
Research Article

Manjishta Kwatha

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 9 SEPTEMBER

Comparative physicochemical study of Manjishta Kwatha prepared by using different proportion of water

Sushma D1*

1* Dongre Sushma, Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashashtra, Government Ayurved College, Dharashiv, Maharashtra, India.

Introduction: Due to ambiguity in literature regarding Kwatha preparation, exact proportion of water needed as per consistency of Dravya (Drug) for optimum quality of Kwatha is the need for standard pharmaceutical practices. For this purpose Manjishta was selected for Kwatha preparation using two different proportion of water.

Aim and Objectives: To find out the difference in physicochemical parameters to access the quality of Manjishta Kwatha in order to save time and fuel required for Kwatha with the objective to prepare Manjishta Kwatha by using two different proportion of water and to compare time and fuel needed.

Methods: Procurement and Authentication of Manjishta were done as per standard protocol. Manjishta Kwatha were prepared by using two different proportion of water one by using 16 parts of water and second by using 8 parts of water by reduced 1/8th and 1/4th respectively. In process and finished products observations were noted as per procedure. Analytical testing was done as per Ayurved Pharmacopeia of India.

Observations and Results: In physicochemical analysis, the pH value, refractive index and specific gravity have not shown any remarkable difference however total solid content were found to be more in the Kwatha which used eight parts of water. The fuel and time consumed were three times more in the sample which used sixteen parts of water. So, Manjishta can be considered as Madhyam (Medium) consistency drug for Kwatha purpose. This study provided the preliminary physicochemical parameters for the Manjishta Kwatha. Further it needs to study qualitative parameters with highly sophisticated analytical techniques.

Keywords: Manjishta Kwatha, Rubia cordifolia, pH value, specific gravity, fuel, time, parameters

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Dongre Sushma, Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashashtra, Government Ayurved College, Dharashiv, Maharashtra, India.
Sushma D, Comparative physicochemical study of Manjishta Kwatha prepared by using different proportion of water. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):49-55.
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© 2024by Sushma Dand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Kwatha Kalpana is the most essential and widely used Kalpana. It is the source of most of the secondary dosage forms in Bhaishjya Kalpana. Not only Bhaishjya kalpana but in Rasa Shashtra also, Kwatha is the most important source for the purpose of various Shodhana and Marana techniques. It is an important pharmaceutical dosage form in the treatment of various diseases whether it is prepared by single or multi-drug combination. It can be used as Anupana or Sahapana form also. Various Panchkarma processes are incomplete without the use of Kwatha.

Standard operating procedure (SOP) is the most important feature for any pharmaceutical preparation. Typically, in the case of Kwatha Kalpana, sometimes vague SOPs are followed hence there is uncertainty regarding its therapeutic efficacy. Due to time - saving approach of the various pharmacist, the quantity of water added and to be reduced is always compromised.

The Pharmaceutical process of Kwatha is described in the various texts of Ayurveda. As per these references, one part of raw drug and sixteen parts or eight parts of water needs to be boiled together to reduce up to 1/8 or 1/4th quantity.[1-2]

Also, the addition of water according to the consistency of raw drugs i.e., Mrudu (soft), Madhayam (medium) and Kathin (hard) is mentioned in Snehapaka context which is four times, eight times and sixteen times respectively.[3]

Most of the time, these factors are not taken into consideration and water is added as per convenience and extraction amount. So excess boiling or insufficient boiling may result in unwanted or absence of important phyto-consituents in Kwatha. Also, it consumes unnecessary fuel and time for the processing in case of unnecessary amount of water.

So there needs to study the exact proportion of water to be added as per consistency to optimize the quality of Kwatha. Hence present study was carried out to find the difference in quality of Kwatha prepared by using two different proportion of water. For this purpose, Manjishta drug was selected for Kwatha purpose as its consistency is not clearly mentioned and usually taken in dry form.

Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia) is known as Common Madder or Indian Madder used in Yoni Roga (Gynaecological disorders), Asti Roga (Disorders of bones), Àmaja Shotha (Kapha Roga - Kapha predominant diseases), Meha (Diabetes), Raktatisara (Dysentry), Kushta (Skin diseases), Visarpa (Cellulitis), Sarpavisha (Snakebite), Bhagna (Fracture), Vyanga (Aging signs), Arsha (piles).[4]

Previously Ashish et al. (2016) has carried out Pharmaceutical and analytical studies on Guduchi Kwatha prepared by using 4, 8, and 16 times of water and reduction to one fourth and analysed with HPTLC and HPLC techniques. Study reported that Kwatha with 8 times of water has better quality than other batches and Guduchi is considered as medium type of Dravya depending upon its hardness.[5]

The present study was an attempt to observed the physicochemical difference in Manjishta Kwatha prepared by conventional method using eight parts and sixteen parts of water in order to find out time saving and fuel saving technique.

Materials and Methods

Table 1: Collection and Authentication of Manjishta

SNSanskrit NameLatin NamePart UsedForm of drugsParticle size of drugs
1.ManjishtaRubia cordifoliaStemDry100 mesh

Manjishta stem was procured from GMP certified Ayurved Pharmacy. It was authenticated and certified from by Botanical survey of India (BSI).

Image 1: Manjishta for Kwatha

A. Manjishta Stem

B. Powdered Manjishta

Powder (Churna) preparation of Manjishta and coding of Kwatha

Manjishta stem was pulverized to fine powder and then sifted with mesh size #100

Kwatha was codified as MC1 for conventional method where 16 parts water was used and MC2 for the method where 8 parts of water was used.

Equipment used

Vessel for Kwatha preparation used was of stainless- steel having capacity of 5 lit (Length - 20cm, Depth -20 cm, Diameter -18cm), Glass Thermometer (Mercury) for temperature recordings having capacity of 110°C (G H zeal ltd, London-England), Cotton Cloth for filtration. LPG gas as a source of heating having fuel realising capacity of 189g/h,2064 kcal/h (Commercial LPG at 2.92kN/m2(30gf/cm2 )

Ingredients of Kwatha

  • Manjishta Powder (100 mesh) : 250gm
  • Distilled water for Kalka :
  • Distilled water for Kwatha: 4000ml (MC1) / 2000ml (MC2)

Method of preparation of Manjishta Kwatha (MC1)

Powdered Manjishta was taken into bowl and Kalka was prepared using distilled water (1000ml). Kalka was soaked for ten minutes before addition of water. Manjishta Kalka was then taken into Kwatha vessel and water was added which was to be reduced 1/8(500ml). Level was measured with metal scale(6.5cm) Remaining water (3500) was added then. Mixture was stirred properly and kept on fire at low flame. Kwatha was stirred at regular interval.

Temperature was noted at regular interval. Kwatha was filtered through cotton cloth when the required level (1/8th) was achieved.

Method of preparation of Manjishta Kwatha (MC2)

The procedure was repeated by using 8 part of water(2000ml) and 1/4th reduction. Both the experiments of Kwatha (MC1 and MC2) were repeated thrice and mean of total time and total fuel used were calculated.

Physicochemical analysis of Manjishta Kwatha

The prepared Manjishta Kwatha was subjected to physicochemical analysis such as pH Value estimation,[6] Determination of Specific gravity,[7] Determination of Refractive Index,[8] Determination of Total Soluble Solids[9] according to the standard procedures of Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India.

Observations and Results

Table 2. Organoleptic Study of Raw Drugs

Name of drugsOrganoleptic Characteristics
ShabdaSparshaRupa Rasa Gandha
ManjishtaNSDry and smoothFaint redTikta Madhur Specific

Table 3: In Process observations of Manjishta Kwatha (MC1)

TimeTime in minutesTempObservations during process
12.00pm0030°CInitially white foam with brown tint was seen throughout surface of Kwatha
1.00pm6084°CDarker brown foam over surface, not seen active boiling
2.00pm120100°CFoam separated with thin layer over the surface.
3.00pm18098°CFoam started disappearing, not seen active bubbling for boiling
4.00pm24098°CFoam disappeared, thin layer of Manjishta particles are seen over surface
5.00pm30097°CNo foam, Mild boiling was seen
6.00pm36098°CThin particle layer was formed over surface of Kwatha
7.00pm42098°CKwatha started concentrating with dark red shade
8.00pm48098°CThin layer formed over surface of Kwatha
9.00pm54098°CMore Concentrating Kwatha with active boiling
10.00pm60095°CSolidified concentrated Kwatha liquid with mild boiling
10.45pm64590°CDark red solidified Kwatha with spilling droplets

Image 2: Steps of Manjishta Kwatha by Conventional method (MC1)

A. Manjishta Kalka

B. Appearance of foam

C. Concentrating Kwatha

D. Noting of marking

E. Final stage of Kwatha

F. Packed Kwatha (MC1)

Table 4: In Process observations of conventional method of Manjishta Kwatha (MC2)

TimeTime in minutesTempObservations during process
12.00pm0040°CInitially red foaming was seen throughout surface of Kwatha
12.30pm3076°CActive boiling with thick red foaming
1.00pm6098°CMarked Boiling with decrease in foam
1.30pm9098°CFoam started disappearing,
2.00pm12096°CGetting concentrated with reddish layer
2.30pm15096°CGetting concentrated with reddish layer
3.00pm18095°CDark red brown with spilling of Kwatha outside
3.30pm21096°CSpilling continued till level achieved

Image 3: Steps of Manjishta Kwatha by Conventional method (MC2)

A. Manjishta Kalka

B. Initial stage of Kwatha

C. Concentrating Kwatha

D. Measuring of Level

E. Final stage of Kwatha

F. Packed Kwatha (MC2)

Table 5: Time and Fuel required for Manjishta Kwatha

SNGroup NameQuantity of Kalka (gm)Quantity of Water (ml)Total time in minutesTotal fuel Used (in gms)

Table 6: Organoleptic Characteristics of Manjishta Kwatha

SNGroup NameShabdaSparshaRupaRasaGandha
1.MC1NSDravaDark RedMadhur TiktaSpecific
2.MC2NSDravaDark red brownMadhur TiktaSpecific

Table 7: Physicochemical parameters of Manjishta Kwatha

SNSample NamepHSpecific Gravity (g/mL)Refractive IndexTotal Solid Content (%)
2 .MC25.161.0131.3413.39


There are many challenges in Kwatha preparation in terms of exact Particle size, Vessel to be used, Temperature, the proportion of water to be added, etc. which directly affects its quality and processing cost. Hence, there need to optimize the process by studying various factors which validate the Kwatha procedure. So, present study has been conducted to evaluate the physicochemical parameters of Manjishta Kwatha by using three different proportion of water which is widely practiced in Pharmacies.

For Kwatha purpose, Manjishta was moistened with water in order to make bolus which required four times of distilled water than weight of Manjishta. This step helps to avoid absorption of water used for Kwatha by Manjishta powder.

As mostly coarse powder is used in Kwatha preparation for optimum quality, this study used fine powder for Kwatha in order to observed the particle size theory. The concentration of active constituents depends upon the size of the particle. Less the size of particles, more will be the surface area which ultimately encourages phyto constituents to enter in the solvent (water) and vice versa.[10] Previously Apeksha A. Patil et al. (2017) carried out comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Mustakadi Pramathya and Kwatha with the parameters such as pH, specific gravity, Viscosity and total solids in which more concentration of phyto-constituents was seen in Pramathya as compare to Kwatha.[11]

In pharmaceutical process of Kwatha preparation, initially the temperature was low then eventually the temp raised which was kept between 90°to 100°C. (Table no. 3&4) Hence vigorous and fast boiling was avoided in order to save thermolabile phytoconstituents in the Kwatha as Mandagni (low heating pattern) is already mentioned in terms of Kwatha preparation. In this study, Kwatha was prepared using two different proportions of water i.e. 16 parts (MC1) and 8 parts (MC2).

In MC1 group, it required 645 minutes and 2031.75 Gm. fuel, whereas 210 minutes and 661.5Gm. fuel for the MC2 group. (Table no. 5) As proportion of water was more in MC1 hence, it was more time and fuel consuming process as compare to MC2. There needs about 1000ml of water for Kalka preparation of 250gm powder of Manjishta. In the organoleptic study, a specific Manjishta smell was observed. The Color of Kwatha was Red to dark red-brown. Manjishta has Madhurtikta Taste which was specific to all two groups of Kwatha. (Table no. 6)

In physicochemical analysis of Manjishta Kwatha (Table no. 7), pH value observed was closer to alkaline pH. It is in the range of 4.93 to 5.18. Minimum difference was noted in pH of MC1 & MC2 group. The pH value denotes the acidic and alkaline nature of drugs. As the Kwatha is known to have expired in 24 hrs. its weak acidic and weak alkaline nature is considered in the standard setup.

In Manjishta Kwatha, Specific gravity was more than one in both groups. It isused to define the weight or density of a liquid as compared to the density of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature. MC1 group have shown higher specific gravity than MC2 group as it consumed more fuel.

As the specific gravity of water is 1 and if specific gravity is more than 1 then it indicates dissolved solutes in the solvent. Hence more the Specific gravity more will the concentration of that liquid. In case of Kwatha, temperature, particle size, duration of boiling, etc have impact to increase or decrease concentration of Kwatha. So, the specific gravity will change accordingly.

Refractive index of both the groups of Manjishta Kwatha were more than 1 and no significant variations was observed. Generally, it is used to measure the concentration of a solute in an aqueous solution. Total solid content decides the soluble contents in solvent. In Manjishta Kwatha, it was observed that conventional MC2 has good TSC (3.39%) than MC1 group.

In physicochemical analysis, it was observed that heating and proportion of water plays important role in varying parameters of finished product. Manjishta Kwatha (MC2) have observed higher values in physicochemical parameters that can ensure standards of classical methods with hardness of Manjishta which confirms it as Madhyam Dravya.

Also, it required less fuel and time as compare to other group wherein 16 parts water was used.MC1 process needed 207.14 % more fuel as compared to MC2 process.


This study offers preliminary evidence regarding alteration of physicochemical parameters by using different proportion of water in Kwatha. Comparative physicochemical analysis of both Kwatha observed percentage of total solid contents was high in Kwatha where eight parts of water was used in Kwatha preparation. Hence, fuel can be saved by this method. To compare exact analytical difference there needs to study qualitative parameters such as presence of therapeutic markers in Kwatha preparation. Further study can be conducted using highly sophisticated analytical techniques.


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