Chart No. 5
Tandulodaka is Sheeta and useful in Mutrakruchra (difficulty in micturation), Daha (burning sensation), Atisara (diarrhoea), bleeding disorders, Atiraktasrava (heavy menstrual flow). It is rich in starch and contains various important antioxidants. Consumption of rice water helps energize body. Rice water contains very high levels of carbohydrates that will help in fulfilling your energy requirements. Honey contains easily digestible fructose. It aids easy absorption by active transport. It augments action of medicine by Yogavahitva.
Mode of action
Most of ingredients in Pushyanug Churna are Kashaya Rasa predominant. Kashaya Rasa is Pittakapha Shamak and Stambhana - Rakta Stambhaka (checks haemorrhage) or Srava Stambhak (checks secretions). It also helps in Sandhana Karma, Pidana, Ropana, Savarnikarana which is very useful in case of Vrana as good antiseptic and joining tissues. Other actions of Dravya having Kashaya Rasa are Mutrasangrahana and Lekhana which is beneficial in urine infection and scraping of dead tissues in case of Vrana respectively. Pushyanug Churna also contains Tikta Dravyas which helps in Rakta Prasadana. There will be Rakta Dhatu Kshyaya due to Raktasrava. Tikta Rasa Dravyas like Patha, Mushta Sariva, Kutaj, Raktachandana, Lajjalu, Ativisha, etc will help in formation of good quality Rakta Dhatu by Rakta Shodhan and Rakta Prasadana Karma. Maximum ingredients in Pushyanug Churna have Sheeta Virya which is responsible for Pittashamana and Stambhanakarma. It also does Rakta Prasadana, Pralhadana, Sthirikarana, Jeevaniya and Balya Karma which will help in formation of Rakta Dhatu and gives strength to emaciated patients due to excessive loss of blood.
Srava is presenting symptom of vitiated Kapha Dosha which is seen in Yonivyapat. Dravyas like Shilodbheda, Rasanjana, Samanga, Kutajtwak, Mushta, Bilva, Katvanga, Katphala, etc. have Kashaya and Tikta Rasa and Sarva Dhatu Shoshan and Lasika Shoshan Karma helps in absorption of excessive fluids from Rakta Dhatu.
Ingredients present in Pushyanug Churna have certain important Karma (pharmacological actions). These are Raktashodhaka (Blood purifier), Raktasthambhaka (Haemostatic), Balya (reduces weakness), etc. In pathogenesis of Raktapradara Rasa Dhatu, Rakta Dhatu, and Vata Dosha are main responsible factors. Drugs present in Pushyanug Churna plays important role to alleviate this pathology and effectively controls Raktasrava (bleeding). They also help to cure complications which occur due to Atiraktasrava (heavy uterine bleeding) like pallor, Daha (burning sensation), Dourbalya (weakness)
Pushyanug Churna is found effective in Raktapradara by reducing symptoms like Atiraktasrava and Dourbalya (weakness).
1. Agnivesha, Charaksamhita, part II, 19th edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, 1993, page no. 853- 854. nd
2. prof(Km.) Premvati Tewari, Ayurvediya Prasutitantra evam Striroga part II, 2 edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha orientalia, 2000, page no. 172-177, 181, 185,195.
3. Sri Govinda Dasa Sena Bhaishajyaratnavali edited and enlarged by Bhisagratna Sri Brahmasankara Misra Vidyotini hindi commentary, Analysis and Appendices by Kaviraja Sri Ambikadatta Sastri Editor Sri Rajesvaradattasastri, 2nd edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Prakashan, 2021, page no. 1032.
4. Prof. P. V. Sharma, Dravyaguna vijnana, Vol II (vegetable drugs), Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, page no. 627, 660, 651, 537, 627, 492, 749, 465, 139, 356, 456, 371, 616, 470, 363, 333, 134, 718, 516, 799, 472, 254, 196, 784, 352, 814, 44.