
Review Article

lifestyle disorders

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2024 Volume 9 Number 9 SEPTEMBER

Role of Millets in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders

Gupta SR1*, Mishra B2

1* Sneha R Gupta, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Ayurveda Samhita Siddhanta, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

2 Brijesh Mishra, Principal and HOD and Guide, Dept of Ayurveda Samhita Siddhanta, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

To study the role of Millets in prevention and & management & lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda is recognized as the foremost life science & describes ways to prevent & manage lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda provides better solution in the forms of proper dietary management and lifestyle advisor. Millets are gluten free diet they have considerable potential in foods and beverages and can meet the growing demand of gluten free diet.

Keywords: Millets, lifestyle disorders, Pathya- Ahara - Vihara

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Sneha R Gupta, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept of Ayurveda Samhita Siddhanta, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Gupta SR, Mishra B, Role of Millets in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):177-179.
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2025-08-05 2025-08-15 2025-08-25 2025-09-05 2025-09-15
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© 2024by Gupta SR, Mishra Band Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Health is the most precious thing we all ideally should maintain. All the ideologist from the last decades are saying "Health Is Wealth” to keep this Keep this wealth millets play a vital role.

A numerous new diseases have emerged in recent years so humans started moving towards being fit and healthy, for healthy life millets like Bajra (pearl millet), Kodra (kodo millet), Ragi (Finger millet), Jowar (sorghum) Barri (proso millet) and other gives us the proper nutrition, nutritional diversity, and health benefits.

On the basis of different studies Gov of India proposed 2023 as "International Year of Millet". Millets plays important role in prevention and management of lifestyle disorder. Millets are nutritionally comparable to major cereals and several good sources of protein, micro nutrients, and phytochemicals.

Sorghum contains - 10% protein and 8.5 % lipid

Finger millet contain - 12-16% protein and 2-5 % lipid.

Sorghum, finger millet and other millets contain - 65-75% carbohydrates 15-20% dietary fibers.

Most of the millets like Bajra, sorghum, Rahi, little millet, kodo millet and other having more minerals and trace elements compared to cereals.

Health Benefits of millets on various lifestyle disease

Millets reduces the risk of heart diseases, prevention from diabetes, improve digestive system, lower risk of cancer, protective against several degenerative disease.

Diabetes mellitus

DM is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia with alterations in carbohydrates, Protein, and lipid metabolisms. The efficiency of insulin and glucose receptors in the body increased by the significant level of magnesium content present in millets and helps in preventing Diabetes.


It is rich in dietary fiber & low glycemic index which could help in prevention & control of Type II DM.

Pearl millet

It is known to increase insulin sensitivity & lower the level of triglycerides because of its higher fiber content it digests slowly and releases glucose in to the blood at slower rate as compared to other food.

Finger millet

The poly phenols of finger millet have major antidiabetic and antioxidants components when evaluated for reducing inhibiting activity. It has shown significant result in dermal wound healing procedure.

Cardiovascular Disease

Being rich source of magnesium millets help in reducing blood pressure and risk of Heart Strokes specially in arteriosclerosis. Potassium present in millets helps in keeping Blood pressures low by acting as vasodilator. High Fiber present in millets play major role in cholesterol lowering eliminating LDL.


Obesity is an emerging problem in India. Intake of high dietary fiber decorates Incidence of obesity. foods rich in high dietary fiber Improve the large bowel function & slows the digestion + absorption process, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


Millets are rich in phenolic acids, tannins and phytate. these nutrients reduce the rise colon and breast cancer.

The fiber present in sorghum have been attributed for lower inside of esophageal cancer than those consume wheat or maize. Recent research revealed that fiber as one of the best of easiest way to prevent the onset of breast cancer.


To study the role of millets in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders.


To study or give information about millets in different Books, Ayurved Samhita, articles, Journal, paper’s and internet etc.


The findings highlight the significance of Millets in preventive and management of lifestyle disorders like Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes mellitus.


Millets acts as boon for patients suffering from Prameha. Having Kashaya Rasa and Ruksha Guna, it is capable of absorbing water in body and thus does not allow excessive of urination. It can be used as primary food in these patients. Acharya Charak mentions Trindhanya along with Sasti rice, mixed with oil of Sarshap is used in Prameha as Pathya.

Most of the millets like Shyamaka, Priyangu, Yavaka, Jwaar, Kodrava are used in the treatment of Santarpanjanya disease. Since, these diseases are caused by excessive nourishing diet, they require emaciation therapy for treatment. Millet being Kashaya in taste and Ruksha in property is helpful in this condition. Kodo can be used in patients of Vrana as it has properties of wound healing. Millets like Nirvara, Koradusha, Prashatika, Shyamaka, Kangu are used as food in patients of Raktapitta. Which is a bleeding disorder.


According to lifestyle disorder prevention and management regimens such as Nidanparivarjan, Pathya- Ahara - vihara which is important in daily lifestyle will be discussed in the study.


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