
Author Introduction

Vicharchika (Eczema)

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 11 NOVEMBER

A single case study of role of Shodhan and Shaman Karma in the management of Vicharchika (Eczema)

Bhangire NA1*, Bhagat SM2, Zanwar AC3

1* Neha A Bhangire, Assistant Professor, Department of Stri Rog Prasuti Tantra, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.

2 Shubham M Bhagat, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.

3 Ashish C Zanwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.

In Ayurveda skin diseases are included in Kushtaroga which is divided into two types that is Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta which are again sub- classified into seven types of Mahakushta and eleven types of Kshudrakushta. Vicharchika is a form of Kshudrakushta with Lakshanas like Kandu, Pidaka, Shyava, Bahustrava can be correlated with Eczema also called as dermatitis which is clinically manifests by pruritus, erythema, oedema, papules, vesicles and oozing in acute stage where as itching, scaling, dryness and lichenification occur in chronic stage. According to Sushruta Acharya, Pitta Dosha is the predominant dosha in Vicharchika. Virechan and Raktamokshan is the most effective body purification procedure useful to regulate the function of Pittaj and Raktaj Vyadhi. A case report of 58-year-old male, who presented with complaints of swelling of right foot followed by itching, pain eventually leading to watery discharge has been treated with Ayurveda modalities Shodhan and Shaman Aushadhi for 1 month

Keywords: Vicharchika, Eczema, Virechan, Jaloukavacharana.

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Neha A Bhangire, Assistant Professor, Department of Stri Rog Prasuti Tantra, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.
Bhangire NA, Bhagat SM, Zanwar AC, A single case study of role of Shodhan and Shaman Karma in the management of Vicharchika (Eczema). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):332-335.
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© 2024by Bhangire NA, Bhagat SM, Zanwar ACand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].

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Vicharchika one of the common skin disorders met with the day-to-day practice. In Ayurveda skin diseases are included in Kusthroga which is divided into two types that is Maha Kushta and Kshudrakushta which are again classified into seven types of Mahakushta and eleven types of Kshudra Kushta. Vicharchika is a form of Kshudrakushta[1] with Lakshana like Kandu, Pidaka, Shyava, and Bahustrava.[2]

It can be correlated with Eczema also called as dermatitis[3] which is clinically manifests by pruritus, erythema, oedema, papules and vesicles and oozing in acute stage where as itching, scaling, dryness and lichenification occur in chronic stage. Its prevalence is 2 - 5% in children and young adults, atopic eczema being the most frequently seen dermatoses (World Allergy Organization).[4]

Typically, eczema shows itself as patches of chronically itchy, dry, thickened skin, usually on the hands, neck, face and leg. According to Sushruta Acharya, Pitta Dosha.[5]

Is the predominant Dosha in Vicharchika. In Ayurveda, Nidanparivarjana (avoiding etiological factors), Shodhana (elimination therapy), and Shamana Chikitsa (drug therapy) are mentioned for Kushtha, Virechan and Raktamokshan is the most effective body purification procedure useful to regulate the function of Pittaj and Raktaj Vyadhi[6]

Case presentation

A Male patient of age 58 year was healthy and asymptomatic before 2018. Patient is having office work as an occupation on 2018.

He got swelling of right foot followed by itching, pain eventually leading to watery discharge for which patient took variety of treatments from all the disciplines like Allopathy, Homeopathy by which he got relief from the above complaints but after some months specially in winter season patient repeatedly getting the above complaints.

Hence for the further treatment and management he came to our institution OPD. He was not taking any medication at the time of consultation.

Medicinal history - Known case of Hypertension and on routine antihypertensive agent

Surgical history - Hemorrhoidectomy 10 years ago.

Drug - Dust allergy - No

Blood transfusion history - No

Bite history - No

Family history - Same complaints seen in Mother, Father, Sister and Brother.

Personal history

  • Marital status - Married
  • Occupation - Service
  • Addiction - Nil
  • Diet - Mix

Urine, Stool - Normal

Per abdomen - Soft, non-tender

Liver, Spleen, Kidney - Collectively normal

Systemic examination - Normal

Local examination

O/E - blackish discoloration at the dorsum of right foot
Dryness +++,
Oozing - +++
Discharge - Seropurulent
Whitish Scale - ++
Sensitivity - +
Surrounding skin - Oedematous +, pitting ++


CBC1)  HB - 14.7 gm %2)  WBC - 9,4003)  Platelet count - 2,06,000
BT-CT1)  BT - 2min 15sec
2)  CT - 4min 15sec
BSL R84.7mg/dl
Color DopplerNormal
X-Ray right ankle joint and right foot A-P and Lateral viewNo e/o fracture Tarsals and Metatarsal bones. No erosion of the bones. No periosteal reaction. The phalanges are normal. No vessels calcification seen.


As per present complaints of patient treatment was adopted as follows

SNTreatment GivenDrugDose and AnupanDays
1.Deepan PachanShankha Vati250 mg twice a day with Luke warm water3 days
2.SnehapanMahatikta GrithaArohi Matra
1st day- 30 ml
2nd day – 60 ml
3rd day- 90ml
4th day- 120 ml
5th day – 150ml
5 days
3.Sarvang Snehan Sweadan Snehan – Til Tail
Swedan – Nadi Sweda
Local application2 days
4.VirechanTrivruta Leha50 gm1 day
5.Jaluka Avacharan ----Every 15 day
3 setting
6.Shaman AushadhiArogyavardhini Vati[7]250mg twice a day after meal with luke warm water21 days after Shodhan
7.Gandhak Rasayan 250mg twice a day after meal with luke warm water
8.Kadhirarishta40 ml twice a day with water


Assessment Criteria[8]BeforeAfterGrading
KanduGrade 3Grade 1Grade 0 - Absent
Grade 1 - Mild
Grade 2 - Modrate
Grade 3 - Severe
SravaGrade 3Grade 0
PidakaGrade 2Grade 0
RukshtaGrade 3Grade 1




Vicharchika explained under the Kshudra Kushtha. In this case study treatment modality was adopted as per classical text explains for Vicharchika i.e., Raktamokshan, Virechan and Shaman Aushadhi. Considering Koshtha and Agni after thorough examination of patient. Deepan and Pachan was given with Shankha Vati for 3 days as Shankha Vati contains Deepaniya and Pachaniya Dravyas after that Abhyantar Snehapaaan started with Panchatikta Ghruta in Arohi Matra up to Sneha Siddhi Lakshana were noted. followed by Bahya Snehan and Swedan with Tila Tail and Nadi Sweda was given and Virechan was given with Trivrutta Leha 50gm as a bolus dose, followed by 18 Vegas throughout the day followed by Samsarjan Kram as Virechan was to reduce blackish discoloration, oozing and itching. Jaluka Avacharan was done after every 15days for 3 times expel out Dushit Rakta and reduce blackish discoloration.[9] Shaman Aushadhi Arogyavardhini Vati contains Kutaki as a major ingredient as Mrudu Virechak. Khadirarishtha contains Khadira has Kushtaghna, Kandughna, Kushthaghna, Krumighna, Raktashodhaka, and Vranaropaka properties. It possesses antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, which aid in alleviation of symptoms of Vichachika.[10]


From case study we can conclude that use of Virechan therapy helps to expels out the Pitta Doshas.

Jalaukavcharan helps to expel out impure blood. Shaman medicines like Arogyavardhini Vati, Gandhak Rasayan, Khadirarishta, with some dietary and lifestyle modification is effective in the management of Vicharchika.


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2. Satyanarayana Charak Samhita - Chikitsa Sthana 7, Ver. 10. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharti Academy; 2012. p. 248.

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