
Review Article

Shila Sindura

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 11 NOVEMBER

Conceptual review on Shila Sindura

Lande U1*, Prajapati D2, Thomas R3, BJ Patgiri4

1* Usha Lande, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

2 Dilip Prajapati, Lecturer, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

3 Raju Thomas, Professor, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

4 BJ Patgiri, Professor and HOD, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

Background: The most well-known and advanced preparations for Parada that incorporate the Jarana process are called Kupipakwa Rasayana. In this procedure, Gandhaka, Parada, and other metals and minerals are heated gradually together to create a very close bondage that could help the product have better properties than other formulations made with the same ingredients. Shila Sindura is one of the most unique metalo-mineral preparation by Kupipakwa method.

Aim: To compile and screen the all information regarding Shila Sindura (SS) preparation, Bhavana Dravya, duration of Paka, dose, indications and Anupana (vehicle).

Material and Methods: References of SS compiled from different Rasashastra text and up to the 2024 all published literature on SS compile from different database like Pub-med, J-gate, google, Scopus.

Results and Conclusion: Total 11 reference of SS were found in various Rasa text, most of the SS was used in Kushtha (Skin diseases), Shwasa (Asthma), Jwara (Fever), slight difference in ingredient, Bhavana Dravya, dose, Anupana.

Keywords: Shila Sindura, Kupipakwa, Manashila, Safety, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Usha Lande, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
Lande U, Prajapati D, Thomas R, BJ Patgiri, Conceptual review on Shila Sindura. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):131-136.
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© 2024by Lande U, Prajapati D, Thomas R, BJ Patgiriand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].

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Shila Sindura (SS) is one of the mineral preparations by the Kupipakwa method. It is a Sagandha (containing sulphur), Sagni (drug heated) and Kantastha (the final product accumulates at the neck of the bottle) Kupipakwa Rasayana. Shodhita Parada (processed mercury), Shodhita Gandhaka (processed sulphur), and Shodhita Manashila (processed realgar) are processed in the same proportion by weight as the ingredients to create Shila Sindura and also this ingredient mentioned in the Schedule E1 of D&C act 1945. Which are best and fast acting arsenic medicine mainly used in aliments like Kustha (a group of skin disorders), Shwasa (respiratory problems including bronchial asthma), Sannipataja Roga (disease caused due to involvement of two of three bodily humors) and helps in rejuvenation.[1] The preparation of Sindura Kalpa can be traced back to Rasapraksha Sudhakara in the 12th century A.D. under the name of Udayabhaskara Rasa, but the drug Shila Sindura was introduced in the early years of the 20th century. Kupipakwa Rasayana is a unique pharmaceutical preparation where the drug is prepared in a glass bottle called Kachakupi and the processing is done in a traditional furnace with a pattern of gradual rise in temperature. Kupipakwa Yogas have mineral and metallic formulations, including both Sagandha (with the presence of sulphur) and Nirgandha (with the absence of sulphur) prepared with mercury as ingredients.[2]

Most of the texts followed reference of Rasayanasara[3] for preparation of Shila Sindura. Now a days SS available in market, many Ayurvedic pharmacies are producing SS by using different Rasa text reference book.

Materials and Methods

Total 11 reference of SS were found in different Rasashastra texts which are depicted in table no 1. Published researches on “safety study of Shilasindura” were reviewed from search engines, websites and research database like Google scholar, PubMed, Scopus, J-gate, by searching word “Kupipakwa Kalpana,” “Safety study on Shilasindura,” “Pharmaceutical study on Shilasindura.” Reviewed all the SS related published articles.

General Method of Preparation: The trituration of Shuddha Parada and Shuddha Gandhaka together, they started to mix together and the mixture was converted into black color & Nishchandratva after 80hrs of trituration. Then Shodhita Manashila powder was added into Kajjali and trituration of the mixture was done along with Ghritakumari Swarasa. After that fill the above Kajjali into seven layered Kachakupi and placed them into the Electric muffle furnace (EMF) and gradually raised the temperature of EMF for the formation of SS.

Dose and Anupana: A human dose of Shila Sindura is 2 Gunja (250 mg) per day and the Anupana (vehicle) mentioned is Madhu (honey)

Tabel 1: References of ingredients and preparation methods of Shila Sindura according to various classical textbook.

Ref.Name of the preparationIngredientsBhavana DravyaPaka KalaMethod of preparation
RAShilasindura[4]Su. Manashila - 2 Pala Su. Parada - 2 Pala Su. Gandhaka -2 PalaGhritkumari Swarasa (Alo Vera Juice )2 daysKupipakwa
KVShilachandrodaya[5]Su. Manashila - 1 Part
Su.Parada -1Part Su. Gandhaka -1 Part
Ardraka Swarasa (Zingiber officinale)4 daysKupipakwa
Shilasindura[6]Su.Manashila - 1/2Part Parada - 1Part Gandhaka - 1Part-4 daysKupipakwa
RYSShilachandrodaya[7]Su. Manashila - 1 Part
Su. Parada - 1Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 Part
Ardraka Swarasa (Zingiber officinale)4 daysKupipakwa
Shilasindura[8]Su.Manashila - 1/2Part Parada - 1Part Gandhaka - 1Part-4 daysKupipakwa
Shilachandrodaya[9]Somala Taila, Haratala Taila, Jayapala Taila (Croton tinglium), Bhallataka Taila (Semi carpus anacardium),
(Manashila Shodhana) Su. Manashila - 1 Part
Su. Gandhaka - 1 Part
Su. Parad - 1 Part
Shilasindura[10]Su. Parada - 1 Part, Su.Manashila - 1 PartDhatturapushpa (Datura stramonium var.)4daysKupipakwa

Ref.Name of the preparationIngredientsBhavana DravyaPaka KalaMethod of preparation
Shilasindura[11]Su. Manashila - 1Part Su. Parada - 1Part Su. Makshika - 1Part Su. Haratala - 1Part Su. Vatsa Nabha - 1Part (Aconitum ferox)Vatankura Swarasa,(Ficus benghalensis Linn) Hansapadirasa, (Adiantum lunulatum) Burm)24hrsKupipakwa
RSShilachandroday[12]Su. Manashila - 1 Part Su. Parada - 1Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 PartArdraka Swarasa
(Zingiber officinale)
4 daysKupipakwa
Shilachandroday[13]Su.Manashila-1Part Parada-1Part Gandhaka- 1Part-4 daysKupipakwa
RSSShilasindura[14]Su.Manashila - ½ Part Su. Parada - 1Part Su. Gandhaka - 1Part-4 daysKupipakwa
RSbShilasindura[15]Su. Manashila - 1 Part Su. Parada - 1Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 PartVatankura Swarasa Arka
(Calotropis Procera) & Snuhi Paya
BRjShilatalaka Rasa[16]Su. Haratala - 1Part (Orpiment)
Su. Manashila- 1Part (Realgar)
Trikantaka Swarasa (Euphorbia tricalli)
Vasa Swarasa (Adhatoda vasica)
PVShilasindura[17]Su. Manashila- 5 Tola Su. Parada-10 Tola Su. Gandhaka-10 TolaGhritkumari Swarasa (Aloe Vera juice)2 daysKupipakwa
SBMShilasindura[18]Su. Manashila - 1 Part Su. Parada - 1Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 PartGhritkumari Swarasa (Aloe Vera juice)2 daysKupipakwa
ASSShilasindura[19]Su. Manashila - 1 Part Su. Parada - 1 Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 PartGhritkumari Swarasa (Aloe Vera juice)2 daysKupipakwa
RSSShilasindura[20]Su. Manashila - 1 Part Su. Parada - 1Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 PartGhritkumari Swarasa (Aloe Vera juice)4 daysKupipakwa

Table 2: Therapeutic indication, dose, Anupana of Shila Sindura

RS[21]Kushtadiroga-2 - Ratti
RS[22]Dadru, Shwitra, Ratktagatadushthi, CharmakushthaNavaneeta1 - Ratti
RYS[23]Yogavahi, Rasayana-1 - Ratti
RYS[24]Sannipattaja Roga, SarvajwaraharaArdraka Swarasa, Panchkola Kwatha1 - Ratti
SB[25]Kasa, Shwasa, Jwara, Kandu, Visha--
BRJ[26]Kaphaja VikaraVaijayanti Swarasa, Madhu
RA[27]Shwasa, Kapha-VatagadaharaMadhu, Ghrita1-Ratti
PVI[28]Shwasa, Kapha-VatagadaharaMadhu, Ghrita1-Ratti
RTS[29]Shwasa, Kasa, Mada, Visarpa, Kanhtamala, Ratktadushti-2-Ratti
ASS[30]Kapha and Vataja Kasa, Kandu, Kshaya, Aruchi, Medoghna. Madhu2-Ratti

Table 3: Published paper on Safety study of Shila Sindura; on different data base.

SNName Of DatabaseKeywords UsedDateNo of Articles Retrieved
1.Ayush Research PortalShila Sindura11/10/20221
2.DHARAShila Sindura11/10/20220
3.Sodha GangaShila Sindura11/10/20220
4.ADRShila Sindura11/10/20220
5.PubMedShila Sindura11/10/20220
6.J-GateShila Sindura11/10/20220
7.Google ScholarShila Sindura11/10/20224

Table 4: Market survey of Shila Sindura

SNIngredientsDose(mg)AnupanaPharmacyRef.Price (Rs)Pack Size. (g)
1.Su. Manashila - 1 Part Su. Parada - 1 Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 Part125Dugdha, MadhuBaidyanathRA[31]1902.5
2.Su. Manashila - 5 Tola
Su. Parada -10 Tola Su.Gandhaka -10 Tola
3.Su. Manashila - 1 Part
Su. Parada - 1 Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 Part
4.Su. Manashila- ½ Part
Su. Parada - 1 Part Su. Gandhaka - 1 Part
--Sadhana AyurvedicsRYS[33]651

Published paper on Safety study of Shila Sindura;

1. Dasari S. et al[34]

The present drug (SS) was found to be an effective antimicrobial agent against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungus which are responsible for various infectious conditions like urinary tract infections, respiratory tract and skin infections. So, Shila Sindura may be used as an effective antibiotic in above mentioned conditions as instructed and used by Acharyas.

2. Dasari S, Sreelakshmi et al.[35]

The study of albino rats did not show any significant physical changes to assess gross pathological changes. The evaluated values of blood and serum parameters were in normal limits in comparison with vehicle control group suggesting Shila Sindura did not pass the body filtering system and entered the blood stream. The critical evaluation of hepatic and renal functions demonstrated no evident changes in these tissues on microscopic examination, So drug Shila Sindura is safe for administration, at a treatment dose of 2 Ratti (250mg), as prescribed by Acharyas.

3. Barkha Tirpude et al.[36]

Present study is planned for repeated dose toxicity study (sub chronic) of Shilasindura along with its antimicrobial activity. This a genuine attempt to fulfil the gap of few scientific evidences available and if significant positive results obtained in this work, then it will be a valuable contribution and evidence that the drug Shilasindura is safe for consumption at treatment doses prescribed in classics for a longer duration.

4. Challa Srinivas Reddy et al.[37]

In this study conclude that low single dose or even low repeated dose of mercury could be safe and may not lead to accumulation in the tissues especially in kidney - the target organ prone to damage. Medium dose administration needs stringent monitoring of the clinical/biochemical parameters for optimization of the dose. At this dose the administration of the drug or its continuation is at the discretion of the medical practitioner. High single dose and high repeated doses have showed very deleterious effects,

further continuation may lead to severe nephrotoxicity, thus Shila Sindura at higher doses is not advisable for administration. Therefore, the process of purification and preparation of the product-Shila Sindura need to be improved.

5. Ajay Nagula et al.[38]

The acute toxicity study in wistar stain of 12 female rats did not show any significant changes in their food behaviour, biochemical & histopathological values. In comparison with control group. It is suggested that up to 20 times higher dose than the therapeutic equivalent dose (TED) i.e., 125 mg/kg of Shilasindura will not cause toxicity.


Shila Sindura having total 11 classical book references. Most of the texts followed reference of Rasayanasara[39] for preparation of Shila Sindura. In Rasayogasagara, Rasayanasara and Kupipakwa Rasa Nirman Vigyan Shila Sindura is mentioned as Shila Chandrodaya Rasa. Shila Sindura described in Rasayogasagara, Rasayanasara and Kupipaka Rasa Nirmana Vigyana are similar method.

The preparation method of Shila Sindura is similar in Rasamruta, Siddha Bhaishjyamanimala and Ayurveda Saarsangraha. Maximum 8 ingredients for preparation of Shila Sindura are mentioned in Rasayogasagara & Rasayanasara. Manashila is a main ingredient of all reference with different proportion i.e., ranging 1/2 part to same proportion of ingredients.

Among 11 references, there is one method where Parada and Gandhaka is not mentioned as ingredient but instead of that Manashila and Haratala used in equal quantity.[41]

There is another reference where Gandhaka is not mentioned as ingredient only Parada and Manashila used in equal quantity[41] ½ part (two formulation), 1 part (seven formulation), and 5 Tola (1 formulation) proportion of Manashila is mentioned in various classical texts during preparation of Shila Sindura (Table 1).

In two classical methods of Shila Sindura has not mentioned Bhavana process i.e., Rasayogasagara and Rasayanasara. There are total 8 Bhavana Dravya are mentioned in various classical texts i.e.,

Rasayogasagara, Rasayanasara, Ayurvedasara Sangraha, Rasendra Sambhava, Basavaraajeeyam. Rasayogasagara and Rasayanasara mentioned Ardraka Swarasa as Bhavana Dravya for three times. In Basavaraajeeyam, Trikantaka Swarasa and Vasa Swarasa mentioned as Bhavana Dravya for one day.

Dhaturpushpa mentioned in Rasayogasagara and Rasayansara as Bhavana Dravya. In Rasendra Sambhava Vatankura Swarasa, Snuhipaya, Arkapaya mentioned as Bhavana Dravya. Ghritakumari mentioned in Rasamruta, Ayurvedasara Sangraha, Rasatantrasara Siddhaprayogasangrha, Parada Vighyaniyama as Bhavana Dravya.

In all 11 references Kupipakwa method are mentioned for Shila Sindura. Maximum duration for Kupipaka are 4 days and minimum 12hrs are mentioned in various classical text (Table 1). Shila Sindura mainly indicated in Kushtha, Kapha-Vataja Kasa, Sannipattaja Jwara, Rasayana, Sarva Roga Nashaka with Anupana Bheda (Table 2). The minimum dose of Shila Sindura is 1 Ratti & maximum dose is 2 Ratti mentioned in classical text (Table 2).

Researchers have proved the effect of garlic in heavy metal poisoning. Also, garlic contains sulphur which acts as a chelator for mercury poisoning hence the use of garlic in the process of purification of mercury helps to remove the toxic effect of mercury.[42]

Ghrita and Dugdha both are having Madhura Rasa and Jeevaniya Guna, during Shodhana process, they may remove Visha Dosha in Gandhaka and also fat-soluble impurities.[43] Ardraka Swarasa was required more in initial trituration and decreased in subsequent trituration’s.

It may be due to less absorption of Swarasa because more percentage of moisture may present in subsequence materials. Total 55 weight gain was observed after seven Bhavana, may be due to addition of total solid contents of Ardraka Swarasa. The Shodhana process turned the reddish orange powder of Manahshila into yellowish orange colour.

Phytochelatins: Ginger contains two important sulphur-based amino acids called cysteine and methionine which can act as phytochelatins and can render arsenic nontoxic in the Manahshila. [44]

Methylation: Methylation is a process of detoxifying arsenic in the body through accelerated excretion. This process takes place in the liver by the addition of a methyl group to the arsenic and transforms it into a nontoxic form which is then excreted. Cysteine, which is a methyl donor peptide in ginger, helps in the process of methylation.

Preservation of Glutathione: Glutathione, a natural antioxidant recycling enzyme is an important detoxifying compound present in the blood, which combines with arsenic and excretes it via the bile. Arsenic poisoning reduces the level of glutathione in the blood. It has been shown that, following ingestion ginger reduces the fall in the amount of glutathione in the blood. Hence, it supports detoxification as well as combating its possible depletion due to arsenic. [45]

Neutralization of alkalinity: Because of its acid-base reaction, the alkalinity of Manahshila is reduced and became safer to use.[46]


In all 11 references Kupipakwa method are mentioned for Shila Sindura. Maximum duration for Kupipaka are 4 days and minimum12hrs are mentioned in various classical text. (Table 1) Shila Sindura is mainly indicated in Kushtha, Kapha-Vataja Kasa, Sannipataja Jwara, Rasayana, Sarva Roga Nashaka with Anupana Bheda (Table 2). The minimum dose of Shila Sindura is 1 Ratti & maximum dose is 2 Ratti mentioned in classical text (Table 2). The safety of metallic and mineral ingredients of Shila Sindura have been reported. The present study is expected to be useful for researchers and Ayurvedic fraternity to get handy information on Shila Sindura and its various indications.


1. Vaidya Pandit Sharma Hariprapanna, Rasayogasagara Vol-II; 7th Edition; Krishna Das Academy, Varanasi, 1983; p.-548.

2. Dasari Srilakshmi and Prasanna Lakshmi. International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research. 2016; 7(2): 83-93.

3. Vaidya Shayamasundara, Rasayana sara; Vol.-I, 2nd edition 2002; Krishna das Academy; Chaukamba press, Varanasi; Pg.-473.

4. Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Rasamrutam, 4/14 15, Bhashatikasamnvitam by Vd. Devnath Singh Gautam, Edition Chaukhambha Bharti Acadamy, Varanasi, 2008; 60.

5. Vaidya Harishananda, Kupipakwa rasa nirmana vigyana; 2nd edition 2002; Panjab Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Amritsar

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