An Ayurvedic management of Pittashmari (Cholelithiasis): A Case Study
Gaikwad MA1*, Gulhane JD2
1* Mayur A Gaikwad, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
2 Jayant D Gulhane, Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Background: Ayurveda states that it is not always possible to name every disease but one can treat a disease based on its Nidanpanchak. The diseases not mentioned in Samhitas are said to be Anukta. One such disease is Cholelithiasis having prevalence rate of 5-6% in India which is increasing day by day. We can call it Pittashmari because the stone formation occurs in Pittashay. Cholecystectomy is considered to be gold standard treatment but its long-term side effects are unavoidable. The post cholecystectomy syndrome is a medical condition found in 40% of patients that underwent Cholecystectomy.
Purpose of Study: A suitable non-surgical treatment approach is urgently required for Pittashmari (Cholelithiasis) due to, expensive surgical treatments, surgical risks, patient's unwillingness to undergo surgery or their long-term negative repercussions.
Methodology: This is a single case study of 39yr Male patient, having clinical signs and symptoms of Cholelithiasis and USG showing calculi within Gall bladder. For treatment various Ayurveda texts, Contemporary texts and research articles on Yakrit-uttejak Dravya, Cholelithiaisis and Pittashmari were studied.
Result: There are no calculi seen after 3 months of treatment and the symptoms also completely resolved.
Conclusions: Pittashmari (Cholelithiaisis) can be effectively treated with Ayurveda without the risks or side effects of surgery, and it is also relatively inexpensive.
Keywords: Anuktavyadhi, Pittashay, Yakrit-uttejak, Post cholecystectomy syndrome
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, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.Gaikwad MA, Gulhane JD, An Ayurvedic management of Pittashmari (Cholelithiasis): A Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):316-321. Available From |