A single case study of role of Shodhan and Shaman Karma in the management of Vicharchika (Eczema)
Bhangire NA1*, Bhagat SM2, Zanwar AC3
1* Neha A Bhangire, Assistant Professor, Department of Stri Rog Prasuti Tantra, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.
2 Shubham M Bhagat, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.
3 Ashish C Zanwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.
In Ayurveda skin diseases are included in Kushtaroga which is divided into two types that is Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta which are again sub- classified into seven types of Mahakushta and eleven types of Kshudrakushta. Vicharchika is a form of Kshudrakushta with Lakshanas like Kandu, Pidaka, Shyava, Bahustrava can be correlated with Eczema also called as dermatitis which is clinically manifests by pruritus, erythema, oedema, papules, vesicles and oozing in acute stage where as itching, scaling, dryness and lichenification occur in chronic stage. According to Sushruta Acharya, Pitta Dosha is the predominant dosha in Vicharchika. Virechan and Raktamokshan is the most effective body purification procedure useful to regulate the function of Pittaj and Raktaj Vyadhi. A case report of 58-year-old male, who presented with complaints of swelling of right foot followed by itching, pain eventually leading to watery discharge has been treated with Ayurveda modalities Shodhan and Shaman Aushadhi for 1 month
Keywords: Vicharchika, Eczema, Virechan, Jaloukavacharana.
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Stri Rog Prasuti Tantra, Sau Shantadevi V Patil Ayurved College Hatta Tq Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.Bhangire NA, Bhagat SM, Zanwar AC, A single case study of role of Shodhan and Shaman Karma in the management of Vicharchika (Eczema). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):332-335. Available From https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/3762 |