Comparative physicochemical study of Manjishta Kwatha prepared by using different proportion of water
Sushma D1*
1* Dongre Sushma, Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashashtra, Government Ayurved College, Dharashiv, Maharashtra, India.
Introduction: Due to ambiguity in literature regarding Kwatha preparation, exact proportion of water needed as per consistency of Dravya (Drug) for optimum quality of Kwatha is the need for standard pharmaceutical practices. For this purpose Manjishta was selected for Kwatha preparation using two different proportion of water.
Aim and Objectives: To find out the difference in physicochemical parameters to access the quality of Manjishta Kwatha in order to save time and fuel required for Kwatha with the objective to prepare Manjishta Kwatha by using two different proportion of water and to compare time and fuel needed.
Methods: Procurement and Authentication of Manjishta were done as per standard protocol. Manjishta Kwatha were prepared by using two different proportion of water one by using 16 parts of water and second by using 8 parts of water by reduced 1/8th and 1/4th respectively. In process and finished products observations were noted as per procedure. Analytical testing was done as per Ayurved Pharmacopeia of India.
Observations and Results: In physicochemical analysis, the pH value, refractive index and specific gravity have not shown any remarkable difference however total solid content were found to be more in the Kwatha which used eight parts of water. The fuel and time consumed were three times more in the sample which used sixteen parts of water. So, Manjishta can be considered as Madhyam (Medium) consistency drug for Kwatha purpose. This study provided the preliminary physicochemical parameters for the Manjishta Kwatha. Further it needs to study qualitative parameters with highly sophisticated analytical techniques.
Keywords: Manjishta Kwatha, Rubia cordifolia, pH value, specific gravity, fuel, time, parameters
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashashtra, Government Ayurved College, Dharashiv, Maharashtra, India.Sushma D, Comparative physicochemical study of Manjishta Kwatha prepared by using different proportion of water. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):49-55. Available From |