
Review Article

Chakshushya property

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 6 JUNE

A review article on Chakshushya property of Dravya mentioned by Raja Nighantu

Hiral Patel1*, Foram Shah2, Priyanka Verma3, Ashwini Kumar Sharma4

1* Hiral Patel, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Dravya Guna Vigyan, M M M Government Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Foram Shah, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Dravya Guna Vigyan, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurveda DSRRAU, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Priyanka Verma, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Dravya Guna Vigyan, MMM Government Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

4 Ashwini Kumar Sharma, Professor and HOD, PG Department of Dravya Guna Vigyan, MMM Government Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Ayurveda is the ancient medical science existing since or before the human creation. Ayurveda has main two aims, i.e., prevention and promotion of health and secondary cure from the disease. Eye is one of the sensitive organs permanently exposed to different environmental agent. To take care of our eyes our Acharya's describe Chakshushya Dravya and other rejuvenating medicines to nourish damage and weakened retinal tissue. The word Chakshushya means promotion of Eye health. In present scenario, due to lifestyle modifications eye has become more susceptible to various ocular diseases. Hence prevention and promotion of ocular health plays a major role. The present review has been undertaken to identify the Aushadh and Aahar Dravyas, which are having Chakshushya (wholesome for eyes) property from Raja Nighantu. The study reveals references of 49 Dravyas are having Chakshushya property. Here an attempt is made to analyse the drugs having the Chakshushya property from 23 Varga mentioned by Acharya Narahari Pandita in Raja Nighantu.

Keywords: Chakshushya, Ocular health, Dravya, Raja Nighantu

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Hiral Patel, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Dravya Guna Vigyan, M M M Government Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Hiral Patel, Foram Shah, Priyanka Verma, Ashwini Kumar Sharma, A review article on Chakshushya property of Dravya mentioned by Raja Nighantu. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(6):91-97.
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2024-04-11 2024-04-22 2024-05-02 2024-05-14 2024-05-24
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© 2024by Hiral Patel, Foram Shah, Priyanka Verma, Ashwini Kumar Sharmaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Indriya are medium through which we can perceive knowledge. Eye is knowledge of soul, a major sense organ involved in Vision. According to our Acharya’s Sarvendriyanam Nayanam Pradhanam which shows importance of Chakshurendriya .[1] According to Acharya Vagbhaṭṭa , stating importance of eyes as Drishti Cha Nashta Vividham Jagat Tamomaya Jayat that means the loss of vision is nothing but loss of life.[2]

So, protecting our visual perception is one of the most important things. The word Chakshushya means Chakshushe Hitam Chakshushyam beneficial for eyesight or ocular health.[3] Everyone uses the electronic gadgets which has negatively affect the vision of eye. There are an estimated 35 million people visually impaired (2.55%) in India. Refractive error remains the leading cause of visual impairment. Meanwhile, the most prevalent condition in children and adolescents have refractive error.[4] Dravya having Chakshushya property are known for their ability to improve vision, strengthen the eyes, and alleviate various ocular disorders. Raja Nighantu is one important lexicon of plant drugs. It is one of the latest Nighantu belonging to 17th century A.D and contains most of the newly added drugs and their properties. It is considered as king of all the Nighantu ”.

This book is known with the names Abhidana Chudamani and Nighantu Raja . The author was the first to give importance to Dravyaguna and included Dravyaguna in Astanga Ayurveda showing the prime importance of plant drugs in Ayurvedic treatments. This is the first lexicon, which recognized the importance of nomenclature of plants. He introduced many new plants. Acharya has given utmost importance to maintaining normal health and preventing diseases by enlisting Chakshushya Dravya . The present text has been taken for the study of Chakshushya Dravya mentioned in Raja Nighantu .

Materials and Methods

Raja Nighantu edited with Dravyagunaprakashika Hindi commentary by Dr. Indradeva Tripathi introduce by Acharya Vishwanath Dwivedi has been taken as the base for the study. The Published work on journals and web pages are consulted for review of the Raja Nighantu and Chakshushya Dravya mentioned in other texts for better understanding. The Nighantu has been searched for the term Chakshushya and the drugs mentioned to have the said property were listed out. The properties mentioned in the list of the plants are tabulated and critically analysed on the principles of Dravyaguna to identify the most probable properties of all the Chakshushya Dravya .

Observations and Results

Table 1: Showing the list of the plants/ Audhbhida Dravya having Chakshushya property in Raja Nighantu

Sanskrit nameBotanical Name & FamilyRasaViryaDoshaShamakaReference
MudgaparniPhaseolus trilobus Fabaceae-Sheeta-Guduchyadivarga[5] 36
SwarnajivantiDregea volubilis ApocynaceaeMadhuraSheetaGuduchyadivarga[5] 44
AshwakshuraClitoria ternatea FabaceaeTikta,SheetaTridosha shamakaGuduchyadivarga[5] 89
IndivaraNymphaea stellate NymphaeaceaeKatuSheetaPittakapha shamakaGuduchyadivarga[5] 95
Sweta KantakariSolanum xanthocarpum SolanaceaeKatuUshnaKapha-vata ShamakaSatahwadivarga[6] 36
Shruta ShreniEuphorbia neriifolia EuphorbiaceaeKatu--Satahwadivarga[6] 137
BhringrajaEclipta prostate AsteraceaeTiktaUshnaKapha shamakaSatahwadivarga[6]
KulatthikaDolicues biflorus FabaceaeTikta, Katu--Parpatadivarga[7] 72
Sweta JeerakCuminum cyminum ApiaceaeKatu,
--Pipalyadivarga[8] 59
Carum carvi ApiaceaeKatuUshna-Pipalyadivarga[8] 62
Saindhav LavanaSodii chloridum--Tridosha ShamakaPipalyadivarga[8] 89

YashtimadhuGlycyrrhiza glabra FabaceaeKinchit tiktaSheeta-Pipalyadivarga[8]
Klitanak-MadhuraSheeta-Pipalyadivarga[8] 148
Kramuk/ Shavar lodhraSymplocos crataegoides SymplocaceaeKashayaSheeta-Pipalyadivarga[8] 212
ShigruMoringa oleifera MoringaceaeKatu, MadhuraUshnaMulakadivarga[9] 29
AjashrugiDolichandrone falcate BignoniaceaeTikta, Katu--Prabhadhradi Varga[10] 33
KaranjaPongamia glabra FabaceaeKatuUshna-Prabhadhradi Varga[10] 62
PutrajivaPutrajiva roxburghii Euphorbiaceae-SheetaPitta shamakaPrabhadhradi Varga[10] 139
Kshudra Champak-KatuUshnaKaphavata
Raja Taruni-KashayaKapha karakKarveeradivarga[11] 128
NimbukCitrus medica RutaceaeAmla, KatuUshnaVata shamakaAmradivarga[12] 174
KatakStrichnos potatorum LoganiaceaeKatu, TiktaUshna-Amradivarga[12] 197
Karkat Phala--SheetaKapha Pitta ShamakAmradivarga[12] 199
BibhitakiTerminalia belerica combretaceaeKatu, Tikta, Kashaya Madhra VipakUshnaKapha ShamakaAmradivarga[12] 232
KasturiMoschus moschiferus CervidaeTikta--Chandanadivarga[13] 49
LavangaSyzygium aromaticum MyrtaceaeTikta, Vipaka MadhuraSheetaTridosha ShamakaChandanadivarga[13]
PrapondrikNelumbo nucifera NelumbonaceaeMadhura, TiktaSheeta-Chandanadivarga[13]

Table 2: Showing the list of the Parthiv Dravya having Chakshushya property in Raja Nighantu.

Sanskrit NameRasaViryaDosha ShamakaReference
SuvarnaKashaya, Tikta,
-Tridosh ShamakaSuvarnadivarga[14] 11
KamsyaTikta, kashayaUshnaVatakapha ShamakaSuvarnadivarga[14] 33
TuvariTikta, katu, kashay, Amla--Suvarnadivarga[14] 63
KasisaKashayaSheetaSuvarnadivarga[14] 78
NillanjanKatu, Tikta, KashayaSheetaKaphavata ShamakaSuvarnadivarga[14] 88
KullatthikaKashay, KatuSheeta-Suvarnadivarga[14] 90
Kharpari TutthaKatu, Tikta--Suvarnadivarga[14] 104

Table 3: Showing the list of the Jangam Dravya having Chakshushya property in Raja Nighantu.

Sanskrit NameRasaViryaDosha ShamakReference
Vanshekshu SharkraMadhura--Paniyadivarga[15] 105
Shitakhanda (Mishri)Madhura--Paniyadivarga[15] 109
Khaudra Madhu-ShitaPittavata ShamakPaniyadivarga[15] 128
Hastini Kshira (Elephant’s Milk)Madhura, KashayaShita-Kshiradivarga[16] 15
Manushi Kshira (Human’s Milk)Madhura, KashayShita-Kshiradivarga[16] 19
Stri Dadhi (Human’s milk curd)Vipake Madhura--Kshiradivarga[16] 48

Gavya Navaneet (Cow’s milk butter)MadhuraShitaSarvadosha ShamakKshiradivarga[16] 63
Bala Aja Navaneet (Goat’s milk butter)Madhura, Kashaya-Tridosha ShamakKshiradivarga[16] 66
Ashwa Navaneet (Horse’s milk butter)KashayaUshnaKapha-Vata ShamakKshiradivarga[16] 71
Nari Navaneet (Human’s milk butter)---Kshiradivarga[16] 74
Sadhya Navneet (Fresh buttermilk)Madhura-Vatapitta ShamakaKshiradivarga[16] 75
Mahishi Ghrita (Buffalo’s ghee)--Vatakapha ShamakaKshiradivarga[16] 78
Aja Ghrita (Goat’s ghee)--Kapha ShamakKshiradivarga[16] 79
Nari Sarpi (Human’s milk ghee)---Kshiradivarga[16] 86
Sarshpa TailTikta, KatuUshnaVatakapha
Kshiradivarga[16] 110


From the above mentioned tables 49 drugs have been identified and their properties have been enlisted. The drugs are analysed based on their Rasa, Virya, Vipaka and Dosha Karma . (Table-1,2,3)

Based on the 23 Varga among the 49 Dravya , 04 Dravya are in Guduchyadivarga , 03 Dravya are in Shatahvadivarga , 01 Dravya in Parpatadivarga , 06 Dravya are in Pippalyadivarga , 01 Dravya in Mulkadivarga , 03 Dravya are in Prabhadradivarga , 02 Dravyas are in Karveeradivarga , 04 Dravya are in Amradivarga , 03 Dravya are in Chandanadivarga , 07 Dravya are in Suvarnadivarga , 03 Dravya are in Paaniyavarga , and 12 Dravya are in Kshiradivarga have Chakshushya property from 23 Vargas mentioned in Raja Nighantu . (Table-4)

Based on the origin of the Dravya among the 27 Dravya are Audhbhidh Dravya , 07 Dravya are Parthiva Dravya and 15 Dravya are Aahar Dravya . (Table-5)

Based on the Virya of the Dravya it was observed that among 49 Dravya , 19 Dravya have Sheeta Virya and 12 Dravya have Ushna Virya . (Table-6)

Based on the Rasa among the 49 Dravya , 10 Dravya have Madhura Rasa , 01 Dravya have Amla Rasa , 12 Dravya have Katu Rasa , 12 Dravya have Tikta Rasa and 06 Dravya have Kashaya Rasa . (Table-7)

Based on the Dosha Karma it has been observed that out of 49 Dravya , 01 Dravya is Vata Shamaka , 01 Dravya is Pitta Shamaka , 03 Dravya are Kapha Shamaka , 02 Dravya are Vatapitta Shamaka , 02 Dravyas are Kaphapitta Shamaka , 07 Dravya are Kaphavata Shamaka , 06 Dravya are Tridosha Shamaka respectively.

Table 4: Number of Dravya according to Varga

SNName of the VargaNumber of the Dravya

Table 5: Number of Dravya according to origin

SNOrigin of DravyaNumber of Dravya

Table 6: Number of Dravya according to Virya

SNViryaNumber of Dravya

Table 7: Number of Dravya according to Rasa

SNRasaNumber of Dravya

Table 8: Number of Dravya according to Doshakarma

SNDoshakarmaNumber of Dravya
1.Vata Shamaka1
2.Pitta Shamaka1
3.Kapha Shamaka3
4.Vatapitta Shamaka2
5.Kaphavata Shamaka7
6.Kaphapitta Shamaka2
7.Tridosha/ Sarvadosha Shamaka6


Chakshushya , which means strengthening the eyes; (Chakshu means Eye and Ayushya means Rasayana ). Acharya Bhavprakash mentioned Chakshushya Dravya have Rasayana property so, it is literally a Rasayana for the eyes. According Acharya Charaka , Chakshu is the chief site of Alochaka Pitta but special protection is required against the Kapha , because Kapha Dosha is opposite to Teja Mahabhoot in reference to their Guna . Raja Nighantu mentioned 49 Dravya from them majority of Dravya are of with Sheeta Virya and Madhura , Tikta , Katu , and Kashaya Rasa and Tridosha Shamak properties.

Sheeta Virya Dravya which is pacify the Pittavriddhi & opposite of the Teja Guna of Chakshu where as Ushna Virya Dravya helps in pacify Kaphavriddhi . So, Chakshushya Dravya should be Kaphashamak and Pittavardhak . Above mention, the Dravya have mainly having property of balancing all the three Dosha especially keeping the Pitta Kapha Saamya . From the present study, it can be concluded that 49 drugs were mentioned in Rajanighantu acting on ocular health. It can also be said that the drugs having Madhura, Katu, Tikta, Kashaya Rasa, Sheeta Virya and Madhura Vipaka and Tridosha Shamakta play major role for Chakshusya property.

Above mentioned the Dravya have mainly having property of balancing all the three Dosha especially keeping the Pitta Kapha Saamya . Above mentioned Chakshushya Dravya can be used in various therapeutic processes Kriyakalpa like Pindi, Bidalaka, Tarpana, Putapaka, and Anjana .


The Chakshushya Dravya described in Ayurveda encompass a wide range of functions, including medications with nutritional, medicinal, preventative, and revitalising qualities. These medications can be taken regularly by both healthy people and those with ocular illnesses to avoid further complication.


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2. Upadhyay Yadunandan: Ashtanga hridaya, published by Chaukhmbha Sanskruta Samsthan, Varanasi, Fourteenth edition; Kaviraj Atridev Gupta Commentary (Vidhyotini) Sutrasthan -24/25: P. 139.

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4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9359234.

5. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Guduchyadivarga 36/p.35; 44/p.36; 89/p.45; 95/p.47.

6. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Satahwadivarga 36/p.67; 137/p.88; 141/p.89.

7. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Parpatadivarga 72/p.118.

8. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Pippalyadivarga 59/p.146; 62/p.147; 89/p.152; 145/p.164; 148/p.164; 212/p.177.

9. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Mulkadivarga 29/p.194.

10. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition ,2021, Prabhadradivarga 33/p.270; 62/p.276; 139/p.292.

11. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Karveeradivarga 62/p.309; 128/p.323.

12. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Amradivarga 174/p.375; 197/p.380; 199/p.381, 232/p.387.

13. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Chandanadivarga 49/p.404; 84/p.412; 142/p.425.

14. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Suvarnadivarga 11/p.430; 33/p.435; 63/p.441; 78/p.444; 88/p.446; 90/p.446; 104/p.449.

15. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Paaniyavarga 105/p.493; 109/p.494; 128/p.497.

16. Tripathi ID, Raja Nighantu of Pandit Narahari, Chowkhambha Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi 7th edition, 2021, Kshiradivarga 15/p.507; 19/p.507; 48/p.513; 63/p.515; 66/p.517; 71/p.518; 74/p.518; 75/p.518; 78/p.519; 79/p.519; 86/p.521; 110/p.525.