
Review Article

Necessity of Ayurveda

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

Necessity of Ayurveda in prevention of life style diseases

Kumar Chauhan M1*, Ram M2, Tapsi Jaiswal R3

1* Manoj Kumar Chauhan, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Samhita Siddhant, Govt Pg Ayurveda College Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

2 Manohar Ram, Reader and HOD, Dept of Samhita Siddhant, Govt PG Ayurveda College Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3 Ramnihor Tapsi Jaiswal, Reader, Dept of Samhita Siddhant, Govt PG Ayurveda College Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Life Style diseases are those diseases whose occurrence is based on the daily habits of people and are a result of an in appropriate relationship of people with their environment. In recent decades, life style as an important factor of health is more interested by researchers. According to WHO, 60% of related factors to individual health and quality of life are correlated to lifestyle.[1] Today, chronic diseases are a major public health problem worldwide. In 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 61% of all deaths 35 million and 49% of the global burden of disease were attributable to chronic diseases. By 2030, the proportion of total global deaths due to chronic diseases is expected to increase to 70% and the global burden of disease to 56%. The greatest increase is anticipated in the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions. The major factors contributing to lifestyle disease included - Bad Food Habits, Physical inactivity, Disturbed Biological Clock. Ayurveda gives us a various method to manage lifestyle diseases by following Dinacharya, Ratricharya, Ritucharya, Panchakarma and Rasayana.

Keywords: Global Burden of Disease, Quality of Life, Lifestyle Diseases, Sedentary Behavior, Public Health

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Manoj Kumar Chauhan, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Samhita Siddhant, Govt Pg Ayurveda College Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Kumar Chauhan M, Ram M, Tapsi Jaiswal R, Necessity of Ayurveda in prevention of life style diseases. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):121-123.
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© 2024by Kumar Chauhan M, Ram M, Tapsi Jaiswal Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The occurrence of lifestyle diseases like obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus associated with cardiovascular diseases is high on the rise.

According to world heart federation death from cardiovascular diseases surged 60% globally over the last 30 years.

Due to rapid economic development and increasing westernization of lifestyle in the past few decades, prevalence of these lifestyle diseases has reached alarming proportion among Indians in the recent years, so Ayurveda helps and provides best solution in the form of lifestyle advises, Proper Dietary Management, Panchakarma, Rejuvenation Therapies.

Ayurveda narrated this phenomenon as ‘Pragya - Aparadha’.

Pragya - Aparadha which is main cause of various disease, e.g., habits of suppression of any natural urge is a result of Pragya - Aparadha and enlisted as cause of nearly 50% of disease.


Overeating and eating of unhealthy foods, overdependence on processed foods, energy drink, fast food, sedentary living, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, poor sleeping habits are commonest cause of lifestyle disease also poor exposure to sunlight and fresh air, diet and lifestyle are cheap factor thought to influence susceptibility to life style diseases.[2]

Prevention through Ayurveda

Ayurveda provides various regimens such as Dincharya (Daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonaI regimen), Ahar and Vihar (dietary habits and daily routine), Panchakarma (Five detoxification and bio purification therapies), Rasayana therapies (rejuvenation).

The Sadvritta (Ideal routine) and Achara Rasayana (code of conduct) are most important to provides healthy and happy physiological perspective.[3]

Ahara and Vihara play a central role in the life according to Ayurvedic understanding. Ahara is considered as Prana (Basis of life) in Ayurveda.[4]

Ahara has described as one of the Trayopastambha (Three subsidiary pillars) of life which are Ahara, Nidra (Sleep) and Brahmacharya.[5]

Diet is considered as vital for a human body as it provides the basis nutrients and promotes longevity.

Use of Hita Ahara promotes healthy and longevity and Ahita Ahara promotes manifestation of different disorders.[6]

Ayurveda also described eighteen types of dietary incompatibilities (Viruddha Ahara),[7] which should be avoided to maintain health and longevity.

Ayurveda provides different Pathayapathya regarding dietary supplementation which definitely help in the prevention and management of a broad range of lifestyle disorders.


Normal Circadian rhythms are very important in day to day life to maintain biological clock. Ayurveda suggest to begin daily habits with awareness, early rising avoid suppression of natural urges and eliminates wastes as per urge, keep the teeth and skins cleaned, regular use of massage (Abhyanga) regular daily bathing consume suitable and whole some diet according to the appetite and metabolic needs, since it is the basis of life and important for day to days’ promotion of health.[8]


Ritu classified by different features expresses different effect on the body as well as on the environment. Ayurveda has depicted various rule and regimens (Charya), regarding diet and lifestyle to acclimatize seasonal enforcement easily without altering body homeostatic. Ritucharya represent a very important aspect of preventive measure to various illnesses including lifestyle disorders as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.[9] Ayurveda advised seasonal Panchakarma as preventive measure for maintenance and promotion of physical as well as mental health.


Rasayana can be used as nutritional supplement as well as medicine depending upon its various types most Rasayans produce their nourishing and rejuvenating effect by promoting the Agni, Bala, acting as diet nutrients and by way of Srotoprasadhan, resulting in an improved

nutritional status which further leaves to an improved quality of Dhatus or body tissues. Many Rasayans could be tissue and organs specific such as Medhya Rasayana for the brain, Hridya Rasayana for the heart, Twachya Rasayana for the skin and so on.[10]

Sadvratta and Achara Rasayana

Ayurveda offers some code of good conduct under the points of Sadvratta and Achara Rasayana. The conducts under Sadvratta and Achara Rasayana can be categorized into personal (early sleeping and early awaking, avoid excess exertion, avoid suppression of natural urges, regime of bathing, keeping skin cleaned).

Social (keep mercy on others, telling truth, avoid alcoholism, be soft hearted, always use cleaned and washed cloths).

Psychological and emotional (try to be in a steady mental state i.e., avoid height of emotions, try to avoid memorize if being insulated by anyone. Such type of lifestyle adaptation always helpful in prevention and management of broad range of life style diseases.[11]

Discussion and Conclusion

Internationally lifestyle diseases are known as non-communicable diseases. Unhealthy diet, smoking, lack of exercise, and stress can produce lifestyle diseases. Ayurveda has proven its roll and important in this area. Rasayana, some code of good conduct under the points of Sadvratta and Achar Rasayana, Dincharya, Ritucharya such type of lifestyle adaptation always helpful in the prevention and management of broad range of lifestyle diseases.


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