Effect of Yoga on Mental Health: An Overview
Pathak S1*, Kumari K2
1* Sweta Pathak, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, T N B College, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India.
2 Komal Kumari, Research Scholar, P G Department of Psychology, T N B College, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India.
Self as well as community development depends on mental health, which is a fundamental human right. Mental health problems can affect our thought pattern, mood states and different types of behaviors at every stage of life. A state of mental well-being is known as mental health which enables individuals to fulfill their potential, learn new skills and work productively, overcome obstacles of the life, and contribute back to their communities. This review assessed the effectiveness of Yoga as an intervention for improving mental health and its different aspects. The present review carried out from databases including Google scholar and PubMed using key terms Yoga, mental health, and well-being. Only randomized control trials and experimental studies were included based on their relevance. Inappropriate and qualitative studies were excluded from the present review. On the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria, only seven studies published between 2014 and 2024 have been included for this review. Overall, the studies showed that comprehensive Yoga program is an effective tool to manage different aspects of mental health. The review suggests that Yoga and its various techniques shows considerable improvement in mental health and its various aspects. Yoga is the key to accomplishing both emotional and physical well-being.
Keywords: Yoga, Mental health, Well-being, Mental illness
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, T N B College, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India.Pathak S, Kumari K, Effect of Yoga on Mental Health: An Overview. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):186-191. Available From https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/3721 |