
Review Article

Sandhana Kalpana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

An Insightful Review on Sandhana Kalpana

Gaurav1*, Kumar A2, Thakur R3

1* Gaurav, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of PG Studies in Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shiva Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh, India.

2 Anoop Kumar, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept of PG Studies in Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shiva Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh, India.

3 Rachana Thakur, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of PG Studies in Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shiva Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system. Over the course time, Ayurevdic treatments have evolved and changed. Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana is the branch of Ayurveda that deals with the preparation of medicines with herbs, minerals and metals. Sandhana Kalpana is one of the simplest but unique dosage forms which are widely used since ages. It is mainly used for health promotion and treatment of numerous diseases. Sandhana Kalpana includes every preparation that results out from the fermentation process. In Ayurveda, Dhataki Pushpa, Madhukpushpa, Surabeej and yeast are commonly used as Sandhana Dravya for fermentation process. Primarily, Sandhana Kalpana is divided into two types i.e., Madya Kalpana and Shukta Kalpana. Madya Kalpana are said to be alcoholic preparation where as Shukta Kalpana referred to acidic preparation. Sandhana Kalpana is used in wide range of diseases. Sandhana Kalpana are having nutritional value can be used even in children, lactating mothers and old age patients also. Asavarishta have a unique place among all the Sandhana Kalpana. They are mostly used among all Sandhana Kalpana due to their quick absorption, high efficacy, easy to prepare, easy to handle, easy to store and also easily palatable for patients. Sandhana preparations contain self-generated alcohol which acts as self preservatives having prolonged shelf life. The purpose of this article is to go through all the terminology of Sandhana Kalpana and to know more about therapeutic range of all these Kalpana so that they can be used therapeutically more in daily practice.

Keywords: Dhataki Pushpa, Madya Kalpana, Shukta Kalpana, Asavarishta

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Gaurav, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of PG Studies in Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shiva Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Gaurav, Kumar A, Thakur R, An Insightful Review on Sandhana Kalpana. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):206-210.
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© 2024by Gaurav, Kumar A, Thakur Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda deals with treatment of disease at the root cause, its prevention and cure. Ayurveda also helps in maintaining health and betterment of life. Rasashastra evam Bhaishajya Kalpana is a significant branch of Ayurveda where medicinal preparation takes place. To treat the disease or to be healthy, many herbal, mineral or herbo-mineral preparations are used. Bhaishajya Kalpana mainly deals with herbal drugs. There are many different type of formulations among which Sandhana Kalpana is one of the unique and efficient Kalpana.

Sandhana Kalpana is a unique dosage form which include every preparation that comes out of fermentation process. Asavarishta having had a unique place among all Sandhana Kalpana. It is a self-generated alcohol which facilitates longer shelf life, provides comparatively faster absorption, enhanced therapeutic efficacy and potency. It is also used as Anupana for various other medicines.

Alcohol and carbon dioxide are produced during fermentation process due to chemical changes. Sweetening agent like sugar is reduced and converted to alcohol. Active ingredients of herbs are extracted and alcohol and acetic acid are prepared. There are several references of similar type of fermented preparation in ancient period which with the course of time evolved as a Sandhana Kalpana.

Definition of Sandhana Kalpana

The process of fermentation carried out is Sandhana. Sandhana word literally means union, combination or restoring. Sandhana is a process in which liquid preparation like juices/decoction either along with medicines or food materials kept for long duration for the onset of fermentation process.[1]

The word fermentation is derived from the latin word ‘ferver’ means to boil. Fermentation is an anaerobic, enzymatic metabolic process which brings about chemical changes by transforming complex organic compounds into simpler and nutritious compounds. The fermentation is the incomplete oxidation of sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen brought about the enzymes invertase and zymase secreted by yeast cells.[2] This fermentation process facilitates the chemical and biochemical reactions with breakage and reunion of the bonds in the preparation to form a new compound.

In the first phase, sugar gets converted into glucose and fructose-

C12H22O11 + H2O C6H12O6 + C6H12O6

Sugar Water Yeast Glucose Fructose

The second phase includes conversion of fructose into ethanol and carbon dioxide.

C6H12O6 2C5H5OH + 2CO2

Fructose Zymase Ethanol Carbon Dioxide


Sandhana Kalpana have detailed description in Indian history. The Sandhana Kalpana is described with various names during Vedic period or in Samhita period.

Rig Veda: Soma Rasa is a sweet liquid prepared by fermentation is mentioned in 9th Mandala of Rig Vedic text. Other than Somarasa, Sura and other alcoholic preparation were also described in Rig Veda. Somrasa was used as offering to God whereas Sura was prepared for human consumption. At that time, Curd was also widely used.

Kautilya Arthshastra: Separate chapters about Sura is mentioned. Some of fermented preparations are found like Medaka, Maireys, Prasana, Asava, Arishta, Madhu.

Atharva Veda: It clarify that the Madya utilized for treatment is known as Arishta and its preparation method is called Abhishava Prakriya.

Yajur Veda: It comprises numerous citations describing various Ahara Kalpana including Sandhana Kalpana.

Charaka Samhita: 84 Asava are described in Sutrasthana and various Asavarishta are described in Chikitsa Sthana. Sura is mentioned as the best Shramhara Dravya in Agraha Dravya.

Sushruta Samhita: 21 Asavarishta and 46 Madya preparations are described. The addition of botanical ash to Asavarishta components can be attributed to Sushruta Samhita.

Ashtang Sangraha & Ashtang Hridaya: Use of Dhataki Pushpa for preparation of Sandhana Kalpana was mentioned. Draksha, Ikshu, Makshika, Shali Vrihi are mainly used for preparation of Madya and Sandhana Kalpana.

Kashyapa Samhita: Abhishava is mentioned as seventh fundamental Kalpana. Abhishava is a synonym of Sandhana Kalpana.

Sharangdhar Samhita: This Samhita described Asavarishta in detail. Definition, guidelines of preparation and precautions of Sandhana Kalpana is mentioned in this text. Various Asav and Arishta and their method of preparation are described in detail.

Bhaishajya Ratnavali: The text provides information about Sandhana formulation in a better way. Other than Asav-Arishta, Chukra, Sura, Shukta and Kanji is also mentioned.


The preparations prepared by fermentation process are mainly of two types i.e., Madhya Kalpana and Shukta Kalpana. The Madya Kalpana includes Asava, Arishta, Sura & Suraasav. Sura Kalpa is further divided into Sura, Seedhu, Varuni, Mridveeka. Prasanna, Kadambari, Medaka, Jagala, Sura-Bija are types of Sura whereas Seedhu is of two types i.e., Pakwa and Apakwa. Shukta Kalpana is further classified into- Madhu Shukta and Amla Shukta. Amla Shukta includes Shukta, Kanji, Tushodaka, Sauveera.

Madya Kalpana (Alcoholic preparation)

Madya is the alcoholic end product of Sandhana Kalpana. Madya is intoxicating drink which numbs the mind, brings in Madakata and Tamoguna causes derangement of mind.[3] Madya is generally Amla, Ruchikara, Agnideepak Malabhedaka, Kapha Vata Shamak and always Pittakaraka. Fermentation period of Madya Kalpana is more than 15 days to even up to 6 months.

Asava: An alcoholic preparation which is prepared by fermentation of Apakwa Aushadha is termed as Asava.[4] It is usually prepared with Sheet Virya Dravya. It is comparatively less potent and mainly used in pediatric cases exceptions are Kumaryaasava, Drakshaasav, Lodhraasav etc. It enhances taste, lowers sleeplessness, increases physical strength and promotes happiness.

Arishta: An alcohol made from fermentation of Pakwaaushadha is called Arishta.[5] It is prepared by making decoction of drugs. It is mainly prepared with Ushna Virya Dravya. It is highly potent and generally used in adults and old age patients.

Exception is Takraarishta. It acts as appetizer, Pittarodhaka, Kapha Vata Nashak, laxative and helpful in Grahni, Pandu Shosha, Arsha, Jwara, Grahni etc.

Sura: The fermented alcohol is prepared by cooked grains like rice.[6] It is heavy and promotes strength and used in Kasa Arsha Grahani, Mutraghata, Gulma, Shotha etc.

Prasanna: The clear supernatant fluid of Sura is known as Prasanna. It is thin upper layer of Sura. It is Ruchikar, Chardi Nashak and used in Anaah Arsh Gulma etc.

Kadambari: Slightly thicker layer than Prasanna is referred as Kadambari. It helps in digestion and useful in Anaah, Shoola. It is laxative in nature

Jagal: It is lower and thicker layer to Kadambari. It is useful in Shosha, Arsha, Grahni. It has Ruksha, Ushna Pachan Balya, Ruchikar etc. properties

Medak: It is comparatively thicker layer and is semisolid type of layer. It is Madhur, Balya, Sheeta and having Stambhana properties

Sura Beeja: Also called as ‘Vakkasa’ or ‘Kinva’ is a residue found after filtration. It is solid rice part at the base of vessel.

Suraasava: When equal amount of Sura and Asava are fermented in same Sandhana Patra the preparation formed is known as Suraasava.

Maireya: It is prepared by again fermenting a mixture of equal amount Sura and Asava. It is sweet in taste and hard for digestion. It is useful in Arsh, Gulm Krimi etc.

Seedhu: The fermentation of Ikshu Ras is known as Seedhu. When Ikshu Ras or juice of Madhur Drayva fermented without boiling is called Apakwaseedhu or Sheetrasa when fermentation is carried out with boiling of Ikshu Ras, it is referred as Pakwarasseedhu.

It acts as appetizer, having laxative property. It promotes Swar Varna and useful in Shotha, Arsha Udarroga etc.

Varuni: The alcoholic preparation prepared from fermentation of fruit juices like Kharjura, Tala. It is lighter to Sura. It is useful in Shwasa Kasa, Peenas Aadhman and Shoola.

Sukta Kalpana (Acidic preparation)[7]

Sukta is preparation, prepared by processing rhizomes, roots or fruits along with fat and salt. It is Laghu Ushna, Teekshna and helps indigestion. It causes Raktapitta but useful in Pandu Krimi. Fermentation media here are mainly carbohydrates and period of fermentation is usually within 15 days.

Kanji: This is a sour liquid prepared with fermentation of Manda of half boiled Kulmasha, Dhanya and other drugs like Shunthi, Haridra, Jeera etc. It acts as appetizer, alleviates Vata and Kapha. It is useful in Chardi, Jwara, Daha etc.

Tushoadaka: When Yava is coarsely powdered and mixed with suitable amount of water and kept for fermentation without any precooking. The liquid obtained is known as Tushoadaka. It is Deepana, Hrudya, and useful in Pandu, Krimi, Grahani, Arsh etc.

Sauveera: When fermentation of boiled Yava after removing its external covering is carried out. It is digestive, purgative and useful in Udavarta, Asthi Shola Grahani Arsha etc.

Sandaki: It is prepared by fermentation of leaves of Mulaka, Sharshapa, Saindhava Lavana etc. with eight times of water.

Chukra: When fermented liquor gets spoiled and loses its sweetness but become sour is known as Chukra.

General method of preparation

Essential ingredients: Kwatha Dravya, Drava Dravya, Prakshepa Dravya, Sandhana Dravya, Madhur Dravya.

If the quantity of ingredient for fermentation is not specified, one Drona (16 L approx.) of Drava Dravyas and one Tula (5 kg) of Jaggery should be taken. The quantity of honey should be half that of jaggery whereas Prakshepa Dravya should be added one tenth of the quantity of Drava Dravyas.


Inert Sandhana Patra is taken. Dhupan of Patra is carried out before using. Decoction or other liquid preparation specified has to be prepared and sweetening agent has to be dissolved in medium. Mixture may be filtered once after dissolving the sweetening agent to get rid of impurities present in it.

After this Sandhana Dravya like yeast or Dhataki Pushpa is added and stirred well. Prakshepa Dravya are added in the end which adds flavor to the formulation.

The Patra is kept undisturbed by temporary closing the mouth of Patra. Later, onset of fermentation is observed within 3-5 days. After onset of fermentation Sandhibandhan is done and Patra is kept undisturbed until signs of completion of fermentation is observed (usually after 15-30days). Later they are stored in a clean airtight container and labelling is done. The shelf life of Asav Aarishta is said to be 10 years.

Signs of onset and completion of fermentation[9]

SNOnset of fermentationCompletion of fermentation
1.Floating of prakshepa dravya over the liquidPrakshepa Dravya will settle down.
2.Hissing sound is presentHissing sound is absent.
3.Mild alcoholic odor and taste.Strong alcoholic odor and taste.
4.EffervescenceNo effervescence.
5.Burning candle is put off.Burning candle continues to burn.
6.Lime water turns milky white.Test is negative. No change in lime water


Sandhana Kalpana is one of the simplest but unique dosage forms which are widely used since ages. In ancient times, Sandhana Patra was placed in Dhanya to maintain uniform temperature throughout the process. Dhataki Pushpa is commonly used as Sandhana Dravya. It is mentioned as Sandhana Dravya by Acharya Vagbhatta. Other than Dhataki Pushpa, Madhukapushpa, Surabeeja and yeast are commonly used to initiate fermentation. Prakshepa Dravya are used as flavoring agent having various therapeutic properties too. Sandhana Kalpana is used in various conditions but can be also used for external use for e.g., Takraarishta also used for Shirodhara in various conditions. Asava are comparatively less potent having less than 12% alcohol can be used in pediatric conditions as well whereas Arishta are highly potent having 12%-15% alcohol and is used in wider range of disease. In Asavarishta, microbial transformation helps in initiating the process of generating alcohol to extract the therapeutic attributes of group of natural ingredients to provide safe, potent and easy to administer liquid form with prolonged shelf life.

The shelf life of Sandhana Kalpana is said to be retained for many years but according to the latest amendment to drug and cosmetics act the shelf life of Sandhana Kalpana is described to be 10 years.[10] It has the best shelf life among all the dosage form. The dosage of Asavarishta is mentioned as 1 Pala (48ml) as per classical text but in daily practice it mainly depends upon the patient and the disease but generally, the dosage given is 15-30ml with equal amount of luke warm water twice a day in adults after meal. Asava can be prescribed before meal depending upon the condition.


Ayurveda has described many different dosage forms which were used in ancient times. Sandhana Kalpana which was normally used in ancient time still has the magnificent results even in today’s era. They are widely used in various conditions of nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, urinary system, reproductive system, immune system, infections etc. They can be given in combinations too. Sandhana Kalpana are having nutritional value can be given even in children, lactating mothers and old age patients also. They can be used in routine clinical practice as they are easy to prepare, easy to handle, easy to store and also palatable for patients. They are having longer shelf life without using any kind of modern preservatives. Kanji, Takra, Sidhu Rasa and Varuni are used in routine diet as nutritive drink and to prevent and cure disease. The duration of fermentation ranges from 7 days to 180 days with different formulations. As per classics, Vasant and Sharad Ritu are said to be the best for preparation of Sandhana Kalpana. But nowadays, for medicinal purpose Sandhana Kalpana is carried out throughout year by providing the necessary environment to the large vessels. The fermented product is well standardized since Samhita period. Aacharya Charaka has mentioned three stages of Madya[11] as well but also mentioned the several Asavarishta in various diseases which shows the significant knowledge of precise use of alcoholic preparations and therapeutic range of these preparations even at that time. There are many Kalpana in Sandhana Kalpana which shows the tremendous results as well but unfortunately nowadays Sandhana Kalpana has been limited to the use of Asavarishta only.

The rest Kalpanas are somewhere fading away in daily practice. Therefore, to understand the efficacy and therapeutic use of all Kalpana completely there are a lot of scope for researchers as well.


1. Rao Prabhakar G, Sharangdhara Samhita of Aacharya Sharangdhar, English commentary Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Reprint 2016, Madhyam khanda 10/1,194
2. Angidi Ravindra, A text book of Bhaishajya Kalpana Vijnana, Edition: 2024, Chaukhambha Subharati Prakashan, pg no. 288
3. Rao Prabhakar G, Sharangdhara Samhita of Aacharya Sharangdhar, English commentary Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Reprint 2016, pratham khanda 4/21,19-20
4. Rao Prabhakar G, Sharangdhara Samhita of Aacharya Sharangdhar, English commentary Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Reprint 2016, Madhyam khanda 10/1,194
5. Rao Prabhakar G, Sharangdhara Samhita of Aacharya Sharangdhar, English commentary Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Reprint 2016, Madhyam khanda 10/1,194
6. Rao Prabhakar G, Sharangdhara Samhita of Aacharya Sharangdhar, English commentary Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Reprint 2016, Madhyam khanda 10/1,194-195
7. Rao Prabhakar G, Sharangdhara Samhita of Aacharya Sharangdhar, English commentary Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Reprint 2016, Madhyam khanda 10/1,195
8. Rao Prabhakar G, Sharangdhara Samhita of Aacharya Sharangdhar, English commentary Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan Reprint 2016, Madhyam khanda 10/3,194
9. Angidi Ravindra, A text book of Bhaishajya Kalpana Vijnana, Edition: 2024, Chaukhambha Subharati Prakashan, pg no. 291
10. The Drugs and Cosmetic act 1940, Professional Book Publisher, Delhi, 2020,Drugs and cosmetic rules 1945, R- 161-B, pg no. 210
11. Tripathi Bhramhanand, Charak Samhita, Vol.2 Hindi Commentary, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 2015 Chikitsa sthana 24/37