2. The animals were obtained from the animal house attached to the A.L.N Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College, with Reg. No. -191/ CPCSEA, IAEC Approval no: A.E.D.G.03/11.
3. They were maintained on “Amrut” brand animal pellet feed of Pranav Agro Industries and plain tap water given ad libitum.
4. Animals were exposed to natural day and night cycles with ideal laboratory conditions in terms of ambient temperature (22 ± 3ºC) and humidity (50-60%).
5. The experiments were carried out after obtaining permission from “Institutional Animal Ethics Committee”.
Pilot Study
Maximum dose of cholesterol powder in rat is around 25g/kg/day. Average weight of rat is around 200 gm. Hence, dose of cholesterol comes as:25×200/1000 = 5mg A pilot study was conducted to fix the dose of the rat. For that 5mg of cholesterol powder was mixed with 5ml of vanaspati ghee by making it in lukewarm state, the 5ml of saturated solution was administered with the help of gastric tube, but on the next day the rat was not survived because of excess dose of vanaspati ghee. Therefore, dose of ghee was reduced to 2ml and was mixed with same 5mg of cholesterol powder in lukewarm state, it was observed that this particular dose was suitable for rat and easily digestible.
Autopsy Finding
On autopsy, for 5mg cholesterol in 5 ml vanaspati ghee, it was found that ghee regurgitated back and entered the airways of rat and to lungs, due to these, rat by choking.
Dose Fixation and Schedule
As, per FDA approved The Jounal of Korean Oriental Medicine formula for conversion of Human dose to rat dose is:
Rat dose (mg/kg) = HED (mg/kg) × Conversion factor Whereas, Conversion factor for rat is 6.17 (As per reference for specified weight of rats) Conversion of the dose obtained above to dose in mg/kg/day by multiplying with suitable conversion factor based on the average weight of the animal. Dose of Kashaya for human being = 2pala = 2×48 =96ml/60kg body weight So, HED = 1.6ml/kg body weight
This can be calculated as per formula that is:
Animal dose = 1.6 × 6.17 = 9.872/kg body weight As, the average weight of rat taken is in grams so, 9.872 × 210/ 1000 = 2.07ml/210 gm body weight of rat 2ml of freshly prepared Kashaya was given for experiment.
Dose fixation of standard drug:
Human dose of Atorvastatin is 10-80 mg once in a day. As per earlier studies both 20mg and 40mg human dose was proved effective in reduction of serum lipids in rats and there was no significant difference between them. Hence the dose selected was 20mg, conversion of human dose to rat dose based on formula.
Rat dose = HED × Conversion factor for rat that is 6.17 As, dose of Atorvostatin for human is 20 mg. Average weight of an individual is 60kg So, according to formula, 20/ 60 = 1/3 mg is per kg bodyweight for human Therefore, for rat 1/3 x 6.17 = 2.05 mg is per kg bodyweight For 210 gm rat, 2.05 mg x 0.210 = 0.43 mg 20 mg of standard was dissolved in 25 ml of distilled water.
0.5ml of Atorvostatin was administered in morning hours to the standard group.
Preparation of Kashaya
Fehling method was applied for removal of bark, then it was cut into small pieces and was allowed to dry in shade. When bark of both the drugs got dried then they are pounded well and make to coarse powder form by passing through the sieve no. 2000/355, According to W.H.O. guidelines. Then powders of both the bark were stored in air tight container in dark.
Test Drug:
To prepare freshly Twaka Kashaya of drug Chirbilva (Holoptelea integrifolia Planch.) as mentioned in classics (Sarangadhara) i.e., 1 Pala (48gms) of powdered drug was taken with 16 parts of water. It was reduced to 1/8th part. The mentioned methods were adopted to prepare Kashaya of bark of drugs Chirbilva (Holoptelea integrifolia Planch.) Roxb.). Fresh Kashaya was prepared under Mandagni (low flame) as per told in Sharangdhara every day to give to rats. The dose given was 2ml as obtained by dose conversion formula. The drug was administered in morning hours to both trial groups.