
Review Article

Carcinoma of Breast

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 4 April

Role of Ayurveda medicine in the management of Carcinoma of Breast

Acharya G S1*, S Acharya G2, S Acharya R3

1* Shripathi Acharya G, Director, Academic and Development, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

2 Gopikrishna S Acharya, Professor and HOD, Department of Roga Nidana and Vikruti Vijnana, Guru Gorakhnath Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3 Rajeshwari S Acharya, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

The incidence of malignant disorders is increasing in modern India. Due to altered lifestyle, faulty food habits intake of carcinogenic drugs, alcohol and tobacco and derangements in hormonal activities, cancers are seen common. Carcinoma of stomach, carcinoma of head of pancreas, carcinoma of breasts, carcinoma of prostate, squamous cells carcinoma of the mouth and tongue, skin carcinoma, osteosarcoma, carcinoma of rectum, Bronchogenic carcinoma are few malignant conditions seen commonly in the society. Surgical excision, Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are practiced in the management of cancer. In Ayurveda, Nidana Parivarjana, use of Vyadhi Pratyanika Aushadhi, Panchakarma therapy, practice of Yogasanas and Pranayama, Pyramid therapy, Pathapathya Prayoga and diet therapies are advocated. Ayurveda provides palliative treatment in this disease. It often improves the quality of life and body strength in these patients. In the review paper, the role of Ayurveda medicine in the management of Carcinoma of breast is discussed elaborately.

Keywords: Carcinoma of breast, Rasayana, Anticancer

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Shripathi Acharya G, Director, Academic and Development, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
Acharya G S, S Acharya G, S Acharya R, Role of Ayurveda medicine in the management of Carcinoma of Breast. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(4):145-149.
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© 2024by Acharya G S, S Acharya G, S Acharya Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Carcinoma of breast is common in females aged between 40 and 50 years. Adenocarcinoma is a malignant condition where parent tissue is of glandular epithelial cells. Carcinoma of breast spreads through lymphatic system and secondaries are seen in axillary and cervical lymph node. Clinical features are lump in breast, pain, oozing, bleeding, ulceration pleu de orange changes in the breast nipples and sometimes retraction of breast nipple.[1,2] There will be symptoms like loss of appetite, cachexia and iron deficiency anaemia, which are progressive in nature. Surgical excision of the lesion, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are usually practiced depending on the extent of morbidity. In Ayurveda, better palliative treatment is available.[3]

Aim and Objectives

To study about the role of Ayurveda medicines in the management of Carcinoma of breast.


Compilation is done by referring research monographs, scientific journals, internet contemporary treatises, Sangraha Granthas and Samhita from the personal clinical experience also certain points are included in the review.

Single drugs used in carcinoma of breast[4]

1. Bhallataka - Semicarpus anacardium

2. Triphala - Three myrobalan

3. Chitraka - Plumbago zelenica

4. Panchakola

5. Trikatu

6. Shatavari - Asparagus racemosus

7. Vajra Bhasma

8. Kharjuara (Dates)

9. Varachi Kancha - Diascorea odarata

10. Ashwagandha - Withania somnifera

11. Lashuna - Aleum sativum

12. Kooshmanda - Bemincasa hispida

13. Masha

14. Bala - Side cordifolia

15. Ajamamsa

16. Kukkutanda

17. Snigdha Matsya - Fish


1. Bhallataka Vati

2. Amrita Bhallataka

3. Chitraka Haritaki Leha

4. Panchanara Guggulu

5. Kanchanara Guggulu

6. Arogyavardhini Vati

7. Pravala Panchamrita Rasa

8. Mukta Panchamrita Rasa

9. Vajra Bhasma

10. Swarna Malini Vasanta

11. Roudra Rasa

12. Sadapushpa Patra Choorna

13. Chitrakasava

14. Ajamamsa Rasayana

15. Mamsa Rasa

16. Mahisha Drava

17. Kooshmandavaleha

18. Ashwagandhavaleha

19. Shatavari Rasayana

20. Shatavari Capsules

21. Jatamamsi Choorna

22. Tagara Tablets

23. Sarpagandha Vati

24. Ashwagandha Choorna

25. Ashwagandharishta

26. Medhya Vati

27. Brahmi Vati

28. Brahmi Ghrita


1. Anti cancer

2. Cytotoxic

3. Ulcer healer

4. Dahahara

5. Vrina Ropana

6. Shothahara

7. Vrina Shodhana

8. Balya

9. Brimhana

10. Jivaniya

11. Ojavardhaka

12. Anti-inflammatory

13. Vedanahara

14. Medhya

15. Anti stress

16. Adaptogemic

17. Anxiolytic

18. CNS stimulant

19. Antidepressant

20. Vayasthapana

21. Poshaka

22. Sedative

23. CNC depressant

24. Hypnotic


1. Bhallataka Vati

2. Sadapushpa Patra Choorna

3. Roudra Rasa

4. Amrita Bhallataka Vati

Ulcer healer

1. Yashti Ghrita

2. Madhu Yashti Choorna

3. Shatavari Swarasa


1. Ushiradi Peya

2. Chandanadi Loha

3. Chandanasava

4. Pravala Pishti

Vrina Ropana[9]

1. Thriphala Kashaya

2. Pancha Valkala Kashaya

3. Triphala Guggulu


1. Tankana Bhasma

2. Tanhkana Sindoora

3. Sphatika Bhasma


1. Mamsarasa

2. Ashwagandhaleha

3. Kooshmandavaleha

4. Ajamamsa Rasayana


1. Masha Nirmita Ahara Kalpana

2. Vidari Choorna

3. Draksharishta

4. Matsya (Snigdha)


1. Ashtavarga Kashaya

2. Kshira Bala Taila

3. Gokshira


1. Shatavari capsules

2. Pravala Panchamrita Rasa

3. Mukta Pishti


1. Amalaki Swarasa

2. Amalaki Rasayana

Vedana Sthapana[13]

1. Triphala Guggulu

2. Kaishora Guggulu

3. Amrita Guggulu


1. Medhya Vati

2. Brahmi Vati

3. Saraswatharishta


1. Ashwagandharishta

2. Ashwagandha Choorna

3. Shatavari Capsules


1. Sarpagandha Vati

2. Ashwagandharishta

3. Barhmi Ghrita


1. Jatamamsi Choorna

2. Tagara tablets

3. Ashwagandha Choorna

CNS stimulant

1. Pooga Choorna

2. Pooga Khanda

3. Pogasava


1. Shunthi Choorna

2. Ardraka Khanda


1. Mamsa Rasa

2. Vidari Kanda Choorna[16]

3. Shatavari Capsules


1. Sarpagandha Ghana Vati

2. Tagara tablets

CNS Depressant

1. Manasa Mitra Vati

2. Saraswatharishta

3. Jatamamsi Choorna


1. Ashwagandharishta

2. Jatamamsi Choorna

3. Tagara Tablets


Due to faulty lifestyle, altered food habits, variation in hormonal activities, use of carcinogenic drugs, alcohol and chronic psychological stress and mental depression has led to carcinoma of breast in females. Usually in middle aged females, this disease is more common, lump in the breast, pain, oozing, bleeding from the site, retraction of nipples, pleu de orange, changes in the skin of breast and lymphadenopathy in axillary and cervical nodes are the presenting clinical features. Ayurveda treatment is more useful in cases which are already treated with surgical excision of the lump, and there is no involvement of lymph node. Ayurveda medicines is not only alleviating the signs and symptoms, increases vigour and vitality in the body, increases body weight and strength and life span in these patients.


Carcinoma of breast is common in Indian females between age group of 40-50 years. Contemporary medicine treats it with surgery, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. There are lot of side effects after undergoing modern treatment. Ayurveda medicine has a better role. However, cases already undergone surgery show better results after Ayurveda treatment. Improvement in quality of life, increase in body strength, and increased life span are the benefits seen after Ayurvedic treatment.


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