
Review Article

Mākśika Bhasma

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 9 SEPTEMBER

A comprehensive review of Formulations containing Mākśika Bhasma

Thirunarayanan C1*, Kanagaraj V2

1* Chandramohan Thirunarayanan, Senior Research Fellow, Ayurveda, National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage Niimh, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

2 Vairamuthu Kanagaraj, Senior Research Fellow, Ayurveda, National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage Niimh, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Background: Makshika Bhasma, is a mineral preparation well-known in Rasashastra texts. The Bhasma is prepared by repeatedly exposing selective metallic/mineral origin materials to the incineration method of preparation named Puta.

Aim: To prepare comprehensive data related to various formulations, indications, doses, Anupāna, etc. of Mākśika Bhasma recorded in Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara.

Materials and Methods: The data about Mākśika Bhasma from the Bharata Bhaiṣajya Ratnakara is systematically collated and analyzed. Mākśika Bhasma is used as a major and minor ingredient in most formulations, and a different percentage of Mākśika Bhasma is used in various formulations of text. Making a note of this, it has been decided to calculate the percentage of Mākśika Bhasma, Anupana, dose, and therapeutic indications in different formulations.

Results: It is observed that a total of 165 references related to various formulations such as rasa, Vati, Gutika, Leham, Modaka, Avaleha, Loham, and their dosages and indications were observed. Among 14 dosage forms, Rasa was found to be the maximum, followed by Vati, Gutika, Churna, Rasayanam, Lehyam, Loham, Anjana, Guggulu, Kvatha, Modaka, Drava, Pottali, Lepa, and Parpati. It is also found that it is used in various disorders such as Vimśati Prameha, Yakśmā, Grahaṇī, Pāṇḍu, Arsha, Raktapitta, Udara, Netraśukra, Āmavāta, Vātarakta, Mūtrakrchra.

Conclusion: 165 formulations are mentioned in Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara, in which Mākśika Bhasma is used as an ingredient Madhu, Ghrita, Ksheera, Pippali, and Guda are found to be the most commonly used Anupana (adjuvant/vehicle). About 65 % of Rasa formulations have Mākśika Bhasma as an ingredient.

Keywords: Mākśika Bhasma, Ayurveda formulation, Bhasma, nanomedicine, Bharata Bhaishjya Ratnakara

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Chandramohan Thirunarayanan, Senior Research Fellow, Ayurveda, National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage Niimh, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Thirunarayanan C, Kanagaraj V, A comprehensive review of Formulations containing Mākśika Bhasma. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):131-146.
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© 2024by Thirunarayanan C, Kanagaraj Vand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Mākśika [chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)], one among the Mahārasa is used as a substitute for gold because of their similar therapeutic actions. It is of three types viz., Svarna, Roupya, and Kamsya.[1] Where Svarna Mākśika type is primarily used for therapeutic purposes and secondarily Roupya type. Rasashastra texts provide information about its characters, properties, pharmacological actions, and therapeutic indications. Mākśika is having Madhura (Svarna Mākśika) and Amla, Kashaya and Madhura (Roupya Mākśika) Rasa; Laghu and Yogavāhi Guna; Sita Virya; Katu Vipaka and does Tridoshaghna, Balya, Rasayana, Pranavardhaka, Vrsya, Caksusya Karma. Chalco pyrite is a compact or micro granular mass with brass-yellow. The person who uses Mākśika internally will not be affected by poison, diseases, or geriatric problems. It is an excellent rejuvenator and aphrodisiac, improves strength, and intellect, and improves the quality of blood. It is indicated in various chronic diseases such as Jvara, Apasmāra, Graha Dosha, Rājayakshma, Pāndu, Prameha, Udara, Kushta, Raktapitta, Gulma, and Netra Rogas.[2]

Among various forms of medicines, Bhasma attracts because of its unique organometallic preparation involving repeated incineration of various metals or their ores, mixed with a decoction of herbal products, through the process of required Puta which transforms metallic state into its corresponding oxide form. It is often regarded as nanomedicine, symbolizing its size in nanometer range.[3] Some insights from research on Mākśika Bhasma indicate its use in treating anemia and diabetes. In anemia, Iron and copper are required for hemoglobin synthesis. In the light of haematinic effect, the comparative effect of Bhasmas of Mākśika and Mākśika Satva on the blood profile of rabbits was observed and analysed in a chemical study. It reveals that Mākśika Bhasma was found to be effective in increasing haemoglobin levels.[4] In a study of the concept of the effect of preparations containing Svarna Mākśika and Virechana Karma over the vitiation of Rakta in Madhumeha, Svarna Mākśika was found effective.[5] The Physicochemical Study and Quantitative Analysis Swarna Mākśika Bhasma by field emission scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray (FESEM-EDX) study enables us to explore major,

minor, and trace elements of swarna Mākśika bhasma after tenth puta are as follows (in mean weight %) Cu (0.337), Fe (54.29), S (0.63), O (27.22), C (2.61), Zi (2.34), Ca (3.16), Si (7.08), Al (0.477), K (1.66), Zn (0.127), Na (0.123), Ni (0.087), Co (0.28) quantitatively.[6]

The spectrum of Mākśika​ Bhasma’s utility in cases of cognitive impairment, hepatic dysfunction, leukemia, sex debility, azoospermia, diseases of the eye, and neurological diseases is noteworthy. It is primarily used as a rejuvenator aphrodisiac.[7] Available Rasashatra Granthas and Chikitsa Granthas provide information about different dosage forms and their usage in different disease conditions, and different contexts. Single-hand information on several pharmacological actions of Mākśika​ and its Bhasma is still not completely available. This study is, therefore, concentrated on the review work to create an exclusive database on the different formulations containing Mākśika​ and its Bhasma from the encyclopedia of Ayurvedic formulations - Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara (Five volumes)[8-12] which is considered as first compilation as per API and it covers almost 9598 formulation or preparation available classical texts of all branches Ayurveda.

Materials and Methods

The information from the encyclopedia of Ayurvedic formulations, Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara was considered for the details on Mākśika​ and it was collated. Formulations containing Mākśika ​and its Bhasma as an ingredient were critically studied and recorded systematically including dosage forms. Percentage calculation of Mākśika​ Bhasma.

Method of calculation is adopted from the published review article titled formulations containing Abraka Bhasma (AB): Percentage of AB = 100 × weight of NB/weight of total solid ingredients (including AB); for example, in Baidhynathrasa (R.R.S 14/49–52), the total weight of all ingredients (mineral and herbal) is 90.003 g, out of which 1.5 g is AB. The percentage of AB is 100 × 1.5 g/90.003 g = 1.66, that is, Go dugdha is not considered for calculation.[13]

Percentage quantity is determined based on the solid constituents, excluding ingredients like decoctions (Kvatha), fresh juices (Svarasa), ghee (Ghrita), and honey (Madhu).


Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara is a comprehensive source for the compilation of Mākśika​ Bhasma formulations, which includes 165 references related to various dosages and indications. The most common dosage forms are mentioned in Figure: 1 Rasa was found to be the maximum, followed by Vati, Gutika, Churna, Rasayanam, Lehyam, Loham, Anjana, Guggulu, Kvatha, Modaka, Drava, Pottali, Lepa, and Parpati. 165 numbers of various types of formulations, such as Rasa, Vati, Gutika, Leham, Modak, Avaleha, and Loham formulations, along with indications in different disorders were compiled as shown in Tables 1–5 (formulations containing Mākśika​ Bhasma as an ingredient along with dose, % of Mākśika​, Anupana, and indications). On keen observation, it is noted that Mākśika​ Bhasma has been used as an ingredient in the formulations. It is also found that it is used in disorders such as Vimśati Prameha, Yakśmā, Grahaṇī, Pāṇḍu, Arsha, Raktapitta, Udara, Netraśukra, Āmavāta, Vātarakta, Mūtrakrchra, etc.,


Rasashashtra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is one of the most significant branches of Ayurveda. It involves the selection of genuine raw drugs, their collection, the processing of poisonous herbs, and the manufacture of herbal, herbo-mineral, and herbo-metallic formulations along with their therapeutic indications, dosages, and dietary regimens.Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara is a well-known compiled book on 35 different Ayurvedic texts books.

It consists of 9598 formulations, and their description is organized alphabetically.[16] Formulations containing Mākśika​ and its Bhasma as an ingredient were critically studied and recorded systematically including dosage forms. Formulations are treated separately when calculating percentages if they contain different Mākśika Bhasma percentages each time they are mentioned.

Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara Part 1
In first part, out of 24 formulations related to Mākśika Bhasma, fifteen are rasa, two are Rasayanam, and one each in Loham, Vati, Gutika, Kvatha, Lehyam, Anjana and Churna references related to Mākśika Bhasma formulation have been mentioned. The highest percentage of Mākśika Bhasma has been mentioned in Amṛtārnava Rasa (1) having 40 % and it is indicated for Vrshyam, Yakśmā, Gara, Arśas, Visha. Ārogyasāgaro Rasa having 38.6 %, used in Pāṇḍu, Aruchi, Guda Roga, Vātavyādhi, Gulma, Śvāsa, Udāvarta. Netraśukra Nashaka Anjanam having 25%, it is used for Netraśukra. Khaṇḍasamam Curnam having 25 % and used in Kuṣṭa, Prameha, Udara, Kāmalā, Halīmaka, Raktapitta​, Svayathu. Kusumāyugharasa (Swarna Mākśika & Roupya Mākśika) having 17.8% each Svarna and Roupa Mākśika used for Valipalita Nashanartha, Strishu Samarthyam. The lowest percentage is mentioned for Udarāri Loha - 0.56 % is indicated in Udara, Shotha, Arsha, Pāṇḍu, Kāmalā. In majority of formulations Madhu, Ghrita, Pippali, Ksheeram, Maricha have been mentioned as Anupana. Overall, 9 formulations have been cited as having 1-10% of Maksika Bhasma, 10 having 11-20%, 2 having 21-30%, and 2 having 31-40% as represented in Table 1.

Table 1: List of the formulations containing Mākśika Bhasma (B.B.R. Part 1)

SNPage No.Yoga No.Yoga NameYoga Dose% of Mākśika​AnupanaIndications
1.77219Netraśukra​ Nashaka Anjanam-25-Netraśukra​
2.96272Agnimukho Rasa​8 Ratti7.14Ājyaṃ, Nāgarā, Hingu, Souvarchala, UṣṇāmbuGulma, Śūla
3.102288Anaṅganigoḍa Rasa1 Masha2.27Godugdha, Sita Vimśati Prameha, Yakśmā, Grahaṇī, Pāṇḍu, Arsha, Raktapitta​, Udara.
4.113312Abhrakaharitaki8 Masha15.4Madhu, ĀjyaṃTridośaja​ Arśas
5.113315Amṛtasundaro Rasa3 Ratti16.67-Vātaja​, Kaphaja Rogas
6.115320Amṛtākyaloha Rasāyanam1-8 Masha2.55Mākśika​, SarpiRaktapitta​, Amlapitta, Udara, Grahaṇī, Āmavāta, Vātarakta, Mūtrakrchra, Prameha
7.127351Aṣṭamūrti Rasa​1 Ratti14.28-Bhutajvara, Chaturthaka, Triteeyaka, Dwayahika Jvara
8.155449Ārogyasāgaro Rasa-38.6Maricha, ĀjyaṃPāṇḍu, Aruchi, Guda Roga, Vātavyādhi, Gulma, Śvāsa. Udāvarta​
9.159459Indrabrahmi Vaṭi-12.5Daśamūla​ Kashaya, KanaApasmāra​

10.205636Kāñcanārādi Kvātha​:---Masūrikā
11.282944Kanakasundaro Rasa (2)1 Masha3.16Ardraka Swarasa. Rasona SwarasaSannipāta​, Kilasa, Sarva Kuṣṭha, Visarpa, Bhagandhara, Jvara, Gara
12.282945Kanakasundaro Rasa (3)2-3 Ratti12.12Madhu, Pippali, Maricha, Ghrita, Ardraka Swarasa, Jayapala RajahBalya, Hrdyaṃ, Rasāyanam, Gulma,Śūla
13.283946Kanakasundaro Rasa (4)1 Gunja7.14Ghrita, Madhu, Pippali, Chandana, Takram, Ardraka, Nirgundi, Triphala, Ksheera, KadaliphalaJvara, Śiraśūla, Agnimāndhyam, Dhanurvāta, Ekangavāta, Pāṇḍu, Kśaya​M, Kāsa, Nabhiśūla, Katiśūla
14.293974Kāntarasāyanam-8.33Devadāru TailamDehasiddhi, Vṛśyam, Mangalayam, Dipana, Rasāyanam, Suputreeyam
15.3041005Kāleśvaro Rasa​:1-2 Gunja1.47-Kāsa, Śvāsa, Kapha Roga
16.3111028Kuṣṭhanikṛntano Rasa​:2 Masha16.67Bhallātaka, Bakuchi, Pathya, Vidanga, Chitraka, Jeeraka, Badari Moola, Katu Taila, HinguKuṣṭham, Vicarcikā
17.3111029Kuṣṭharudreśvaro Rasa​:1-2 Masha7.7Khadira, Asana, Rohitaka Kwatha, ChagamutraKuṣṭhaam, Svayathu
18.3221061Khaṇḍasamam Curnam-25Madhu, Mākśika​Kuṣṭhaam, Prameha, Udara, Kāmalā, Halīmaka, Raktapitta, Svayathu
19.6178980Amṛtārnava Rasa​ (1)1 Ratti40Ghrita, Pippali ChurnaVrshyam, Yakśmā, Gara, Arśas, Visham
20.6188982Amṛteśa Rasa​​3 Ratti16.67Ashwagandha Churna, Ghrita, Guda, PippaliJara
21.6198985Arkeśavara Rasa​​​4 Ratti12.5KśaudraṃmSapta Kuṣṭha, Mandala Kuṣṭha
22.6689128Udarāri Loha-0.56Madhu, GhritaUdara, Shotha, Arsha, Pāṇḍu, Kāmalā
23.7819525Kusumāyugharasa (Swarna Mākśika​ & Roupya Mākśika​)9 Ratti17.8 Swarna Mākśika​, 17.8 Roupya Mākśika​Shalmali NiryasaValipalita Nashanartha, Strishu Samarthyam
24.8019593Khecari GuṭikāAataki Sama Gutika16.67-Jvara, Gulma, Udara

Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara Part 2

In the second part, out of 22 formulations related to Mākśika, fifteen are rasa, four Vati, three Leham, and two Gutika, one in each Pottali, Rasayanam, and Anjana formulation has been mentioned. The highest percentage of Mākśika Bhasma has been mentioned in Chatusudha Rasa 50 %, Pāṇḍu, Śūla, Gulma, Aṣṭa Mahāgadā. Tamreshvaro Rasaḥ has 30.76 % and is indicated in Kśata Kāsa. Gandhakādipoṭali Rasaḥ has 25 % and it is indicated in Yakrit Roga, Plīha Roga.

Tāpyāyaññjanacatuṣaṭayam 25 % and it is indicated in 4 types of Netraśukra. Candraśekhara Rasa 20 % and it is indicated in Shatarushka, Kuṣṭa. Grahaṇīkapāṭa Rasaḥ 15.62 % and it is indicated in Grahaṇī, Gulma, Kśaya, Kusta, Prameha. The lowest percentage is mentioned in 0.28 % Tālakeśvaro Rasa, it is​ indicated in Sarva Kuṣṭa. In the majority of the formulations Madhu, Aajyam, Ksheeram, and Ashvangandha have been mentioned as Anupana. Overall, 12 formulations had been cited as having 1-10% of Maksika bhasma, 6 having 11-20%, 2 having 21-30%, 1 having 31-40% and 1 having 50% is represented in Table 2.

Table 2: List of the formulations containing Mākśika Bhasma (B.B.R. Part 2)

SNPage No.Yoga No.Yoga NameYoga Dose% of Mākśika​AnupanaIndications
1.841494Gaganādi Vaṭi1 Nishka14.28Ghrita, MadhuGuruvāta, Pitta Roga, Kśaya​, Brama, Mada, Shosha, Daha, Trishna
2.1001542Gandhakādipoṭali Rasaḥ½ Nishaka25Ājya, Mākśika​, PanchakoolaYakrit Roga, Plīha Roga
3.1041556Garbhacintāmaṇi Rasaḥ1 Gunja11.11-Garbini Jvara, Daha, Pradara, Suitka Roga.
4.1181596Grahaṇīkapāṭa Rasaḥ8 Ratti15.62Mākśika​Grahaṇī, Gulma, Kśaya​, Kusta, Prameha
5.1231607Grahaṇīgajakesarī Rasaḥ2 Ratti1.15Sunthi, GhritaGrahaṇī, Dīpana​, Pācana​, Ruchikaram, Sarva Atisara
6.1521737Candraprabhā Gutika-3.45-Arsha, Gulma, Sośa, Kśaya​, Kāmalā, Udara, Deergha Jvara, Yakśmā, Bhaganadhara, Pāṇḍu, Arbuda, Granthi, Aśmari, Prameha

7.1541739Candraprabhā Vati1-2 Masha1.07Ksheera, Disease Specific KvathaSarva Roga, Vimśati Prameha, Mūtrāgāta​, Aśmari, Arbuda, Granthi, Andavriddhi, Pāṇḍu, Kāmalā, Halīmaka, Danta Roga, Netra Rogam, Kuṣṭha, Arśas, Vṛśyam, Rasāyanam
8.2051884Chatusudha Rasa-50-Pāṇḍu, Śūla, Gulma, Aṣṭa Mahāgadā
9.2091889Candraprabhā Rasaḥ4-6 Ratti3.44-Kshudra Roga, Prameha, Vātavyadhi
10.2111895Candraśekhara Rasa2 Ratti20Nara MutraShatarushka, Kuṣṭhaa
11.2772105Jayamangalo Rasa ​(3) (Roupya Mākśika​)2 Gunja2.85Madhuka RasaVisha, Jvara, Achetana, Sannipāta​ Roga
12.2752102Jantughni Guṭikā-13.73Ashvagandadhi KvathaSarvadeha Roga, Kuṣṭhaa
13.2762103Jayamangalo Rasa​ (1)2 Gunja2.5Jeeraka, MadhuJeerna Jvara, Dhatugata Jvara, Vishama Jvara, Bala-Pushtikara, Sarvaroga
14.2762104Jayamangalo Rasa ​(2)-10Daśamūla​ KashayaSannipāta​ Jvara
15.2782108Jayasundaro Rasa1 Gunja1.54Sita, Ashvagandha, Tamra, Gokshura, RasottamaVandhya
16.2892131Jvarakuñjararapārīndra Rasaḥ4 Gunja7.27Parna KandaSarvajvara, Timira, Kāsa, Śvāsa, Prameha, Sotha, Pāṇḍu, Kāmalā, Grahaṇī, Kśaya​
17.3902528Tāpyāyaññjanacatuṣaṭayam-25Madhu,4 Types Of Netraśukra​
18.4052563Tāpyādi Rasāyanamm1 Masura10Bringi RasaSakalaamaya
19.4322609Tamreshvaro Rasaḥ1 Karsha30.76Dadima, Triphala, Vyosha, Trayana, Guda.Kśata Kāsa
20.4492652Tālakeśvaro Rasa​½-1 Karsha0.28Mahisha Ājyaṃ, Madhu, ĀjyaṃmSarva Kuṣṭhaa
21.4702688Tīkśanamukha Rasaḥ(2)2-3 Ratti9.09-Arśas
22.4712690Tīkśanamukha Rasaḥ(4)-11.11Sita, MadhutrayamPitta Arśas

Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara Part 3

In the third part, out of 37 formulations, 25 are Rasa, Seven Vati, one in each Rasayana, Lepa, Parpati, Guggulu, Gutika formulation have been mentioned. The highest percentage of Mākśika Bhasma has been mentioned in Pittaprabhañjano Rasa​: having 50 % indicated in Vāta Pitta Rogas. Puṣpadhanvā Rasa​:(3) having 40 % indicated for Deerghayu, Stri Roga. Prāṇanātha Rasa:(2) having 26.66 % indicated in Rājayakśmā, Sotha, Udara, Arsha, Grahaṇī, Jvara, Gulma. Niśādivaṭi having 25 % indicated in Kuṣṭha. Pancānana Rasa​:(1) having 20.91 %, indicated in Pāṇḍu, Yakśmā,

Halīmakamka Ruja, Kuṣṭha, Grahaṇī, Vātavyadhi, Jvara, Atisara, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Aruchi, Kapha Roga, Gala Roga, Mandagni, Prameha, Gulma. The lowest percentage is mentioned in Nityodaya Rasa​: having 1.12 % indicated in Pancha Kāsa, Rājayakśmā, Jeerna Jvara, Aruchi, Visama Jvara, Chaturthaka Jvara, Arsha, Kāmalā, Pāṇḍu, Agnimāndhya, Prameha. In the majority of the formulations Madhu, Ghrita, Dugdha, and Sunthi have been mentioned as Anupana. Out of 37 formulations 17 formulations have been mentioned as having 1-10% of Maksika Bhasma, 15 having 11-20%, 3 having 21-30%, 1 having 31-40%, and 1 formulation having 50% as represented in table 3.

Table 3: List of the formulations containing Mākśika Bhasma (B.B.R. Part 3)

SNPage No.Yoga No.Yoga NameYoga Dose% of Mākśika​AnupanaIndications
1.1103207Divyakhecari Vaṭīkā1 Ratti12.5Bringaraja Swarasa, Madhu, Ājyaṃ, Ayu, Valipalita, Balyam
2.1113208Divyāmṛta Rasa (1) (Mahakalka)1 Shana7.69-Rasayan, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Kśaya​, Pāṇḍu, Aṣṭa Mahavyadhi, Jara Mrtyu Vivarjit, Jvara
3.1463327Dhātubaddha Rasa​1 Ratti8.33-Sarva Roga
4.2323624Nāga Rāsāyanam1 Valla18.18Madhu, Ājyaṃ80 Vāta Roga, Dhanurvāta, Kapha Roga, Mutra Roga, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Kśaya​, Pāṇḍu, Svayathu, Sheetajvara, Grahaṇī Amadosha, Agni Māndhyam
5.2363633Nāgārjuna VaṭīKola Asthi Pramana11.11GudaSarva Kuṣṭha, Vicarcikā, Dadru
6.2433652Nārimattagajāṅkuśa Rasaḥ1 Valla13.33- Prameha, Uru, Stana, Shroni Bala Vridhikara

7.2453655Nityodaya Rasa​:2 Gunja1.12Pippali Churna, MadhuPancha Kāsa, Rājayakśmā, Jeerna Jvara, Aruchi, Visama Jvara, Chaturthaka Jvara, Arsha, Kāmalā, Pāṇḍu, Agnimāndhya, Prameha
8.2463658Niśādivaṭi1 Masha25GomutraKuṣṭha
9.2493666Netrāśani Rasa​:1 Masha16.17Ghrita, Madhu, Uṣṇāmbu, Netraroga, Rakta Pitta, Raktasrava, Nakthandhya, Timira, Kacha, Neelika, Patala, Netrarbuda, Adhimantha
10.3874166Patrakādi Lepa​:-20-Sidhma Kuṣṭha, Svitra
11.4134270Pancānana Vaṭi(1)2 Masha2.77Disease Specific KvathaĀmavāta, Vātavyādhi,
12.4144273Pancānana Rasa​:(1)1 Ratti20.91Pathya, Surana, Sunthi, GhritaPāṇḍu, Yakśmā, Halīmakamka Ruja, Kuṣṭha, Grahaṇī, Vātavyadhi, Jvara, Atisara, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Aruchi, Kapha Roga, Gala Roga, Mandagni, Prameha, Gulma
13.4194282Pancāmṛta Parpaṭi(2)2 Ratti1.75Trikatu, Kshaya Roga, Svāsa, Kāsa, Visuchika, Prameha, Udara, Aruchi, Chardi, Hridroga, Arshas, Sula, Kustha, Vāta Jvara, Grahani,
14.4284295Pancāmṛta Rasa​:(10)-16.66Madhu SarpiJara, Sarva Roga
15.4294297Pancāmṛta Rasa​:(12)1 Ratti- 1masha20-Kśaya​, Vātarakta, Svayathu, Sarva Roga, Sarva Śūla, Grahaṇī, Sutika Rogas, Pāṇḍu, Plīha, Unmāda​​​, Prameha, Amlapitta, Atisara, Jvara
16.4304298Pancāmṛta Rasa​:(14)Badara Asthi Pramana5.813MarichaSarva Roga, Grahaṇī, Kapha Roga, Gulma, Kāsa, Śvāsa
17.4314299Pancāmṛta Loha Guggulu:1masha6.32-Masthishka Roga, Snayu Roga, Vātavyadhi
18.4324302Pancāsya Rasa​:-14.28MadhuKāmalā
19.4484332Pāniya Vaṭikā​ (2) (Siddhaphala0Tila Pramana8.33Sheeta JalaTridośaja​ Jvara, Daha, Kāsa, Śvāsa, Hikka, Aśmari, Vidgraham, Mūtrāgāta​,
20.4894403Pittaprabhañjano Rasa​:-50Madhu, ĀjyaṃVāta Pitta Rogas
21.4914407Pittāntaka Rasa​:2 Gunja6.25-Koshtasritha Pitta, Shakhasritha Pitta, Śūla, Amlapitta, Pāṇḍu, Halīmaka, Arśas,Bhranthi, Vanthi
22.4914408Pittāntaka Rasa​:(2)1 Valla12.5Sita, Ksheera, Yashti Kvātha, SheetambuPitta Jvara, Kśaya​, Daha, Trishna, Sośa,
23.4924409Pittārśohara Rasa​:1 Masha11.11SitaArsha
24.4954417Pīyūṣavallī Rasa:Chanaka Pramana Vati3.57Chaga Dugdha, Dugdha, Guda, VilvaSarva Atisāra, Grahaṇī, Amapācana​, Agni Vridhikara
25.5004426Puṣpadhanvā Rasa​:(3)2 Valla40Ghrita, Paya, MadhuDeerghayu, Stri Roga
26.5034432Pūrṇacandro Rasa​:1 Masha16.66Khoudra, Shālmali Pushpa ChurnaDurbala, Krisha
27.5124452Prabhakaravati2 Gunja20-Hridroga
28.5134454Prabhāvati GuṭikāKolasthi Pramana5.88UṣṇāmbuVāta Roga, Śūla, Kapha Roga, Āma, Grahaṇī, Ajirna
29.5194464Pramehabaddha Rasa​-7.14MadhuPrameha
30.5234476Prāṇanātha Rasa:(1)1/2 Masha4-Rājayakśmā, Sotha, Udara, Arsha, Grahaṇī, Jvara, Gulma.
31.5244477Prāṇanātha Rasa:(2)4 Ratti26.66-Rājayakśmā, Sotha, Udara,Arsha, Grahaṇī, Jvara, Gulma.
32.6044743Bāla Rasa​:1 Sarshapa16.66-Sannipāta​ Jvara, Kāsa, Sarva Roga
33.6074754Bolabaddha Rasa​:Badara Pramana5.88-Kaphaja Kāsa, Śvāsa, Pāṇḍu
34.6634935Bhakttavipāka VaṭiGunja Phala Pramana4.16-Agni Dīpana​
35.6684947Bhāskaro Rasa​:1-2 Ratti16.66Chitraka Rasa, Ārdraka RasaRājayakśmā, Kaphavāta Roga
36.6764962Bhūdāro Rasa​:8 Gunja9.09Kśaudraṃ, Hingu, Sauvarcalā, Sunthi, UṣṇāmbuVāta Śūla
37.6784967Bhairava Rasa​1 Gunja3.10Vyosha, Madhu, GugguluKāsa, Śvāsa, Jvara, Gulma, Dushta Kśaya​, Prameha, Agnimandhya

Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara Part 4

In the fourth part, out of 48 formulations 26 Rasa, six Vati, one Loham, four each Churna and Gutika, two Avaleha, and one each in Modaka and Rasayana formulations have been mentioned. The highest percentage of Mākśika Bhasma has been mentioned in Vṛddhināśana Rasaḥ - 66.66 % indicated in Āntravriddhi, Maṇḍūrādy Avaleha - 50 % indicated in Pāṇḍu. Mārtāṇḍeśvara Rasaḥ - 47.5 % indicated in Aṣṭamaha Rogas, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Kśaya​, Halīmakamka, Pāṇḍu, Jvara, Dīpana​, Vandhya.

Mākṣikādi Vaṭi having 33.33 % indicated in Netra Roga. The lowest percentage is mentioned in Vātarāja Vatī (1) 0.56 % used in 80 Vātavyādhi, 40 Pitta Vyādhi, 20 Kaphvyādhi, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Bhagandhara, Urakśata, Śūla, Jvara, Pāṇḍu, Prameha, Raktapitta​, Gulma. In the majority of the formulations Madhu, Ghrita, Pippali, Guda have been mentioned as Anupana. Overall, 48 formulations have been mentioned as having 1-10% of Mākśika Bhasma, 13 having 11-20%, 2 having 21-30%, 1 having 31-40%, 2 having 41-50%, and 1 having more than 60 % is represented in table 4.

Table 4: List of the formulations containing Mākśika Bhasma (B.B.R. Part 4)

SNPage No.Yoga No.Yoga NameYoga Dose% of Mākśika​AnupanaIndications
1.1675495Madanasundra Rasaḥ (Swarna & Roupya)(1)1 Tola14.28 Each-Veerya Vridhi
2.1755507Madhvādi Lehaḥ5-10 Ratti20-Yakśmā
3.1855530Mahākalkanāmaka Rasaḥ1 Shana11.11-Bala Vridhi, Sarva Roga, Meha, Arśas, Pāṇḍu, Asa, Śvāsa, Halīmaka , Upadamsa, Phiranga, Kuṣṭha
4.1895534Mahākāmeśvaro Modakaḥ-0.37-Yakśmā, Pāṇḍu, Arsas, Śvāsa, Halīmaka, Prameha, Unmāda, Jvara, Krimi, Kāmala, Apasmāra
5.2275593Mahodayapratyayasāra Rasaḥ-9.25-Sarva Roga, Kśaya​, Kuṣṭha, Śūla, Adhmana, Vāta And Kapha Rogas
6.2285594Mākṣikādi Cūrṇam3 Ratti9.09MadhuShukra Meha
7.2285595Mākṣikādi Vaṭi2 Ratti33.33-Netra Roga
8.2295597Māṇikyatilaka Rasaḥ-10-Kuṣṭha
9.2335605Mārtāṇḍeśvara Rasaḥ-47.5Maricha, Ghrita, ArdrakaAṣṭamaha Rogas, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Kśaya​, Halīmakamka, Pāṇḍu, Jvara, Dīpana​ Vandhya
10.2395624Mūrcachāntaka Rasaḥ1 Ratti20-Murcha
11.2465637Mṛgāṅka Rasaḥ (Maha) (4)3 Ratti20.61Maricha, ĀjyaṃKśaya​, Balya, Vṛśyam, Gulma, Vidradi, Murcha, Aṣṭa Mahāgadā, Pāṇḍu, Kāmalā
12.2655675Mehanāśāna Rasaḥ1-2 Ratti25MadhuSakala Meha
13.3125824Yakṛtplīhodarāri Loham3 Ratti11.11Parpata Kvatha Plīha, Yakrt, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Vishama Jvara, Gulma, Sotha, Udara, Anaha, Kāmalā, Pāṇḍu, All Vāta, Pitta, Kapha Rogas
14.3145830Yakṣmāri Lauham-20-Yakśmā
15.3165836Yogarāja Gutikā(Swarna And Roupya)Udumbara Sama (1 Tola)7.35 Each-Rasāyanam, Pāṇḍu, Visham, Kāsa, Yakśmā, Vishama Jvara, Kuṣṭha, Meha, Śvāsa, Hikka, Apsamara, Kāmalā
16.3806030Raktapitta​Ntako Rasaḥ2 Gunja14.28Sita, KśaudraṃRaktapitta​, Jvara, Daha, Kśatakśīna​, Trishna, Sośa, Arocakā
17.3886044Ratnabhāgottara Rasaḥ-8.69-Vandhya, Dīpana​, Pācana​, Vṛśyam, Sarva Garbhini Vyadhi, Pāṇḍu,
18.4316118Rasāmṛt Rasaḥ1 Karsha6.66PayasAmlapitta, Raktapitta​, Sarva Dosha Haram, Jvara.
19.4346123Rasendra Guṭikā (2) (Brihat)1 Ratti10.52-Kāsa, Kśaya​, Śvāsa, Raktapitta​, Arocakā, Krimi, Pāṇḍu, Jvara, Amlapittam, Pushtivardhana, Vajeekarana
20.4416133Rājamṛgāṅka Rasa (4)1 Ratti3.7Saindhava, Pipplai Churna, Madhu, Guda, Guduchi SattvaSotha, Pāṇḍu, Vātavyādhi, Prameha, Vātarakta, Ādhmana, Aruchi, Apasmāra​Ra, Halīmaka, Jvara, Dhatu Vardhana
21.5516423Loharasāyanam (2)-4.93Ghrita, MadhuRasāyanamm
22.7096922Vaṅgeśvara Rasaḥ (11)2 Gunja12.5-Prameha, Kśaya​, Pancha Kāsa, Aṣṭadasha Kuṣṭha, Pāṇḍu, Halīmaka, Śvāsa, Jvara, Hikka

23.7216945Vaḍavānala Guṭikā1 Maricha1.56UṣṇāmbuŚūla, Krimi, Sakala Vaishamya, Grahaṇī, Svayathu, Pāṇḍu Gulma, Arśas, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Jvara
24.7256951Vaḍavānal Rasa (6)1 Masha6.66Ardraka, Pippalimoola KvathaVātavyadhi, Dhanurvāta, Dandavāta, Kampavāta
25.7276954Vaḍavānal Rasa (9)2 Ratti16.66Hingu, Sindhu, Sauvarcalā, Dadima, Vilva, BringarajaSarva Gulma, Parinama Śūla
26.7346970Vasanatatilaka Rasaḥ (2)3 Ratti7.14-Nanavidha Vayu, Apasmāra​Ra, Visuchika, Ksaya, Unmāda​​​, Vimśati Prameha
27.7356973Vasantamālinī Rasaḥ (2)2 Ratti9.09Madhu, Pippali, Guduchi Sattva, Matulunga Rasa, Ardraka RasaJeerna Jvara, Dhatugata Jvara, Sarva Prameha, Aśmari
28.7456994Vātarāja Vatī (1)3 Ratti0.56Disease Specific Anupana80 Vātavyādhi, 40 Pitta Vyādhi, 20 Kaphvyādhi, Śvāsa, Kāsa, Bhagandhara, Urakśata, Śūla, Jvara, Pāṇḍu, Prameha, Raktapitta​, Gulma
29.7466996Vātavidhvaṃsana Rasaḥ (1)2 Ratti5.55Maricha, MadhuHanustambha​, Trikasthamba, Manyāstambha​, Jihvasthamba, Adhobaga Vātavyādhi
30.7697044Vidyādhara Rasaḥ½ Gunja16.66Go Dugdha, Gomutra, KśaudraṃGulma, Plīha
31.7817073Viṣamajvarantaka Loham (1)-8.33-80 Vātavyādhi, 20 Kaphavyādhi, 7 Kśaya​, 18 Kuṣṭha, Agnimāndhya
32.7837075Viṣamajvarantaka Loham (3) (Brihat)1 Ratti7.69Pippali, GudaAṣṭa Vidha Jvara, Vishama Jvara
33.7867088Visarpajitḥ1 Ratti16.66-Visarpa
34.7917099Vṛddhanavāyasa Cūrṇam6 Ratti1.515KśaudraṃSakala Ruja, Śvāsa, Śūla, Ślīpada​, Vidradi, Jatara, Arśas, Pāṇḍu, Gulma, Kāsa, Kśaya​, Prameha
35.7927100Vṛddhināśana Rasaḥ2 Ratti66.66-Āntravriddhi
36.7947105Bṛhatjvaracūḍhāmaṇi Rasa2 Ratti7.14-Aṣṭavidha Jvara,
37.7987111Bṛhatśayakeśari Rasaḥ (Swarna and Roupya Mākśika​)1 Ratti4.34Sita, Pippali, Madhu, Ardraka SvarasaEkanaga Vāta, Ekādaśa​​ Roopa Yakśmā, Pāṇḍu, Krimi, Kāsa, Śvāsa, Prameha, Aśmari, Plīha, Gulma, Halīmaka
38.8047118Vetal Rasaḥ1 Ratti16.66-Jvara
39.8047119Vedavidyā Vaṭī (2)1 Gunja5.88Shalmali Rasa Madhumeha
40.8087130Vaidyanātha Vaṭī (1)1 Sarshapa8.33Kajjali, Kana, Sannipāta​ Jvar, Sotha, Grahaṇī, Pāṇḍu, Shukra, Majjagata Vishama Jvara
41.2225583Mahāsideshvara Rasaḥ2 Ratti8.33Patola, Haridra, Daruharidra, Nimba, Tiktha, KoshatakiKuṣṭha
42.4526156Rudra Vaṭi1 Masha4.54-Sarva Kuṣṭha
43.7396982Vātagajāṅkusā Rasaḥ (2)2 Ratti7.69Pippali KvathaGridrasi, Manyāstambha​, Urustambha, Hanustambha​, Pakshagata, Kroshtukasheersha, Avabahuka
44.1625486Maṇḍūrādy Avaleha6 Ratti50MadhuPāṇḍu
45.1665494Madanasandīpana CuṛṇamVidala Pada (1 Tola)2.77Sarpi, MadhuPrameha, Mūtrakrchra, Stridosha, Putra Janayathi, Veerya Heena
46.1945540Mahācandrapabhā Vati1 Masha1.96-Kśaya​, Kuṣṭha, Arśas, Prameha, Udara, Plīha, Agnimadhya, Mūtrāgāta, Visuchika, Galaroga, Karna Roga, Netra Roga, Śiro Roga, Śvāsa, Bhagandhara, Chardi, Bhrama, Pāṇḍu, Halīmaka, Unmāda​​​, Amavāta, Apasmāra, Sthoola
47.2985783Yogottamā Guṭikā1 Tola0.59Madhu80 Vāta Roga, 40 Pitta Roga, 20 Kapha Roga 8 Types of Udara, 20 Types of Prameha, Svayathu, Vimśati Mūtrakrchra, Nādi Vrana, Aṣṭadasha Kuṣṭha, Kāsa, Śvāsa, Hikka, Hridśūla, Arocakā Gulma, Pāṇḍu, Grahaṇī, Shad Arśas, Arbuda, Gandamāla, Vidradi, Bhagandhara
48.5546433Lohasāra Kalpaḥ1 Karsha-TakraGrahaṇī, Śūla, Parinamaśūla

Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara Part 5

In the fifth part, out of 34 formulations 27 Rasa, two Loham and one each Anjana, Gutika, Drava, Curna, Guggulu formulations have been mentioned. The highest percentage of Mākśika Bhasma has been mentioned in Svarṇamākśikādi Yoga - 25 % indicated in Netra Śukra​. Sudhānidhi Rasaḥ (1) - 25 % indicated in Raktapitta. Sudhānidhi Rasaḥ (5) - 25 % indicated in Raktapitta,

Svaṇemākṣikādi Yogaḥ - 25 % indicated in Rājayakśmā. Śikhivāḍava Rasaḥ - 25 % indicated in Rājayakśmā. The lowest percentage is mentioned in Śūlāntaka Rasaḥ (Swarn&Rajata) having 1.56 % and it is indicated in Koshta Vishuddi, Śūla. In the majority of the formulations Madhu, Ghrita, Dugdha, and Pippali have been mentioned as Anupana. Overall, of 34 formulations 16 formulations have been mentioned as having 1-10% of Mākśika Bhasma, 14 having 11-20%, and 4 having 21-30 % are represented in Table 5.

Table 5: List of the formulations containing Mākśika Bhasma (B.B.R. Part 5)

SNPage No.Yoga No.Yoga NameYoga Dose% of Mākśika​AnupanaIndications
1.2297918Saptavimśatiko Guggulu2 Masha1.92Ghrita, Dugdha, Jala, Kanjika, Mudga, YushaŚūla, Kilasa Kuṣṭha, Pāṇḍu, Kśaya​M, Apasmāra, Unmāda​​​M, Svayathu, Prameha
2.967533Śaṅkadrāvaḥ1-2 Ratti 3.7-Kāsa Śvāsa, Kśaya​M,Ajeernam, Grahaṇī, Udaram, Gulmam, Krimi, Arśas, Amavāta, Pāṇḍu, Kuṣṭha, Pakshagata, Aśmari
3.1117564Śaṅkhodara Rasaḥ(4)1 Gunja 16.66Kśaudraṃ, Kaṇā, Vilwa, Chaga Paya, Vishwa, Jatiphala, Triphala, Guda, Guggulu, Ajaji, VijayaKāsa, Śvāsa, Kśaya​, Ajirna, Jvara, Raktaatisara, Visuchika, Śūla, Arśas, Grahaṇī, Vātavyadhi
4.1217587Śikhivāḍava Rasaḥ3 Gunja20Nagavalli, Vātagulma,
5.1237593Śilājatu Yogaḥ(2)6 Ratti16.66KsheeraKśaya​
6.1237596Śilājatu Yogaḥ(5)-16.66Sarpi,Durbala Deha Dathu
7.1347625Śītajvarahara Rasaḥ1 Ratti8.33-Shita Jvara,
8.1497665Śūlāntaka Rasaḥ (Swarn&Rajata)3 Ratti1.56 EachArdraka SwarasaKoshta Vishuddi, Śūla
9.1627691Śvāsakāleśvara Rasa1-2 Gunja4.76Ardraka SwarasaKāsa, Śvāsa, Kśaya​, Rājayakśmā
10.1637693Śvāsakāsacintāmaṇi Rasaḥ2 Ratti8.69Pippali, Madhu, Svasa, Kāsa, Vami, Krimi
11.2978109Sauvīrāñjana(2)-14.28-Netra Śukra​
12.2988114Svarṇamākśikādi Yoga:-25MadhuNetra Śukra​
13.3018123Saṅgrahaṇī Rasaḥ3 Ratti9.29Jaya, Jatiphala, Takra, PayaGrahani, Kśaya​, Gulmam, Śūla, Mahavātavyadhi.
14.3108141Sannipāta​Viddhavaṃsaka -5Daśamūla​ Kvatha, Arka KvathaSannipāta​ Roga
15.3128145Sannipāta​Ntaka Rasa (2)​1 Ratti16.66MadhuSannipāta​ Roga
16.3138148Saptāmṛta RasaArdha Gunja14.28-Mukha Roga
17.3208165Sarvajvarahara Loham (Brihat)-7.69Pippali, Guda Veerya Vridhi, Sarva Jvara,
18.3238172Sarvatobhadra Rasaḥ (4)1 Ratti10-Śūla, Gulma, Jatara, Vātarogam, Peenasa, Jvara, Plīha, Pāṇḍu, Kśaya​M, Kuṣṭha,, Śiroroga​M
19.3348189Sarvāṅgasundara Rasaḥ (9)1 Masha7.69Vyosha, Sauvarcalā, Hingu, Karanjabeeja, UṣṇāmbuKapha Vāta Rogas, Sarvaśūla

20.3358191Sarvārogya Rasaḥ1 Chanaka6.59-Visuchika, Arati, Hikka, Grahaṇī, Sośa, Pāṇḍu, Śūla, Gulma, Śvāsa, Arśas, Vidradi
21.3418200Sarveśvara Rasa (6)2 Ratti9.09-Sarva Prameha
22.3458205Sarveśvara Loham2 Ratti3.57MadhuSarva Rogam, Gulma, Kāmalā, Pāṇḍu, Krimi, Vicarcikā, Amlapitta, Kuṣṭha, Raktapitta​
23.3628236Sudhānidhi Rasaḥ (1)1 Ratti25-Raktapitta​
24.3638240Sudhānidhi Rasaḥ (5)2 Ratti25-Raktapitta​
25.3738266Sūtikāntaka Rasa​4 Ratti12.5-Sutika Roga, Grahaṇī, Agnimāndhyam, Atisara, Kāsa, Śvāsa, Vājikarana
26.3778276Sūryakānta Rasa​1 Karsha14.28Madhu, ĀjyaṃRshyajihvā Kuṣṭhā
27.3808280Sūryaprabhā Guṭikā(2)1 Tola6.66-Sośa, Kāsa,, Urakśata, Pāṇḍu, Kāmalā, Gulmam, Vidradi, Udara, Parsvaśūla Kśaya​, Krimi, Kuṣṭha, Arsha, Grahaṇī, Vishama Jvara
28.3988308Sthūla​Rājagajakesarī Rasa2 Ratti10.71Pippali, MadhuSthūla​
29.4018315Svachandanāyaka Rasa8 Gunja16.66-Vātavyadhi
30.4028316Svacchanda-bhairava Rasa1 Masha11.11Pippali, Sarpi, KśaudraṃAtisara, Agnimadhyam, Āma
31.4148345Svarṇamākṣikādi Cūrṇam2-3 Ratti14.28GhritaBalyam
32.4158346Svaṇemākṣikādi Yogaḥ2 Ratti25GhritaRājayakśmā
33.5358737Kṣayakulāntaka Rasaḥ1 Valla11.11MadhuJeernajvara, Pāṇḍu, Kāsa, Raktapitta​, Tamak Śvāsa, Shandatvam, Vājikaram, Pushti Balya, Rasāyanam,
34.5368738Kṣayakesarī Rasaḥ-4.35Sita, Pippali, Madhu, Ardraka, Vāta, Pitta, Kapha, Jvara, Sannipāta​ Jvara, Ekanga Vāta, Sarvangavāta, Ekādaśa​​ Kśaya​, Sośa, Pāṇḍu, Krimi, Pancha Kāsa, Śvāsa, Prameha, Udara, Aśmari, Plīha, Gulma, Halīmaka, Balya, Vṛśyam, Rasāyanam, Medhya


There are 165 formulations in Bharata Bhaishjaya Ratnakara containing Mākśika bhasama. Among 14 dosage forms, Rasa was found to be the maximum, followed by Vati, Gutika, Churna, Rasayanam, Lehyam, Loham, Anjana, Guggulu, Kvatha, Modaka, Drava, Pottali, Lepa, and Parpati. Mākśika Bhasma is mostly administered in Rasa form along with a combination of other ingredients. In most cases, Madhu, Ghrita, Ksheera, Pippali, and Guda are found to be the most commonly used Anupana and the dose varies from ½ Ratti to 1 Tola. Bhasama is readily absorbable, adaptable, and assimilated into the body without being toxic when properly prepared. However, more intense studies are needed for a better understanding of the components of Mākśika Bhasma and its effective usage in the prevention and curation of different diseases.


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