Vitiation of Vata dosha may hamper in the normal function and process of cell division. The drugs used in 1st trimester are having Vatasamaka properties. Godugdha[7] is Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Virya, Mrudu, Snigdha, Rasayana, increases Oja and best among Jeevaniya drugs. Milk[8] is the best and complete food. It is the blend of all nutrients necessary for growth and development. Milk contain all the essential amino acids. It is the good source of protein, fat, sugar, vitamin and minerals. It contains retinol, vitamin D, calcium phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, copper, iodine. Milk contain proteins like casein, lactoglobulin, lactalbumin, lactoferrin which provides immunological benefits.[9]
Milk when medicated with different drugs, its quality has been potentially increased. On gradual increase in the temperature of the milk, solubility of fats and proteins also increases, which may enhance the extraction of the active principles.
Madhuyasti[10] has Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Virya, Tridoshahara, Balya, Rasayana, Chhardivinasini, Jeevaniya, Sandhaniya, Sonithasthapana properties. It has been described by Acharya Charak[11] both in Chhardinigrahana and Vamanopaga Mahakashaya as it is ant-emetic in lower dose and emetic in higher dose. Parushaka[12] has Pittashamaka, Trishnashamaka and Hridya properties. Parushaka is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and vitamin C.[13] It is useful in anaemia due to the presence of iron. Madhuka[14] has Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Virya, Vatapittaghna, Brimhana properties. It contains albumin, saponin and act as galactagogue.[15] Kakoli[16] has Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Virya, Vatashamaka, Dahashamaka, Brimhana, Soshajwarapaha, Balya, Stanyajanana properties. It is a Jeevaneeya Dravya described both in Jeevaniya Mahakasaya[17] by Acharya Charak and Jeevaneeya Gana by Bhavaprakash.
Ghrita[18] is Madhura, Sheeta and Sahasravirya. It is Vatapittashamaka, Medhya, Agnivardhaka. Ghee[19] is a complex lipid of glycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids, sterols, sterol ester, fat soluble vitamins, carbonyls, hydrocarbons and carotenoids. It contains vitamin D which is essential for the development of skeleton of fetus. And vitamin E which is essential for normal pregnancy, delivery and breast milk production. Ghee is a good source of milk protein and calcium.
Madhu[20] is Madhura, Sheeta, Raktapittakaphaghna, Kasaya and Madhura in Rasa. Honey[21] is primarily a high energy carbohydrate food and has anti-inflammatory, immune-booster, broad spectrum antibacterial activity. Krushara[22] is Balya and Vatashamaka. It is boiled and cooked gruel of different cereals, acts upon excretory system as it is Malamutrakari.[23]
Dietetics in 2nd trimester
Formation of muscular tissues of foetus speeds up in fourth month which requires a protein rich diet in 2nd trimester. The required protein is fulfilled by butter with cooked rice and Mansa Rasa (meat soup). Mansa Rasa provide nourishment to the fetus and help in muscular growth based on the principle of Samanya Vriddhi Karanam.[24]
Shastika rice is rich in carbohydrate, niacin, vitamin D, calcium, iron, fibre, thiamin and riboflavin.[25] Krutodana i.e., medicated cooked rice comprises of carbohydrate which is primary component for the growth of fetus.[26] Payasa acts Balya, Brimhaniya which is necessary in fifth month as the Garbhini becomes Krisha in this period as well as for the growth of the fetus.[27]
By the end of 2nd trimester, the pregnant women suffer from edema of feet and complications of water retention due to the pressure on the intestine and bladder by the enlarging uterus. Gokshura being a diuretic prevents the edema, hypertension and toxemia of pregnancy. Gokshura[28] has Madhura Rasa and Vipaka, Sheeta Virya, Vatapittashamaka, Garbhasthapana properties. Butter has Vatapittashamaka, Avidahi, Rochana, Medhya, Balya, Brimhana properties. It is rich in vitamin A, E, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.[29]
According to Harita, sweetened curd is given to Garbhini in sixth month. Curd is rich in vitamin A, D, calcium, protein and probiotics.[30] It cools down the body temperature and calms the emotional center in order to prevent anxiety. It also prevents Kikkisa (striae gravidarum).
Dietetics in 3rd trimester
Most of the pregnant women experience constipation in late pregnancy due to the pressure of the gravid uterus over the bowel and effect of progesterone.