
Review Article

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 9 SEPTEMBER

Effect of Panchavalkaladi Taila Yoni Pichu in the management of Paripluta Yoni Vyapad w.s.r. to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - A Review Article

Jain A1*, Ray S2, Parihar ES3, Hajare P4

1* Astha Jain, Post Graduate, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Sucheta Ray, Professor, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

3 Ekta Singh Parihar, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

4 Priyanka Hajare, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Health is an important factor that contributes to human well-being and economic growth. Wisdom, art, strength and wealth are no use if health is lacking. Nidation of seed will grow only in satisfactory environment. Creation of good offspring highly depends on the woman’s reproductive health. Yoni Shuddhta is one among the major essential for a healthy offspring. Twenty types of Yoni Vyapad mentioned as the major cause of disease of the female reproductive tract. Paripluta Yoni Vyapad is one of them and in this, Vata and Pitta Dosha is considered the primary cause. It can be correlated with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. PID is a disease of the upper genital tract. The main clinical features of Pelvic inflammatory disease are purulent vaginal discharge with foul smell, fever, pelvic pain and dyspareunia. It affects approximately 10% of women of reproductive age. Delayed management of PID may result in higher rates of miscarriage, chronic pelvic pain, STD, progressive organ damage and long-term reproductive disability due to its recurrence. There is a need to solve this emerging problem. In modern medicine antimicrobials, analgesics, NSAIDs are often prescribed in the treatment of Pelvic inflammatory disease which can be cause of many sides effect as headache, dizziness, drowsiness etc. So, the proper solution is made to find the safe and curative remedy in the form of Panchvalkaladi Tail Yoni Pichu for Paripluta Yoni Vyapad.

Keywords: Paripluta Yoni Vyapad, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Panchvalkaladi Taila, Yoni Pichu

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Astha Jain, Post Graduate, PG Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Jain A, Ray S, Parihar ES, Hajare P, Effect of Panchavalkaladi Taila Yoni Pichu in the management of Paripluta Yoni Vyapad w.s.r. to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - A Review Article. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):162-167.
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© 2024by Jain A, Ray S, Parihar ES, Hajare Pand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Since the evolution of the life in universe, women have been placed an extreme worshiping place due to her power of Janani" (capability of creation and care of new offspring of human beings). That's why Acharya Manu has stated that, for happiness of the human society, it needs to give proper care and respect to women. In female, the reproductive system is of great importance and any disease in this system will seriously affect her health and happiness and also it proves to be great discomfort to the female and her family. Not only this, the power of progeny will be seriously affected.

In Ayurveda, diseases related to the female reproductive system are collectively grouped or described under the heading of Yoni Vyapada. There are twenty types of Yoni Vyapada in our classics. Yoni Vyapad is diseases of female genital tract i.e., Gynecological disorders are available in Ayurveda texts. The Acharyas have included almost all gynecological disorders under broad heading of ‘Yoni Vyapada’. The word "Yoni” in Ayurvedic classics is used to denote genital tract as a whole and uterus, vagina and vulva separately. The word ‘Vyapada' means the disorder, affliction, disease or derangement. So, in brief Yoni Vyapada means that which afflicts the genital tract and hampers reproductive power. Paripluta is one among the twenty Yoni Vyapada mentioned in classics i.e., seen in women of reproductive age group.

In Ayurveda this painful condition can be compared to Paripluta Yoni Vyapad based on the clinical feature i.e., Pain abdomen, fever, dyspareunia, abnormal vaginal discharge etc. In Paripluta Yoni Vyapad involved Dosha are mainly Vata and Pitta. In modern science antimicrobials, analgesics, NSAIDs are used is the treatment of PID. But there are many side effects. The present study is under taken keeping in the view of the drug which is cost effective easily available, without adverse effect and easy preparation.

Various local and oral medicine are available in our classic. Pichu is consider a topical treatment of Paripluta Yoni Vyapad Panchvalkaladi Tail Yoni Pichu described in classics in composing of drugs having an efficacy to treat Vata Pittaj Vyadhi by the virtue of its Kashaya & Madhura Rasa, Ruksha, Guru, Laghu Guna, Sheetavirya, Katu Vipak properties.

Aim and Objectives

Aim:Evaluation of Panchvalkaladi Taila Yoni Pichu in Paripluta Yoni Vyapad.

Objectives:To evaluate the efficacy of Panchvalkaladi Taila Yoni Pichu in the management of Paripluta Yoni Vyapad.


The matter related to the present conceptual study was collected from the different Ayurvedic Samhita, research papers and journals.

Description of Paripluta Yoni Vyapad

According to Acharaya Charaka when a woman having predominance of Pitta (either due to her Pitta Prakrti or consumption of diet) which aggravates Pitta withholds her natural urge of sneezing and eructation (Belching) at time of coitus, then vitiated Pitta, getting mixed with Vayu and reaches Yoni (reproductive system) and produces its abnormalities. The Yoni becomes inflamed and tender and patient gets painful menstruation having yellowish or bluish colour of menstrual blood. Patients also suffers from pain in lumbosacral groin region, backache and fever. According to Acharaya Sushruta, condition is characterized with severe pain during dyspareunia. Both Acharaya Vridha Vaghatta and Vagbhatta have followed Acharaya Charaka, but they have included heaviness in regions of bladder and lower abdomen, diarrhoea and anorexia etc. A lot of treatment has been mentioned in classics for Yoni Vyapada. But in this study we have selected Panchvalkaladi Taila as a Sthanika treatment by Yoni Pichu.

Samanya Hetu

Mithaachara (include abnormal diet & abnormal mode of life), Pradustta Aartav (hormonal disorders), Beeja Dosha (abnormalities of sperm and ova), excessive indulgence in coitus, Daiva Prakop (idiopathic) etc.

Vishesha Hetu

Acharaya Charaka and Vagbhatta has discussed about Vishesh Hetu of Paripluta Yoni Vyapad.

Pittala: It means women having predominance of Pitta due to her Pitta Prakriti and consumption of diet which exaggerate Pitta.

Pitta Prakriti:Women having Pitta Prakriti develop Pittaja Roga quickly even by less etiological factors and the Roga are Kasthasadhya

The word Nrisamvaase shows that excessive coitus in abnormal position is very important cause.

Swayathu-Udgara Dharanata - suppression of natural urges leads to Vata Prakopa.

Description of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelivic inflammatory disease is a common reproductive tract infection seen in active reproductive woman. PID is caused by multiple organism like Neisseria Mycoplasma homitis, non-hemolytic streptococcus etc. This disease manifests with the irregular, excessive vaginal bleeding, lower abdomen pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, dispareunia, nausea, vomiting, fever etc.

Samprapti Ghataka

Dosha - Vata, Pitta

Dushya - Rasa Dhatu

Agni - Jatharagni, Rasadhatvagni

Srotus - Rasavaha, Aartavvaha

Srotodushti - Sanga and Vimarggaman

Marga - Aabhantar


Nrisamvase (Excessive coitus) + Shwayathu-Udgar Vegadharana + Mithyaachara


Dushya Rakta & Mamsa

Kha Vaiguna with Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Aartavavaha Shrotas

Kshuddha Yoni

Disturbances of normal defense mechanism of Yoni

Paripluta Yoni Vyapad


In Paripluta Yonivyapad there is vitiation of Vata-Pitta. The symptoms of Paripluta Yonivyapad are -

  • Yonishool / Yonishotha - vagina / uterus gets inflamed
  • Yonisparsha Asakshama - tenderness in vagina / uterus
  • Nila-Peeta Asrak Strava - painful menstruation having yellowish or bluish discoloration of menstrual blood
  • Shronimandal Vedana - severe pain in lumbo-sacral, pelvis and groin, backache
  • Vankshanapradesh Vedana
  • Jwara - Fever

Other symptoms include-

  • Dharme Ruja Bhrusham Gramya - severe pain during coitus (Sushruta)
  • Vasti Kukshi Gurutwam - heaviness in urinary bladder and lower abdomen (Vagbhatta)

Description of drug

The Drug was described in Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana, Yonivyapatchikitsa Adhyaya. This formulation is used to cure Vipluta in the text. The word Pluta has been used all the diseases having Pluta as suffix i.e., Uppluta, Vipluta and Paripluta. So Pichu of this Taila can be advised to the patient.

SNName of drugFamilyLatin namePart UsedQuantity
1.ShallakiBurseraceaeBoswellia serrata Roxb.Twak1 Part
2.ManjishtaRubiaceaeRubia cardifloia Linn.Twak1 Part
3.JamunaMyrtaceaeSyzygium cumin Linn.Twak1 Part
4.DhavCombretaceaeAnogeissus Latifolia Wall.Twak1 Part
5.VatMoraceaeFicus benghalensis Linn.Twak1 Part
6.AshwathaMoraceaeFicus religiosa Linn.Twak1 Part
7.UdumbraMoraceaeFicus racemosa Roxb.Twak1 Part
8.PlakshaMoraceaeFicus lacor Buch.Twak1 Part
9.ParishaMalvaceaeThespesia populnea Soland.Twak1 Part
10.TilPedaliaceaeSesamum indicumTaila64 Part

Pharmacological Properties of Drugs

Drugs of this formulation possess Rasa like Kashaya Rasa, Madhura Rasa, Tikta Rasa, Ruksha, Guru, Laghu Guna, Sheeta Virya, Ushna Virya, Katu Vipaka.

1.ShallakiKashaya, Tikta, MadhuraLaghu, RukshaUshnaKatuKaphapittashamak
2.ManjishtaKashaya, TiktaGuru, Ruksha UshnaKatuKaphapittashamak
3.JamunaKashayaLaghu, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittashamak
4.DhavKashayaLaghu, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittashamak
5.VatKashayaGuru, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittashamak
6.AshwathaKashayaGuru, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittashamak
7.UdumbaraKashaya, MadhuraGuru, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittashamak
8.PlakshaKashayaGuru, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittashamak
9.ParishaKashayaLaghu, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittashamak
10.TilMadhuraGuru, SnigdhaUshnaMadhurVatashamak

Kashaya Rasa: Majority of drugs of this formulation have Kashaya Rasa. It has Samshamana, Samgrahi, Sandhankara, Ropana, Shoshana, Stambhana, Sleshmapitta Prashamana, Kleda Upshosgana. It has the predominance of Vayu and Prithvi Mahabhuta.

Madhura Rasa: It has the predominance of Prithavi and Jala Mahabhuta. It is Satmya for the body so cause Vardhana of Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Sukra and Oja, Balya, Pitta-Vishanashaka, Dahaprashmana, Twachya, Tarpana, Brihana, Sthairyakara, Sandhanakara also improves vitality, stamina and general debility. It causes Vata-Pitta Shamana.

Tikta Rasa: It acts as Vishaghna, Krimighna, Dahanashana, Kandughna, Jwaraghna, Lekhana, Kleda-Puya-Pitta-Sleshma, Upshoshana, Sthirikarana of Mamsa and Twaka. Tikta Rasa is also Akash Mahabhuta and Sukshama Guna Pradhan so through its removes the inflammatory secretion. Tikta Rasa specifies Pitta Dosha mainly.

Ruksha Guna: acts as Kapha-Shamana, Vranaropana, Srotoshodhaka, Mala-Kshaya, having the predominance of Vata.

Guru Guna: cause Vata Shamana, Brinhana having the predominance of Prithvi and Jala Mahabhuta.

Laghu Guna: Predominance of Agni and Akasha Mahabhuta in Laghu Guna. It acts as Shoshana. So, its properties of Shoshana help in excessive secretion of vaginal discharge.

Sheeta Virya: causes Pittashamana, Stambhana, Balya, Viahyandana, having the predominance of Prithavi and Jala Mahabhuta. It pacifies mainly Pitta Dosha dominance.

Ushna Virya: Vata Kapha Shamana, Pittajanana properties.

Katu Vipaka: Vata-Pitta Vardhaka

The overall effect of Panchvalkaladi Taila

Panchvalkaladi Taila (oil) has mainly Kashaya Rasa (astringent taste). Panchvalkaladi Kashaya used in its preparation has Ruksha, Kaphapittahara, Shothahara, Sheeta Guna and has wound healing properties. Acharya Charaka has mentioned that Kashaya Rasa is having pharmacological properties like Samshamana, Shoshana (drying), Samgrahi, Stambhan and Kaphanashaka, Kashaya Rasa is mainly formed by conjugation of Vayu and Prithvi Mahabhuta. Vayu is Ruksha in quality and dries up the excessive fluids in tissue while Prithvi by virtue of Kathina and Sthira Guna which are opposite to Drava and Sara Guna reduces the Srava. Tikta Rasa has Krimighna property which direct inhibits the growth of Krimi and finally diminishes Srava. On the basis of researches carried out on the ingredients of Panchvalkaladi Taila, it has been postulated that pharmacological properties like anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiprotozoal, antibacterial are present which cure Pelvic inflammatory disease.

Dose: 15 ml of Panchvalkaladi Taila Yoni Pichu till 45 min or urge of micturition (after the cessation of menses).

Duration: 28 days

Pichu Kalpana

Pichu Kalpana has been described by Acharya Charaka for treating the Gudabhransha (Rectal prolapse) in Atisara - (Chikitsaadhyay). Pichu is made up of cotton ball covered with a gauze piece and Taila is made using gauze. Its shape like Pottali.

Mode of Administration of Yoni Pichu

Under aseptic precaution sterile Pichu soaked in medicated oil should be inserted in vaginal canal with the help of index finger and thumb or with the help of swab holding forceps in such a way that the thread of Yoni Pichu should be lying out of vagina. It will facilitate easy removal of Yoni Pichu.

Mode of action of Yoni Pichu

According to Ayurveda classics Pichu helps in Lekhna Karma and thus removes slough. In Yoni Pichu mostly medicated Kashya, Sarpi and Taila are used.

These preparations have two main functions i.e., Shodhana and Ropana. Pichu helps the medicine to remain at that particular site for a longer period for better action. Yoni Pichu can act as an antibacterial, control vaginal discharge and help in wound healing.


Paripluta Yonivyapad can be considered as a condition of infection and inflammation of pelvic region. PID may affect vaginal pH and hamper entire pelvic environment. It disturbs the sexual life of couple. Once if a woman has pelvic infection, chances of recurrent infections are high. Pelvic Inflammatory disease is a most common female genital organ disorders which may lead to infertility.

Ayurveda treatment helps in preventing from recurrent infection. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Panchvalkaladi Taila for Yonipichu in Paripluta Yoni Vyapad. Pichu Kalpana is convenient for patient to administer by own. The drugs of this formulation have Vata-Pitta Shamak, Shothaghna and Ropana properties. Pichu have promising role in the treatment of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and prevention of infertility and any other complications.


Paripluta Yoni Vyapad is a Vata-Pittaj disorder characterized by Gramyadarmaruja, Shotha, Sparshakshamatwa, Painful menstruation, Vedna in Sroni, Vankhahana, Prusta, Kati. Aggravated Pitta associated with Vata reaches Yoni leads to Paripluta Yoni Vyapad. The management is based on Doshic vitiation i.e., Vata Pitta Shamak, Shothaghna and Ropana properties. From this study it can be concluded that Panchvalkaladi Taila Yoni Pichu is an effective treatment in the management of the Paripluta Yoni Vyapad.


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