As the Kushta Roga is relapsing in nature, it requires Shodhana therapy along with the Vyadhihara Rasayana. Skin being the nearest route for drug administration, topical application of the medication may also be adopted along with the combination of Shodhana, Rasayana and Bahirparimarjana modalities of treatment.[11]
It can be implied that addition of oral medication and continuation of topical medication may further add to the regression of the illness bringing about complete remission Along with repetition of Rasayana and Shodhana therapies
Discussion and Conclusion
All the skin diseases in Ayurveda have been discussed under the broad headings of Kustha. Acharya Vagbhata has defined the Kushta Roga as that which causes Vaivarnya and Dushti to the Twacha.[12] For proper diagnostic approach of the disease, lesions are classified into various groups and named in a scientific way.
Since the disease manifestation starts from the Nidana, first line of treatment should be Nidana Parivarjana. It stops in the further progression of the diseases by restricting the vitiation of the Doshas. Kushtha is Tridoshajanya Vyadhi, therefore first predominant Doshas should be treated and then Anubandha Doshas. The treatment of Kushta involves Shodhana and Shamana along with Vyadhihara Rasayana. Rasayana Chikitsa is indicated for healthy as well as diseased. The effectiveness of the Vyadhihara Rasayana is increased when followed along with Shodhana Karma.
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