
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 4 April

Concept and significance of Shatkriyakala

Rathour G1*, Asif M2, Sasmal G3, Bhardwaj V4

1* Geetu Rathour, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, Npa Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

2 Mohammed Asif, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, NPA Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

3 Gitanjali Sasmal, HOD, Department of Kriya Sharir, NPA Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

4 Vinay Bhardwaj, Reader, Department of Kriya Sharir, NPA Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

The term Kriyakala refers to the recognition of the stages of a disease progress. This concept is mostly compared with disease pathogenesis. Kriyakala means the time of treatment or interception in the process of disease manifestation. Acharya Susrutha has narrated detailed concept of Shatkriyakala in 21st chapter of Sutrasthana. Shatkriyakala include six stages viz Sanchaya, Prakopa, Prasara, Sthansamshraya, Vyaktavastha and Bhedavastha. Kriya means Action or treatment. Early diagnosis of any disease helps to cure the disease successfully without much discomfort. This is an objective approach of ancient scientists helping for the clinical practice.

Keywords: Shatkriyakala, Dosha, Dhatu, Sanchaya, Prakopa, Prasara, Sthansamshraya, Vyaktavastha, Bhedavastha

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Geetu Rathour, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, Npa Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Rathour G, Asif M, Sasmal G, Bhardwaj V, Concept and significance of Shatkriyakala. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(4):155-158.
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© 2024by Rathour G, Asif M, Sasmal G, Bhardwaj Vand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


A number of new diseases have been found all around the world as a result of today sedentary lifestyle, pollution, eating habits and things man’s incapacity to achieve and maintain his internal steady state equilibrium results in the onset of disease. The six stages of the shat Kriyakala, as described by Acharya Sushruta, provide insight into the Doshadushtis present condition as well as the course of any bodily illness from its beginning. The treatment plan as well as the stages of sickness presentation are both fully explained by one of the most important Ayurvedic concept.


Literature Search

Review of Literature regarding Shatkriyakala is collected from (1) Sushrutha Samhita (2) Astang Hrudayam. All compiled matter is reorganized and critically analyzed for the discussion and attempt has been made to draw some fruitful conclusions.

Shat Kriyakala

Till now we know that physiology is the study of normal functioning of the body is study of Dosha (bioenergy), Dhatu (tissues) and Mala (waste matter). Pathology deals with etiology, diagnosis, symptoms of the disease.

To cure the disease completely knowledge of Shatkriyakala or Samprapti is essential. Shat means six and Kriyakala means stages. Samprapti has six stages from the accumulation of Doshas till the disease is completely manifested. Sushruta has described these stages in the following way.[1]

1) Stage of Accumulation (Chaya or Sanchaya)

In this stage the disturbed Doshas start accumulation in their own sites.

a) In Vata Chaya the person senses abdominal bulging due to Vata accumulation and then becomes lethargic.

b) In Pitta Chaya yellowness of nails, eyes and urine is observed.

c) In Kapha Chaya body temperature is lowered. The person starts developing nausea.

Chaya is increased in its own

sites and produces dislike for things which are the causes of increase and liking for things of opposite qualities.

In this stages mild symptoms are seen. Thus it is very beneficial to cure the person in this 1ststage itself.[2]

If we treat the disease at the stage of Sanchaya (accumulation), the disease does not spread further. This is the reason why it is said that if we can win over the disease.[3]

The Doshas should be vanquished (by effective treatment) in their stage of Chaya.[4]

Explaining Chaya Avastha

SNChayaSiteDesire of qualities of Dosha’s
1.VataPakvashayaUshna, Snigdha and sweet
2.PittaGrahaniSweet, Sheeta

Symptoms of Chaya Avastha

1.VataPakvashayaStabhadpurna Koshtha
3.KaphaAmashayaMandoshmata, Gaurav

The initial effects of etiological factors or suppression of immune response in case of infectious disease can be correlated with Sanchaya which is considered as stage of Doshas accumulation. Sanchaya may represent the level of oxidative stress which damages the cell structure and its functions.

2) Stage of Aggravation (Prakopa)

In this stage the doshas go on accumulating further in their own sites.

a) In Vata-Prakopa, hyper peristalsis is observed i.e., food passes very rapidly through the stomach and intestine.

b) In Pitta-Prakopa, water brash, polydipsia (frequency in drinking water) and burning sensation is observed.

c) In Kapha-Prakopa the person feels nauseated about food and heaviness in chest is observed.

Vagbhata has said that in this stage Dosha spread throughout the body. However, this is not quite correct.[5]

The disturbed biological response after invasion of etiological factors alter normal state of body leading to the more accumulation of disease causative entity inside the body this can be correlated with Prakopa of Shatkriyakala. Prakopa stage has unusual cell proliferation due to oxidative stress which may have increased DNA mutations or induced DNA damage and genome instability.

3) Stage of Spread (Prasara)

In this stage the Doshas are hyper activated and they leave their site and start spreading throughout the body.

a) In Vata-Prasara Doshas change their place and move in any part of the body. A person experiences tympanitis.

b) In Pitta-Prasara body temperature is raised and burning sensation is sensed.

c) In Kapha-Prasara the person experiences fatigue, indigestion and tastelessness. Also a falling for nausea is developed.[6]

How Prasara stage is formed?

If milk is kept for boiling in a vessel, after some time it comes up to the brim and then if not removed spills out. Similarly Doshas leave their place and spread throughout the body.

When water and Kodrava (type of cereal) are mixed and kept in closed vessel for some time, then fermentation takes place and this mixture spreads rapidly everywhere. Similarly, Doshas spread rapidly throughout the body.

The stage of Prasara can be correlated with the cell migration as oxidative stress can augment tumor growth and metastasis by causing profound alterations in the morphology and adhesive properties of the cells.

4) Stage of Localization (Sthanasamshraya) In this stage the aggravated Doshas attack the Dushya or weak tissues or waste products & disease is manifested. In these stages the prodromal symptoms (Purvarupa) starts appearing.

In this stage the disease starts progressing. The type of disease depends on where the Doshas have accumulated. Depending on the type of channel these Doshas attack, various disease like diarrhea, kidney stone, fever etc. occurs. To prevent this stage Rasayana treatment is very beneficial.

Stage of disease augmentation in which causative entity accumulated at different body parts can be correlates with Sthanasamsraya in which aggravated and spreaded Dosha gets localized to many body parts.

Sthanasamshraya may be called as homing process of the cells. This homing process takes place through multiple steps, which includes progression, invasion and settling of cells into a distant organ.

5) Stage of Manifestation (Vyakti) In this stage the disease expresses itself. Here, the disease can be diagnosed easily. e.g. pyrexia, colitis (diagnosed by type of feces). Sushruta has described this stage as occurrence of disease.

In this stage proper symptoms or Rupa appears, therefore particular disease expresses particular symptoms.

Stage of manifestation of symptom can be considered as Vyakti in which disease diagnosis can be possible accurately on the basis of sign and symptoms. It is considered as acute stage of disease manifestation.

6) Stage of Differentiation (Bheda) This is the last stage of Shat-Kriyakala. In this stage the disease can be diagnosed correctly and its Doshaja type can be decided e.g. Pittaja diarrhea (where Pitta Dosha is predominant).

Stage of complications of disease can be correlates with Bheda stage in which chronic or incurable condition may persist if proper treatment options not adopted.

Significance of Shat-Kriyakala

1. Understand the stage in a definite sequence before the disease is diagnosed.

2. We can prevent the formation of disease if the initial stage are diagnosed correctly.

3. Different type of treatment can be given for different stage.

4. The physician can successfully cure the patient and prevent the recurrence of the disease.


Kriyakala can be subdivided in two stages: 1) Doshaja Kriya Kala: The treatment is given according to the involvement of Doshas, it includes Sanchaya, Prakopa, Prasara

stages. 2) Vyadhi Kriya Kala: The treatment is given according to the disease, it includes Sthana Samshraya, Vyakti, Bheda stages. So, in manifestation of disease Shad Kriyakala having important significance. If we understand Shad Kriyakala properly we can detect the disease in early stage and treated easily. Hence each stage of Kriyakala helps to prevent the spread of disease


In process of manifestation of various diseases, concepts of shad kriyakala have great role. All the six stages of Shad Kriyakala may not be distinctly procurable in each and every disease but it risk in all the conditions. The duration of each stage depends on etiological factors, triggering factors, nature of Doshas, nature of disorder. By this we concluded that whatever may be the disease the early diagnosis will not cause complication, every stage having particular treatment, physician can treat the disease by lower doses and less time in early stage.


1. B.Kotur, Shashikala Kotur. Varanasi: Choukhambha Orientalia. A text book of Ayurvedic Physiology.p.43

2. Shastri A, editor: Chapter 21. Verse 36. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana. In: Commentary Ayurveda-tattva-sandipika on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sootra Sthana; Vranaprasana Adhyaya. reprint ed; 2015. p. 121.

3. Tripathi B, editor: Chapter 12. Verse 24. New Delhi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratisthana. In: Commentary Nirmala on ashtanga Hrdayam of Vagbhata, Sootra Sthana; Doshabhediya Adhyaya. reprint ed; 2019. p. 175.

4. Shastri A, editor: Chapter 21. Verse 19-25. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana. In: Commentary Ayurveda-tattva-sandipika on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sootra Sthana; Vranaprasana Adhyaya. reprint ed; 2015. p. 118-19.

5. Ravidutt Tripathi, chapter 12. Varanasi: Choukhambha Publication Astang Sangraha of Vagbhata, Sootra Sthana; p. 42.