Practical Approach of Trayopstambha in Preventing Autoimmune Disorders
Parul C1*, Vipin CK2
1* Chauhan Parul, Assistant Professor, Department of Agadtantra evam Vidhivaidyaka, COER Medical College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.
2 Chauhan Kumar Vipin, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agadtantra evam Vidhivaidyaka, Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
Trayopstambha are – Aahar, Nidra and Brahmcharya. All of them are helpful for living a healthy life. In all autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus Erythematous, Celiac diseases, Polymyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 DM and Alopecia aerata body immune system is affected due to over activity of free radicals. Free radicals’ activity is increased due to disbalance in Trayopstambha. Aama Rasa is responsible for development of all autoimmune diseases. This Aama Rasa can be compared to free radical which causes destruction of healthy tissues. Aama's etiological factors may be classified as Aharja, Viharaja and Manasika. Not only food in larger amount, but also qualities such as Guru, Sheeta, Shushka, Ruksha, Vidahi, Viruddha Ahara (incompatible diet), Ajeernabhojana (indigestion), Asatmya Bhojana (toxic food) or Abhojana (self-restraint from food), Deevasvapna (keeping wakeful in the night and sleeping in the day), are chief factors accountable for the creation of Aama. The condition of Aama formation is also exaggerated by mental disorder due to disturbance in Nidra and Brahmcharya. Acharya Sushruta stressed that Nidana is the simple and uttermost basis for a treatment. Prevention is always better than a cure. If we follow proper regimen of Trayopstambha it makes metabolism better, decrease free radical activity in body and reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.
Keywords: Autoimmune, Disease, tissue, healthy, Aama, Trayopstambha
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Agadtantra evam Vidhivaidyaka, COER Medical College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.Parul C, Vipin CK, Practical Approach of Trayopstambha in Preventing Autoimmune Disorders. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2024;9(9):211-214. Available From |