A Literary Review of Kansya (Bell Metal)
Devaki S1*, Sushma D2
1* Sonbhoyar Devaki, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurvedic College, Dharashiv, Maharashtra, India.
2 Dongre Sushma, Assistant Professor and PG Guide, Dept of Rasa shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurvedic College, Dharashiv, Maharashtra, India.
Kansya is a metallic alloy known as Bell metal worldwide typically comprised of 78% copper and 22% tin. The classical texts divided Loha or Dhatus into three categories i.e., Shuddha Loha, Puti Loha, and Mishra Loha. Kansya is popularly categorized under Mishra Loha. As per the description available in Rasa Granthas Kansya constitutes of Tamra (Copper) and Vanga (Zinc) in a 4:1 proportion. Kansya was processed into Bhasma through the Shodhana and Marana processes.
Aim and Objectives: To review classical literature on Kansya along with pharmaceutical process of Shodhana and Marana for preparation of Kansya Bhasma.
Material and Method: All the classical literature in Rasagrantha, Samgraha Grantha, textbook of Ayurveda and Rasashastra regarding Kansya Bhasma.
Observation and Result: The classical literature revealed that synonyms, vernacular name and type of Kansya from various classical text. The pharmaceutical process like Kansya Nirman Vidhi, Grahyagrahyatva Lakshana, Shodhana and Marana procedure is mentioned by various Acharyas. Therapeutic uses of Kansya Bhasma also mentioned in various text.
Conclusion: This review was the compilation of information about Kansya compiled from different classical Rasa Shastra Texts. On reviewing the text, no or very little research information was quoted in regard to Kansya. There need to explore further study on Kansya Bhasma.
Keywords: Kansya, Bhasma, bell metal, Copper and Tin
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, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurvedic College, Dharashiv, Maharashtra, India.Devaki S, Sushma D, A Literary Review of Kansya (Bell Metal). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(10):221-226. Available From https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/3723 |