
Review Article

Study of Srotas

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 5 May

A conceptual study of Srotas and their importance in diagnosis of disease

Narayan R1*, Bhardwaj B2, Bhardwaj H3, Jadaun V4

1* Ravindra Narayan, Undergraduate Scholar, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

2 Bhumika Bhardwaj, Undergraduate Scholar, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3 Harshika Bhardwaj, Undergraduate Scholar, Gangasheel Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India.

4 Vikas Jadaun, Associate Professor, Department of Kriya Sharira, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

The term Srotas derived from Sru Gatau Dhatu which means Gati or movement. Acharya Charaka says that Sravanat Srotamsi which means secretion or passes for secretion. Some Acharya says that Srotas are innumerable and some says numerable. The Srotas are similar in colour of that Dhatus which remain within it i.e., Swadhatusamvarnata. These are Vritta, Sthhoola, Anu, Deergha etc. in shape. Acharya Charaka explain 13 and Acharya Sushruta explain 11 pair of Srotas respectively. Acharya Vagbhata first classify the Srotas in to Antarmukh Srotas which are 13 in number and Bahirmukha Srotas which are 9 in number in males and 12 in number in females. Acharya Charaka says that if Srotas remain in Prakritibhutavastha then origin of disease not possible and if these are vitiated then Dhatus related to it and their path are also vitiated and produce disease. Acharya Sushruta mention that the vitiated Doshas can’t cause disease until Kha Vaigunya (weak point) is originated in the Srotas. In Ashtang Hridayam it is mentioned that vitiated Srotas are cause of disease and unvitiated Srotas are cause of health. The main cause of Srotadushti is the consumption of that Ahara Vihara which vitiate the Doshas and makes abnormal Dhatus. After vitiation of Srotas they show following clinical features: Atipravritti, Sanga, Siragranthi and Vimargagamana and produce mild to severe form of disease of different Srotas. On the basis of Nidan Sevan and Lakshana the disease are diagnosed.

Keywords: Antarmukh, Prakritibhuta, Rogi Roga Pareeksha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Ravindra Narayan, Undergraduate Scholar, , Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Narayan R, Bhardwaj B, Bhardwaj H, Jadaun V, A conceptual study of Srotas and their importance in diagnosis of disease. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(5):206-211.
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© 2024by Narayan R, Bhardwaj B, Bhardwaj H, Jadaun Vand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The explanation of Srotas available in Brihatrayee. All the Srotas transport resultant Rasadi Dhatus and nourishes the body. As the Dosha, Dhatu and Mala are important for body similarly Srotas are equally important because Srotas provide path for its transport.[1] In Charaka Samhita it is mention that the number of Srotas are equal to the number of Bhavas of body i.e., all Bhava of body derived from Srotas.[2]

Acharya Sushruta and Acharya Vagbhata compare the Srotas as stem of lotus through which the Dhatus are transported.[3] For the diagnosis of disease of Srotas the understanding of Srotodushti Nidana, Lakshana and Vidhha Lakshana is must. In Charaka Samhita the Nidana and Lakshana of Srotodushti is given in Srotas Vimana Adhyay. In Sushrut Samhita the Vidhha Lakshana of Srotas given in detail and it is also mentioned that start the treatment of diseases of Vidhha Srotas after saying Yapya.[4]

Materials and Methods

Detail explanation of Srotas are given in the Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samita and Ashtang Hridayam. In Charaka Samhita Srotovimana Adhyaya in Vimanasthana completely dedicated to Srotas. In this chapter Srotomoola, Srotodushti Hetu and Lakshana of Pranavaha, Udakavaha, Annavaha, Mootravaha, Purishavaha and Swedavaha Srotasa explained in detail. In Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana chapter 28 the detailed description of Lakshana of disease of Dhatuvaha Srotas are given which are very important in the diagnosis of disease. In Sushruta Samhita Sharirasthana chapter Dhamanivyakarana Sharira the detailed explanation of Srotomoola and Srotovidhha Lakshana are given which are very important in the diagnosis of disease. In Ashtanga Hridayam Sharirasthana chapter Angavibhaga Sharira the explanation of Srotas is given.

Types of Srotas

Acharya Vagbhat classify the Srotas in to two categories namely Antaramukha Srotas or Adrishya and Bahirmukha Srotas or Drishya Srotas. In male 9 Bahirmukha Srotas are visible while in female 12 Bahirmukha Srotas are present including two in Stana and one in Apatyapatha.[5]

Number of Srotas

Primarily Acharya Charaka mention that the number of Srotas are innumerable after that 13 chief Srotas are explained in detail. These 13 Srotas are one Pranavaha, one Annavaha, one Udakavaha, seven Dhatuvaha, three Malavaha Srotas.[6] Acharya Vagbhata says to these Srotas Antarmukha Srotas.

Common Nidana of Srotodushti

Acharya Charaka mentioned two important Nidana of Srotodushti i.e., consuming Ahara and Vihara having similar properties to Doshas and opposite properties to Dhatus.[7]

Common Lakshana of Srotodushti

In Charaka Samhita 4 common Lakshana of Srotodushti are given. These are Atipravritti, Sanga, Granthi and Vimargagamana.[8]

These knowledge and understanding of Srotodushti Nidana and Lakshana are very important in the diagnosis of Srotodushti and disease.

Diagnostic importance of Srotodushti Nidana

On the basis of knowledge and understanding of Nidana the Srotodushti and disease related to Srotas are easily diagnosed. The Nidana of Srotodushti of different Srotas are given below.

Nidana of Pranvaha Srotodushti

The important Nidana of Pranvaha Srotodushti are Kshaya, Vegadharana, Vyayama in Kshudha and other hard activities.[9] These Nidana cause disease of Pranvaha Srotas.

Nidana of Annavaha Srotodushti

Chief Nidana of Annavaha Srotodushti are - Atyashana, Akala Bhojana and Ahitakar Anna Sevana.[10] These Nidana cause disease of Annavaha Srotas by causing Agnimandya.

Nidana of Udakavaha Srotas

The chief Nidana which causes disease of Udakavaha Srotas are Ushna Ahara, Ama Anna, Shushka Anna, Bhaya and Atipana.[11] These Nidana play important role in the Udakavaha Srotodushti.

Nidana of Rasavaha Srotodushti

The important Nidana of Rasavaha Srotodushti are Guru and Sheeta Ahara, Atisnigdha Ahara, Atimatra

Ahara and Atichinta.[12] These Nidana cause the disease of Rasavaha Srotodushti.

Nidana of Raktavaha Srotodushti

The important Nidana of Raktavaha Srotodushti are, Ati Snigdha Vidahi Ushna Anna Sevana and Drava Ahara. Ati Atapa Sevana, and Ati Vayu Sevana are important Nidana of Raktavaha Srotodushti.[13]

Nidana of Mamsavaha Srotodushti

Srotodushti Nidana are Guru, Ushna and Abhishyandi Ahara. Important Vihara is Shayan immediately after taking food.[14]

Nidana of Medavaha Srotas Dushti

The important of Medavaha Srotodushti Nidana are Avyayama, Diwaswapna, Ati Varunipana and Ati Medajmamasa Sevana. These Ahara cause Medovaha Srotodushti.[15]

Asthivaha Srotodushti Nidana

The Nidana of Asthivaha Srotodushti are Ativyayama, Atikshobha, Abhighata, Asthipeedana, Asthigharshana and other Vatakar Ahara Vihara.[16]

Majjavaha Srotodushti Nidana

Crushing of bone, Abhisyandi Bhojana, Abhighata, Peedana of bone and Virudhha Ahara Vihara Sevana.[17] These Nidana cause Srotodushti of Majjavaha Srotas.

Shukravaha Srotodushti Nidana

Important Nidana of Shukravaha Srotodushti are Akala and Ayoni Maithun, Shukravegadharan, Atimaithun, and contact of Srotomoola with Shsatra, Kshar and Agni.[18]

Nidana of Mootravaha Srotodushti

At the time if urge of urination Jalapana and Strisevana, Dhatukshaya and on Mootravaha Srotas are the important cause of Mootravaha Srotodushti.[19]

Nidana of Purishavaha Srotodushti

Nidana of Purishavaha Srotodushti is Vegadharana, Atyashana, Ajeerna, Adhyashana, Agnimandya and Krishata.[20]

Nidana of Swedavaha Srotodushti

Nidana of Swedavaha Srotodushti are Vyayama, Ati Atapasevana, Sheeta Ushna Krama Sevana, Krodha,

Shoka and Bhaya.[21]

Nidana of Srotodushti are helpful in diagnosis of disease according to their Srotas. At the time of Rogi Roga Pareeksha diagnose the disease with the help of Nidanapanchaka and Pramana Pareeksha. The Itivritti i.e., history taking of Ahara Vihara of patient is must for diagnosis disease.

Diagnostic importance of Srotovidhha and Srotodushti Lakshana

The Srotodushti and Srotovidhha terms given in Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita respectively. Knowledge and Understanding of Srotodushti Lakshana play very important role in the diagnosis of Srotodushti and disease of Srotodushti. The sign and symptoms of patients tell about the disease and Srotas of disease. Thus, the careful examination of Rogi Roga Pareeksha helpful in the diagnosis of disease. The Lakshana of different Srotodushti are as follows -

Pranavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of Pranavaha Srotodushti are Atisrishta Swasa, Atibadhha Swasa, Kupitam, Alpalpam, Sashabd and Sashoola Uchhwasa.[22] These Lakshana are typically found in disease of Pranavaha Srotas.

Annavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical feature of disease of Annavaha Srotas are Arochaka, Adhmana, Avipaka, Chardi, Trishna, and Shoola.[23] These symptoms are indicative of disease of Annavaha Srotas Dushti.

Udakavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The Lakshana of disease of Udakavaha Srotodushti are Jihva, Talu, Oshtha, Kantha Shushkata and Atipipasa, which is the indicative of disease of Udakavaha Srotodushti.[23]

Rasavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of Rasavaha Srotodushti are Aruchi, Mukhavairasya, Hrillasa, Gaurav, Tandra, Angamarda, Jwara, Tamahpravesha, Pandu, Srotavrodha, Klebya, Angasada, Krishata, Agnimandya, Bali, and Palita are important Lakshana of Rasavaha Srotadushti.[24]

Raktavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

Clinical features of Raktavaha Srotodushti are Kushta, Visarpa, Pidaka, Raktapitta, Raktapradar,

Gudapaka, Medrapaka, Mukhapaka, Plihavridhhi, Gulma, Vidradhhi, Nilika, Kamala, Vyanga, Piplu, Tilakalaka, Dadru, Charmadal, Switra, Pama, Kotha and Raktamandala. These symptoms or disease are indicative of Raktavaha Srotodushti.[25] These are also known as Raktapradoshaja Vikara.

Mamsavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features Mamsavaha Srotodushti are Adhimamsa, Arbuda, Mamsakeelaka, Galashalooka, Galashundi, Putimamsa, Alaji, Galaganda, Gandamala, and Upajihvika.[26] These Lakshana are indicative of disease of Mamsavaha Srotasa.

Medovaha Srotodushti Lakshana

Clinical features of Medovaha Srotodushti are the sign and symptoms of Ashtanindita Purusha and Poorvaroopa of Prameha i.e., Swedadhikya, Daurgandhya, Shaithilya, Shayya Asana Rati, Netra-Jihva-Karna Updeha, Keshadantavridhhi, Sheetapriyatvam, Karapadadaha etc.[27] These Lakshana are indicative of disease of Medovaha Srotodushti.

Asthivaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of Asthivaha Srotodushti are Adhyasthi, Adhidant, Dantabheda, Dantashoola, Asthibheda, Asthishoola, Asthi and Dantavaivarnya, disease of Kesha, Loma and Nakha.[28] These are the indicative of disease of Asthivaha Srotaodushti.

Majjavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of Majjavaha Srotodushti are Sandhishoola, Bhrama, Moorchha, Tamah, Arunshika of Sthoolamoola.[29] These Lakshana are also known as Majja Pradoshaja Vikara and very helpful in the diagnosis of diseases of Majjavaha Srotas.

Shukravaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of Shukravaha Srotodushti are Klebya, Aharsha, Garbhapata and they produces Alpayu, Klebya and Rogi progeny.[30] These Lakshana are the indicative of disease of Shukravaha Srotas.

Mootravaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of Mootravaha Srotodushti are Atipravritti, Apravritti, Avilamootrata, Sashoola Mootratyaga.[31] These Lakshana are indicative of the disease of Mootravaha Srotodushti.

Purishavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

Lakshana of Purishavaha Srotodushti are Sashoola Sashabda defecation, Grathita Drava defecation.[31] These clinical features are indicative of disease of Purishavaha Srotodushti.

Swedavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of disease of Swedavaha Srotodushti are Atisweda, Asweda, Parushya, Atisnigdhata, Angagandha, Lomaharsha, etc.[32] At the time of diagnosis of patient these Lakshana are indicate disease of Swedavaha Srotodushti.

Artavavaha Srotodushti Lakshana

The clinical features of Artavavaha Srotodushti are Bandhyatva, Maithun Asahishunta, and Artvanasha.[33] These Lakshana are mentioned by Acharaya Sushruta which are indicative of disease of Artavavaha Srotodushti.

The Srotodushti and Srotovidhha Lakshana are very important in the diagnosis of disease. At the time of Rogi Roga Pareeksha the Lakshana which show in the body of patient (sign) or said by patient (symptoms) indicate the disease of particular Srotodushti. Thus, the knowledge and understanding of Srotodushti Lakshana play very important role in the diagnosis of disease.

Discussion and Conclusion

The understanding of Srotodushti Nidana and Lakshana are very important in the diagnosis of disease. In Samhita it is mentioned that Rogam Adau Pareekshayet Tato Anantaram Aushadham i.e., first of all diagnose the disease. At the time of diagnosis of disease, the Itivritti of patient is very important. By Itivritti (history taking) the knowledge of Nidana takes place which is helpful in the diagnosis of disease. The Rogi Pareeksha should be done with the help of Trividha, Chaturvidha, Panchavidha, Shadavidha, Ashtavidha and Dashvidha Pareeksha. By these Pareeksha understand the Lakshana of disease and diagnose the disease carefully.

Without Hetu and Lakshana of Srotodushti the diagnosis of disease not possible. Single disease may involve one or more Srotodushti and many diseases may be related to a single Srotas. Thus, Nidana and Lakshana of Srotodushti play very important role in the diagnosis of different diseases.


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