
Review Article

Shodhana of Gandhaka

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 10 OCTOBER

A critical review on different methods of Shodhana of Gandhaka w.s.r. to its Chemical Characteristics

Puranik M S1*, Gowda C2, Nischitha MS3

1* Subrahmanya Puranik M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.

2 Chethan Gowda, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.

3 Nischitha MS, Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.

Introduction: Gandhaka has always been an interesting non- metal to be studied by Ayurvedic scholars. Its ability to exist in different forms and exhibiting different characteristics intrigued our ancestors. Hence Gandhaka is given importance second to Parada.

Materials and Methods: Gandhaka Shodhana can be carried out in different ways, of which 4 unique methods are compiled and analysed in detail. The methods incorporated Dalana, Swedana, Patana and Puta method.

Discussion: Sulphur exists in different allotropes. Each allotrope exhibits different chemical properties which are utilized by our Acharyas in intelligent ways.

Conclusion: Gandhaka even fascinates the present-day scientists and is being studied in detail. If properly studied by Ayurvedic scholars, it can be valuable addition to the field of Rasachikitsa.

Keywords: Gandhaka, Shodhana, Allotropes, Sulphur

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Subrahmanya Puranik M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
Puranik M S, Gowda C, Nischitha MS, A critical review on different methods of Shodhana of Gandhaka w.s.r. to its Chemical Characteristics. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):153-156.
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© 2024by Puranik M S, Gowda C, Nischitha MSand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda has been an ancient medical science of India which encompasses different entities of Human body and environment. Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurveda, which embraces most of the natural metals and minerals available on Earth. Gandhaka is the most abundantly available drug which has plethora of therapeutic purposes. Hence the utmost importance should be given for its purification process. Nirukti of Gandhaka is Tivra Gandhatvam Iti Gandakah i.e., The substance which possesses strong smell is called Gandhaka. According to Rasa literature, Gandhaka stands next to Parada in importance. It is also considered as an essential agent for the various processes of Parada such as Murchhana, Jarana etc. It is believed to impart many desirable properties to Parada and reduces its toxic effects. Sulphur is a yellow crystalline solid, monovalent metal which is odourless, tasteless and appears in different allotropic modifications - Rhombic, Monoclinic, Polymeric. The rhombic structure is the most commonly found sulphur form.

Occurrence: Sulphur occurs naturally near volcanoes. Native sulphur occurs naturally as massive deposits in Texas and Louisiana in the USA. Other leading producers of sulphur are Canada, Japan, Poland and Soviet Union. Sulphur can be found in the air in many different forms. It can cause irritation to the eyes. The various experimental studies have revealed that the damaging effects of sulphur inhalation are the brain damage through malfunctioning of the hypothalamus, damage to the nervous system, serious vascular damage in brain, heart, and kidneys.

Different ores of Gandhaka

Sulphide Forms:

Copper Pyrite - Cu2S Fe2S3
Iron Pyrite - Fe2S3
Galena - PbS
Realgar - AS2S2
Cinnabar - HgS
Gpysum - CaSO4 2H2O

Gandhaka Bheda (Type)

According to Rasaratna-Samuccaya there are three types of Gandhaka

1. Sukhachanchu-Nibha (Red in colour) and is said to be best in medicinal properties.
2. Peetha-Varṇa (Yellow in colour) and is said to be better in properties.
3. Sweta-Varṇa (White in colour) and is said to be inferior.

Important characters of Sulphur

Atomic Number16Atomic Weight32.064
Density in Solid State(gm/cc)2.07Atomic Radius(h)1.02
Atomic radius (h) of divalent ion1.84Atomic Volume (cc)15.5
Ionization energy (Kcal/mole)239.1Oxidation states-2, +2, +4, +6
Electro-negativity2.5Melting point (°C)119.0
Boiling Point (°C)444.6Heat of atomization (Kcal./mole)56.9

Gandhaka Shodana

1st Method (Rasa Ratna Samucchaya)[1]

Melt Gandhaka along with the little quantity of Go Ghrita (cow’s ghee)

This liquefied Gandhaka(sulphur) is then poured into vessel, through a cloth, which was tied over the mouth of the vessel

Then taken it out, and wash with clean water

By this process, the stony substances remain in the cloth and Gandhaka become purified.

The poisonous substance in the Gandhaka float on milk mixed with Ghee, and the sulphur remains inside the milk in solid form.

2nd Method (Rasa Tarangini)[2]

The four Pala (200gms) of Ashuddhitha Gandhaka is triturated in a clean Khalva Yantra

The fine powder of the same is taken in a Damaru Yantra and subjected for 4 Prahara(12 hours) of Madhyamaagni(moderate heat).

When cool on its own the Yantra is carefully unsealed and the sulphur adhered at the base of the upper pot in droplet format is neatly collected.

This bright yellow purified sulphur is considered as Shodhita Gandhaka

1. The sulphur in this method rises up in vapour form and adheres at the base of upper pot so; there is no chance for any physical impurities to prevail in it.
2. The purified sulphur here, remains free from Snigdhamsa or fragrance of milk, ghee, oil

3rd Method (Rasa-Jala-Nidhi)[3]

Gandhaka should be melted and poured to a piece of cloth into the Bhringaraja Swarasa

It is then to be powdered and boiled with the Bhringaraja Swarasa

Then again Gandhaka should be melted and poured into the Bhringaraja Swarasa

Gandhaka thus purified and used for all the purposes

4th Method (Ayurveda Prakasha)[4]

Gandhaka is taken in a clean Khalvayantra and pounded

Milk is taken in a mud pot and sealed with Khora cloth upon which sulphur is placed

This whole apparatus is placed in a pit of Laghu Puta and covered with iron Kadai

Over this Kadai, 12 Vanopalas are placed and ignited, left until complete burning and complete cooling. Later the Gandhaka obtained in the milk is washed with hot water, dried and the whole process is repeated for 3 times.


  • Sulphur has many allotropes among which rhombic and monoclinic are commonly occurring and stable forms
  • Rhombic sulphur is arrangement of Sulphur atoms in rhomboid crystal shape which is stable and requires more energy to break the forces between the molecules and to create new molecules[6]
  • Monoclinic sulphur on the other hand is a linear arrangement of Sulphur molecules which requires less energy to break bonds[6]
  • Sulphur has a unique characteristic of varied melting points between 115°C to 120°C
  • This varied melting points are an opportunity to create various allotropes according to our need
  • Rhombic Sulphur is more stable and commonly occurring in the nature and is obtained by heating Sulphur to 120°C and then rapidly cooling below 96°C[5]
  • This can be achieved by incorporating 4th method where there will be rapid cooling and major proportion of Sulphur will be rhombic form
  • Rhombic Sulphur will be very useful if it is used in the preparation of Kajjali/Kharaliya Rasayana or if it is administered directly to a patient along with an Anupana
  • Since Rhombic Sulphur is stable, it does not react with acids and other organic compounds in a human body.
  • Monoclinic Sulphur is obtained by heating slowly to 115°C and cooling down slowly to 96°C.[5]
  • The method of Dalana is structured exactly in the same way to obtain monoclinic sulphur where fats help in gradual heating of Sulphur and is poured into pre-heated Milk which cools only till 100°C
  • Monoclinic Sulphur is especially useful in Marana procedure where Sulphur is expected to reduce or calcinate metals/minerals and form newer compounds at a rapid rate
  • This allotrope of Sulphur is particularly useful even for preparation of Kupipakwa and Pottali Rasyanas as it is evident in XRD findings of some Kupipakwa


Gandhaka being most abundantly available might have provoked our ancestors to study in detail and to make it feasible for therapeutics. This leads to multi-innovational methods of Shodhana in different classics.

After thorough scrutiny of all the Rasagranthas, one can find at least 20 different methods of Shodhana. Although a theoretical interpretation of chemical significance of all these procedures can be made, it must be proven practically. Advanced technology and methods of chemical evaluation must be explored or invented in order to deepen our understanding of Gandhaka.


1. Acharya Sree Vagbhata Commentary on Rasaratna Samucchaya by Prof. Siddhi Nandan Mishra, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 3rd chapter, Verse 21, Pg No:64
2. Rasa Tarangini of Sri Sadananda Sharma by Dr Ravindra Angadi, Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashan, 8th Chapter, Verse23,24,25, Pg No:123
3. Rasa Jala Nidhi by Bhudeb Mookerjee, Chaukhambha Publishers, Varanasi, Volume 2, 2nd chapter, Pg No:133
4. Ayurveda Prakasha by Vaidya Gulrajsharma Mishra, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, chapter, Verse 35, Pg No:264
5. https://www.embibe.com/exams/allotropes-of-sulfur/25th Jan 2023
6. https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Inorganic_Chemistry/Map%3A_Inorganic_Chemistry_(Housecroft)/16%3A_The_Group_16_Elements/16.04%3A_The_Elements/16.4C%3A_Sulfur_-_Allotropes 30 June 2023