
Review Article

Concept of Sadvrutta

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

Concept of Sadvrutta with special reference to Charaka Samhita

A Metre S1, S Huddar R2*

1 Santosh A Metre, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept of Samhita Siddhanta, Shri Veerpulikeshi Ayurveda Medical College and Research centre, Badami, Karnataka, India.

2* Reethapriya S Huddar, Assistant Professor, Dept of Samhita Siddhanta, Shri Vijaya Mahantesh Ayurveda Medical College, Ilkal, Karnataka, India.

Ayurveda being science of life, helps and guides us to live an ideal and healthy lifestyle especially in the present era. According to Ayurveda everyone can enjoy healthy life by following certain rules laid by the Science. In prevention of disease and promotion of health these rules are very important. In Charaka Samhita, Acharya Charaka has mentioned Sadvrutta which gives detailed knowledge regarding what to do, what not to do etc. Following Sadvrutta helps to reduce many life style disorders which is burning issue in today’s era. Therefore, study on concept of Sadvrutta is essential.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Sadvrutta, Lifestyle disorders

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Reethapriya S Huddar, Assistant Professor, Dept of Samhita Siddhanta, Shri Vijaya Mahantesh Ayurveda Medical College, Ilkal, Karnataka, India.
A Metre S, S Huddar R, Concept of Sadvrutta with special reference to Charaka Samhita. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):49-51.
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© 2024by A Metre S, S Huddar Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is the science which deals with concept of both Swastha and Athura Purusha. Ayurveda even tells regarding Diet, behaviour, rules and regulations which are beneficial and harmful for our life. Balance of Sharira, Indria and Manas is defined as Swastha. To achieve balance in Manas Sadvrutta should be followed. Sad means good and Vrutta means behaviour, conduct or habits of day to day life. Sadvrutta is the code of conduct for keeping good and balanced condition of Sharira and Manas. The person can achieve both the aims by following this such as Arogya and Indriyavijaya that is control over Sense organs.

Acharya Charaka has mentioned the importance of Sadvrutta, as the person who follows it will be healthy both Sharirika and Manasika. If Sadvrutta is not followed it leads to Prajnaparadha which is main reason for many Vyadhis.[1]

Materials and Methods

Literary materials are collected and compiled from Charaka Samhita along with its commentaries, previous research Articles, Journals were referred to frame the literature.

Review of literature

Activities to be done:

One should worship Gods, Cows, Brahmanas, preceptors, aged persons, well versed and teachers. One should offer Oblation to fire. One should wear sacred herbs on body and perform Sandhyavandana twice a day that is morning and evening. One should clean the external orifices and foot frequently. Hair, Moustaches and Nails should be cut thrice in a fortnight. One should wear clean dress every day. One should be pleasant, apply perfumes, wear good dress and comb hair. One should apply oil on the head, eardrops, nasal drops and massaging foot daily. One should inhale medicated fumes. One should take initiation to talk with others. One should have a pleasant face. One should offer oblations to Gods and demons. One should have self-control. One should be truthful, peaceful. One should abolish the causes of attachment and aversion.[2]

Activities to be avoided:

One should not procure others property. One should not be desirous to have others women and wealth. One should not be inclined towards enmity. One should not indulge in sinful acts. One should not do harm even to a sinner. One should not be eager to know the secrets of others. One should not travel by unreliable vehicles. One should not move on uneven steps of mountains. One should not sit on hard seat of knee height. One should not blow the nose. One should not grind the teeth. One should not encourage crookedness. One should not approach snakes or animals having prominent teeth or horns. One should not initiate quarrels. One should not wear same clothes worn before bath. One should not walk through respectable persons and auspicious thing on left and others on right side.[3]

Sadvrutta related to food

One should not eat food without wearing precious gems to hand and without taking bath, food should not be taken by wearing spoiled or blemished cloths. One should not eat food without reciting Mantras and without offering Oblations to Gods and forefathers. One should not eat food in dirty plates. One should not eat food without offering to fire God initially. Food should not be taken without sprinkling sacred waters and without reciting sacred Mantras. One should not eat which is served by enemies. One should not eat curd at night. One should not eat food by tearing with teeth.[4]

Sadvrutta related to natural urges

One should not sneeze, eat food and sleep in curved posture. One should not be engaged in other works, while under the pressure of natural urges. One should not excrete sputum, flatus, stools and urine in front of wind, fire, water, moon, sun, Brahmana, preceptor etc. One should not pass urine on roadside, in a public place and while taking food. One should not let out nasal excreta during the course of reciting sacred hymns, rituals, study, religious offerings and auspicious events.[5]

Sadvrutta related to women

One should not have a low opinion in case of women and also should not have too much faith. One should not reveal the secrets to women and should not give too much power. Sexual intercourse is prohibited under sacred trees, on raised platform, at cross-roads, in the gardens, in the

graveyard, at slaughter house, in the house of Brahmins and preceptors.[6]

Sadvrutta related to study

Study should not be carried out at the time of unseasonal lightening. Study should not be carried out at the time of earthquake, during great festival seasons, when the fall of shooting star, at the time of eclipse of big planets, on the day when moon is not seen, during dawn and dusk, which was not instructed by the preceptor. While reciting words or letters should not be missed. One should not study neither too fast nor too slow and also with neither high pitch nor low pitch.[7]

Sadvrutta related to general principles

One should not wander during night time and at inappropriate places. During dawn and dusk one should not indulge in taking food, studies, copulation and sleep. One should not drive cows by beating with stick. One should not abuse old persons, teachers and royal persons. One should not speak too much. One should not abandon relatives, beloved persons, who helped during miseries and those who know the secrets of the family.[8]

Sadvrutta related to self-control

One should not postpone the jobs to be done. One should not take up any job without proper examination. One should not be slave to his sense organs. One should not be fickle minded. One should not give over burden to sense organs. One should not be in grief for longer period. One should not give up courage.[9]

Sadvrutta related to social relations

One should keep an eye about the following that is Brahmacharya, Jnana, Dana, Maitri, Karunya, Harsha, Upeksha, Prashama.[10]


Sadvrutta which is mentioned in Charaka Samhita by Acharya Charaka is unique. Following Sadvrutta not only helps to maintain the health, it also helps to build up a civilized society, Nation. Many physical and Physiological disorders can be prevented. Aim of Ayurveda can be fulfilled. By obeying rules of Sadvrutta, we can prevent diseases and ailments among people as it is said “Prevention

is better than cure”. By following Sadvrutta the person attains long and healthy life as well as wealth. Thus, it is very important to explore Sadvrutta in present era where Lifestyle disorders are increasing rapidly day by day.


Sadvrutta is very essential to keep up good, balanced condition of Sharira and Manas. Sadvrutta is essential tool in Modern era to prevent and eradicate the root cause of various disease.


1. Vidyanath, Caraka Samhita, 1st edition, Volume-01, Chaukhambha Prakashak, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, 8/18, Pg 292.

2. Kashinath Shastri, The Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, 2009, Chaukhambha publications, New Delhi, Sutrasthana, 8/18, Pg 123.

3. Kashinath Shastri, The Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, 2009, Chaukhambha publications, New Delhi, Sutrasthana, 8/19, Pg 125.

4. Vidyanath, Caraka Samhita, 1st edition, Volume-01, Chaukhambha Prakashak, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, 8/20, Pg 299.

5. Vidyanath, Caraka Samhita, 1st edition, Volume-01, Chaukhambha Prakashak, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, 8/21, Pg 300.

6. Vidyanath, Caraka Samhita, 1st edition, Volume-01, Chaukhambha Prakashak, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, 8/22, Pg 301.

7. Kashinath Shastri, The Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, 2009, Chaukhambha publications, New Delhi, Sutrasthana, 8/24, Pg 127.

8. Vidyanath, Caraka Samhita, 1st edition, Volume-01, Chaukhambha Prakashak, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, 8/25-26, Pg 305.

9. Kashinath Shastri, The Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, 2009, Chaukhambha publications, New Delhi, Sutrasthana, 8/27, Pg 127.

10. R.Vidyanath, Caraka Samhita, 1st edition, Volume-01, Chaukhambha Prakashak, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, 8/29, Pg 305.