Krimidanta, Adhidanta, Shitadanta, Dantavruddhi, Jalarbuda, Arsha, Nasa Arsha Karnarsha, Lingarsha, Yoniarsha, Bhagandara, Nadivrana, Upadvansha, Gulma, Vilambika, Sanyasa, Unmada, Yakruta & Plihodara, Shonita Atipravrutti, Shira Sandhi Cheda, Visarpa.
Contraindications of Agnikarma
Pitta Prakruti, Bhinna Kostha, Daurbalya, Vruddha, Antah Shonita, Anuddhrata Shalya, Bala, Bhiru, suffering from - Pandu, Atisara, Kshaya, Guda Bhrumsha, Udararoga, Nasa Sanga, Chhardi, Shoshita, who has taken alcohol, Oja Kshaya, Vigagdha, Rakta Pitta, Sthula, Ajirna, Kroddha, Trushna, Adhya Rogi, Garbhini Prameha, Ruksha, Daurbalya, Visha, Kshudha, Timira, Kshata, According to Charaka, Agnikarma should not be done in the Vrana of Snayu, Marma, Netra, Kushtha and Vrana with Visha and Shalya.
Agnikarma Vidhi (Procedure)
Purvakarma - The Agnikarma room should be well prepared with all required Agropaharaniyani described by Acharya Sushruta. Prepare Triphala Kashaya for Prakshalana of the local part of patient. Yashtimadhu Churna, small pieces of Kumari Patra, swab holding forceps, Plota (gauze piece), Pichu (cotton), and gas stove, Shalakas etc. are kept ready for use. The Shalaka is heated upto becomes red hot on fire.
Pradhana Karma - Aasana for Agnikarma: In Sandhigata Vata, it is easy to do Agnikarma in prone position as it is good and comfortable to the patient. After carefully considering the symptoms of the disease, vitals and the strength of the patient as well as disease and seasons, physician should undertake the patient for Agnikarma. On the diseased skin of the patient, the Samyak Dagdha Vrana should be produced by red hot Shalaka. The number of the Samyak Dagdha Vrana should be 15 - 30 or according to the extent of the diseased area. Apply immediate cooling agents: After making Samyak Dagdha Vrana apply cooling agent immediately to subside burning pain.
Inspection of defective Agnikarma and management
1) Plushtha Dagdha - If the Shalaka is not properly heated then it will produce this type of Dagdha. Management for Plushtha Dagdha (burns of the first degree), warming of the body (increasing
the body temperature) and administration of drugs / medicines of hot properties should be given; when the temperature of the body becomes increased, the blood becomes liquefied; water by nature is cold in potency and hence makes the blood thick to coagulate, so that, only heat gives comfort.
2) Durdagdha - When the physicians are unskilled hand or patient is shaking his body parts due to fear of burn then Durdagdha can occur. Management In Durgagdha (burns of the second degree) the physician should resort to both warm and cold therapies, application of Ghee, poultices and bathing the body should be done in cold state only.
3) Ati-Dagdha (burn of the fourth degree) - This complication is produced due to more heat which is transferred from the red hot Shalaka to the diseased part. In Ati Dagdha the torn (hanging loose) muscles should be removed followed by cold therapies, then the physician should apply the paste of rice, bark of Tinduki mixed with ghee or cover the wound with leaves of Guduchi or aquatic plant (like lotus etc.). All the treatments which are similar to that of Visarpa of Pitta origin should be done. Madhuchhisthadi Ghrita contains Madhuchhistha, Madhuka, Lodhra, Sarjarasa, Manjishtha, Chandana and Murva, should be macerated together and then cooked with Ghee, is best for healing of wound in all kinds of burns.
4) Daha (Burning pain) - More or less burning pain is experienced by each and every patient who uses to take Agnikarma Chikitsa. This may be treated by Ghrutakumari Patra Swarasa.
5) Dushtha Vranata (Sepsis of wound) - After Agnikarma, it should be observed for any complications. If there is any sign of sepsis, treat the patient accordingly.
Pashchat Karma
Pathya Apathya in Agnikarma procedure, it is necessary that it should be healed without any complications. So, all the Pathya-Apathyas which have been described by Acharya Sushruta are advised here. It is utmost advisable to the patient that “Do not allow water to touch the Samyak Dagdha Vrana site for one Ahoratra (24 hours)”. The complete Ropana (healing) of the Vrana should be observed. Agnikarma Chikitsa can be repeated after 7 days.