
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 11 NOVEMBER

Role of Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail Nasya in Khalitya - A Review

Das I1*, S S More2

1* Itishree Das, Assistant Professor, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, Srs Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital Sikandarpur, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.

2 S S More, Professor, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, SVM Ayurvedic Medical College Ilkal, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.

Khalitya, commonly known as hair loss or baldness, is a prevalent condition that affects both men and women, often leading to psychological distress and a decrease in quality of life. In Ayurvedic medicine, the management of Khalitya involves the use of various herbs and oils to restore hair health and balance Doshas. Among these, Nimba Tail (Neem oil) and Tiladi Tail (a sesame oil-based formulation) Nasya have gained significant attention due to their therapeutic properties. Nimba Tail, known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying effects, helps in treating scalp infections, reducing dandruff, and promoting overall hair growth by balancing Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Tiladi Tail, a combination of sesame oil and medicinal herbs, nourishes the hair follicles, improves circulation to the scalp, and strengthens the roots, aiding in the prevention of hair fall. Both oils are often used topically to rejuvenate the scalp, reduce excess heat, and enhance hair growth. This abstract explores the role of Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail Nasya in managing Khalitya by addressing the root causes of hair loss through their synergistic effects on the scalp's health, follicular nourishment, and Dosha balance. The therapeutic potential of these oils, when used as part of a holistic Ayurvedic treatment approach, offers promising results in the prevention and management of hair loss.

Keywords: Khalitya, Nimba Tail Nasya, Tiladi Tail Nasya, Dosha balance

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Itishree Das, Assistant Professor, Dept of Shalakya Tantra, Srs Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital Sikandarpur, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Das I, S S More, Role of Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail Nasya in Khalitya - A Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(11):263-266.
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Khalitya, or hair loss, is a condition that affects many individuals due to factors such as stress, diet, pollution, and lifestyle. In Ayurveda, Khalitya is recognized as a type of Shiroroga (disease of the head), primarily caused by an imbalance in Pitta and Kapha doshas. This imbalance leads to poor nourishment of hair follicles, increased hair fall, and eventually baldness. Ayurveda offers several therapies to manage Khalitya, one of which is Nasya - the administration of medicinal oils through the nasal passages. Nasya therapy helps purify the head and neck region, improve blood circulation to the scalp, and rejuvenate hair follicles. Among the various oils used in Nasya for Khalitya, Nimba Tail (Neem oil) and Tiladi Tail (a sesame based formulation) are particularly effective due to their unique properties. This article explores the role of Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail in Nasya therapy for the prevention and treatment of Khalitya.

Understanding Khalitya in Ayurveda

Khalitya is described as a scalp disorder primarily caused by the aggravation of Pitta and Kapha Doshas, which result in weakening of hair roots and eventual hair loss. The four stages of Khalitya are:

1. Indralupta - Mild hair fall or thinning.
2. Khalitya - Noticeable loss of hair.
3. Ruhyam - Large patches of baldness.
4. Palitya - Graying or further thinning of remaining hair.

Factors that contribute to these stages include:

  • Excessive consumption of spicy, sour, and salty foods.
  • High levels of stress, mental strain, and anger.
  • Excessive sun exposure and pollution.
  • Lack of proper hair hygiene and care.

Importance of Nasya Therapy in Khalitya

Nasya is an Ayurvedic treatment where medicinal oils, powders, or herbal juices are administered through the nose. Nasya plays a significant role in treating Khalitya due to the direct connection between the nasal passages and the brain, head, and neck regions. By delivering herbs and oils through the nose, Nasya therapy improves the functioning of the scalp, strengthens hair roots, and pacifies aggravated doshas.

The benefits of Nasya therapy for Khalitya include

  • Enhancing scalp circulation and nutrient supply to hair follicles.
  • Detoxifying the scalp and reducing infections.
  • Strengthening and nourishing hair roots to prevent hair fall.
  • Calming the mind, which is beneficial in stress induced hair loss.

Nimba Tail in Nasya for Khalitya

1. Composition and properties of Nimba Tail

Nimba Tail, or Neem oil, is derived from the seeds of the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, Neem oil has been extensively used in Ayurveda for its antimicrobial and healing properties.

Nimba Tail contains compounds like nimbin, nimbidin, and azadirachtin, which contribute to its effectiveness in hair and scalp health.

Ingredients of Nimba Taila

Nimba Bija - 1 part
Water - 16 part
Murchita Tila Taila - 4 part

Method of preparation

Acharya Chakradatta mentioned Abhavita and Bhabita Nimba Taila for Nasya. In this study Abhabhita Taila is prepared. For this, 1 parts of Nimba Kalka is taken and to this 16 parts of water is added and Kwatha is prepared by reducing it to 1/4th. To these 4 parts of Murchita Tila Taila is added and heated on Mandagni till only oil remains.

2. Therapeutic effects of Nimba Tail in Khalitya

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: Neem oil has potent antimicrobial properties that help treat and prevent scalp infections. Scalp infections often contribute to hair loss and poor hair health. Applying Nimba Tail through Nasya helps cleanse the scalp and reduces infections.

Pitta pacifying action: Due to its cooling and bitter properties, Neem oil pacifies aggravated Pitta Dosha, which is often the primary cause of Khalitya. Its application soothes the scalp, reduces inflammation, and prevents excessive hair fall.

Detoxification: Neem oil helps in removing toxins from the scalp, allowing for healthier follicles and stronger hair roots. This detoxifying effect aids in maintaining a clean scalp environment.

Reducing Dandruff and Scalp conditions: Neem oil is effective in treating dandruff, itching, and flakiness on the scalp. Nasya with Nimba Tail provides deep penetration, reducing dandruff related issues that might contribute to hair loss.

3. Method of using Nimba Tail in Nasya for Khalitya

For Nasya with Nimba Tail, 2-4 drops of warm Neem oil can be instilled in each nostril. This is often done in the morning on an empty stomach. The patient is positioned with the head tilted backward to facilitate proper absorption. Regular use of Nimba Tail Nasya enhances scalp health, reduces hair fall, and promotes new hair growth.

Tiladi Tail in Nasya for Khalitya

1. Composition and Properties of Tiladi Tail

Ingredient of Tiladi Taila

Tila - 1 part
Yasthimadhu - 1 part
Murchita Tila Taila - 4 part
Mahisha Dugdha - 4 part
Water - 16 part

Method of preparation

The Kalka of Tila and Yasthimadhu are taken and 16 parts of water is added and reduced to 1/4th and Kwatha is prepared. To this add 4 part of Murchita Tila Taila and 4 part of Mahisha Dugdha and it is heated on Mandagni till only oil remains.

2. Therapeutic Effects of Tiladi Tail in Khalitya

Nourishment and Strengthening of Hair Roots: The herbs in Tiladi Tail provide essential nutrients to the scalp, enhancing the strength of hair roots and reducing hair fall. Bhringraj, for instance, is known for its rejuvenating effects on hair and scalp health.

  • Improving Blood Circulation: Tiladi Tail has a warming effect that stimulates circulation to the scalp. Better blood flow enhances oxygen and nutrient delivery to hair follicles, promoting growth and hair thickness.
  • Kapha Pacifying Action: Tiladi Tail helps in balancing Kapha dosha,
  • ,
  • which often causes sluggish scalp metabolism and dandruff. By improving Kapha balance, Tiladi Tail prevents the accumulation of impurities in hair follicles, which can otherwise lead to hair thinning and breakage.
  • Anti Stress Effect: Sesame oil, the base of Tiladi Tail, has calming effects on the nervous system. This helps reduce stress, which is a significant contributor to hair loss, especially in individuals with Vata and Pitta imbalance.

3. Method of Using Tiladi Tail in Nasya for Khalitya

Tiladi Tail is gently warmed, and 2-4 drops are introduced into each nostril. The head should be tilted back for a few minutes to facilitate absorption. This therapy is ideally performed in the morning or before sleep, as it not only aids in hair growth but also promotes relaxation and mental clarity. Regular application of Tiladi Tail through Nasya helps rejuvenate hair follicles, improve scalp condition, and prevent further hair loss.

Comparative Analysis of Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail in Nasya for Khalitya

AspectNimba TailaTiladi Taila
Primary Ingredient Neem (Azadirachta indica)Sesame oil with Manjishtha, Turmeric, Neem, etc.
Primary ActionAntibacterial, Pitta-pacifyingNourishing, Kapha-pacifying
Dosha PacificationPitta and KaphaKapha and Vata
Best forScalp infections, inflammation, DandruffHair follicle nourishment, Circulation
Application FrequencyDaily or alternate daysDaily or as advised, before sleep
Therapeutic focusScalp detoxification, dandruff controlStrengthening roots, Stimulating growth

Synergistic benefits of using Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail in Nasya for Khalitya

The combination of Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail in a Nasya regimen offers complementary benefits for Khalitya management

1. Comprehensive Dosha Balance: While Nimba Tail primarily balances Pitta and Kapha, Tiladi Tail is effective in pacifying Kapha and Vata Doshas. This balanced approach helps prevent hair loss due to multiple Doshic
2. Enhanced Scalp Health: Nimba Tail cleanses & detoxifies scalp, while Tiladi Tail provides nourishment.

This combination ensures a clean scalp environment and nourished follicles.
3. Improved Hair Growth and Strength: Together, these oils strengthen hair roots, reduce breakage, and stimulate growth, resulting in healthier and denser hair over time.

Case Studies and Clinical Observations

Several Ayurvedic practitioners report positive results with Nasya therapy using Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail for hair loss. Patients experiencing dandruff, scalp infections, and severe hair loss have shown improved scalp health and significant reduction in hair fall with regular Nasya treatments. Clinical studies on Nasya therapy for hair loss demonstrate increased blood circulation to the scalp, reduction in scalp inflammation, and improvement in hair follicle strength. Although further research is needed to fully substantiate these findings, anecdotal evidence supports the efficacy of Nasya with Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail in managing Khalitya.


The Ayurvedic approach to managing Khalitya focuses on balancing doshas, cleansing the scalp, and nourishing hair roots. Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail play crucial roles in this process through Nasya therapy. Nimba Tail offers antimicrobial and detoxifying benefits, making it ideal for reducing scalp infections and balancing Pitta. On the other hand, Tiladi Tail provides nourishment, improves blood circulation, and helps strengthen hair roots, making it effective in preventing hair fall due to Kapha and Vata imbalances. When used in conjunction, these oils help address the multifactorial causes of Khalitya, offering a holistic and natural solution for hair loss prevention and management. As an Ayurvedic treatment, Nasya with Nimba Tail and Tiladi Tail can serve as an effective alternative or complementary therapy for individuals suffering from hair loss, promoting overall scalp health and hair growth.


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