
Review Article

Role of Ahara-Vihara

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

Role of Ahara-Vihara and Rasayana in prevention of disease and maintenance of health

Narayan R1*, Bhardwaj B2, Bhardwaj H3

1* Ravindra Narayan, Undergraduate Scholar, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

2 Bhumika Bhardwaj, Undergraduate Scholar, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3 Harshika Bhardwaj, Undergraduate Scholar, Gangasheel Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Ahara and Vihara play very important role in getting these Prayojana. The crucial role of Ahara and Vihara is maintenance of Dhatus i.e., Dhatusamya, by which all physiological activity remain proper e.g. Dahana, Pachana, Chaya-Upachaya Kriya, etc. By Vihara the fitness and constitutional arrangement of body remain well, Jatharagni gets improved and Bala as well Vyadhikshamatva also gets improved. Acharya Charaka says “Aharah Praninam Pranah” and Acharya Sushruta says “Praninam Punarmoolam Aharo Balavarna Ojasam Cha” that is the Ahara is the life of all the Pranis as well as base of Bala, Varna and Oja i.e., life is impossible without Ahara. Thus, Ahara and Vihara are useful for prevention of diseases. Ayurveda also frequently referred as 'Ashtanga Ayurveda' and Rasayana Chikitsa are the part of the Ashtanga Ayurveda. It helps a person to maintain good health or to establish impaired or lost physical or mental health. Rasayana Chikitsa are said to revitalize all the Sapta Dhatus (body elements), therefore, restores equilibrium and health.

Keywords: Mahaushadhi, Vyadhikshamatva, Upashaya, Sadvritta, Achara Rasayana

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Ravindra Narayan, Undergraduate Scholar, , Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Narayan R, Bhardwaj B, Bhardwaj H, Role of Ahara-Vihara and Rasayana in prevention of disease and maintenance of health. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):81-83.
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© 2024by Narayan R, Bhardwaj B, Bhardwaj Hand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The term immunity may be correlated with Vyadhikshamatva. The Vyadhikshamatva explained by Acharya Chakrapani i.e., The power of body which decrease the effect of disease termed as Vyadhi Bala Virodhitvam and the strength of body which prevent from disease known as Vyadhi Utpad Pratibandhaktvam. Vyadhikshamatva depends mainly on two factors i.e. Oja and Bala.[1] According to Acharya Charaka, Oja originates first of all in our body which have Sarpi Varna, Madhura Rasa and Lajagandhi.[2]

The Oja are of two types i.e., Para Oja which is 8 Bindu in Pramana and situated in Hridaya and Apara Oja which Ardhanjali in Pramana and present in whole body. According to Acharaya Charaka, Dasha Guna of Ojas are Guru, Sheeta, Mridu, Shlakshana, Bahala, Madhura, Sthira, Prasanna, Pichhila and Snigdha.[3] According to Charaka Samhita, Oja is nourished by Ahara Rasa as Dhatus. The Oja is the Sara of all Dhatus so it can be said that its nourishment started from Ahara Rasa via Rasa, Raktadi Dhatus. Acharya says that, Oja is one of the Prana which is situated in Hridaya and if Para Oja is lost then life will be destroyed.

The disease preventing power of body is known as Bala.[4] The natural Shleshma is known as Bala and Oja whereas the vitiated Shleshma is known as Mala and Papma.[5] Acharya says that the Bala are of three types i.e., Sahaja, Kalaja and Yuktikrita. The Sahaja Bala is the physical and mental power which is naturally present by birth and it may correlate with innate immunity. The Kalaja Bala depends on Vaya and Ritus that is maximum in Madhyamavastha and Hemanta Ritu. The Yuktikrita Bala is the power increased by healthy Ahara and Cheshta i.e., exercise.[6] Use of Shad Rasa in foods also improves immunity i.e., Bala.[7]

Materials and Methods

The term Vyadhikshamatva is define in Charaka Samhita 28 chapter and explained by Acharya Chakrapani in his Teeka Ayurvedadeepika. The concept of Vyadhikshamatva is similar to concept of immunity in modern medical sciences. The Oja and Bala are important factors for improving Vyadhikshamatva. Trividh Bala are explain by Acharaya Charaka in Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana

11. The origin, types and properties of Oja is given in Sutrasthana 17 chapter of Charaka Smhita. Explanation of Rasayana is given in all the Ayurvedic Samhitas. In Charaka Samhita Chikitsasthana chapter 1 is divided in four part and each part is dedicated to Rasayana in detail. There are many types of Rasayana explained as- Kamya Rasayana, Naimittika Rasayana, Ajasrika Rasayan, Medhya Rasayan, Achara Rasayan, Kutipraveshika Rasayana, etc.

Immunity boosting factors

Balavridhhikara Bhava and Shariravridhhikara Bhava mentioned are the main immunity improving factors. Use of all the Shadraasa in Ahara, proper follow up of Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana etc. The regular use of Rasayana Dravays like - Triphala Rasayana, Shilajatu Rasayana Haritakyadi Rasayana, Amalakyadi Rasayana, Bramha Rasayana, Nagbala Rasayana, Baladi Rasayana, Medhya Rasayana, Pippali Vardhamana Rasayana, Chyavanaprash Rasayana,[8] etc. improves immunity.

Balanced diet and sleep

Atimatra Bhojana leads to Tridosha Prakopa while Alpa Matra Bhojana leads to Vata Prakopa. Many lifestyle disorders are a result of inadequate food intake and sedentary lifestyle. Hence, an individual should always consume a balanced diet in Matra and Rasa.

In Charaka Samhita, it is mentioned that Ahara Parinamkara Bhava, Ahara Vidhivisheshayatana, and Ahara Vidhividhana are play very important in digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. So, one should follow these for better health.

Suppression of natural urges

In Charaka Samhita, there is a description of Adharaniya Vegas and many diseases caused by their suppression. So, one should not suppress the Adharaniya Vegas for prevention of disease and maintenance of healthy life.[9]

Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana

The root ‘Sad’ means good and ‘Vritta’ means regimen. Person who follows Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana remains free from disease due to control of sensory organs and improves mental development. Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana

are best in balancing of Manasika Dosha (Raja & Tama). Thus, Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana prevents diseases (hypertension, diabetes, psychological disorders etc.) by maintaining Manasika and Sharirika Dosha and play a major role in healthy social life.

Benefits of Godugdha and Goghrita

Godugdha possesses Gunas like Madhura, Sheeta, Mridu, Snigdha, Guru etc. which are similar to Guna of Oja. Hence, it acts as Ojo Vardhaka and Balya.[10] Use of Goghrita on regular basis increases Smriti, Buddhi, Agni, Shukra Dhatu, Oja and is Rasayana.[11]


It is said for Ahara that - ‘‘Pareekshya Hitam Ashniyaad Deho Hi Ahara Sambhava’’[12] i.e., possibility of life only with food. Dietary consideration is an important component of every prescription in Ayurvedic therapy. Sometimes dietary management in itself is a complete for prevention of disease. So, Ahara has been specified in the first place in Trayah Upasthambha (Ahara, Nidra, Bramhacharya). Acharya Kashyapa says that Ahara is Mahaushadhi and Acharya Harita says that Ahara is Mahabheshaja. Vihara is second most important factor for healthy life. It is inclusive of habit, behavior, living pattern, social relation and adjustment with the environment in which we grow. Acharya Charaka has stated that all the Bhavas i.e., Ahara and Vihara which boost our immunity and promote our health should be taken in proper quantity. Rasayana improves the metabolic activities and results in best possible bio-transformation. Jara Chikitsa or Rasayana therapy promotes rejuvenation in a healthy person and cures the disease of an unhealthy person. Rasayana is not a drug therapy but is a specialized procedure practiced in the form of rejuvenation recipes, dietary regimen and special health promoting conduct and behavior i.e., Achara Rasayan. Most of these Rasayanas can be used regularly as a food for maintaining mental and physical health. They may be used either alone or along with other modalities of treatment as an adjuvant.


The concept of Pathya, Apathya and Nitya Sevaneeya Ahara Dravya is given in Ayurvedic

science. These are very essential for maintenance of health and prevention of disease. The concept of Dincharya, Ritucharya and following of Ahara and Vihara are essential for healthy life. Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana are essential tool in modern era as it helps an individual to not only obtain and maintain their health but also help to build a most civilized society and nation, worthy of emulation.


1. Kashinatha Sastri, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Reprint Edition Vikrama Samvata 2073, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Part 1, Chapter 28, Verse 7, Page 428.

2. Acharya Vidyadhar Shukla and Ravi Dutt Tripathi, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Edition 2019, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratisthan, New Delhi, Volume 1, Chapter 17, Verse 75, Page 267.

3. Kashinatha Sastri, Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana, Edition Reprint 2017, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Part 2, Chapter 24, Verse 31 Page 592.

4. Brahmanand Tripathi, Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana edition 2002, Chaukhambha Subharati Prakashan, Varanasi, Part 2, Chapter 3, Verse 166, Page 176.

5. Brahmanad Tripathi, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, edition 2003, Chaukhambha Subharati Prakashan, Varanasi, Part 1, Chapter 17, Verse 117.

6. Ravi Dutta Tripathi, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Reprinted Edition 2019, Chukhambha Sanskrit Prakashan, Delhi, Part 1, Chapter 11, Verse 36, Page 171.

7. Kashinatha Sastri, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Edition Reprint 2017, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Part 1, Chapter 25, Verse 40, Page 320.

8. Kashinatha Sastri and Gorakha Natha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chikitsasthana, Revised Edition 2020, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Part 2, Chapter 1.1, Verse 70-74, Page 16.

9. Ravi Dutta Tripathi, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Reprinted Edition 2019 Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratisthan,Delhi, Part 1, Chapter 7, Verse 3-4, Page 121.

10. Kashinatha Sastri,

Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Reprint Edition 2017, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi, Part 1, Chapter 27, Verse 218, Page 398.

11. Harish Chandra Kushwaha, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Reprint Edition 2016, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Part 1, Chapter 27, Verse 231, Page 442.

12. Kasinatha Sastri and Gorakha Natha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Revised Edition 2020, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Part 1, Chapter28, Verse 41, page 505.