
Review Article

Charaka Samhita

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 8 AUGUST

A Review on Lepa Kalpana for Skin Diseases: Inherent Topical Formulations described In Charaka Samhita

Chanekar SS1*, PD Dongare2, VE Gogate3

1* Sneha Shantaram Chanekar, Post Graduate Scholar, Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.

2 PD Dongare, Professor and HOD, Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.

3 VE Gogate, Associate Professor, Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.

Skin is the most exposed and the largest organ of the body, serving as a barrier of defense. Its pathology needs to be treated through all possible ways. Acharya Charaka has classified Chikitsa into Antahparimarjan and Bahirparimarjana. The later one uses the topical application of various Dravya which helps to get rid of symptoms such as Shoola, Vaivarnya, Shotha, Strava, Kandu etc. The Charaka Samhita being the most ancient and prominent Bruhatrayi text of Chikitsa has already given number of Lepa formulations. Among these, 58 Lepa are indicated in skin diseases. Besides the tiding process of making them these preparations has an excellent immediate result. Here an attempt is made to cover all the preparations mentioned by Charaka Acharya for skin diseases to have an overlook on.

Keywords: Lepa Kalpana, Skin Diseases, Topical Formulations, Topical Application

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Sneha Shantaram Chanekar, Post Graduate Scholar, , Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
Chanekar SS, PD Dongare, VE Gogate, A Review on Lepa Kalpana for Skin Diseases: Inherent Topical Formulations described In Charaka Samhita. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(8):29-35.
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© 2024by Chanekar SS, PD Dongare, VE Gogateand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Acharya Charaka has illustrated various skin pathologies under Kushta and Visarpa Chikitsa Adhyaya. Skin diseases vary greatly in signs, symptoms and severity; they can be infectious or not; can be painless or painful; can have only situational cause or the genetic or autoimmune one; they can be a temporary or permanent one.

With all these diversities, the major issues of concern in patient are the disfigurement, disability and symptoms such as intense itch, burning, discharge, non- healing wounds, and recurrence of symptoms and chronicity of certain conditions. They may be either solitary one or shows the systemic involvement.

Majority of the skin diseases are mentioned and classified under Kushta and Visarpa Chikitsa in Charaka Samhita on the basis of the involvement of Dosha, Dushya and Adhishthana. Treatment of certain skin diseases become laborious because of involvement of Saptadhatu Sangraha (Twak, Rakta, Mansa, Lasika and all three Doshas i.e., Vaat, Pitta, Kapha.)

It involves both Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa. With this Chikitsa Sutra, certain local application also gives excellent results in minor skin conditions and also relives the symptoms in severe skin pathologies and restores the disfigurement (Varnyaprasadan Karma) and helps in wound healing (Vranaropan Karma).

While assigning the treatment of various skin diseases, most of time Lepa preparations are taken into consideration In classics, the Chikitsa is classified into Antaparimarjan and Bahiparimarjan Chikitsa. The later one is the local application of medicines in various forms. Lepa is one of them. Application of drugs in the paste form over the concerned body part is widely acceptable method of Lepa preparation.

Acharya Charaka has mentioned different combinations at the starting of text in Bheshaj Chatushka. He gave different kinds of Lepa preparations in various conditions e.g. Kustha. Vaatvyadhi, Shirashool in Argwadhiya Adhyaya of Sutra Sthana. These number of combinations in Kushta and Visarpa Chikitsa Adhyaya of Chikitsasthan, increased up to fifty eight.

Some Lepa preparation have only herbal drugs, some have mineral or metallic drugs while some have animal by products in it. Use of different medias as the base of Lepa while preparation increases its efficacy. In Visarpa Chikitsa Charaka has mentioned the method of preparation, utility, duration, thickness, operating procedure for Lepa.[1]

While applying the combination of drugs, every time Charaka has given the measures for its application for that particular Lepa. In Charak Kushta Chikitsa Charaka mentioned to use these Lepa formulations after achieving the proper Shodhana of Rugna.[2]

To see the efficacy of these formulations an attempt is made to collect the topical applications from Charak Samhita in skin diseases.

Materials and Methods

Acharya Charaka has not mentioned the exact classification of Lepa as Acharya Sharangadhara and Acharya Sushruta did in their texts. Rather than this Charaka every time mentioned the way of its application in various forms while their application. In Charaka Visarpa Chikitsa Adhyaya Acharya gave following rules for Lepa applications.

Method of preparation

Kalka Peshita Aushadi Dravya (paste form) should be applied with the width of 1/3rd of thumb width.

Mode of Application

  • Overapplication of Lepa one over other should be avoided before the previous one gets absorbed fully.
  • Immediate application of second Lepa as soon as the previous one started to dry down (don’t let the Lepa dry completely).
  • For Vaataj, Pittaj and Raktaj Visarpa - Aghana Lepa (Thin) should be applied.
  • For Kaphaj Visarpa - Ghana Lepa (Thick) should be applied.
  • Width of Lepa - Tribhaga-Angushta-
  • Lepa should not be Atisnigdha or Atiruksha (too oily or too dry) also should not be in very Pinda or Drava form (too much liquid or solid in consistency)
  • Stale Lepa is not indicated in any conditions.

Probable mode of action

Ayurveda therapy suggests that Lepa, that is, the topical formulations should be gently rubbed in an upward or reverse direction of the hairs over the skin to make the action of application quick and more effective.[3] Due to this, the drug enters into the pores at the root of the hair through which the drug gets absorbed in the capillary network to minor veins and then further into systemic blood circulation. This ultimately results in the absorption of medicament and desired effects. This method of rubbing increases the skin temperature,

which might be speeding up the pilosebaceous uptake and skin permeation of the drug as heat causes dilation of the capillary end. According to our classical texts, Twak is Stana of Bhrajak Pitta responsible for skin integrity and texture. Tiryag Dhamanis are spread like a mesh all over the skin and number of Romkupas originates through this becomes the mediator of drug absorption for this route. Rassar is Twaksaar[4] according to Charaka and Vishudhha Rakta also plays an important role in Varnyaprasadan.[5] Through these Romkupa the sweat moves out and at the same time Ras Rakta dhatu reaches the Romkupa to nourish them.[6]


SNName of LepaReferenceIngredientsBhawana/Liquid Media/BasePhalashruti
1.Kushtanashak Lepa- 6Ch.Su.2/3-7Aragawadha + Chakramara + Karanja + Vasa + Madanfal + Haridra + DaruharidraGopitta (After Application of Sarhapa Tail)1.Kruchhrasadhya Kushta
2.Shravhya (Gandhaviroja) + Surahya (Devdaru) + Khadir + Dhav + Nimba + Vidang + KarvirtwakGopitta
(Applied after application of Sarshapa Tail)
1.Kruchhrasadhya Kushta
2.Nav Kilas
3.Gojivhadi LepaGranthischmaujo (Bhurjapatra) + Rason + Shirish + Salomasho (Jatamansi) + GuggulkrushnagandheGopitta
(Applied after application of Sarshapa Tail)
1.Kruchhrasadhya Kushta
2.Nav Kilas
4.Faninjhako + Vatsak + Saptaparna + Pilu + Koshta + Suman PravalGopitta
(Applied after application of Sarshapa Tail)
1.Kruchhrasadhya Kushta
2.Nav Kilas
4.Dadru 5.Bhagandar
6.Apachi 7.Pama
5.Vachadi LepaVacha + Harenu + Trivrutta + Nikumbha + Bhallataka + Gairika + AnjanaGopitta
(Applied after application of Sarshapa Tail)
1.Kruchhrasadhya Kushta
2.Nav Kilas
3.Kitibha 4.Dadru
6.Manshiladi LepaManshila + Hartal + Gruhadhuma + Ela + Kasis + Lodhra + Arjuna + Musta + SarjaGopitta
(Applied after application of Sarshapa Tail)
1.Kruchhrasadhya Kushta
2.Nav Kilas3.Kitibha
4.Dadru 5.Bhagandar
6.Apachi 7.Pama

7.Kushtadi LepaCh.Su.3/8Kushta + Haridra + Daruharidra + Surasa + Patol + Nimba + Ashwagandha + Surdaru + Tumbaru + Shigru + Dhanyak + Vanya + Chanda (Chorpushpi)Takra
(After Sarshapa Tail Application)
8.Kushtadi ChurnaCh.Su.3/10Kushta + Amruta + Morchuda + Daruhaldi + Kasis + Kampillak + Musta + Lodhra + Saugandhik + Sarjaras + Vidanga + Manshila + Karvirtwak + Hartal1.Dadru
9.Manshiladi LepaCh.Su.3/12Manahshila + Hartal + Marich + Tail + ArkaTailKushtahar Yoga
10.Tuthadi LepaCh.Su.3/12Morchuda + Vavding + Maricha + Kushta + Lodhra + ManashilaKushtahar Yoga
11.Rasanjanadi LepaCh.Su.3/13Rasanjan + Chakramard BeejKapithha RasKushtahar Yoga
12.Karanjadi LepaCh.Su.3/13Karanjabeej + Chakramarda Beej + Koshta ChurnaGomutra PishtaKushtahar Yoga
13.Haridradi LepaHaridra + Daruharidra + Kutajbeej + Suman Praval + Hamarakasya + Til KsharGomutraKushtahar Yoga
14.Manshiladi LepaCh.Su.3/15Manshila + Kutaj twak + Kushta + Kasis + Chakramarda + Karanja + Bhurja Granthi + Karvirmool + Tushodak (Kanji) + Palash SwarasKanji+Palash swarasParam Kushta Nisudanaya
14.Aragwadhadi LepaCh.Su.3/14Aragwadha + Kakamachi + Kanher PatraTakraKushtahar Yoga
15.Agad PrayogCh.Chi.7/56-57Need of Gharshan Chikitsa before application of Lepa and need use of Agad DravyaPradeh1.Stabdha Supta Aswedan Kandu Yukta Kushta
16.Eladi LepaCh.Chi.7/84Ela + Kushta + Daruharidra + Shatpushpa + ChItrak + Vidang + Rasanjana + Abhaya.Alepan1.Kushtanashak
17.Chitrakadi LepaCh.Chi.7/85-86Chitraka + Ela + Bimbi + Vasa + Trivrutta + Nagar + Palashkshar + Gomutra.Lepanottar
1.Mandal Kushta Bhedanarth.
18.Masyadi LepaJatanmansi + Marich + Lavan + Haridra + Tagar + Sudha + Godhuma + Gomutra + Gopitta + Palashkshai + Kushta1.Kushtaha
19.Trapwadi LepaCh.Chi.7/88Trapu (Vanga) + Sisa + Ayas (Lauha)1.Mandalnut
20.Falgwadi Lepa-Ch.Chi.7/88Falgu + Chitrak + Bruhati + Devdaru with Godha Ras + Lavan + GomutraGomutra1.Mandal Kushta
21.Kadalyadi KsharCh.Chi.7/89-90Kadali + Palash + Patala + Nikuchkshar with Kinva and MedakPralepanottar Atap Sevan1. Mandal Kushta.
22.SIdhharthak SnanCh.Chi.7/92Musta + Madafal + Trifala + Karanja + Aragwadha + Kalingak + Yava + Darvi + Saptaparna1.Twakdosha
23.Kushtadi LepaCh.Chi.7/93Kushta + Karanjbeej + EdgajKushtasudan
24.Prapunnadadi Lepa-Ch.Chi.7/93Prapunnad + Saindhav + Rasanjan + KapithhaKushtanashak
25.Karviradi LepaCh.Chi. 7/94Shwetkarvir + Kutaj + Karanja Phal + Daruharidra Twak + Suman PravalKushtapah
26.Lodhradi LepaCh.Chi.7/95Lodhra + Dhataki + Vatsakbeej + Karanja + Malati Pushpa KalkaUnmardan evam AlepanKushtahar
27.Shirishadi LepaCh.Chi.7/96Shirisha Twak + Karpas Pushpa + Aragwadh Patra + KakamachiIndividual LepaKushtanut
28.Sidhamahar LepaCh.Chi.7/117Kushta + Tamalpatra + Marich + Manasheela + Kasis + Tailyukta mixed in Tampra PatraUse for 7 days without SnanSidhmakushtahar
29.Mandalkushtanashak LepaCh.Chi.7/122Kinva + Varahrudhir + Ela + SaindhavMandal Kushtahar
30.Tumbaru KushtaCh.Chi.7/122Kustamburu (Dhane) + KushtaMandal kushtahar

31.Mandal Kushtahar Itar LepaCh.Chi.7/123Putikaranjabeej + Devdaru + Jatamansi + Mudgaparni + KaknasaMandal Kushtahar
32.Vaat-Kaphnashak Kushtaghna YogaCh.Chi.7/1251.Chitrak + Shigarutwak
2.Guduchi + Apamarga + Devdaru
3.Khadir + Dhava pushpa
4.Shyama + Danti + Dravanti
5.Laksha + Rasanjana + Ela
6.Punarnava with Dadhi
LepaVaat Kaphajanya Kushta
33.Edagajadi LepaCh.Chi.7/126Chakramardadbeej + Kushta + Sandhav + Sauvirak + Sarshapa + Vidang1.Krumighna
34.Vasadi LepaCh.Chi.7/127Vasa + TriphalaPralepaKushtarogat
35.Pitta-Kaphaj KushtaCh.Chi.7/130Jalvetas + Kushta + Nagkeshar + Patra + Plav + Chandan + MrunalPralepanPittakaphaj Kushta
36.Priyangwadi AlepanCh.Chi.7/132Priyangu + Harenuka + Vastak + Ativisha + Chandan + KaturohiniAlepanPittaj Kushta
37.Patapsu KushtaCh.Chi.7/157Nimb + Vidanga with GomutraPradehaPrapatpsu lasikaprastruseshhu jantugandheshu kushta
38.KrumikushtaCh.Chi.7/158Vasa + Kutaj + Saptaparna + Karvir + Karanja + Nimb + Khadir with GomutraSnan Paan LepaKrumikushta
39.Vishesh LepaCh.Chi.7/159Vidang + KhadirPradehKruminashan, Kushtahar
40.Agrya Kushtanashak LepaCh.Chi.7/1601.Chakramardbeej + Vidang
+ Aragwadh Mool
2.Shwadant + Godanta + Ashwadant + Varah + Ushtradant-after exaggerating
3.Chakramard + Vidang + Haridra + Daruharidra + Aragwadhmool +
Pimpali + Koshta
LepaAgrya Kushtanashak
41.Manahshiladi LepaCh.chi.7/167-1711.Manashila + Vidang + Kasis + Gorochana + Kanakshiri + Saindhav
- Shwitra Prashamanartha
2.Kadaliksharyukta + Khar Asthi + Gorakta
3.Malatipushpa Kshar + Hastimad
4.Nilotpal + Kushta + Saindhav + Hastimutra
5.Mulakbeej + Bakuchibeej with Gomutra
6.Kakodumbar + Bakuchibeej + Chitrak + Gomutra
7.Manahshila + Barhipitta
8.Bakuchibeej + Laksha + Gopitta + Rasanjan + Sauviranjan + Pimpali + Kanta Lauha


Topical applications are more effective only after Shodhana Chikitsa. Acharya Charaka used number of combinations of Kushtahar, Krumihar, Vranya, Varnya Dravyas for above formulations of Lepa. Acharya mostly used Katu,Tikta, Kashaya Raspradhan Dravya for these skin diseases. Twak-Sar is Ras-Sar. Overall health of Twak is depend of Vishudhha Rakta.

Tikta Ras causes Raktagat Pitta Shaman and ultimately causes Raktaprasadana Karma. Katu and Kashaya Ras causes Kleda Shoshan and ultimately helps to get rid of symptoms such as Kandu, Vaivarya, Daha e.g. Nimba, Vasa, Patol, Chandan, Parpata, Raktchandana, Kutaki, Laudhra, Guduchi, Khadir, Bakuchi, Musta, Arjuna,Vidang,Chakramarda. Dietary products such as Kola, Kulathha, Godhuma,Yava ,Dhanyak shows Vaat-Kaphaghna properties. Kola is Snigdha and has Vaatpittaghna. Kulatha is Ushna and Kapha Pittaghna in nature.[7]

Godhuma is Snigdha and has Sandhaniya property and can be used according to Dosh Pradhanya.[8] Acharya also used Rasdravya like Hartal, Mansheela, Gairik, Kasis, Sarja, Morchuda, Kampillak, Rasanjan, Trapu (Vang), Sisak, Ayas and used is in particular skin pathology. Hartal is Katu,Snigdha Ushna and can be used in Vaat-Kapha Pradhan Kushta. Mansheela is also Kapha-Vaatghna in nature. Suvarna Gairika is Shita, Raktapittahar. Kasis Bhasma is mild Kashaya, Ushna and Amlaguna Yukta and is effective in Rakta-Mansagat Vrana. It has effect on Ras Rakta and is Vaat-Kaphaghna in nature. Sarja is Kushta -Pama-Krumihar due to its Kashaya, Tikta Guna. Morchuda has Lekhana, Bhedana, Kandunashan property and acts on Raktagat Vikar. Kampillak is Vrana Nashak, Krumighna. Rasanjan is Ushna and has Kaphaghna and Vran Nashak property. Trapu is Varnakarak, Krumighna and has Krumighna property. It shows deep action on Ras, Rakta, Mansa and Asthi Dhatu. Ayas (Lauha) is used in Pitta Pradhan Kushta Roga.[9] All these properties of Ras Kalpa are considered by acharya Charaka in above formulations. While some preparations have animal products such as as Ajadugdha, Goghrut, Varah Rudhir, Hastimutra, Gopitta, Gorochana. Ajadugdha is used in Rakta-Pitta Vikar.Ghruta is Pitta Anilahar and also Varnaprasadan.[10] Hastimutra Is Ruksha, Lavana in nature and is indicated in Krimi and Kushta Vikar.[11] Also Vaajimutra can be used in Kushta and Krimi Chiktsa due to its Tikta Guna.[12] These additional properties of binding agents or Bhawana Dravya enhance the effect of given combination. Charaka has found all above amalgamations to get the best results in particular skin conditions keeping the view of dosha dhatu Awastha of Vyadhi.


Drugs used in above preparations can be now used in advanced forms of topical preparations. These numbers of combinations increase the scope of managing multiple skin pathologies at the same time. Premixing of these preparations can show the Vatghna, Pittaghna, Kaphaghna, Krimighna, Kandughna, Varnaprasadan properties. Also, the use of Ras kalpa majorly shows Krimighna and Vranahar property and can be further thought for topical antimicrobial properties. Efforts should be made in direction to explore each element of composition for further use.


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5. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapani, edited by; Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprint- 2000,Charaka Viman Sthana 8TH Chapter, shloka 104 Page no.278
6. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapani, edited by; Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprint- 2000, Charaka Viman Sthana 5TH Chapter, shloka 8, Page no.251.
7. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapani, edited by; Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprint- 2000, Charaka Sutra Sthana 27TH Chapter, shloka 21 Page no.155.
8. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapani, edited by; Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprint- 2000, Viman Sthana 8TH Chapter, shloka 104 Page no.278
9. Thakur Nathuji, Rasatantra Sar V Siddhaorayog Sangraha, Pratham Khanda, Edited by Krishna Gopal Ayurved Bhawan (Dhanavantari Trust), 21 st edition, Bhasma Prakaran.
10. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapani, edited by; Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprint- 2000, Charaka Sutra Sthana 13st Chapter, shloka 14 Page no.82.

11. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapani, edited by; Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprint- 2000, Charaka Sutra Sthana 1st Chapter, shloka 102. Page no.21
12. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, AyurvedaDeepika Commentary of Chakrapani, edited by; Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, reprint- 2000, Charaka Sutra Sthana 1st Chapter, shloka 104. Page no.21.