka
Cynidin, Pycin, Delfidinin, Glycoside, Saponin
Ricinus communis Linn.Rasa - Tikta, Katu, Amla
Doshakarma -Vatanashaka
Ricin, Ricinine
83.TrapusaCucumis sativus Linn.Guna - Guru, Ruksha
Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
85.AlabuLagenaria vulgaris Ser.Guna - Shita, Ruksha, Guru
86.UtapalapatraNymphaea stellata WilldRasa - KashayaRaktapitta
87.VidarikandaPueraria tuberosa DC.Rasa - Madhura
Virya - Shita
RasayanCarbohydrate -64.60%, Protein - 10.80%
88.SarsapaBrasica campestrisDoshakarma - Tridoshakaraka


Vegetarian diets have been promoted since the 18th century by men and women in search of physical and spiritual health.[5] A wide range of plant food is consumed, including most part of the plant, such as fruits, leaves, roots, and tubers. All the classical texts have given a separate chapter of Shaka Varga (Vegetables). In this review article we are trying to explain the properties or vegetables on the basis of Rasa Panchakas. Either due to endangered species of several naturally available vegetables, man is unable to find out the exact species

of medicinal plant as mentioned in our classical texts. Hence Shakas Varga (vegetables) which mentioned in Caraka Samhita, is explained with their properties.


From this review study it is concluded that vegetables are an important part of a healthy eating pattern and are excellence sources of many nutrients needed for normal body functions. It is found that nutritional composition in all above mentioned vegetables is different. Some vegetables contained high amount of starch while other vegetables contained high amount of protein. Some vegetables are rich in Vitamins (A, E, & C) and minerals like Na, K, P etc. but their concentration in other vegetables is less or poor. Vegetables are poor sources of fat and calories that is good for peoples suffering from obesity. They are excellent sources of fiber, can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, Diabetes type 2 and cancer etc. Fiber is definitely an active component of vegetables and a reason to continue to support their consumption.


1. Caraka Samhita of Agnivesha, revised by Caraka and Dradhabala, Vidhyotini, Vaidhya Shree Satyanarayan Shastri, Chaukambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi,221005, Sutrasthana, Annapanavidhi Adhaya, Chapter 27.

2. Studies on Indian Green Leafy Vegetables for Their Antioxidant Activity, Sheetal Gupta, Jamuna Prakas, Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2009) 64:39-45, DOI 10.1007/s11130-008-0096-6

3. Caraka Samhita of Agnivesha, revised by Caraka and Dradhabala, Vidhyotini, Vaidhya Shree Satyanarayan Shastri, Chaukambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, Annapanavidhi Adhaya, Chapter 27, Verse 88-124, 2009:537-540

4. Dravyaguna Vigyana by P.V Sharma Vol. II, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Reprint 2003.

5. Roe DA. History of promotion of vegetable cereal diets. J Nutr. 1986 Jul;116(7):1355-63. doi: 10.1093/jn/116.7.1355. PMID: 3528431.