Exploring Shirodhara and Nasya: A Holistic Ayurvedic strategy for addressing Anovulation-Induced Infertility
Garg P1*
1* Preeti Garg, Assistant Professor, Dept of Prasuti tantra and Stri Roga, Rajib Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Anovulation and low AMH are common causes of female infertility. Anovulation may be caused due to hormonal disorders, PCOS, thyroid disease, extreme levels of stress, or some other medical disorders. In Ayurveda, four factors are essential for successful conception and pregnancy. These are Ritu (fertile & intercourse time), Kshetra (patent reproductive tract), Ambu (nutrition), and Beeja (healthy sperm & ova). All of these, the most essential factor is said to be Beeja, which actually is the Antahpushpai, or ovum. Conception and successful carrying of a pregnancy depend upon all these factors going along in concordance with each other. According to Ayurveda, Anovulation is a category of Beeja Dushti. Shirodhara & Nasya is one of the most effective Ayurvedic treatments which support ovulation.
Case study: This 42 year’s female patient was not getting pregnant since the last 7 years. Her cycles were anovulatory as her ovaries did not show the release of eggs at the proper time. On evaluation through follicular scans revealed the presence of multiple small follicles in left ovary and one dominant follicle (size-14mm) seen in right ovary even on 15th day of cycle. The AMH of this patient was also very low i.e., 1.39 ng/dl. The treatment given to this patient was an Ayurvedic therapy Shirodhara and Nasyakarma and Shaman-Aushadi.
Result: Over the course of three-months, she achieved a successful pregnancy.
Discussion: Present study illustrates how Ayurvedic practices and treatments can significantly contribute for ovulation and fertility.
Keywords: Anovulation, Infertility, Shirodhara, Nasya, Shatpushpa-Shatavari oil
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, Assistant Professor, Dept of Prasuti tantra and Stri Roga, Rajib Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.Garg P, Exploring Shirodhara and Nasya: A Holistic Ayurvedic strategy for addressing Anovulation-Induced Infertility. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):300-305. Available From https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/3667 |