drew special attention to the plant as a substitute of Sunn (hemp) as it is easier to cultivate it than Sunn (Crotalaria juncea) and the average produce is almost three times greater than Sunn.[15]
Part Used - Root, Root- bark
Dose - Root bark powder 1-3 gms, Root - 4-8 gms, Root juice - 5-10 ml
Its Swarasa (Root juice) more potent than any other formulation.
Recent researches: Also researches give evidence of its Thrombolytic activity, Antidiabetic, Hypolipidemic, Wound healing, Antimicrobial activity, Anti-oxidant, Analgesic, Antipyretic, Anti-inflammatory actions.
Regarding its Ayurvedic Pharmological Aspect
Ulat Kambal has Deepan, Pachana action by virtue of its Tikta, Katu Rasa. This ensures good digestion, metabolism and biotransformation by supporting different kinds of Agnis in the body. By proper metabolism it keeps a control on the Dhatu formation, especially Artava formation, as female reproductive system is its main site of action.
In conditions, like amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and dysmenorrhea there is hindrance in flow or stagnation of Artava due to its viscid and thick nature. Apart from uterine stimulant and emmenagogue action Ulat Kambal by virtue of its Ushna and Tikshna properties clears the channels thus helps to relieve these conditions.
Future scope: Abroma augusta L. as a multi-purpose medicinal agent, several limitations exist in the current literature. Abroma augusta L. has been used successfully in traditional systems of medicine for centuries, but it is needed to explore its medicinal values at molecular level with the help of biotechnological tools and techniques and also more clinical trials should be conducted to support its therapeutic use.
Ulat Kambal, Abroma Augusta belonging to Malvaceae family, also known as Pishach Karpas, is an ethnomedicinal plant found mainly in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal
Pradesh, Tripura in India. Abroma Augusta is an important plant for the treatment of many Gynecological disorders in folk Indian systems of medicine, for treating various conditions like dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility etc. It is also famous in Unani and Homeopath medicine. But not many people know much about the amazing health benefits of Ulat kambal. So, it is time to appreciate this plant and use it to its full potential.
1. Bhandari Chandra Raj, Vanaushadi Chandrodaya, (1-5), Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Reprinted 2003;165-166.
2. Pandey Gyanendra, Dravyaguna vijanana, Part-3, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, Edition 200;134-137.
3. Bhandari Chandra Raj, Vanaushadi Chandrodaya, (1-5), Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Reprinted 2003;165-166.
4. Sastry JLN, Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol-2, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprintred 2017;634-635.
5. Upadhyay BM, Sharma Aarti, Kaushal Kamini. Ulat kambal (Pishach Karpas)- Abroma augusta:A Study on its Pharmacological Actions from an Ayurvedic Perspective. Int.j.res.appl.sci.eng. 2020;8(9):1140-4.
6. Pandey Gyanendra, Dravyaguna vijanana, Part-3, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, Edition 200;134-137.
7. Bhandari Chandra Raj, Vanaushadi Chandrodaya, Commentary by Bhandari Visharad, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Reprinted 2003;165-166.
8. Kirtikar K.R.,Basu B.D., Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol-1, Periodical Experts Book Agency, Delhi, Edition 1993;380-381.
9. Ansar Ahmad, Kalam MA, Habeeb Afreen, Khan MA, Ulat kambal (Abroma augusta): Therapeutic uses and pharmacological studies-a review. Indo Am.j.pharm.sci. 2020; 07 (10):122-5.
10. Vaidya Bapalal, Some controversial drugs in Indian Medicine, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint edition 2014;16-17.