Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the clinically challenging disorders. It has a significant effect on health, cost and quality of life. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) remains a clinical challenge in the 21st century. IBS is one of the functional Gastrointestinal Disease (FGID) having high population prevalence. It is characterized by abdominal pain, change in frequency and form of stool. The symptoms occur with no structural pathology of the Gastrointestinal tract.[1] Rome IV describes IBS with four subtypes namely constipation predominant (IBS-C), diarrhea predominant (IBS-D), mixed or alternating pattern (IBS-M) and IBS-U (unclassified).[2] IBS diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and the exclusion of somatic diseases.[3] The severity of symptoms of IBS varies from very mild to incapacitating. The prevalence of moderate and severe cases may be underestimated.[4] A threefold higher rate of cholecystectomy, a two fold higher rate of appendectomy and hysterectomy, approximately 50% higher rate of back surgery have been recorded in IBS patients compared to those without IBS.[5] IBS impairs health related quality of life, possibly even increasing the risk for suicidal behaviors.[6]
By taking a look on the sign and symptom of Grahani, somehow it resembles to IBS. In Grahani Roga, due to Dushit Jathragni the digestions of food do not occur properly. Undigested food forms a vitiated material called “Ama’’ which is responsible for producing various disorders. It disturbs the normal flora of GI tract and weakness the muscles and acid fluid configuration of GI tract. So, Prasad Bhaga of food is not form properly so nourishment of body does not occur. In today’s practice, one can come across good number of patients suffering from the complaints related to G.I.T. These complaints vary from loss of appetite to chronic abdominal pain, irregular bowel habit, incomplete evacuation, chronic flatulence, constipation, diarrhea and failure to thrive etc. The important factors which play a significant role in most of the digestive disorder are malfunctioning of Agni and Vata Dosha along with significant contribution of mind in the physiological function of Digestive system. Basti being one among Panchakarma specially advised for the correction of Vata Dosha and as a site of attain a disease of colon.
Case Report
A 30 years male patient visit our Ayurvedic Hospital with complaints of constipated and loose stools (Muhurbadha Muhurshithil Malaprvritti, abdominal pain (Udarshool), stool with mucus (Apakvamalapravritti), Anorexia (Aruchi), heaviness in abdomen (Udaragourava), fatigue (Alasya), and indigestion (Ajeerna) since 3 years. These symptoms resemble with the Grahani Roga.
Past history of patient
The patient used antacid and antispasmodic drug unevenly. His family history revealed that there was no such complaint ever.
General Examination
Vitals Pulse: 80/min, CVS: S1 S2 Normal, BP: 110/70 mmHg, CNS: Conscious, Oriented, Temp: Afebrile, RS: AEBE, Clear, RR: 20/min., P/A: Resonance ++ Mild Tenderness, Built: Lean, Weight: 48 kg., Height: 5.6 feet, Blood Investigation: Hb%: 11.7 g/dL, ESR: 40mm, BSL(R):120mg/dl, Sr.Creatinine: 0.85mg/dl, HBsAg: Non-Reactive, Urine: Pus cells +.
Do’s & Don’ts
Eat old rice, jawar, gourd, coriander leaves, lentil, green grams soup, black pepper, dried ginger, wood apple, Pomegranate, nutmeg, skimmed milk, buttermilk, hot water, complete rest, adequate sleep.
Eat wheat, maize, barley, pigeon pea, pea, cow pea, spiked dolichos, black gram, gram, Soya bean, saga, kidney bean, potato, sweet potato, navalkoal, onion, coconut, groundnut, chili, oily food, chicken, red meat, crabs, prawns, fish, leafy vegetable like sorrel, drum stick etc. mango, pineapple, apple, watermelon, cashew, pumpkin gourd, papaya, fig, jack fruit, excess milk, day sleep, awakening at night, tension, suppression of urges before bed.
Treatment given
Shamana Chikitsa
1. Kaidaryadi Kashayam 10ml BD with Luke warm water
2. Kutjarishta 10ml BD with Luke warm water